36th Tom Karpan Invitational JV Boys

Valley Southwoods - West Des Moines

Sep. 14, 2010

70s and Sunny

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

F/S Girls

JV Girls

Var. Girls

MS Boys

F/S Boys

JV Boys

Var. Boys

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  1 Valley                   41    1    4   11   12   13   14   20    18:29    0:53
  2 Dowling Catholic         58    3    7    8   10   30   34   38    18:39    1:45
 3* Waukee                   69    6    9   16   17   21   23   24    18:48    1:01
 4* Johnston                 69    2    5   18   19   25   26   32    18:48    1:33
  5 indianola               124   15   22   27   29   31   33   37    19:30    0:51
  6 Urbandale               183   28   35   39   40   41   42   43    20:24    0:59
  7 Fort Dodge              234   44   45   46   47   52   54   55    21:55    1:09
  8 D M Lincoln             236   36   48   49   50   53   58   59    22:00    2:26
  9 Hoover                  285   51   56   57   60   61   62         25:01    6:07

Incomplete Teams: D M East
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Valley
    1  Dylan Courtney, 4          17:56    5:46
    4  Mark Schneider, 4          18:07    5:50
   11  Scott Oman, 4              18:45    6:02
   12  Alex Day, 3                18:46    6:02
   13  Matthew Marcus, 4          18:49    6:03
   14  Bernie Saggau, 3           18:56    6:05
   20  Dan Sales, 4               19:08    6:09
Total Time = 1:32:21     Total Places = 41

2. Dowling Catholic
    3  Michael Meyer, 4           18:04    5:49
    7  Aj Stork, 4                18:15    5:52
    8  Tom Lensing, 3             18:25    5:55
   10  Nick Coleman, 4            18:43    6:01
   30  Marcus Fardal, 3           19:49    6:22
   34  Robbie Helgason, 4         20:05    6:28
   38  Jake Harry, 4              20:20    6:32
Total Time = 1:33:14     Total Places = 58

3*. Waukee
    6  Riley Wattier, 3           18:08    5:50
    9  Noah Larrison, 1           18:38    6:00
   16  Henry Oberman, 1           19:00    6:07
   17  Michael Fellers, 1         19:03    6:08
   21  Chandler Conlon, 3         19:08    6:09
   23  Jack Oberman, 3            19:19    6:13
   24  Max Borchardt, 3           19:22    6:14
Total Time = 1:33:56     Total Places = 69

4*. Johnston
    2  Jacob Foutch, 4            18:03    5:49
    5  Jon Houp, 4                18:08    5:50
   18  Chase Wallace, 3           19:04    6:08
   19  Lincoln Eppard, 4          19:08    6:09
   25  Chris Coble, 4             19:36    6:18
   26  Andrew Vander Zwagg, 4     19:36    6:18
   32  Hank Mandsager, 4          19:59    6:26
Total Time = 1:33:57     Total Places = 69

5. indianola
   15  Josh Condon, 4             18:58    6:06
   22  Sam Gorsche, 4             19:13    6:11
   27  Zach Miller, 4             19:43    6:20
   29  Chris McIntyre, 4          19:48    6:22
   31  Bobby Bonnett, 4           19:49    6:23
   33  Jake Lord, 3               20:01    6:26
   37  Nathan Merryfield, 4       20:18    6:32
Total Time = 1:37:29     Total Places = 124

6. Urbandale
   28  Tim Strutzenberg, 4        19:45    6:21
   35  Mike Eppink, 1             20:12    6:30
   39  Quinn Prescott, 1          20:35    6:37
   40  Adam Dirks, 4              20:42    6:40
   41  Alex Kane, 3               20:44    6:40
   42  Connor Wharff, 4           21:02    6:46
   43  Joey Fitzpatrick, 3        21:04    6:47
Total Time = 1:41:56     Total Places = 183

7. Fort Dodge
   44  Rich Ludwig, 4             21:25    6:53
   45  Pat Hogan, 2               21:34    6:56
   46  Cal Brandt, 2              22:01    7:05
   47  Tim Hatton, 1              22:03    7:06
   52  Jon Ostheimer, 4           22:34    7:16
   54  Brody O'Tool, 2            22:51    7:21
   55  Brady Wilson, 4            22:57    7:23
Total Time = 1:49:35     Total Places = 234

8. D M Lincoln
   36  Mohamed Yual, 3            20:15    6:31
   48  Quyen Diep, 4              22:15    7:09
   49  Skyler Marquis, 4          22:24    7:12
   50  Jason Zinkula, 4           22:26    7:13
   53  Jacob Holland, 4           22:40    7:18
   58  Victor Blumauer, 3         24:18    7:49
   59  Lucas Norris, 4            24:33    7:54
Total Time = 1:49:57     Total Places = 236

9. Hoover
   51  Ian Pierson, 4             22:27    7:13
   56  Jordan Provost, 3          23:50    7:40
   57  Sam Duncan, 4              23:51    7:41
   60  Jonathon Kline, 4          26:23    8:29
   61  Nicolas Orrante, 1         28:33    9:11
   62  William Bolte, 4           29:56    9:38
Total Time = 2:05:03     Total Places = 285
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Dylan Courtney, 4          17:56    5:46  Valley               
    2     2  Jacob Foutch, 4            18:03    5:49  Johnston             
    3     3  Michael Meyer, 4           18:04    5:49  Dowling Catholic     
    4     4  Mark Schneider, 4          18:07    5:50  Valley               
    5     5  Jon Houp, 4                18:08    5:50  Johnston             
    6     6  Riley Wattier, 3           18:08    5:50  Waukee               
    7     7  Aj Stork, 4                18:15    5:52  Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Tom Lensing, 3             18:25    5:55  Dowling Catholic     
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
    9     9  Noah Larrison, 1           18:38    6:00  Waukee               
   10    10  Nick Coleman, 4            18:43    6:01  Dowling Catholic     
   11    11  Scott Oman, 4              18:45    6:02  Valley               
   12    12  Alex Day, 3                18:46    6:02  Valley               
   13    13  Matthew Marcus, 4          18:49    6:03  Valley               
   14    14  Bernie Saggau, 3           18:56    6:05  Valley               
   15    15  Josh Condon, 4             18:58    6:06  indianola            
   16    16  Henry Oberman, 1           19:00    6:07  Waukee               
   17    17  Michael Fellers, 1         19:03    6:08  Waukee               
   18    18  Chase Wallace, 3           19:04    6:08  Johnston             
   19    19  Lincoln Eppard, 4          19:08    6:09  Johnston             
   20    20  Dan Sales, 4               19:08    6:09  Valley               
   21    21  Chandler Conlon, 3         19:08    6:09  Waukee               
   22    22  Sam Gorsche, 4             19:13    6:11  indianola            
   23    23  Jack Oberman, 3            19:19    6:13  Waukee               
   24    24  Max Borchardt, 3           19:22    6:14  Waukee               
   25        George Cole-Duval, 4       19:31    6:17  Valley               
   26    25  Chris Coble, 4             19:36    6:18  Johnston             
   27    26  Andrew Vander Zwagg, 4     19:36    6:18  Johnston             
   28        Stijn Hentzen, 3           19:41    6:20  Valley               
   29        Zeke Gunnink, 4            19:42    6:20  Valley               
   30    27  Zach Miller, 4             19:43    6:20  indianola            
   31    28  Tim Strutzenberg, 4        19:45    6:21  Urbandale            
   32    29  Chris McIntyre, 4          19:48    6:22  indianola            
   33    30  Marcus Fardal, 3           19:49    6:22  Dowling Catholic     
   34    31  Bobby Bonnett, 4           19:49    6:23  indianola            
   35        Zach Roozeboom, 4          19:54    6:24  Waukee               
   36        Andrew Filipp, 4           19:55    6:25  Valley               
   37        Ryan Burns, 3              19:57    6:25  Waukee               
   38    32  Hank Mandsager, 4          19:59    6:26  Johnston             
   39    33  Jake Lord, 3               20:01    6:26  indianola            
   40        Tyler Moyle, 3             20:03    6:27  Waukee               
   41    34  Robbie Helgason, 4         20:05    6:28  Dowling Catholic     
   42        Conner Vandeventer, 3      20:11    6:30  Valley               
   43        Lucas Wittman, 3           20:11    6:30  Johnston             
   44    35  Mike Eppink, 1             20:12    6:30  Urbandale            
   45    36  Mohamed Yual, 3            20:15    6:31  D M Lincoln          
   46    37  Nathan Merryfield, 4       20:18    6:32  indianola            
   47    38  Jake Harry, 4              20:20    6:32  Dowling Catholic     
   48        Hunter Levis, 3            20:28    6:35  Valley               
   49        Jeffrey Pflanz, 4          20:32    6:36  Valley               
   50        Thomas Thatcher, 4         20:33    6:37  Johnston             
   51    39  Quinn Prescott, 1          20:35    6:37  Urbandale            
   52        Jacob Herr, 3              20:36    6:38  Valley               
   53        Brad Haupts, 3             20:42    6:40  Dowling Catholic     
   54    40  Adam Dirks, 4              20:42    6:40  Urbandale            
   55        Matt Slaughter, 4          20:43    6:40  Waukee               
   56        Chris Dahl, 4              20:43    6:40  Valley               
   57    41  Alex Kane, 3               20:44    6:40  Urbandale            
   58        Sam Kirk, 3                20:46    6:41  Dowling Catholic     
   59        Chris Caracci, 3           20:48    6:42  Johnston             
   60        Jacob Hoogensen, 3         20:55    6:44  Valley               
   61        Alex Peterson, 3           20:59    6:45  Johnston             
   62    42  Connor Wharff, 4           21:02    6:46  Urbandale            
   63    43  Joey Fitzpatrick, 3        21:04    6:47  Urbandale            
   64        Ben Sevcik, 4              21:14    6:50  Dowling Catholic     
   65        John Silka, 3              21:15    6:50  Valley               
   66        Isaac Tyrrel, 3            21:20    6:52  Valley               
   67        Elijah Cherry, 3           21:21    6:52  Valley               
   68        Joe Carroll, 3             21:25    6:53  Dowling Catholic     
   69    44  Rich Ludwig, 4             21:25    6:53  Fort Dodge           
   70    45  Pat Hogan, 2               21:34    6:56  Fort Dodge           
   71        Jacob Thompson, 1          21:38    6:57  Urbandale            
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
   72        Will Admussen, 2           21:53    7:02  Urbandale            
   73        Henry Seidlin, 4           21:56    7:03  Valley               
   74        Walker Howard, 4           21:56    7:03  Urbandale            
   75        Tyler Hodgson, 4           21:56    7:03  Urbandale            
   76    46  Cal Brandt, 2              22:01    7:05  Fort Dodge           
   77        Mirza Besic, 3             22:02    7:05  Johnston             
   78        Nathan Zbylicki, 4         22:03    7:06  Valley               
   79    47  Tim Hatton, 1              22:03    7:06  Fort Dodge           
   80        Andrew Harding, 4          22:14    7:09  Valley               
   81        Will Eldredge, 3           22:14    7:09  Valley               
   82    48  Quyen Diep, 4              22:15    7:09  D M Lincoln          
   83    49  Skyler Marquis, 4          22:24    7:12  D M Lincoln          
   84        Jake Leih, 4               22:25    7:13  indianola            
   85        Josh Sutton, 3             22:26    7:13  Valley               
   86        Cory Melin, 4              22:26    7:13  Dowling Catholic     
   87        Alex Jacobs, 4             22:26    7:13  Valley               
   88    50  Jason Zinkula, 4           22:26    7:13  D M Lincoln          
   89    51  Ian Pierson, 4             22:27    7:13  Hoover               
   90        Denali Kannapel, 3         22:31    7:15  Urbandale            
   91        Austin Schenkelberg, 3     22:31    7:15  Johnston             
   92    52  Jon Ostheimer, 4           22:34    7:16  Fort Dodge           
   93        Derek Jacobson, 4          22:37    7:16  Johnston             
   94        Daniel Nowysz, 3           22:38    7:17  Valley               
   95    53  Jacob Holland, 4           22:40    7:18  D M Lincoln          
   96    54  Brody O'Tool, 2            22:51    7:21  Fort Dodge           
   97    55  Brady Wilson, 4            22:57    7:23  Fort Dodge           
   98        Matt Kennedy, 3            23:12    7:28  indianola            
   99        Jameson Taylor, 4          23:18    7:30  Waukee               
  100        Marius Endres, 4           23:29    7:33  Waukee               
  101        Carl Olson, 3              23:29    7:33  Valley               
  102        Nick Wandro, 3             23:34    7:35  Urbandale            
  103        Kent Sorenson, 4           23:36    7:36  indianola            
  104        Jordan Archer, 3           23:37    7:36  Waukee               
  105        Steven Hammond, 4          23:38    7:36  Valley               
  106        Lance Kopacek, 2           23:44    7:38  Urbandale            
  107    56  Jordan Provost, 3          23:50    7:40  Hoover               
  108    57  Sam Duncan, 4              23:51    7:41  Hoover               
  109        Spencer Nicewarner, 3      23:52    7:41  Valley               
  110        Tyler Jarvis, 3            24:11    7:47  Fort Dodge           
  111        Mitch McCoy, 3             24:15    7:48  Valley               
  112        Jack Nelson, 4             24:17    7:49  indianola            
  113    58  Victor Blumauer, 3         24:18    7:49  D M Lincoln          
  114        Michael Licht, 3           24:33    7:54  Fort Dodge           
  115    59  Lucas Norris, 4            24:33    7:54  D M Lincoln          
  116        William Doan, 4            24:40    7:56  D M Lincoln          
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
  117        David Liao, 4              24:56    8:01  Fort Dodge           
  118        James Williams, 1          25:13    8:07  Urbandale            
  119        Ben Lein, 2                25:21    8:10  D M East             
  120        Daniel Meyer, 4            25:25    8:11  Johnston             
  121        Nate Moore, 2              25:45    8:17  Fort Dodge           
  122        Andrew Johnson, 2          25:59    8:22  Fort Dodge           
  123        Will Wandro, 1             26:07    8:24  Urbandale            
  124        Joseph Andre, 4            26:13    8:26  D M Lincoln          
  125    60  Jonathon Kline, 4          26:23    8:29  Hoover               
  126        Zac Delanoit, 2            26:25    8:30  Fort Dodge           
  127        Brandon Bruscher, 2        27:36    8:53  D M East             
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | Top
  128        Ryan Nuckolls, 4           27:59    9:00  D M Lincoln          
  129    61  Nicolas Orrante, 1         28:33    9:11  Hoover               
  130        Bryce Plew, 3              29:14    9:24  Johnston             
  131    62  William Bolte, 4           29:56    9:38  Hoover               

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