44th Indianola XC Invite JV Girls

Pickard Park - Indianola, Iowa

Sep. 22, 2011

60s and Perfect XC Weather

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

MS Boys

F/S Girls

F/S Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Waukee                   49    1    5    6   11   26   69   71    16:40    1:39
  2 Urbandale                64    3    4    8   24   25   33   36    16:52    1:16
  3 Ankeny                   65    2    9   10   12   32   41   45    16:49    1:30
  4 Dowling Catholic         91    7   14   21   22   27   38   68    17:08    1:11
  5 Indianola               124   15   17   18   31   43   47   48    17:23    1:14
  6 Valley                  171   13   23   35   49   51   58   61    17:45    1:35
  7 Johnston                175   20   29   34   42   50   65   72    17:51    1:07
  8 Pella                   201   16   30   44   54   57   60   66    17:57    1:33
  9 Ames                    209   19   39   46   52   53   55   62    18:01    1:15
 10 Southeast Polk          220   28   37   40   56   59   63   64    18:07    0:52
 11 Boone                   359   67   70   73   74   75              21:30    5:28

Incomplete Teams: D M Hoover, D M North
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Waukee
    1  Ainslie Horras, Jr         16:00  
    5  Claire Martin, Jr          16:28  
    6  Taylor Officer, Jr         16:29  
   11  Megan Shryack, Jr          16:44  
   26  Shelby Klumpers, Sr        17:39  
   69  Makayla Tendall, Sr        19:20  
   71  Amanda Jackson, Sr         19:49  
Total Time = 1:23:18     Total Places = 49

2. Urbandale
    3  Kayla Gajewsky, So         16:19  
    4  Kylie Bradley, Jr          16:25  
    8  Courtney Long, Jr          16:34  
   24  Jess Mueller, Fr           17:26  
   25  Rachael Brown, Jr          17:35  
   33  Erin Gruba, So             17:48  
   36  Savannah Kannapel, Fr      17:56  
Total Time = 1:24:16     Total Places = 64

3. Ankeny
    2  Alyssa Schinkel, Jr        16:18  
    9  Brooke Long, Sr            16:35  
   10  Alyson Gloria, Sr          16:39  
   12  Brooke Boelman, Sr         16:44  
   32  Maddie Wille, Jr           17:48  
   41  Rachel Schroeder, Jr       18:02  
   45  Ashley Jensen, Sr          18:13  
Total Time = 1:24:03     Total Places = 65

4. Dowling Catholic
    7  Hannah Vestal, Sr          16:30  
   14  Jenna Lee, Jr              16:46  
   21  Abbie Vaughan, So          17:18  
   22  Marrimba Metz, Jr          17:24  
   27  Kelsey Hannam, Sr          17:40  
   38  Megan Meyer, Jr            17:57  
   68  Alex McGuirer, Sr          19:09  
Total Time = 1:25:36     Total Places = 91

5. Indianola
   15  Allie Elliott, Jr          16:56  
   17  Caroline Freese, Sr        16:58  
   18  Rachel Kaale, Jr           17:06  
   31  Megan Wickett, Sr          17:47  
   43  Kendra Perry, Sr           18:10  
   47  Chloe Crain, Jr            18:15  
   48  Lauren Engley, Sr          18:19  
Total Time = 1:26:55     Total Places = 124

6. Valley
   13  Lyndsie Angus, Jr          16:46  
   23  Courtney Young, Jr         17:25  
   35  Alex Kock, Sr              17:55  
   49  Renee Lanham, Jr           18:19  
   51  Kim Sorensen, Jr           18:20  
   58  Lauren Stillman, Jr        18:31  
   61  Kara Nelson, Jr            18:41  
Total Time = 1:28:44     Total Places = 171

7. Johnston
   20  Megan Davis, Sr            17:14  
   29  Mattie Kipp, Jr            17:44  
   34  Nicole Ackerman, Jr        17:53  
   42  D'Autre Ayers, Sr          18:06  
   50  Ali Perman, Jr             18:20  
   65  Ivy Wu, Jr                 18:48  
   72  Monica DeCarlo, Sr         19:57  
Total Time = 1:29:15     Total Places = 175

8. Pella
   16  Sarah Van Maanen, Sr       16:57  
   30  Caitie Hones, Sr           17:45  
   44  Elizabeth DeWolf, Jr       18:11  
   54  Taylor Rennich, Sr         18:23  
   57  Jessica Andersen, Jr       18:29  
   60  Regan Cooper, Sr           18:39  
   66  Jenn Jansen, Sr            18:52  
Total Time = 1:29:43     Total Places = 201

9. Ames
   19  Leigh Ann Honzatko, Jr     17:08  
   39  Bekah May, Jr              17:59  
   46  Kelsey Dennis, Jr          18:14  
   52  Harmony Pace, Jr           18:22  
   53  Dillan Glock, Sr           18:22  
   55  Stephanie Canon, Sr        18:24  
   62  Abigail Moats, Jr          18:43  
Total Time = 1:30:03     Total Places = 209

10. Southeast Polk
   28  Maddie Johannsen, Fr       17:40  
   37  Allison Rogers, Sr         17:57  
   40  Dalanie Murphy, Fr         18:01  
   56  Kalie Savage, Fr           18:27  
   59  Carlee Cutler, So          18:32  
   63  Macy Scully, Fr            18:45  
   64  Madison Fisher, Fr         18:47  
Total Time = 1:30:35     Total Places = 220

11. Boone
   67  Caroline Moffitt, So       19:03  
   70  Kimberly McDaniel, Jr      19:37  
   73  Megan Anderson, So         21:21  
   74  Jesse Norris, Jr           22:58  
   75  Karen Kiesel, Jr           24:31  
Total Time = 1:47:29     Total Places = 359
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Ainslie Horras, Jr         16:00    Waukee               
    2     2  Alyssa Schinkel, Jr        16:18    Ankeny               
    3     3  Kayla Gajewsky, So         16:19    Urbandale            
    4     4  Kylie Bradley, Jr          16:25    Urbandale            
    5     5  Claire Martin, Jr          16:28    Waukee               
    6     6  Taylor Officer, Jr         16:29    Waukee               
    7     7  Hannah Vestal, Sr          16:30    Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Courtney Long, Jr          16:34    Urbandale            
    9     9  Brooke Long, Sr            16:35    Ankeny               
   10    10  Alyson Gloria, Sr          16:39    Ankeny               
   11    11  Megan Shryack, Jr          16:44    Waukee               
   12    12  Brooke Boelman, Sr         16:44    Ankeny               
   13    13  Lyndsie Angus, Jr          16:46    Valley               
   14    14  Jenna Lee, Jr              16:46    Dowling Catholic     
   15    15  Allie Elliott, Jr          16:56    Indianola            
   16    16  Sarah Van Maanen, Sr       16:57    Pella                
   17    17  Caroline Freese, Sr        16:58    Indianola            
   18    18  Rachel Kaale, Jr           17:06    Indianola            
   19    19  Leigh Ann Honzatko, Jr     17:08    Ames                 
   20    20  Megan Davis, Sr            17:14    Johnston             
   21    21  Abbie Vaughan, So          17:18    Dowling Catholic     
   22    22  Marrimba Metz, Jr          17:24    Dowling Catholic     
   23    23  Courtney Young, Jr         17:25    Valley               
   24    24  Jess Mueller, Fr           17:26    Urbandale            
   25    25  Rachael Brown, Jr          17:35    Urbandale            
   26    26  Shelby Klumpers, Sr        17:39    Waukee               
   27    27  Kelsey Hannam, Sr          17:40    Dowling Catholic     
   28    28  Maddie Johannsen, Fr       17:40    Southeast Polk       
   29    29  Mattie Kipp, Jr            17:44    Johnston             
   30    30  Caitie Hones, Sr           17:45    Pella                
   31    31  Megan Wickett, Sr          17:47    Indianola            
   32    32  Maddie Wille, Jr           17:48    Ankeny               
   33    33  Erin Gruba, So             17:48    Urbandale            
   34    34  Nicole Ackerman, Jr        17:53    Johnston             
   35    35  Alex Kock, Sr              17:55    Valley               
   36    36  Savannah Kannapel, Fr      17:56    Urbandale            
   37    37  Allison Rogers, Sr         17:57    Southeast Polk       
   38    38  Megan Meyer, Jr            17:57    Dowling Catholic     
   39    39  Bekah May, Jr              17:59    Ames                 
   40    40  Dalanie Murphy, Fr         18:01    Southeast Polk       
   41    41  Rachel Schroeder, Jr       18:02    Ankeny               
   42    42  D'Autre Ayers, Sr          18:06    Johnston             
   43    43  Kendra Perry, Sr           18:10    Indianola            
   44    44  Elizabeth DeWolf, Jr       18:11    Pella                
   45    45  Ashley Jensen, Sr          18:13    Ankeny               
   46    46  Kelsey Dennis, Jr          18:14    Ames                 
   47    47  Chloe Crain, Jr            18:15    Indianola            
   48        Alison Leonhart, Sr        18:16    Urbandale            
   49    48  Lauren Engley, Sr          18:19    Indianola            
   50    49  Renee Lanham, Jr           18:19    Valley               
   51    50  Ali Perman, Jr             18:20    Johnston             
   52    51  Kim Sorensen, Jr           18:20    Valley               
   53    52  Harmony Pace, Jr           18:22    Ames                 
   54    53  Dillan Glock, Sr           18:22    Ames                 
   55    54  Taylor Rennich, Sr         18:23    Pella                
   56    55  Stephanie Canon, Sr        18:24    Ames                 
   57    56  Kalie Savage, Fr           18:27    Southeast Polk       
   58        Samantha Westphal, Jr      18:29    Urbandale            
   59    57  Jessica Andersen, Jr       18:29    Pella                
   60    58  Lauren Stillman, Jr        18:31    Valley               
   61    59  Carlee Cutler, So          18:32    Southeast Polk       
   62        Sarah Purdy, Sr            18:36    Ankeny               
   63    60  Regan Cooper, Sr           18:39    Pella                
   64        Alyssa Nease, Jr           18:40    Ankeny               
   65        Heather Bickham, Jr        18:40    Indianola            
   66    61  Kara Nelson, Jr            18:41    Valley               
   67    62  Abigail Moats, Jr          18:43    Ames                 
   68    63  Macy Scully, Fr            18:45    Southeast Polk       
   69    64  Madison Fisher, Fr         18:47    Southeast Polk       
   70        Alicia Manning, Sr         18:48    Urbandale            
   71    65  Ivy Wu, Jr                 18:48    Johnston             
   72        Meggie Royer, Jr           18:49    Ames                 
   73    66  Jenn Jansen, Sr            18:52    Pella                
   74        Jessica Detrick, Sr        18:56    Ankeny               
   75        Jennifer Zoutte, So        18:58    Southeast Polk       
   76        Marlis Owen, Sr            19:00    Southeast Polk       
   77        Emily Hall, Jr             19:01    Ames                 
   78        Allison Schaaf, Jr         19:02    Ankeny               
   79        Sarah Leonhart, So         19:02    Urbandale            
   80    67  Caroline Moffitt, So       19:03    Boone                
   81        Kim Moothart, So           19:04    Urbandale            
   82        Anai Perez, Jr             19:05    Valley               
   83        Kaitie Sturtz, Sr          19:06    Ankeny               
   84    68  Alex McGuirer, Sr          19:09    Dowling Catholic     
   85        Amanda Rogers, So          19:10    Southeast Polk       
   86        Kate Guendel, Jr           19:11    Valley               
   87        Dana Junk, Jr              19:12    Ankeny               
   88        Jordan Krysa, Jr           19:12    Valley               
   89        Whitney Fisher, Jr         19:14    Ankeny               
   90        Taylor Palensky, Jr        19:16    Ames                 
   91        Abby Hart, Sr              19:18    Indianola            
   92        Felicia Vlieger, So        19:19    Southeast Polk       
   93    69  Makayla Tendall, Sr        19:20    Waukee               
   94        Chelsey Shuey, Sr          19:21    Ames                 
   95        Madison Doren, Jr          19:23    Pella                
   96        Marielle Gaiber            19:24    Pella                
   97        Mia Shin, Sr               19:26    Ames                 
   98        Leila Redler, Jr           19:28    Pella                
   99        Emily Maruth, Jr           19:29    Ankeny               
  100        Hailey Garton, Jr          19:29    Urbandale            
  101        Kayla Volkmer, Sr          19:34    Dowling Catholic     
  102        Kayla Beener, Sr           19:35    Indianola            
  103        Kaitlin Bundt, Sr          19:35    Ankeny               
  104    70  Kimberly McDaniel, Jr      19:37    Boone                
  105        Lydia Penningroth, Sr      19:43    Urbandale            
  106        Hanna Roberts, Jr          19:43    Valley               
  107        Katie Garrison, Sr         19:45    Southeast Polk       
  108        Katelyn Strauss, Jr        19:46    Valley               
  109        Lina Dohm, Sr              19:47    Ankeny               
  110    71  Amanda Jackson, Sr         19:49    Waukee               
  111        Elizabeth Verhoef, Jr      19:49    Pella                
  112        Holiday Fagan, Jr          19:50    Ankeny               
  113        Ashland Alitz, Sr          19:50    Southeast Polk       
  114        Erin Marshall, Jr          19:52    Valley               
  115        Catherine Harder, Sr       19:54    Ankeny               
  116        Amanda Salazar, Jr         19:56    Valley               
  117    72  Monica DeCarlo, Sr         19:57    Johnston             
  118        Brooke Volz, Jr            20:01    Ankeny               
  119        Liz Reams, Jr              20:02    Indianola            
  120        Janae VerHelst, Sr         20:04    Ames                 
  121        Alex McGinnis, Sr          20:05    Indianola            
  122        Sarah Marnin, Sr           20:08    Ames                 
  123        Sophie Deam, Sr            20:09    Ames                 
  124        Emma Miller, So            20:14    D M Hoover           
  125        Rebecca Nikl, Sr           20:14    Ankeny               
  126        Renee Brown, Fr            20:15    Urbandale            
  127        Isabella Engblom, Jr       20:17    Johnston             
  128        Taylor Gwiasda, Sr         20:18    Ames                 
  129        Alexa Brown, Jr            20:18    Indianola            
  130        Sam Coady, Jr              20:19    Ankeny               
  131        Sarah Davis, Jr            20:19    Pella                
  132        Rae Corrigan, Jr           20:20    Indianola            
  133        Mallory Keeney, Jr         20:21    Indianola            
  134        Kailey Kerr, Sr            20:22    Johnston             
  135        Amanda Ratcliff, Jr        20:22    Valley               
  136        Carrie Packer, Sr          20:29    Ames                 
  137        Julia Weiner, Sr           20:34    Ankeny               
  138        Delia Cotos, Jr            20:36    Ames                 
  139        Taylor Williams, Sr        20:36    Ames                 
  140        Hannah Wittenberg, Jr      20:37    Pella                
  141        Heather Van Wyk, Jr        20:37    Pella                
  142        Virginia Bantz, Jr         20:37    Valley               
  143        Hannah Theis, Sr           20:40    Dowling Catholic     
  144        Claire Boeke, Sr           20:44    Ames                 
  145        Maggie Madison, Jr         20:44    Valley               
  146        Megan Grubb, Sr            20:45    Indianola            
  147        Anna Doud, Sr              20:46    Dowling Catholic     
  148        Sam Snodgrass, Sr          20:47    D M North            
  149        Chantal Koehler, Sr        20:52    Johnston             
  150        Emma Thorgaard, Sr         20:55    Ames                 
  151        Katrina Henderson, Sr      21:00    Ames                 
  152        Rachel Carlson, Jr         21:01    Waukee               
  153        Luchang Wang, Sr           21:02    Valley               
  154        Emily Brehm-Stecher, Sr    21:03    Ames                 
  155        Emma Goldsmith, Sr         21:04    Dowling Catholic     
  156        Claire Haney, Sr           21:07    Dowling Catholic     
  157        Candy Grandados, Jr        21:12    D M North            
  158        Sammie Hildreth, Sr        21:14    Johnston             
  159        Rachel Dieter, Jr          21:16    Ames                 
  160    73  Megan Anderson, So         21:21    Boone                
  161        Katie Upah, So             21:25    Ames                 
  162        Ellen Jeffries, Sr         21:28    Urbandale            
  163        Erin Carey, Sr             21:30    Ankeny               
  164        Jessica Boertje, Sr        21:30    Pella                
  165        Mercy Ommaid, Jr           21:30    Ames                 
  166        Chloe Langenberg, Jr       21:31    Ames                 
  167        Mia Bashich, Sr            21:40    Urbandale            
  168        Carissa Bowie, Fr          21:45    Southeast Polk       
  169        Nicole Benson, Jr          21:47    Urbandale            
  170        Megan Brady, Sr            21:48    Valley               
  171        Caitlyn Kavan, Sr          21:54    D M North            
  172        Morgan Decker, Sr          21:55    Waukee               
  173        Ellen Thiel, Sr            22:03    Ames                 
  174        Kailee Pierson, Jr         22:09    Ankeny               
  175        Keenan Portz, Jr           22:10    Dowling Catholic     
  176        Paloma Ramirez, Jr         22:16    Ames                 
  177        Yena Balekyani, Jr         22:19    Urbandale            
  178        Hannah Thayer, Sr          22:23    Johnston             
  179        Claire VanTreeck, Jr       22:31    Indianola            
  180        Alyssa Palas, Sr           22:37    Ames                 
  181        Emma Griffiths, Jr         22:45    Valley               
  182    74  Jesse Norris, Jr           22:58    Boone                
  183        Evin Smith, So             23:07    Valley               
  184        Kristin Wagenknecht, Jr    23:10    Valley               
  185        Maia Clipsham, Sr          23:11    Ames                 
  186        Halei Hustedt, Sr          23:25    Ames                 
  187        Erika Van Wyk, Jr          23:32    Pella                
  188        Erin Atchison, Fr          23:40    D M Hoover           
  189        Maddie Wignall, Jr         23:45    Ankeny               
  190        Alax Kell, So              23:57    Indianola            
  191        Lauren Kenny, Sr           23:59    Ames                 
  192        Deisy Arce, Jr             24:07    D M North            
  193        Alexis Frisby, Fr          24:09    Southeast Polk       
  194        Megan Watson, Fr           24:25    Urbandale            
  195        Christine Simonsen, Fr     24:26    Southeast Polk       
  196    75  Karen Kiesel, Jr           24:31    Boone                
  197        Maddie Buckley, Sr         24:34    Johnston             
  198        Andria Rider, So           24:42    D M Hoover           
  199        Sydney Peterson, Jr        24:55    Ankeny               
  200        Sydney Dixon, Fr           27:00    D M Hoover           
  201        Dani Leih, Sr              27:59    Indianola            

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