36th Tom Karpan Invitational 9-10 Boys

Valley Southwoods - West Des Moines

Sep. 14, 2010

70s and Sunny

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

F/S Girls

JV Girls

Var. Girls

MS Boys

F/S Boys

JV Boys

Var. Boys

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  1 Dowling Catholic         27    2    4    6    7    8    9   11    18:47    0:43
  2 Valley                   44    1    3   12   13   15   17   23    18:50    1:12
  3 Waukee                   95   10   16   20   24   25   27   33    19:35    0:53
  4 Johnston                 96    5   14   21   22   34   35   37    19:38    2:19
  5 indianola               122   18   19   26   29   30   31   32    19:57    1:04
  6 D M Lincoln             181   28   36   38   39   40   41         22:03    3:57

Incomplete Teams: 
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Dowling Catholic
    2  Charlie Jones, 2           18:22    5:55
    4  Joshua Harry, 2            18:37    5:59
    6  Ian McKenzie, 1            18:49    6:03
    7  Jack Sackett, 1            19:04    6:08
    8  Jonathan Hittner, 1        19:04    6:08
    9  Riley Rasmussen, 2         19:07    6:09
   11  Ryan Rasmussen, 2          19:11    6:10
Total Time = 1:33:54     Total Places = 27

2. Valley
    1  Lee Scott, 2               18:03    5:48
    3  Jon Langel, 2              18:28    5:57
   12  David Daft, 2              19:13    6:11
   13  Andrew Yersin, 2           19:13    6:11
   15  Matthew Van Natta, 2       19:14    6:11
   17  Logan Blosser, 2           19:24    6:15
   23  Jordan Burklund, 1         19:58    6:26
Total Time = 1:34:08     Total Places = 44

3. Waukee
   10  Ryan Tunink, 1             19:08    6:09
   16  Sam Marcsisak, 2           19:18    6:12
   20  Evan Blackwell, 2          19:28    6:16
   24  Dheeraj Pulyala, 2         20:00    6:26
   25  Nathan Schaffer, 1         20:01    6:26
   27  Connor Simmons, 2          20:16    6:31
   33  Johnny Coder, 1            20:47    6:41
Total Time = 1:37:52     Total Places = 95

4. Johnston
    5  Adam Johanson, 1           18:41    6:01
   14  Sam Altier, 2              19:13    6:11
   21  Josh Boeschen, 2           19:29    6:16
   22  Jeremy Caracci, 1          19:49    6:23
   34  Seth Daughhetee, 2         20:59    6:45
   35  Andrew Boge, 1             21:01    6:46
   37  Jordon Boge, 1             21:18    6:51
Total Time = 1:38:09     Total Places = 96

5. indianola
   18  Justin Cross, 1            19:24    6:15
   19  Nate Jones, 2              19:27    6:15
   26  Lincoln McMurry, 2         20:01    6:26
   29  Bryce Bickham, 1           20:27    6:35
   30  Jonny Green, 1             20:28    6:35
   31  Zach Hanna, 2              20:30    6:36
   32  James McConnell, 2         20:33    6:37
Total Time = 1:39:45     Total Places = 122

6. D M Lincoln
   28  Aaron Havens, 2            20:20    6:32
   36  Caleb Smith, 2             21:15    6:50
   38  Sam Sides, 1               22:08    7:07
   39  Finn Hoogensen, 1          22:18    7:11
   40  Christian Lucht, 1         24:17    7:49
   41  Micah VanNausdle, 1        27:50    8:57
Total Time = 1:50:15     Total Places = 181
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Lee Scott, 2               18:03    5:48  Valley               
    2     2  Charlie Jones, 2           18:22    5:55  Dowling Catholic     
    3     3  Jon Langel, 2              18:28    5:57  Valley               
    4     4  Joshua Harry, 2            18:37    5:59  Dowling Catholic     
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
    5     5  Adam Johanson, 1           18:41    6:01  Johnston             
    6     6  Ian McKenzie, 1            18:49    6:03  Dowling Catholic     
    7     7  Jack Sackett, 1            19:04    6:08  Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Jonathan Hittner, 1        19:04    6:08  Dowling Catholic     
    9     9  Riley Rasmussen, 2         19:07    6:09  Dowling Catholic     
   10    10  Ryan Tunink, 1             19:08    6:09  Waukee               
   11    11  Ryan Rasmussen, 2          19:11    6:10  Dowling Catholic     
   12    12  David Daft, 2              19:13    6:11  Valley               
   13    13  Andrew Yersin, 2           19:13    6:11  Valley               
   14    14  Sam Altier, 2              19:13    6:11  Johnston             
   15    15  Matthew Van Natta, 2       19:14    6:11  Valley               
   16    16  Sam Marcsisak, 2           19:18    6:12  Waukee               
   17    17  Logan Blosser, 2           19:24    6:15  Valley               
   18    18  Justin Cross, 1            19:24    6:15  indianola            
   19    19  Nate Jones, 2              19:27    6:15  indianola            
   20    20  Evan Blackwell, 2          19:28    6:16  Waukee               
   21    21  Josh Boeschen, 2           19:29    6:16  Johnston             
   22        Jd Benson, 2               19:48    6:22  Dowling Catholic     
   23    22  Jeremy Caracci, 1          19:49    6:23  Johnston             
   24    23  Jordan Burklund, 1         19:58    6:26  Valley               
   25        Jacob Solawetz, 2          19:59    6:26  Dowling Catholic     
   26    24  Dheeraj Pulyala, 2         20:00    6:26  Waukee               
   27    25  Nathan Schaffer, 1         20:01    6:26  Waukee               
   28    26  Lincoln McMurry, 2         20:01    6:26  indianola            
   29        Trevor Schmitt, 1          20:10    6:29  Valley               
   30    27  Connor Simmons, 2          20:16    6:31  Waukee               
   31        Nicholas Dolan, 1          20:18    6:32  Valley               
   32    28  Aaron Havens, 2            20:20    6:32  D M Lincoln          
   33        Tom Maigaard, 1            20:26    6:34  Valley               
   34    29  Bryce Bickham, 1           20:27    6:35  indianola            
   35    30  Jonny Green, 1             20:28    6:35  indianola            
   36    31  Zach Hanna, 2              20:30    6:36  indianola            
   37        Ben Rice, 1                20:33    6:37  Valley               
   38    32  James McConnell, 2         20:33    6:37  indianola            
   39        Tyler Butel, 2             20:36    6:38  Valley               
   40        Dominic Mauro, 2           20:38    6:38  Dowling Catholic     
   41        Andrew Peterson, 2         20:42    6:40  Valley               
   42        Daniel Marcus, 1           20:43    6:40  Valley               
   43        Nathan Wright, 2           20:44    6:40  Valley               
   44    33  Johnny Coder, 1            20:47    6:41  Waukee               
   45        Charlie Mosher, 1          20:51    6:43  Dowling Catholic     
   46        Jt Trible, 2               20:52    6:43  Waukee               
   47        Drew Hays, 2               20:58    6:45  Waukee               
   48    34  Seth Daughhetee, 2         20:59    6:45  Johnston             
   49    35  Andrew Boge, 1             21:01    6:46  Johnston             
   50        Jacob Wiemers, 1           21:06    6:47  Valley               
   51        James Caldwell, 2          21:10    6:49  Waukee               
   52        Nikolas Hilzendeger, 1     21:12    6:49  Valley               
   53        Daniel Lowe, 1             21:15    6:50  Valley               
   54    36  Caleb Smith, 2             21:15    6:50  D M Lincoln          
   55        John Greening, 1           21:15    6:50  Dowling Catholic     
   56    37  Jordon Boge, 1             21:18    6:51  Johnston             
   57        Walker McCabe, 2           21:19    6:52  Valley               
   58        Caleb Floss, 1             21:19    6:52  Valley               
   59        Tyler Breed, 2             21:22    6:52  Dowling Catholic     
   60        Grant Sexton, 2            21:26    6:54  indianola            
   61        Jack Pitsor, 1             21:28    6:54  Dowling Catholic     
   62        Mohad Awan, 1              21:34    6:56  Waukee               
   63        Ross Palmer, 2             21:36    6:57  Valley               
   64        Luke Walsh, 2              21:41    6:59  Waukee               
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   65        Bentley Matt, 1            21:44    7:00  Waukee               
   66        Harrison Freund, 1         21:46    7:00  Valley               
   67        Brennan Gatrel, 1          21:50    7:01  Waukee               
   68        Nathaniel Johnson, 2       21:55    7:03  indianola            
   69        Trey Johnson, 1            21:56    7:04  indianola            
   70        Jonah Hatten, 2            21:57    7:04  indianola            
   71        Matt Wall, 1               21:58    7:04  indianola            
   72        Mark Kelly, 2              21:58    7:04  Dowling Catholic     
   73        Jackson Knoepfler, 1       21:59    7:04  Dowling Catholic     
   74        Andy Bevis, 2              21:59    7:04  Johnston             
   75        Craig O'Keefe, 1           21:59    7:04  Johnston             
   76        Matt Roozeboom, 1          22:03    7:06  Waukee               
   77        Kyle Natzke, 1             22:04    7:06  Johnston             
   78        Neil Patel, 1              22:06    7:07  Waukee               
   79    38  Sam Sides, 1               22:08    7:07  D M Lincoln          
   80        Josh Crew, 2               22:08    7:07  Valley               
   81        Brandon Johnson, 2         22:10    7:08  indianola            
   82        Ryan Decker, 1             22:11    7:08  Johnston             
   83        John Casady, 2             22:14    7:09  indianola            
   84        Forrest Alibee, 2          22:15    7:10  Valley               
   85        Eliseo Flores, 2           22:17    7:10  Dowling Catholic     
   86    39  Finn Hoogensen, 1          22:18    7:11  D M Lincoln          
   87        Collin Ferrell, 2          22:18    7:11  Waukee               
   88        Jake Prebeck, 1            22:24    7:12  Dowling Catholic     
   89        Connor Ward, 2             22:27    7:13  Johnston             
   90        Ethan Guge, 2              22:27    7:14  Valley               
   91        Donovan Benson, 1          22:29    7:14  Waukee               
   92        Matt Triplett, 1           22:30    7:14  Dowling Catholic     
   93        James Jiracek, 2           22:32    7:15  Valley               
   94        Jacob Jansen, 1            22:34    7:16  Johnston             
   95        Colin Creighton, 1         22:36    7:16  Dowling Catholic     
   96        Dalton Handel, 2           22:38    7:17  Johnston             
   97        John Linde, 2              22:39    7:17  Waukee               
   98        Chris Kline, 1             22:40    7:18  Johnston             
   99        Andrew Noble, 2            22:41    7:18  Dowling Catholic     
  100        Jacob Randall, 2           22:42    7:18  Johnston             
  101        Dan Happe, 2               22:42    7:18  Dowling Catholic     
  102        Ethan Moran, 1             22:43    7:19  Johnston             
  103        Tyler Juhl, 1              22:45    7:19  Dowling Catholic     
  104        Zeke Aunan, 1              22:54    7:22  Waukee               
  105        Zach Wilson, 1             22:57    7:23  Waukee               
  106        Henry Long, 1              22:59    7:24  Dowling Catholic     
  107        Kellen Schneider, 2        23:03    7:25  Valley               
  108        Layton Windust, 2          23:05    7:25  Valley               
  109        Storm Eastvold, 1          23:05    7:26  Waukee               
  110        Michael Fear, 2            23:15    7:29  Valley               
  111        Jacob Lee, 1               23:17    7:29  Waukee               
  112        Jesse Coleman, 1           23:33    7:35  Dowling Catholic     
  113        Tim Scheve, 1              23:39    7:37  Waukee               
  114        Daniel Stromgren, 1        23:50    7:40  Johnston             
  115        Riley McLaren, 1           23:59    7:43  indianola            
  116        Chris Nicolet, 1           24:12    7:47  Valley               
  117        Brad Robey, 2              24:16    7:49  Dowling Catholic     
  118    40  Christian Lucht, 1         24:17    7:49  D M Lincoln          
  119        Kaine Lindberg, 2          24:28    7:52  Dowling Catholic     
  120        Garrett Rowe, 2            24:30    7:53  Waukee               
  121        Collin Ten Haken, 2        24:41    7:56  Valley               
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
  122        Casey Halder, 2            24:59    8:02  Johnston             
  123        Blake Scantlin, 1          25:29    8:12  Waukee               
  124        Alex Preston, 2            25:52    8:19  Waukee               
  125        Tyler Gudorf, 2            26:22    8:29  Dowling Catholic     
  126        Jared Neal, 2              26:22    8:29  Valley               
  127        Shane Wiley, 2             27:21    8:48  Johnston             
  128        Warren Duncan, 1           27:29    8:51  Waukee               
  129        Connor Mutch, 1            27:36    8:53  Johnston             
  130        Kirby Sayles, 2            27:47    8:56  Valley               
  131    41  Micah VanNausdle, 1        27:50    8:57  D M Lincoln          
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
  132        Patrick Tingleff, 1        27:59    9:00  Dowling Catholic     
  133        Patrick Finnegan, 1        28:02    9:01  Dowling Catholic     
  134        Jason Lee, 1               28:28    9:09  Waukee               
  135        Blake Edgeton, 3           28:45    9:15  Valley               
  136        Aditya Navale, 2           28:53    9:17  Valley               
  137        Sergio Acosta, 2           30:23    9:47  Dowling Catholic     
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
  138        Zach Marchal, 2            34:50   11:13  Waukee               

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