22nd Washburn Classic - JH State XC Championship 4A Girls - 8th

Ankeny Centennial High School - Iowa

Oct. 15, 2016

1A 7th G

1A 8th B

2A 7th G

2A 8th G

3A 7th G

3A 8th G

4A 7th G

4A 8th G

1A 7th B

1A 8th B

2A 7th B

2A 8th B

3A 7th B

3A 8th B

4A 7th B

4A 8th B

High 60s and overcast

Results by Cal Murdock

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Click here for data on boys

                                  Last updated Oct. 15, 2016 4:34 PM

  1 Linn Mar                 29    1    3    9   16   27   37    12:40    1:22
  2 Cedar Falls              75    4   17   24   30   68   75    13:19    0:54
  3 Urbandale                91   15   18   19   39              13:27    0:34
 4* North Scott G           103   11   20   22   50   59   63    13:31    1:05
 5* Southeast Polk          103    5   12   21   65   81   92    13:26    1:44
  6 Cedar Rapids Prairie    120    2   29   38   51   55   77    13:27    1:49
  7 Bettendorf              125    8   25   26   66   72   85    13:37    1:40
  8 Ankeny Northview G      138    7   32   47   52   53   58    13:40    1:21
  9 Pleasant Valley         144   13   34   35   62   84   89    13:45    1:17
 10 Valley Junior High      148   14   28   42   64   67   73    13:47    1:19
 11 North Central, Ic       156   10   31   54   61   95         13:49    1:23
 12 Johnston                178    6   40   46   86   97   98    14:01    2:42
 13 Ankeny Southview        192   41   43   48   60   69   71    14:04    0:33
 14 Northwest, Ic           217   36   49   56   76   80         14:15    1:09
 15 Roosevelt               237   33   44   70   90   91   93    14:30    1:57
 16 Ottumwa                 283   23   78   88   94   99  100    14:57    2:25
 17 Waukee                  285   45   57   87   96              15:03    2:26
 18 Sioux City East         318   74   79   82   83              15:00    0:30

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Linn Mar
    1  Micah Poellet, 8           11:59  
    3  Lillian Geelan, 8          12:23  
    9  Sarah Murphy, 8            12:57  
   16  Haley Hartshorne, 8        13:21  
   27  Lindsay Ginger, 8          13:34  
   37  Chloe Skidmore, 8          13:45  
Total Time = 50:40     Total Places = 29

2. Cedar Falls
    4  Emma Clark, 8              12:44  
   17  Jules Fromm, 8             13:23  
   24  Sara Goodenbour, 8         13:30  
   30  Natalie DeGabriele, 8      13:37  
   68  Katie Butler, 8            14:34  
   75  Noelani Mattson, 8         14:47  
Total Time = 53:14     Total Places = 75

3. Urbandale
   15  Macy Gaskill, 8            13:13  
   18  Kelsey Heller, 8           13:24  
   19  Hannah Eckhoff, 8          13:24  
   39  Brielle Ruch, 8            13:47  
Total Time = 53:48     Total Places = 91

4*. North Scott G
   11  Grace Sindt, 8             13:02  
   20  Faith Rains, 8             13:26  
   22  Alissa Bockenfeld, 8       13:28  
   50  Megan Smith, 8             14:07  
   59  Elsie Rieck, 8             14:22  
   63  Riley Collins, 8           14:25  
Total Time = 54:03     Total Places = 103

5*. Southeast Polk
    5  Grace Larkins, 8           12:45  
   12  Magda McGowan, 8           13:02  
   21  Jaycie Elliott, 8          13:27  
   65  Mia Toomey, 8              14:28  
   81  Sydney McNeeley, 8         15:02  
   92  Kadence Williams, 8        15:50  
Total Time = 53:42     Total Places = 103

6. Cedar Rapids Prairie
    2  Laurdyn Meyer, 8           12:18  
   29  Kendall White, 8           13:36  
   38  Riley Coulter, 8           13:46  
   51  Natalie Bennett, 8         14:07  
   55  Anna Eckert, 8             14:11  
   77  Kaitlyn Sellon, 8          14:53  
Total Time = 53:47     Total Places = 120

7. Bettendorf
    8  Laney Fitzpatrick, 8       12:52  
   25  Ashlynn Whitcanack, 8      13:31  
   26  Sarah Schmidt, 8           13:32  
   66  Ella Trudell, 8            14:31  
   72  Samantha Foht, 8           14:42  
   85  Steph Rice, 8              15:18  
Total Time = 54:26     Total Places = 125

8. Ankeny Northview G
    7  Savana Alt, 8              12:47  
   32  Macie Langstraat, 8        13:41  
   47  Kathryn Vortherms, 8       14:02  
   52  Sydney Madison, 8          14:08  
   53  Jennifer Jordan, 8         14:10  
   58  Macy Epp, 8                14:17  
Total Time = 54:38     Total Places = 138

9. Pleasant Valley
   13  Grace Pender, 8            13:07  
   34  Macie Skahill, 8           13:43  
   35  Ramya Subramaniam, 8       13:44  
   62  Morgan Miller, 8           14:24  
   84  Raegan Stein, 8            15:14  
   89  Christina Li, 8            15:38  
Total Time = 54:58     Total Places = 144

10. Valley Junior High
   14  Lauren Schulze, 8          13:09  
   28  Hayley Chappell, 8         13:36  
   42  Annie Thiel, 8             13:52  
   64  Abby Christudoss, 8        14:28  
   67  Grace Broderick, 8         14:32  
   73  Teghan Booth, 8            14:42  
Total Time = 55:05     Total Places = 148

11. North Central, Ic
   10  Katie Hoefer, 8            13:01  
   31  Camille Mac, 8             13:39  
   54  Maddy Negley, 8            14:11  
   61  Anna Moore, 8              14:23  
   95  Ava Baber, 8               16:12  
Total Time = 55:14     Total Places = 156

12. Johnston
    6  Bella Heikes, 8            12:46  
   40  Vivian Chen, 8             13:49  
   46  Addy Franklin, 8           14:02  
   86  Nova Thornton, 8           15:27  
   97  Betsy Heiser, 8            17:05  
   98  Emily Geers, 8             17:20  
Total Time = 56:04     Total Places = 178

13. Ankeny Southview
   41  Eva Van De Mortel, 8       13:50  
   43  Sierra Little, 8           13:58  
   48  Ally Phongsavanh, 8        14:03  
   60  Elizabeth Shanahan, 8      14:22  
   69  Abby Johnson, 8            14:35  
   71  Lauren McMahon, 8          14:41  
Total Time = 56:13     Total Places = 192

14. Northwest, Ic
   36  Erica Buettner, 8          13:45  
   49  Lucy Westemeyer, 8         14:05  
   56  Amy Liao, 8                14:15  
   76  Emma Kearney, 8            14:53  
   80  Annabel Hendrickson, 8     14:57  
Total Time = 56:58     Total Places = 217

15. Roosevelt
   33  Olivia Ovrom, 8            13:43  
   44  Elizabeth Saunders, 8      14:00  
   70  Elizabeth Hahn, 8          14:36  
   90  Sage Halfhill-Boone, 8     15:39  
   91  Mary McFetridge, 8         15:42  
   93  McFetridge Mary, 8         15:53  
Total Time = 57:58     Total Places = 237

16. Ottumwa
   23  Megan Coulter, 8           13:30  
   78  Jamie Sanchez, 8           14:54  
   88  Josie Young, 8             15:30  
   94  Alexis Johnston, 8         15:54  
   99  Hayden Short, 8            17:43  
  100  Jili Butler, 8             19:20  
Total Time = 59:48     Total Places = 283

17. Waukee
   45  Molly Statton, 8           14:00  
   57  Margaux Basart, 8          14:16  
   87  Lindsey Akason, 8          15:27  
   96  Annica Chervenka, 8        16:26  
Total Time = 1:00:09     Total Places = 285

18. Sioux City East
   74  Hadley Anderson, 8         14:43  
   79  Alejandra Iniguez, 8       14:57  
   82  Karlee Stoos, 8            15:04  
   83  Natalie Cloud, 8           15:13  
Total Time = 59:57     Total Places = 318
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Micah Poellet, 8           11:59    Linn Mar             
    2     2  Laurdyn Meyer, 8           12:18    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
    3     3  Lillian Geelan, 8          12:23    Linn Mar             
    4        Carley Coughron, 8         12:34    Waterloo             
    5     4  Emma Clark, 8              12:44    Cedar Falls          
    6     5  Grace Larkins, 8           12:45    Southeast Polk       
    7     6  Bella Heikes, 8            12:46    Johnston             
    8     7  Savana Alt, 8              12:47    Ankeny Northview G   
    9     8  Laney Fitzpatrick, 8       12:52    Bettendorf           
   10        Sophie Wilson, 8           12:55    Ames                 
   11     9  Sarah Murphy, 8            12:57    Linn Mar             
   12    10  Katie Hoefer, 8            13:01    North Central, Ic    
   13    11  Grace Sindt, 8             13:02    North Scott G        
   14    12  Magda McGowan, 8           13:02    Southeast Polk       
   15    13  Grace Pender, 8            13:07    Pleasant Valley      
   16    14  Lauren Schulze, 8          13:09    Valley Junior High   
   17    15  Macy Gaskill, 8            13:13    Urbandale            
   18    16  Haley Hartshorne, 8        13:21    Linn Mar             
   19    17  Jules Fromm, 8             13:23    Cedar Falls          
   20    18  Kelsey Heller, 8           13:24    Urbandale            
   21    19  Hannah Eckhoff, 8          13:24    Urbandale            
   22    20  Faith Rains, 8             13:26    North Scott G        
   23    21  Jaycie Elliott, 8          13:27    Southeast Polk       
   24    22  Alissa Bockenfeld, 8       13:28    North Scott G        
   25    23  Megan Coulter, 8           13:30    Ottumwa              
   26    24  Sara Goodenbour, 8         13:30    Cedar Falls          
   27    25  Ashlynn Whitcanack, 8      13:31    Bettendorf           
   28    26  Sarah Schmidt, 8           13:32    Bettendorf           
   29    27  Lindsay Ginger, 8          13:34    Linn Mar             
   30    28  Hayley Chappell, 8         13:36    Valley Junior High   
   31    29  Kendall White, 8           13:36    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
   32    30  Natalie DeGabriele, 8      13:37    Cedar Falls          
   33    31  Camille Mac, 8             13:39    North Central, Ic    
   34    32  Macie Langstraat, 8        13:41    Ankeny Northview G   
   35    33  Olivia Ovrom, 8            13:43    Roosevelt            
   36    34  Macie Skahill, 8           13:43    Pleasant Valley      
   37        Mia Levy, 8                13:43    Dowling              
   38    35  Ramya Subramaniam, 8       13:44    Pleasant Valley      
   39    36  Erica Buettner, 8          13:45    Northwest, Ic        
   40    37  Chloe Skidmore, 8          13:45    Linn Mar             
   41    38  Riley Coulter, 8           13:46    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
   42    39  Brielle Ruch, 8            13:47    Urbandale            
   43    40  Vivian Chen, 8             13:49    Johnston             
   44    41  Eva Van De Mortel, 8       13:50    Ankeny Southview     
   45    42  Annie Thiel, 8             13:52    Valley Junior High   
   46    43  Sierra Little, 8           13:58    Ankeny Southview     
   47    44  Elizabeth Saunders, 8      14:00    Roosevelt            
   48    45  Molly Statton, 8           14:00    Waukee               
   49    46  Addy Franklin, 8           14:02    Johnston             
   50    47  Kathryn Vortherms, 8       14:02    Ankeny Northview G   
   51    48  Ally Phongsavanh, 8        14:03    Ankeny Southview     
   52        Mia Norton, 8              14:03    Sioux City North     
   53    49  Lucy Westemeyer, 8         14:05    Northwest, Ic        
   54    50  Megan Smith, 8             14:07    North Scott G        
   55    51  Natalie Bennett, 8         14:07    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
   56    52  Sydney Madison, 8          14:08    Ankeny Northview G   
   57    53  Jennifer Jordan, 8         14:10    Ankeny Northview G   
   58    54  Maddy Negley, 8            14:11    North Central, Ic    
   59    55  Anna Eckert, 8             14:11    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
   60    56  Amy Liao, 8                14:15    Northwest, Ic        
   61    57  Margaux Basart, 8          14:16    Waukee               
   62        Kylie Egbert, 8            14:17    Linn Mar             
   63    58  Macy Epp, 8                14:17    Ankeny Northview G   
   64    59  Elsie Rieck, 8             14:22    North Scott G        
   65    60  Elizabeth Shanahan, 8      14:22    Ankeny Southview     
   66    61  Anna Moore, 8              14:23    North Central, Ic    
   67    62  Morgan Miller, 8           14:24    Pleasant Valley      
   68    63  Riley Collins, 8           14:25    North Scott G        
   69    64  Abby Christudoss, 8        14:28    Valley Junior High   
   70    65  Mia Toomey, 8              14:28    Southeast Polk       
   71    66  Ella Trudell, 8            14:31    Bettendorf           
   72    67  Grace Broderick, 8         14:32    Valley Junior High   
   73    68  Katie Butler, 8            14:34    Cedar Falls          
   74    69  Abby Johnson, 8            14:35    Ankeny Southview     
   75    70  Elizabeth Hahn, 8          14:36    Roosevelt            
   76    71  Lauren McMahon, 8          14:41    Ankeny Southview     
   77    72  Samantha Foht, 8           14:42    Bettendorf           
   78    73  Teghan Booth, 8            14:42    Valley Junior High   
   79        Kristin Stein, 8           14:42    Valley Junior High   
   80    74  Hadley Anderson, 8         14:43    Sioux City East      
   81        Grace Porath, 8            14:44    Ankeny Southview     
   82        Elizabeth Oakley, 8        14:46    Ankeny Southview     
   83    75  Noelani Mattson, 8         14:47    Cedar Falls          
   84        Stacy Westman, 8           14:48    Linn Mar             
   85        Sofia Manzano, 8           14:50    Dowling              
   86        Raylee Bishop, 8           14:52    Ankeny Northview G   
   87    76  Emma Kearney, 8            14:53    Northwest, Ic        
   88    77  Kaitlyn Sellon, 8          14:53    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
   89    78  Jamie Sanchez, 8           14:54    Ottumwa              
   90        Marika Kisgen, 8           14:56    Ankeny Southview     
   91    79  Alejandra Iniguez, 8       14:57    Sioux City East      
   92    80  Annabel Hendrickson, 8     14:57    Northwest, Ic        
   93        Kayla Nelson, 8            15:00    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
   94        Victoria Knight, 8         15:00    Waterloo             
   95    81  Sydney McNeeley, 8         15:02    Southeast Polk       
   96    82  Karlee Stoos, 8            15:04    Sioux City East      
   97        Alanna Fishel, 8           15:05    Cedar Falls          
   98        Kylie McElmeel, 8          15:09    Sioux City North     
   99        Avery Merta, 8             15:09    Linn Mar             
  100        Hannah Loftus, 8           15:12    Ankeny Southview     
  101    83  Natalie Cloud, 8           15:13    Sioux City East      
  102        Olivia Holm, 8             15:13    Linn Mar             
  103    84  Raegan Stein, 8            15:14    Pleasant Valley      
  104        Madison Phipps, 7          15:17    North Scott G        
  105        Gabriella Garcia Rivera, 8 15:17    Sioux City North     
  106    85  Steph Rice, 8              15:18    Bettendorf           
  107    86  Nova Thornton, 8           15:27    Johnston             
  108    87  Lindsey Akason, 8          15:27    Waukee               
  109        Raven Barton, 8            15:30    Ankeny Southview     
  110    88  Josie Young, 8             15:30    Ottumwa              
  111        Josie Winn, 8              15:30    Linn Mar             
  112        Olivia Odson, 8            15:30    Ankeny Southview     
  113        Lauren Benter, 8           15:31    Linn Mar             
  114        Anna Kennedy, 8            15:34    Ankeny Southview     
  115        Rosie Hawbaker, 8          15:35    Cedar Falls          
  116    89  Christina Li, 8            15:38    Pleasant Valley      
  117    90  Sage Halfhill-Boone, 8     15:39    Roosevelt            
  118        Alyssa Valde, 8            15:39    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
  119    91  Mary McFetridge, 8         15:42    Roosevelt            
  120    92  Kadence Williams, 8        15:50    Southeast Polk       
  121        Ella Achey, 8              15:52    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
  122    93  McFetridge Mary, 8         15:53    Roosevelt            
  123    94  Alexis Johnston, 8         15:54    Ottumwa              
  124        Erin McKenna, 8            15:56    Ankeny Southview     
  125        Annie Walker, 8            15:57    Ankeny Southview     
  126        Viviana Martinez, 8        16:10    Cedar Rapids Prairie 
  127    95  Ava Baber, 8               16:12    North Central, Ic    
  128    96  Annica Chervenka, 8        16:26    Waukee               
  129        Sophia Cauwels, 8          16:28    North Scott G        
  130        Elie Considine, 8          16:53    Cedar Falls          
  131    97  Betsy Heiser, 8            17:05    Johnston             
  132    98  Emily Geers, 8             17:20    Johnston             
  133    99  Hayden Short, 8            17:43    Ottumwa              
  134        Abigail Jensen, 8          18:44    North Scott G        
  135        Catherine Burch, 8         18:49    Johnston             
  136   100  Jili Butler, 8             19:20    Ottumwa              

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