Urbandale XC Classic Girls 10th
Complete Results

9th Girls

10th Girls

11th Girls

12th Girls

9th Boys

10th Boys

11th Boys

12th Boys


Aug. 31, 2000
Results by CMac Running Service

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  1   Se Polk                   7    1    2    4   12:33      1:34
  2   Urbandale                23    3    8   12   14:00      1:42
  3   Earlham                  27    5    6   16   14:40      3:15
  4   Creston                  32    7   11   14   14:38      1:37
  5   Dowling                  45   10   17   18   16:22      2:36
  6   Johnston                 47   13   15   19   16:22      2:03
  7   Hoover                   50    9   20   21   16:26      3:48

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1  Quinn Vermie, So            11:43    Se Polk
    2  Amy Garrett, So             12:40    Se Polk
    3  Jessica Hibbs, So           13:14    Urbandale
    4  Sarah Mills, So             13:17    Se Polk
    5  Sami Miller, So             13:31    Earlham
    6  Brook Schafer, So           13:42    Earlham
    7  Jennifer Hudson, So         13:47    Creston
    8  Dana Hanson, So             13:51    Urbandale
    9  Lynn Frank, So              13:54    Nodaway Valley
   10  Holly Treadway, So          13:56    Hoover
   11  Audrey Monthei, So          14:00    Jspc
   12  Jamie Jones, So             14:08    North
   13  Laura Heidt, So             14:40    Dowling
   14  Christina Thatcher, So      14:45    Creston
   15  Mandy Link, So              14:51    Se Polk
   16  Courtney Floro, So          14:56    Urbandale
   17  Kallie Knudsen, So          15:03    Jspc
   18  Tara Hansen, So             15:17    Nodaway Valley
   19  Christy Ellis, So           15:21    Johnston
   20  Jenny Bauer, So             15:23    Creston
   21  Callie Miller, So           16:13    Creston
   22  Katie Daugherty, So         16:19    Urbandale
   23  Ashley Thompson, So         16:23    Johnston
   24  Lindsey Ory, So             16:46    Earlham
   25  Katie Becker, So            17:10    Dowling
   26  Stephannie Van Pelt, So     17:15    Dowling
   27  Lauren Fisher, So           17:23    Johnston
   28  Katie Gannon, So            17:30    Johnston
   29  Jasmine Medowell, So        17:40    Hoover
   30  Christina Davis, So         17:43    Hoover
   31  Lindsay Lage, So            17:45    Dowling
   32  Christa Palmer, So          17:52    Hoover
   33  Beth Howland, So            17:57    Hoover
   34  Elizabeth Rottenberg, So    18:32    Johnston
   35  Kelli Mabe, So              19:30    Johnston


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