45th Indianola Invitational 9-10 Boys

Pickard Park, IA

Sep. 26, 2013
70s and Sunny
Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

9/10 Girls

JV Girls

Var Girls

MS Boys

9/10 Boys

JV Boys

Var Boys

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  1 Roosevelt                74    3    5   16   17   33   37   38    19:07    1:21
  2 Dowling Catholic         84    9   11   15   24   25   32   34    19:16    0:39
  3 Ames                     91    2    6   18   26   39   40   55    19:11    1:38
  4 Johnston                 98    7    8   13   28   42   48   51    19:18    1:09
  5 Pella                   118    4   14   21   35   44   46   54    19:28    1:24
  6 Ankeny Centennial       120   10   20   22   23   45   50   67    19:31    1:06
  7 Valley                  127   12   19   29   31   36   41   43    19:32    0:43
  8 Lincoln                 253    1   57   63   64   68   75   77    20:30    3:15
  9 Southeast Polk          264   27   53   56   62   66   69   79    20:36    1:33
 10 Indianola               285   30   49   65   70   71   72   74    20:56    2:22
 11 Dallas Center Grimes    304   47   58   59   60   80   82         21:17    3:24
 12 Boone                   340   52   61   73   76   78   81         21:50    2:40
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Roosevelt
    3  Ali Lula, Fr               18:24  
    5  Musa Lula, So              18:44  
   16  Fuad Dualle, So            19:18  
   17  Matt Moreland, So          19:21  
   33  Sebastian Anderson, So     19:45  
   37  Peter Oswald, So           19:50  
   38  Jack Wahlig, So            19:52  
Total Time = 1:35:32     Total Places = 74

2. Dowling Catholic
    9  Skyler Riesberg, So        18:54  
   11  Ben Nelson, Fr             19:03  
   15  John Clingan, Fr           19:18  
   24  Colin Lacey, Fr            19:32  
   25  Michael Ode, Fr            19:32  
   32  Parker Corwin, Fr          19:42  
   34  Matthew Matternas, So      19:48  
Total Time = 1:36:19     Total Places = 84

3. Ames
    2  Shafim Khoda, So           18:14  
    6  Malkan Santiago, So        18:49  
   18  Marcus Reecy, Fr           19:23  
   26  Kyle Kineer, So            19:35  
   39  Brian Todey, Fr            19:52  
   40  Isaak Schmitt, Fr          19:54  
   55  Evan Welk, Fr              20:39  
Total Time = 1:35:53     Total Places = 91

4. Johnston
    7  Braden Cooper, So          18:49  
    8  Alex MacGregor, Fr         18:51  
   13  Isaac Tegeler, So          19:13  
   28  Tyler Franke, So           19:37  
   42  Zane Johnson, So           19:58  
   48  Colton Marshall, So        20:11  
   51  Riley Chartier, Fr         20:22  
Total Time = 1:36:28     Total Places = 98

5. Pella
    4  Nick Bernhagen, Fr         18:40  
   14  Isaak Webb, So             19:17  
   21  Cameron Blom, Fr           19:29  
   35  Joshua Van Dusseldorp, Fr  19:49  
   44  Michael Buma, So           20:04  
   46  Aaron King, So             20:07  
   54  Micah Hammann, Fr          20:38  
Total Time = 1:37:19     Total Places = 118

6. Ankeny Centennial
   10  Tyler Havens, So           18:58  
   20  Alec Doran, Fr             19:28  
   22  Tanner Stumm, So           19:31  
   23  Colton Miller, So          19:32  
   45  Connor Goode, Fr           20:04  
   50  Jake Maruth, So            20:20  
   67  Aiden Tunney, Fr           21:20  
Total Time = 1:37:33     Total Places = 120

7. Valley
   12  Chris Jamieson, So         19:08  
   19  Matt Nicholson, So         19:24  
   29  Samuel Berry, So           19:38  
   31  Joseph Bernhard, Fr        19:39  
   36  Michael Libin, So          19:50  
   41  Sean Parris, So            19:56  
   43  Zachary Stoppelmoor, Fr    20:01  
Total Time = 1:37:39     Total Places = 127

8. Lincoln
    1  Tanner Wood, So            18:08  
   57  Mario Rocha, So            20:49  
   63  Daniel Rivera, So          21:01  
   64  Noah Worthington, Fr       21:06  
   68  Marvin Vasquez, So         21:23  
   75  Alex Montalvo, Fr          22:26  
   77  Cole Baber, So             22:50  
Total Time = 1:42:27     Total Places = 253

9. Southeast Polk
   27  Wes Grant, So              19:36  
   53  Brandon Lynch, So          20:25  
   56  Devin Frentress, So        20:47  
   62  Andrew Huffman, Fr         20:59  
   66  Nolan Bulver, So           21:09  
   69  Caleb Pilcher, So          21:28  
   79  Caleb Sturtz, So           23:21  
Total Time = 1:42:56     Total Places = 264

10. Indianola
   30  Nathan Magalhaes, Fr       19:38  
   49  Cole Bickham, So           20:19  
   65  Luke Bell, So              21:09  
   70  Dudley Yeoman, Fr          21:32  
   71  Nate Thompson, Fr          22:00  
   72  Marcus Jobes, Fr           22:00  
   74  Isaac Stich, Fr            22:21  
Total Time = 1:44:38     Total Places = 285

11. Dallas Center Grimes
   47  Dakota Belling, Fr         20:09  
   58  Nick Cretors, So           20:52  
   59  Kai Newell, Fr             20:53  
   60  Teagan Pierce, Fr          20:54  
   80  Will Horak, Fr             23:33  
   82  Ben Sturbenz, Fr           24:03  
Total Time = 1:46:21     Total Places = 304

12. Boone
   52  Kurt Yaeger, Fr            20:23  
   61  Keatin Joanning, So        20:57  
   73  Zeek Pearson, So           22:09  
   76  Ethan Patterson, So        22:38  
   78  Jaden Ter Beek, Fr         23:03  
   81  Jacob Smiley, So           23:48  
Total Time = 1:49:10     Total Places = 340
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Tanner Wood, So            18:08    Lincoln              
    2     2  Shafim Khoda, So           18:14    Ames                 
    3     3  Ali Lula, Fr               18:24    Roosevelt            
    4     4  Nick Bernhagen, Fr         18:40    Pella                
    5     5  Musa Lula, So              18:44    Roosevelt            
    6     6  Malkan Santiago, So        18:49    Ames                 
    7     7  Braden Cooper, So          18:49    Johnston             
    8     8  Alex MacGregor, Fr         18:51    Johnston             
    9     9  Skyler Riesberg, So        18:54    Dowling Catholic     
   10    10  Tyler Havens, So           18:58    Ankeny Centennial    
   11    11  Ben Nelson, Fr             19:03    Dowling Catholic     
   12    12  Chris Jamieson, So         19:08    Valley               
   13    13  Isaac Tegeler, So          19:13    Johnston             
   14    14  Isaak Webb, So             19:17    Pella                
   15    15  John Clingan, Fr           19:18    Dowling Catholic     
   16    16  Fuad Dualle, So            19:18    Roosevelt            
   17    17  Matt Moreland, So          19:21    Roosevelt            
   18    18  Marcus Reecy, Fr           19:23    Ames                 
   19    19  Matt Nicholson, So         19:24    Valley               
   20    20  Alec Doran, Fr             19:28    Ankeny Centennial    
   21    21  Cameron Blom, Fr           19:29    Pella                
   22    22  Tanner Stumm, So           19:31    Ankeny Centennial    
   23    23  Colton Miller, So          19:32    Ankeny Centennial    
   24    24  Colin Lacey, Fr            19:32    Dowling Catholic     
   25    25  Michael Ode, Fr            19:32    Dowling Catholic     
   26    26  Kyle Kineer, So            19:35    Ames                 
   27    27  Wes Grant, So              19:36    Southeast Polk       
   28    28  Tyler Franke, So           19:37    Johnston             
   29    29  Samuel Berry, So           19:38    Valley               
   30    30  Nathan Magalhaes, Fr       19:38    Indianola            
   31    31  Joseph Bernhard, Fr        19:39    Valley               
   32    32  Parker Corwin, Fr          19:42    Dowling Catholic     
   33    33  Sebastian Anderson, So     19:45    Roosevelt            
   34    34  Matthew Matternas, So      19:48    Dowling Catholic     
   35    35  Joshua Van Dusseldorp, Fr  19:49    Pella                
   36    36  Michael Libin, So          19:50    Valley               
   37    37  Peter Oswald, So           19:50    Roosevelt            
   38    38  Jack Wahlig, So            19:52    Roosevelt            
   39    39  Brian Todey, Fr            19:52    Ames                 
   40    40  Isaak Schmitt, Fr          19:54    Ames                 
   41    41  Sean Parris, So            19:56    Valley               
   42    42  Zane Johnson, So           19:58    Johnston             
   43    43  Zachary Stoppelmoor, Fr    20:01    Valley               
   44        Ross Thompson, Fr          20:01    Roosevelt            
   45        Zecharia Khalifa, Fr       20:02    Roosevelt            
   46    44  Michael Buma, So           20:04    Pella                
   47    45  Connor Goode, Fr           20:04    Ankeny Centennial    
   48    46  Aaron King, So             20:07    Pella                
   49    47  Dakota Belling, Fr         20:09    Dallas Center Grimes 
   50        Ben Lanham, So             20:09    Valley               
   51        Scott Conner, Fr           20:09    Dowling Catholic     
   52    48  Colton Marshall, So        20:11    Johnston             
   53        Jack House, Fr             20:12    Valley               
   54        Matt Voss, Fr              20:16    Roosevelt            
   55    49  Cole Bickham, So           20:19    Indianola            
   56        Brandon Luong, So          20:19    Valley               
   57    50  Jake Maruth, So            20:20    Ankeny Centennial    
   58    51  Riley Chartier, Fr         20:22    Johnston             
   59        Tristan Clubb, Fr          20:23    Dowling Catholic     
   60    52  Kurt Yaeger, Fr            20:23    Boone                
   61        Alex Smith, So             20:24    Dowling Catholic     
   62    53  Brandon Lynch, So          20:25    Southeast Polk       
   63        Will Gunderson, So         20:26    Roosevelt            
   64        Grant Yersin, Fr           20:33    Valley               
   65        Kyle Kane, So              20:36    Johnston             
   66        Andrew Decker, Fr          20:37    Johnston             
   67    54  Micah Hammann, Fr          20:38    Pella                
   68    55  Evan Welk, Fr              20:39    Ames                 
   69        Ethan Wells, Fr            20:40    Johnston             
   70        Hannes Van Bosch, Fr       20:41    Valley               
   71        Vincent Njani, Fr          20:43    Valley               
   72        Zach Smith, So             20:46    Johnston             
   73    56  Devin Frentress, So        20:47    Southeast Polk       
   74        Justin Gard, Fr            20:48    Johnston             
   75    57  Mario Rocha, So            20:49    Lincoln              
   76    58  Nick Cretors, So           20:52    Dallas Center Grimes 
   77    59  Kai Newell, Fr             20:53    Dallas Center Grimes 
   78    60  Teagan Pierce, Fr          20:54    Dallas Center Grimes 
   79        Thomas Gould, Fr           20:54    Valley               
   80        Matthew Carlson, So        20:56    Ames                 
   81    61  Keatin Joanning, So        20:57    Boone                
   82    62  Andrew Huffman, Fr         20:59    Southeast Polk       
   83        Ian Dean, Fr               21:01    Johnston             
   84    63  Daniel Rivera, So          21:01    Lincoln              
   85        Mike Sassatelli, So        21:05    Dowling Catholic     
   86        Tristan Jones, So          21:05    Valley               
   87    64  Noah Worthington, Fr       21:06    Lincoln              
   88        Sam Volkmer, Fr            21:07    Dowling Catholic     
   89        Josh Dietrich, So          21:07    Dowling Catholic     
   90        Zain Dickinson, So         21:08    Valley               
   91    65  Luke Bell, So              21:09    Indianola            
   92    66  Nolan Bulver, So           21:09    Southeast Polk       
   93        Alanson Tobias, So         21:16    Dowling Catholic     
   94        Mohamed Abdirahman, Fr     21:17    Roosevelt            
   95        Sean McKenzie, So          21:19    Dowling Catholic     
   96    67  Aiden Tunney, Fr           21:20    Ankeny Centennial    
   97    68  Marvin Vasquez, So         21:23    Lincoln              
   98        Matt Bruder, Fr            21:24    Ankeny Centennial    
   99        Alex Weakland, So          21:24    Roosevelt            
  100        James Gaul, Fr             21:26    Pella                
  101    69  Caleb Pilcher, So          21:28    Southeast Polk       
  102        Thomas Bejarno, Fr         21:29    Dowling Catholic     
  103        Jake Darling, Fr           21:30    Johnston             
  104    70  Dudley Yeoman, Fr          21:32    Indianola            
  105        Ryan Clemens, Fr           21:34    Valley               
  106        Isaac Vos, Fr              21:34    Pella                
  107        Tyler Bryant, So           21:38    Valley               
  108        Abbott LaPrade, Fr         21:40    Roosevelt            
  109        Jake Wheeler, So           21:41    Valley               
  110        Christain Anderson, Fr     21:41    Roosevelt            
  111        Seth Tack, So              21:42    Johnston             
  112        Cole Swanson, Fr           21:42    Pella                
  113        Derek Zhang, So            21:42    Dowling Catholic     
  114        Andrew Whitten, So         21:45    Pella                
  115        Lee Taylor, So             21:46    Ames                 
  116        John Danos, So             21:48    Valley               
  117        Zachary Wheeler, So        21:49    Dowling Catholic     
  118        Andrew Hancock, So         21:51    Dowling Catholic     
  119        Nathan Clingman, So        21:52    Valley               
  120        Cole Perez, So             21:57    Dowling Catholic     
  121    71  Nate Thompson, Fr          22:00    Indianola            
  122    72  Marcus Jobes, Fr           22:00    Indianola            
  123        Jack Ohalloran, Fr         22:02    Dowling Catholic     
  124        Micah Wittenberg, So       22:04    Pella                
  125        Logan Morrissey, Sr        22:05    Valley               
  126        Andrew Grandgenett, Fr     22:07    Ames                 
  127        Tyler Follett, So          22:08    Ankeny Centennial    
  128    73  Zeek Pearson, So           22:09    Boone                
  129        Aaron Mann, So             22:12    Ames                 
  130        Matthew Belling, So        22:13    Valley               
  131        Aden Ahmed, So             22:14    Roosevelt            
  132        Peter Dore, So             22:17    Dowling Catholic     
  133        Yongyee Yang, So           22:20    Pella                
  134        Joey Dohrmann, Fr          22:21    Dowling Catholic     
  135    74  Isaac Stich, Fr            22:21    Indianola            
  136        Greg Eckley, Fr            22:22    Roosevelt            
  137        Aidan Palmer, Fr           22:22    Roosevelt            
  138        John Swanda, Fr            22:22    Roosevelt            
  139        Joseph Kramer, Fr          22:23    Dowling Catholic     
  140        Trevor Tyma, So            22:23    Valley               
  141        Ryan Wilson, Fr            22:23    Pella                
  142        Luke Mohan, Fr             22:24    Dowling Catholic     
  143    75  Alex Montalvo, Fr          22:26    Lincoln              
  144        Luke Schemm, Fr            22:27    Pella                
  145        Seth Bickham, Fr           22:28    Indianola            
  146        Nick Bucklew, Fr           22:31    Roosevelt            
  147    76  Ethan Patterson, So        22:38    Boone                
  148        Logan Fredell, So          22:39    Indianola            
  149        John Primeau, Fr           22:44    Roosevelt            
  150        Jack Heikens, So           22:46    Ames                 
  151        Max Wei, So                22:47    Ames                 
  152        Nolan DePover, Fr          22:48    Johnston             
  153    77  Cole Baber, So             22:50    Lincoln              
  154        Curtis Craven, So          22:52    Valley               
  155        Gavin Mumm, So             22:53    Johnston             
  156        Evan Li, So                22:53    Dowling Catholic     
  157        Frank Boksa, So            22:53    Johnston             
  158        Patrick Schmidt, So        22:55    Ames                 
  159        Matt Dolde, Fr             22:55    Johnston             
  160        Thomas Carroll, So         22:56    Dowling Catholic     
  161        Keagan Vershuure, Fr       22:56    Pella                
  162        Sam Linder, So             22:58    Johnston             
  163        Taylor Boysen, So          22:58    Johnston             
  164        Ben Tack, So               23:00    Johnston             
  165        Sean Hilzendeger, So       23:00    Valley               
  166    78  Jaden Ter Beek, Fr         23:03    Boone                
  167        Luke Fernando, So          23:05    Ames                 
  168        Ryan Helton, So            23:06    Ames                 
  169        Sam Coleman, Fr            23:06    Dowling Catholic     
  170        Bryan Friestad, So         23:10    Johnston             
  171        Isaac Schrauben, So        23:12    Pella                
  172        Benjamin Vogel, So         23:18    Pella                
  173    79  Caleb Sturtz, So           23:21    Southeast Polk       
  174        Gus Mote, Fr               23:23    Dowling Catholic     
  175        Nate Peterson, So          23:29    Southeast Polk       
  176    80  Will Horak, Fr             23:33    Dallas Center Grimes 
  177        Matt Lowe, Fr              23:35    Valley               
  178        Juan Dominguez, So         23:35    Lincoln              
  179        Larson Udrovich, Fr        23:37    Roosevelt            
  180        Trevor Lynch, Fr           23:38    Dowling Catholic     
  181        Eric Friesth, So           23:38    Johnston             
  182        Preston Firkins, Fr        23:39    Valley               
  183        Mike Roozenboom, So        23:39    Pella                
  184        Will Madson, Fr            23:40    Johnston             
  185        Satchel Perlowski, Fr      23:42    Roosevelt            
  186        Zachary Nunnikhoven, So    23:45    Pella                
  187    81  Jacob Smiley, So           23:48    Boone                
  188        Caleb Meyer, So            23:48    Lincoln              
  189        Maximillian Califf, So     23:49    Valley               
  190        Jonah Gehrke, So           23:54    Johnston             
  191        Thomas Rial, Fr            24:02    Roosevelt            
  192        Matt Watson, So            24:02    Valley               
  193    82  Ben Sturbenz, Fr           24:03    Dallas Center Grimes 
  194        Carter Burmester, Fr       24:04    Valley               
  195        Ben Popken, So             24:07    Ames                 
  196        Collin Christy, So         24:07    Dowling Catholic     
  197        Henry Gunderson, So        24:07    Roosevelt            
  198        Blake Richards, Fr         24:09    Valley               
  199        Michael Castallano, Fr     24:11    Dowling Catholic     
  200        Quyen Duong, So            24:15    Roosevelt            
  201        Micah Criscuolo, So        24:20    Pella                
  202        Trevor Fletcher, So        24:24    Valley               
  203        Josiah Trost, Fr           24:27    Johnston             
  204        Cory Suedmeier, So         24:30    Ankeny Centennial    
  205        Kevin Kieu, So             24:31    Valley               
  206        Connor Johnson, Fr         24:42    Roosevelt            
  207        Christian Leonard, Fr      24:47    Dowling Catholic     
  208        Tom Le, Fr                 24:51    Valley               
  209        Alex Kagame, So            25:10    Roosevelt            
  210        Thomas Wilson, So          25:18    Ames                 
  211        Nick Hawkins, So           25:18    Valley               
  212        Tanner Zimmerman, So       25:25    Indianola            
  213        Chris Hartley, Fr          25:28    Johnston             
  214        Zachary Kobes, Fr          25:31    Dowling Catholic     
  215        Alex Stambach, Fr          25:33    Southeast Polk       
  216        Nick Beattie, Fr           25:33    Southeast Polk       
  217        Matthew Kerton, Fr         25:33    Ames                 
  218        Craig Miller, So           25:34    Pella                
  219        Joseph Gaiser, So          25:35    Pella                
  220        Sam Hixson, Fr             25:39    Valley               
  221        Noah Givant, Fr            25:49    Valley               
  222        Jack Sytsma, So            25:57    Pella                
  223        Nick Winter, Fr            26:00    Johnston             
  224        Allan Juarez, Fr           26:04    Johnston             
  225        Jack Romp, Fr              26:29    Roosevelt            
  226        Devin Mutch, So            26:52    Johnston             
  227        Alexander Palensky, So     27:00    Ames                 
  228        William Buttermore, So     27:04    Ames                 
  229        Alex Nguyen, Fr            27:30    Roosevelt            
  230        Giovanni Tenikat, Fr       27:32    Lincoln              
  231        Nate Kouri, So             27:34    Dowling Catholic     
  232        Zachary Tanchinh, Fr       27:48    Valley               
  233        Cordell Parks, So          28:15    Southeast Polk       
  234        Edgar Castro-Rodriguez, So 28:39    Lincoln              
  235        Cameron Yoder, Fr          28:46    Roosevelt            
  236        Lucas Duenwald, So         28:53    Pella                
  237        Nick Sult, Fr              28:58    Pella                
  238        Dylan Kramer, Fr           29:04    Pella                
  239        Austin Caldwell, So        29:17    Roosevelt            
  240        Jacob Soe, So              29:32    Roosevelt            

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