Urbandale XC Classic Boys 10th

Complete Results

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9th Boys

10th Boys

11th Boys

12th Boys


Aug. 31, 2000
Results by CMac Running Service

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  1   Se Polk                  16    1    4   11   19:32      2:56
  2   Nodaway Valley           18    3    7    8   19:47      1:00
  3   Urbandale                20    5    6    9   20:05        59
  4   Creston                  37    2   16   19   21:30      4:49
  5   Johnston                 39   12   13   14   21:57        37
  6   Jspc                     45   10   15   20   22:19      2:46
  7   Dowling                  56   17   18   21   24:09      2:43

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1  Skyler Nesheim, So          17:59    Se Polk
    2  Nathan Brotherton, So       18:33    Creston
    3  Micah Holan, So             19:17    Nodaway Valley
    4  Tim Wheatly, So             19:43    Se Polk
    5  Matt Vanheuvelen, So        19:45    Urbandale
    6  Andrew Lindberg, So         19:46    Urbandale
    7  T J. Walk, So               19:49    Nodaway Valley
    8  Matt Havens, So             20:16    Nodaway Valley
    9  Steve Postma, So            20:43    Urbandale
   10  Blake Shaw, So              20:51    Jspc
   11  Jared Phipps, So            20:55    Se Polk
   12  Tony White, So              21:05    Se Polk
   13  Brian Young, So             21:28    Nodaway Valley
   14  Tyler Denton, So            21:31    Nodaway Valley
   15  Luke Harden, So             21:36    Dm Christian
   16  Eric Desplinter, So         21:43    Johnston
   17  Chris Meade, So             21:49    Johnston
   18  Brian Simmons, So           21:51    Urbandale
   19  Dan Stewart, So             22:19    Johnston
   20  Andy Winters, So            22:29    Jspc
   21  Seth Vanroekel, So          22:34    Johnston
   22  Jake McElroy, So            22:36    Creston
   23  Ross Kelderman, So          22:38    Dm Christian
   24  Ross Boes, So               22:45    Nodaway Valley
   25  Ted Riesenberg, So          23:14    Dowling
   26  Adam Storey, So             23:15    Dowling
   27  Brian Burris, So            23:22    Creston
   28  Derek Graven, So            23:36    Jspc
   29  Andy Vchytil, So            23:45    Johnston
   30  Zach Leiser, So             24:24    Creston
   31  Nathan Nissen, So           24:56    East
   32  John Conn, So               25:43    East
   33  Tim Dols, So                25:57    Dowling
   34  Kevin Miau, So              26:41    Johnston


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