45th Indianola Invitational JV Boys

Pickard Park, IA

Sep. 26, 2013
70s and Sunny
Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

9/10 Girls

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9/10 Boys

JV Boys

Var Boys

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  1 Johnston                 24    2    3    5    6    8    9   16    18:21    0:48
  2 Ames                     62    1    4   14   17   26   27   36    18:52    1:34
  3 Valley                  120    7   23   25   32   33   42   49    19:26    1:07
  4 Dowling Catholic        127   13   19   21   30   44   51   54    19:35    0:58
  5 Dallas Center Grimes    137   12   15   31   34   45   60   65    19:38    1:01
  6 Urbandale               163   22   28   35   38   40   73   74    19:45    0:30
  7 Pella                   172   10   20   39   41   62   67   69    19:48    1:54
  8 Indianola               206   11   18   56   58   63   64   68    20:08    1:48
  9 Southeast Polk          212   24   43   47   48   50   53   57    20:05    0:56
 10 Ankeny                  219   29   37   46   52   55   59   66    20:09    0:55
 11 Ankeny Centennial       359   61   70   71   77   80   83   88    21:25  0:1:00
 12 Norwalk                 398   72   75   82   84   85   89   90    21:56    1:20
 13 Boone                   400   76   78   79   81   86   87   91    21:58    1:10

Incomplete Teams: Lincoln, Roosevelt, Hoover, Ottumwa
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston
    2  Adam Johanson, Sr          18:01  
    3  Ben Poss, Jr               18:05  
    5  Ethan Moran, Sr            18:21  
    6  Myles Glandorf, Jr         18:25  
    8  Jacob Jansen, Sr           18:49  
    9  Cole Lafollette, Jr        18:56  
   16  Cole Balmer, Jr            19:20  
Total Time = 1:31:41     Total Places = 24

2. Ames
    1  Daniel Chan, Jr            17:55  
    4  Joshua Moore, Sr           18:20  
   14  Jonah Tibbits, Sr          19:12  
   17  Rahul Seshappa, Sr         19:21  
   26  Christopher Jackson, Sr    19:29  
   27  Kyle Schaudt, Jr           19:30  
   36  Ian Kolb, Sr               19:52  
Total Time = 1:34:17     Total Places = 62

3. Valley
    7  John Dickinson, Jr         18:40  
   23  Nik Hilzendeger, Sr        19:27  
   25  Joe Anderson, Jr           19:28  
   32  Grant Gustafson, Sr        19:45  
   33  Will Coppess, Jr           19:47  
   42  Chris Nicolet, Sr          19:57  
   49  Nick Dolan, Sr             20:19  
Total Time = 1:37:07     Total Places = 120

4. Dowling Catholic
   13  Vishal Perera, Jr          19:11  
   19  Neal Conn, Sr              19:22  
   21  Jack Pitsor, Sr            19:26  
   30  Josh Breed, Jr             19:44  
   44  Tyler Juhl, Sr             20:08  
   51  Andy Saigh, Sr             20:24  
   54  Sam Bott, Jr               20:34  
Total Time = 1:37:51     Total Places = 127

5. Dallas Center Grimes
   12  Blake Schaben, So          19:08  
   15  Jared Brevard, Fr          19:18  
   31  Jackson Rude, So           19:44  
   34  Jared Pugh, Sr             19:48  
   45  Jacob Cline, Fr            20:09  
   60  Jacob Moen, Jr             20:48  
   65  Nick Drucker, Sr           20:59  
Total Time = 1:38:07     Total Places = 137

6. Urbandale
   22  Trevor Miller, Fr          19:26  
   28  James Williams, Sr         19:38  
   35  Tad Schweizer, So          19:49  
   38  Titus Kinyea, Jr           19:53  
   40  Quinn Lafrentz, Sr         19:56  
   73  Mike Stuart, Sr            21:24  
   74  Brady Kluesner, Jr         21:28  
Total Time = 1:38:42     Total Places = 163

7. Pella
   10  Sawyer Burton, Jr          18:57  
   20  Tom Pettit, Jr             19:22  
   39  Tom Palmer, Sr             19:54  
   41  David Schemm, Jr           19:57  
   62  Tanner Phelps, Sr          20:50  
   67  Alex Boots, Sr             21:03  
   69  Jacob Von Bank, Sr         21:18  
Total Time = 1:39:00     Total Places = 172

8. Indianola
   11  Austin Watkins-Reynolds, Sr
   18  Garrett Boord, Jr          19:21  
   56  Gavin Burgin, Jr           20:36  
   58  Joe Staudacher, Sr         20:44  
   63  Trenton Dishman, Jr        20:53  
   64  Zachary Nehring, Jr        20:56  
   68  Riley McLaren, Sr          21:05  
Total Time = 1:40:39     Total Places = 206

9. Southeast Polk
   24  Caleb Eichelberger, Jr     19:28  
   43  Johnny Osborne, Sr         20:05  
   47  Andy Hagerty, Sr           20:11  
   48  Jake Evans, Sr             20:16  
   50  Tanner Stotts, Sr          20:23  
   53  Trey Ringler, Jr           20:27  
   57  Jacob Harrington, Sr       20:38  
Total Time = 1:40:23     Total Places = 212

10. Ankeny
   29  Cole Jacobson, So          19:40  
   37  Kyle Spear, So             19:53  
   46  Jacob Babcock, So          20:10  
   52  Brandon Beechum, Sr        20:25  
   55  Jay Mixdorf, Fr            20:35  
   59  Riley Trent, So            20:48  
   66  Connor Noonan, Sr          21:00  
Total Time = 1:40:43     Total Places = 219

11. Ankeny Centennial
   61  Dave Bunce, Jr             20:50  
   70  Landon Woerdeman, Sr       21:20  
   71  Brenden Doran, Jr          21:22  
   77  Nate Rondeau, Sr           21:40  
   80  Cole Jones, Sr             21:49  
   83  Alex Palmer, Sr            22:01  
   88  Nick Turner, Jr            23:04  
Total Time = 1:47:01     Total Places = 359

12. Norwalk
   72  Bryce Bullock, Jr          21:23  
   75  Nick Baker, Sr             21:32  
   82  Duncan Burnett, So         21:58  
   84  Tyler Whitehead, Fr        22:04  
   85  Kyle Warren, Sr            22:42  
   89  Branden Moreau, Sr         23:19  
   90  Matthew Rozendaal, So      23:24  
Total Time = 1:49:39     Total Places = 398

13. Boone
   76  Edik Lester, Sr            21:35  
   78  Andrew Larson, Jr          21:46  
   79  Zach Martin, Jr            21:47  
   81  Nick De Reus, Sr           21:55  
   86  Tyler Peterson, Sr         22:44  
   87  Anson Lin, Jr              22:45  
   91  Matt Walker, Sr            24:05  
Total Time = 1:49:47     Total Places = 400
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Daniel Chan, Jr            17:55    Ames                 
    2     2  Adam Johanson, Sr          18:01    Johnston             
    3     3  Ben Poss, Jr               18:05    Johnston             
    4     4  Joshua Moore, Sr           18:20    Ames                 
    5     5  Ethan Moran, Sr            18:21    Johnston             
    6     6  Myles Glandorf, Jr         18:25    Johnston             
    7     7  John Dickinson, Jr         18:40    Valley               
    8     8  Jacob Jansen, Sr           18:49    Johnston             
    9     9  Cole Lafollette, Jr        18:56    Johnston             
   10    10  Sawyer Burton, Jr          18:57    Pella                
   11    11  Austin Watkins-Reynolds, Sr
                                         19:05    Indianola            
   12    12  Blake Schaben, So          19:08    Dallas Center Grimes 
   13    13  Vishal Perera, Jr          19:11    Dowling Catholic     
   14    14  Jonah Tibbits, Sr          19:12    Ames                 
   15    15  Jared Brevard, Fr          19:18    Dallas Center Grimes 
   16    16  Cole Balmer, Jr            19:20    Johnston             
   17    17  Rahul Seshappa, Sr         19:21    Ames                 
   18    18  Garrett Boord, Jr          19:21    Indianola            
   19    19  Neal Conn, Sr              19:22    Dowling Catholic     
   20    20  Tom Pettit, Jr             19:22    Pella                
   21    21  Jack Pitsor, Sr            19:26    Dowling Catholic     
   22    22  Trevor Miller, Fr          19:26    Urbandale            
   23    23  Nik Hilzendeger, Sr        19:27    Valley               
   24    24  Caleb Eichelberger, Jr     19:28    Southeast Polk       
   25    25  Joe Anderson, Jr           19:28    Valley               
   26    26  Christopher Jackson, Sr    19:29    Ames                 
   27    27  Kyle Schaudt, Jr           19:30    Ames                 
   28        Ryan Decker, Sr            19:36    Johnston             
   29    28  James Williams, Sr         19:38    Urbandale            
   30    29  Cole Jacobson, So          19:40    Ankeny               
   31        Matt Tanner, Jr            19:42    Johnston             
   32    30  Josh Breed, Jr             19:44    Dowling Catholic     
   33    31  Jackson Rude, So           19:44    Dallas Center Grimes 
   34    32  Grant Gustafson, Sr        19:45    Valley               
   35    33  Will Coppess, Jr           19:47    Valley               
   36    34  Jared Pugh, Sr             19:48    Dallas Center Grimes 
   37    35  Tad Schweizer, So          19:49    Urbandale            
   38    36  Ian Kolb, Sr               19:52    Ames                 
   39    37  Kyle Spear, So             19:53    Ankeny               
   40    38  Titus Kinyea, Jr           19:53    Urbandale            
   41    39  Tom Palmer, Sr             19:54    Pella                
   42        Michael Casey, Sr          19:55    Ames                 
   43    40  Quinn Lafrentz, Sr         19:56    Urbandale            
   44    41  David Schemm, Jr           19:57    Pella                
   45    42  Chris Nicolet, Sr          19:57    Valley               
   46        Daniel Stromgren, Sr       19:58    Johnston             
   47        Nikash Pradhan, Jr         20:02    Johnston             
   48    43  Johnny Osborne, Sr         20:05    Southeast Polk       
   49    44  Tyler Juhl, Sr             20:08    Dowling Catholic     
   50    45  Jacob Cline, Fr            20:09    Dallas Center Grimes 
   51    46  Jacob Babcock, So          20:10    Ankeny               
   52    47  Andy Hagerty, Sr           20:11    Southeast Polk       
   53    48  Jake Evans, Sr             20:16    Southeast Polk       
   54        Alex Nichol, Jr            20:18    Johnston             
   55    49  Nick Dolan, Sr             20:19    Valley               
   56    50  Tanner Stotts, Sr          20:23    Southeast Polk       
   57        Alec Kilstrom, Jr          20:24    Johnston             
   58    51  Andy Saigh, Sr             20:24    Dowling Catholic     
   59    52  Brandon Beechum, Sr        20:25    Ankeny               
   60        Sri Tummala, Sr            20:27    Ames                 
   61    53  Trey Ringler, Jr           20:27    Southeast Polk       
   62        Tyler Fenton, Sr           20:29    Johnston             
   63        James McGowan, Jr          20:32    Johnston             
   64    54  Sam Bott, Jr               20:34    Dowling Catholic     
   65    55  Jay Mixdorf, Fr            20:35    Ankeny               
   66        Colin Creighton, Sr        20:35    Dowling Catholic     
   67    56  Gavin Burgin, Jr           20:36    Indianola            
   68    57  Jacob Harrington, Sr       20:38    Southeast Polk       
   69        Chris Kline, Sr            20:39    Johnston             
   70        Kang Chotkhac, Jr          20:41    Ames                 
   71        Ben Rice, Sr               20:41    Valley               
   72        Tim Ridgway, Jr            20:41    Valley               
   73        Peter Miller, Jr           20:42    Ames                 
   74        Seth Andrews, Jr           20:44    Johnston             
   75    58  Joe Staudacher, Sr         20:44    Indianola            
   76        Ian Hansen, Sr             20:45    Ames                 
   77        Collin North, Sr           20:47    Southeast Polk       
   78        Josh Hjelmaas, Sr          20:48    Johnston             
   79    59  Riley Trent, So            20:48    Ankeny               
   80    60  Jacob Moen, Jr             20:48    Dallas Center Grimes 
   81        Philip Quick, Jr           20:49    Southeast Polk       
   82        Chris Stoker, Sr           20:50    Ames                 
   83    61  Dave Bunce, Jr             20:50    Ankeny Centennial    
   84    62  Tanner Phelps, Sr          20:50    Pella                
   85    63  Trenton Dishman, Jr        20:53    Indianola            
   86    64  Zachary Nehring, Jr        20:56    Indianola            
   87        Spencer Cooney, Jr         20:58    Dowling Catholic     
   88    65  Nick Drucker, Sr           20:59    Dallas Center Grimes 
   89    66  Connor Noonan, Sr          21:00    Ankeny               
   90        Henry Long, Sr             21:01    Dowling Catholic     
   91    67  Alex Boots, Sr             21:03    Pella                
   92        Justin Wignall, Jr         21:04    Ankeny               
   93    68  Riley McLaren, Sr          21:05    Indianola            
   94        Grant Von Tersch, Sr       21:06    Southeast Polk       
   95        Bryan Hall, Jr             21:08    Ames                 
   96        Asa Hatten, Jr             21:12    Indianola            
   97        Max Palmer, Jr             21:17    Dowling Catholic     
   98    69  Jacob Von Bank, Sr         21:18    Pella                
   99        Adrian Alread, Jr          21:20    Roosevelt            
  100    70  Landon Woerdeman, Sr       21:20    Ankeny Centennial    
  101    71  Brenden Doran, Jr          21:22    Ankeny Centennial    
  102        Jacob Linch, Jr            21:22    Ames                 
  103    72  Bryce Bullock, Jr          21:23    Norwalk              
  104        Tanner Fischer, Jr         21:24    Ankeny               
  105    73  Mike Stuart, Sr            21:24    Urbandale            
  106        Ryan Anderson, Sr          21:27    Ames                 
  107    74  Brady Kluesner, Jr         21:28    Urbandale            
  108        Timothy Greene, Sr         21:28    Ames                 
  109        Tucker Rochleau, Jr        21:29    Valley               
  110        Travis Graff, Jr           21:29    Valley               
  111        Josh Barnes, Jr            21:31    Southeast Polk       
  112    75  Nick Baker, Sr             21:32    Norwalk              
  113        Evan Prochaska, Jr         21:34    Ames                 
  114        Lucky Lovan, Jr            21:35    Urbandale            
  115    76  Edik Lester, Sr            21:35    Boone                
  116        Jonathan Lanz, Fr          21:36    Ankeny               
  117        Grisham Hentzen, Jr        21:36    Valley               
  118        Chuck Dohrmann, Sr         21:36    Dowling Catholic     
  119        Adam Gjersvik, Sr          21:37    Southeast Polk       
  120        Nate Person, Sr            21:39    Southeast Polk       
  121    77  Nate Rondeau, Sr           21:40    Ankeny Centennial    
  122        Landon King, Sr            21:40    Pella                
  123        Ryan Falk, Jr              21:40    Indianola            
  124        Wil Roling, So             21:43    Ankeny               
  125    78  Andrew Larson, Jr          21:46    Boone                
  126    79  Zach Martin, Jr            21:47    Boone                
  127        Joel Stenseth, Jr          21:48    Southeast Polk       
  128        Jacob Orr, Jr              21:49    Johnston             
  129    80  Cole Jones, Sr             21:49    Ankeny Centennial    
  130        Austin Rix, Jr             21:51    Dallas Center Grimes 
  131        Trey Johnson, Sr           21:52    Indianola            
  132        Gony Bijiek, Jr            21:52    Ames                 
  133        Nick Sheehy, Jr            21:54    Ottumwa              
  134    81  Nick De Reus, Sr           21:55    Boone                
  135        Shamus McCarthy, Jr        21:57    Dowling Catholic     
  136    82  Duncan Burnett, So         21:58    Norwalk              
  137        Elliot Suiter, Jr          21:58    Johnston             
  138        August Franzen, Jr         21:59    Indianola            
  139    83  Alex Palmer, Sr            22:01    Ankeny Centennial    
  140        Devin Robbins, Jr          22:03    Dallas Center Grimes 
  141        Curtis Cook, Jr            22:04    Urbandale            
  142    84  Tyler Whitehead, Fr        22:04    Norwalk              
  143        Adam Vail, Sr              22:05    Southeast Polk       
  144        Ian Dubbs, Jr              22:07    Valley               
  145        Gabe Jacobs, Jr            22:07    Valley               
  146        Zach Skarshaug, Sr         22:08    Ames                 
  147        Brayden Agnitsch, Sr       22:08    Ames                 
  148        Drake Allen, Sr            22:09    Southeast Polk       
  149        Andrew Han, Jr             22:10    Valley               
  150        Austin Kerr, Sr            22:10    Johnston             
  151        Joel Yeager, Jr            22:11    Pella                
  152        Joseph Beal, Jr            22:12    Valley               
  153        Joe Davenport, Sr          22:13    Southeast Polk       
  154        Caleb Wright, Fr           22:14    Ankeny               
  155        David Lamison, Sr          22:14    Johnston             
  156        Daniel Thompson, Jr        22:17    Pella                
  157        Henning Schmitz, Sr        22:22    Ankeny               
  158        James Karns, Jr            22:23    Valley               
  159        Dominic Cosimo, Sr         22:24    Lincoln              
  160        Michael Steffen, Fr        22:25    Ankeny               
  161        Cody West, Sr              22:30    Southeast Polk       
  162        Chandler Bosch, Jr         22:33    Pella                
  163        Luke Heilman, Jr           22:35    Ames                 
  164        Caleb Houtz, Jr            22:37    Pella                
  165    85  Kyle Warren, Sr            22:42    Norwalk              
  166        Kris Courter, Sr           22:44    Southeast Polk       
  167    86  Tyler Peterson, Sr         22:44    Boone                
  168        Aaron Van Maanen, Sr       22:44    Pella                
  169    87  Anson Lin, Jr              22:45    Boone                
  170        Bryson Cook, Fr            22:51    Urbandale            
  171        Michael Schnebbe, Jr       22:56    Pella                
  172        Mark Horton, Sr            22:56    Ames                 
  173        Fozzy Furler, Jr           22:57    Indianola            
  174        Jared Witke, Fr            22:58    Urbandale            
  175        Connor Mutch, Sr           22:58    Johnston             
  176        Owen McGuffin, Fr          22:58    Hoover               
  177        Matt Umland, Fr            23:01    Urbandale            
  178        Max Fredrick, Fr           23:01    Ankeny               
  179        Christian Hamilton, Jr     23:02    Pella                
  180        Steffen Linnsen, So        23:02    Urbandale            
  181        Smeet Mistry, Jr           23:03    Johnston             
  182        Scott Kruse, Jr            23:04    Johnston             
  183    88  Nick Turner, Jr            23:04    Ankeny Centennial    
  184        Jesse Coleman, Sr          23:05    Dowling Catholic     
  185        Will Van Roekel, Sr        23:05    Urbandale            
  186        Calvin Van Donselaar, Sr   23:08    Pella                
  187        Garrett Kroeger, Sr        23:15    Urbandale            
  188        Nat Bennett, Sr            23:17    Ankeny Centennial    
  189        Patrick Tingleff, Sr       23:19    Dowling Catholic     
  190    89  Branden Moreau, Sr         23:19    Norwalk              
  191        Tucker Hanson, Jr          23:21    Southeast Polk       
  192        Samuel Yeager, Jr          23:24    Pella                
  193    90  Matthew Rozendaal, So      23:24    Norwalk              
  194        Ethan Butler, Sr           23:25    Pella                
  195        Wyatt Blegen, Jr           23:28    Ottumwa              
  196        Danny Corbin, Jr           23:29    Johnston             
  197        Nick Brocka, Jr            23:32    Johnston             
  198        Jay Beyer, Jr              23:34    Pella                
  199        James Beasley, Jr          23:35    Johnston             
  200        Trevor Rath, Jr            23:37    Dallas Center Grimes 
  201        Sam Beattie, Sr            23:44    Southeast Polk       
  202        Nate Wernimount, So        23:54    Ankeny               
  203        Noah Beebe, Sr             23:58    Johnston             
  204        Elijah Bratsch-Prince, Jr  23:59    Ames                 
  205    91  Matt Walker, Sr            24:05    Boone                
  206        Will Wandro, Sr            24:14    Urbandale            
  207        Ryan Gross, Fr             24:14    Ankeny               
  208        Harrison Kruse, Jr         24:17    Johnston             
  209        Zack Dirks, Jr             24:19    Southeast Polk       
  210        Jose Carrasco-Corrales, Sr 24:32    Indianola            
  211        Carlos Cruz, Sr            24:41    Lincoln              
  212        Leon Sun, Jr               24:50    Johnston             
  213        Matthew Bourland, So       24:54    Hoover               
  214        Alec Nichols, Jr           24:55    Boone                
  215        Nathan Grimes, Sr          25:00    Johnston             
  216        Semaj Marbury, So          25:02    Hoover               
  217        Bryce Dawson, Sr           25:15    Pella                
  218        Jack Parisee, Sr           25:17    Pella                
  219        Parker Lowry, Jr           25:21    Indianola            
  220        Garcia Noe, Sr             25:39    Indianola            
  221        Thomas Leafstedt, Sr       25:43    Valley               
  222        Nathan Chaplin, Jr         25:44    Pella                
  223        Noah McMullen, Sr          25:51    Urbandale            
  224        Jackson Wren, Fr           25:51    Ankeny               
  225        Spencer Smith, Jr          25:52    Southeast Polk       
  226        Noah Perez, Sr             26:01    Dowling Catholic     
  227        Mark Tollefson, Fr         26:02    Norwalk              
  228        Rayce Elliott, Fr          28:28    Ottumwa              
  229        Marco Reyes, Sr            28:43    Southeast Polk       
  230        Liam McInroy, Fr           29:36    Hoover               
  231        David Helfenberger, Sr     31:21    Ottumwa              

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