36th Tom Karpan Invitational 9-10 Girls

Valley Southwoods - West Des Moines

Sep. 14, 2010

70s and Sunny

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

F/S Girls

JV Girls

Var. Girls

MS Boys

F/S Boys

JV Boys

Var. Boys

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Click here for data on boys


  1 Valley                   22    2    3    4    5    8   20   23    16:56    0:27
  2 Dowling Catholic         41    1    7    9   10   14   31   35    17:15    1:21
  3 Ankeny                   77    6   12   18   19   22   28   29    17:57    1:16
  4 Waukee                   96   11   15   21   24   25   27   30    18:15    0:52
  5 indianola               104   13   16   17   26   32   33   34    18:28    1:51

Incomplete Teams: 
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Valley
    2  Melissa Shepherd, 2        16:46    6:44
    3  Maddie Vincent, 2          16:51    6:46
    4  Chloe Matthews, 2          16:54    6:48
    5  Torey Brown, 1             16:59    6:50
    8  Lydia Mahan, 2             17:12    6:55
   20  Alex Weisshaar, 1          18:17    7:21
   23  Maddie Hamborg, 1          18:27    7:25
Total Time = 1:24:40     Total Places = 22

2. Dowling Catholic
    1  Nicole Svendsen, 9         16:28    6:37
    7  Erin Boggess, 2            17:09    6:54
    9  Angela Davis, 1            17:13    6:55
   10  Jenna Lee, 2               17:37    7:05
   14  Natalie Hallman, 1         17:48    7:10
   31  Katie Sumpter, 2           19:24    7:48
   35  Hannah Theis, 2            20:10    8:07
Total Time = 1:26:12     Total Places = 41

3. Ankeny
    6  Brianna Ross, 1            17:08    6:53
   12  Alyssa Schinkel, 2         17:48    7:09
   18  Katie Bosch, 1             18:10    7:18
   19  Madeline Wille, 2          18:14    7:20
   22  Haley Gruber, 1            18:24    7:24
   28  Haley Jacobs, 1            18:45    7:32
   29  Rachel Schroeder, 2        18:46    7:33
Total Time = 1:29:41     Total Places = 77

4. Waukee
   11  Juliana Stahle, 1          17:42    7:07
   15  Taylor Officer, 2          18:02    7:15
   21  Rachel Muse, 2             18:23    7:24
   24  Emily Tobin, 2             18:34    7:28
   25  Claire Martin, 2           18:34    7:28
   27  Madison Flesch, 1          18:41    7:31
   30  Taylor Gehring, 1          18:48    7:33
Total Time = 1:31:13     Total Places = 96

5. indianola
   13  Darby Hulen, 2             17:48    7:09
   16  Morgan Vanderpool, 2       18:07    7:17
   17  Chloe Crain, 2             18:08    7:17
   26  Rachel Kaale, 2            18:41    7:31
   32  Liz Reams, 2               19:38    7:54
   33  Rae Corrigan, 2            19:54    8:00
   34  Jamie Steffen, 1           20:04    8:04
Total Time = 1:32:20     Total Places = 104
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Nicole Svendsen, 9         16:28    6:37  Dowling Catholic     
    2     2  Melissa Shepherd, 2        16:46    6:44  Valley               
    3     3  Maddie Vincent, 2          16:51    6:46  Valley               
    4     4  Chloe Matthews, 2          16:54    6:48  Valley               
    5     5  Torey Brown, 1             16:59    6:50  Valley               
    6     6  Brianna Ross, 1            17:08    6:53  Ankeny               
    7     7  Erin Boggess, 2            17:09    6:54  Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Lydia Mahan, 2             17:12    6:55  Valley               
    9     9  Angela Davis, 1            17:13    6:55  Dowling Catholic     
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   10    10  Jenna Lee, 2               17:37    7:05  Dowling Catholic     
   11    11  Juliana Stahle, 1          17:42    7:07  Waukee               
   12    12  Alyssa Schinkel, 2         17:48    7:09  Ankeny               
   13    13  Darby Hulen, 2             17:48    7:09  indianola            
   14    14  Natalie Hallman, 1         17:48    7:10  Dowling Catholic     
   15    15  Taylor Officer, 2          18:02    7:15  Waukee               
   16    16  Morgan Vanderpool, 2       18:07    7:17  indianola            
   17    17  Chloe Crain, 2             18:08    7:17  indianola            
   18    18  Katie Bosch, 1             18:10    7:18  Ankeny               
   19    19  Madeline Wille, 2          18:14    7:20  Ankeny               
   20    20  Alex Weisshaar, 1          18:17    7:21  Valley               
   21    21  Rachel Muse, 2             18:23    7:24  Waukee               
   22    22  Haley Gruber, 1            18:24    7:24  Ankeny               
   23    23  Maddie Hamborg, 1          18:27    7:25  Valley               
   24    24  Emily Tobin, 2             18:34    7:28  Waukee               
   25    25  Claire Martin, 2           18:34    7:28  Waukee               
   26    26  Rachel Kaale, 2            18:41    7:31  indianola            
   27    27  Madison Flesch, 1          18:41    7:31  Waukee               
   28    28  Haley Jacobs, 1            18:45    7:32  Ankeny               
   29    29  Rachel Schroeder, 2        18:46    7:33  Ankeny               
   30    30  Taylor Gehring, 1          18:48    7:33  Waukee               
   31        Renee Lanham, 2            18:51    7:35  Valley               
   32        Kara Neustrom, 1           18:54    7:36  Valley               
   33        Cassidy Longnecker, 1      19:14    7:44  Waukee               
   34    31  Katie Sumpter, 2           19:24    7:48  Dowling Catholic     
   35        Maddie Foust, 1            19:26    7:49  Valley               
   36        Taylor Francis, 1          19:27    7:49  Ankeny               
   37        Josie Caskey, 1            19:31    7:51  Valley               
   38    32  Liz Reams, 2               19:38    7:54  indianola            
   39        Maddie Rouw, 2             19:40    7:55  Waukee               
   40        Kara Nelson, 2             19:45    7:56  Valley               
   41        Katelyn Melcher, 1         19:51    7:59  Ankeny               
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   42    33  Rae Corrigan, 2            19:54    8:00  indianola            
   43        Rachel Carlson, 2          19:55    8:00  Waukee               
   44        Annemarie McCoy, 2         19:56    8:01  Valley               
   45        Alena Peterson, 1          20:02    8:03  Ankeny               
   46    34  Jamie Steffen, 1           20:04    8:04  indianola            
   47        Courtney Young, 2          20:06    8:05  Valley               
   48        Emma Wall, 1               20:08    8:06  Ankeny               
   49        Rachel Delker, 1           20:10    8:06  Ankeny               
   50    35  Hannah Theis, 2            20:10    8:07  Dowling Catholic     
   51        Peri Benna, 1              20:11    8:07  Ankeny               
   52        Claire Vantreeck, 2        20:11    8:07  indianola            
   53        Erin Marshall, 2           20:12    8:07  Valley               
   54        Hannah Leech, 2            20:12    8:07  indianola            
   55        Megan Meyer, 2             20:16    8:09  Dowling Catholic     
   56        Janelle Madsen, 1          20:18    8:10  Valley               
   57        Maddie Lombard, 2          20:20    8:11  Ankeny               
   58        Jordan Krysa, 2            20:26    8:13  Valley               
   59        Alyssa Nease, 2            20:31    8:15  Ankeny               
   60        Ciera Highsmith, 2         20:33    8:16  Ankeny               
   61        Dana Junk, 2               20:35    8:17  Ankeny               
   62        Haley Kloberdanz, 1        20:40    8:19  Ankeny               
   63        Whitney Fisher, 2          20:41    8:19  Ankeny               
   64        Brooke Selvage, 2          20:44    8:20  indianola            
   65        Kelsey Buttolph, 1         20:48    8:22  Ankeny               
   66        Ashley Hodne, 1            20:56    8:25  Ankeny               
   67        Kim Sorensen, 2            20:56    8:25  Valley               
   68        Emily Maruth, 2            20:59    8:26  Ankeny               
   69        Libby Hurley-Boyd, 2       21:01    8:27  Valley               
   70        Sophie Gunnink, 1          21:09    8:30  Valley               
   71        Sarah Phillips, 1          21:17    8:33  Valley               
   72        Brooke Safley, 2           21:23    8:36  Ankeny               
   73        Paige Mitchell, 1          21:25    8:37  indianola            
   74        Amanda Ratcliff, 2         21:26    8:37  Valley               
   75        Kristin Wagenknecht, 2     21:29    8:38  Valley               
   76        Katelyn Strauss, 2         21:32    8:40  Valley               
   77        Allison Schaaf, 2          21:41    8:43  Ankeny               
   78        Erin Bode, 1               21:45    8:45  Ankeny               
   79        Jordynn Formaro, 1         21:47    8:45  Ankeny               
   80        Virginia Bantz, 2          22:01    8:51  Valley               
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   81        Emma Griffiths, 2          22:24    9:01  Valley               
   82        Phuong Tran, 1             22:27    9:02  Valley               
   83        Alexa Brown, 2             22:34    9:04  indianola            
   84        Katie Waddingham, 1        22:41    9:07  Ankeny               
   85        Lillia Lepak, 1            22:56    9:13  Ankeny               
   86        Morgan Fellows, 2          23:00    9:15  Valley               
   87        Ashley Buising, 1          23:01    9:15  Valley               
   88        Rachel Bakey, 1            23:03    9:16  Valley               
   89        Skylar Wetzel, 1           23:08    9:18  Ankeny               
   90        Claire Young, 1            24:15    9:45  Valley               
   91        Alex Armitage, 3           24:16    9:45  Valley               
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   92        Maddie Wignall, 2          25:26   10:14  Ankeny               
   93        Christine Orlanes, 1       25:28   10:14  Ankeny               
   94        Jasmine Beecham, 1         25:28   10:15  Ankeny               
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   95        Alax Kell, 1               27:48   11:11  indianola            
   96        Sydney Peterson, 2         29:24   11:49  Ankeny               
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   97        Kaliana Villa, 1           30:34   12:17  Dowling Catholic     

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