44th Indianola XC Invite 9-10 Girls

Pickard Park - Indianola, Iowa

Sep. 22, 2011

60s and Perfect XC Weather

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

MS Boys

F/S Girls

F/S Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Johnston                 54    2    7   10   12   23   25   31    17:09    1:09
  2 Waukee                   63    4    5    9   16   29   56   57    17:13    1:13
  3 Ankeny Centennial        68    1    3   13   24   27   34   35    17:10    1:36
  4 Pella                    91   11   15   18   21   26   32   33    17:33    0:29
  5 Valley                  135    8   20   28   38   41   42   43    18:00    1:42
  6 Ames                    176   17   30   40   44   45   49   52    18:32    1:41
  7 Ankeny                  183    6   36   46   47   48   50   53    18:45    2:46
  8 Dowling Catholic        200   14   22   51   54   59   60         20:09    7:55
  9 Indianola               208   19   37   39   55   58              19:33    4:51

Incomplete Teams: D M North
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston
    2  Sandra Kromminga, Fr       16:32  
    7  Abby Puk, Fr               17:00  
   10  Lydia Sinclair, So         17:14  
   12  Ellen Bennett, Fr          17:21  
   23  Sarah Kromminga, Fr        17:41  
   25  Anne Rogers, Fr            17:48  
   31  Natalie Coomes, Fr         18:02  
Total Time = 1:25:45     Total Places = 54

2. Waukee
    4  Olivia Prohaska, Fr        16:45  
    5  Keely Smith, So            16:45  
    9  Savannah Oswald, Fr        17:07  
   16  Sydney Slagter, So         17:32  
   29  Madison Flesch, So         17:57  
   56  Samantha Storts, Fr        20:41  
   57  Lanna Whitlock, So         20:45  
Total Time = 1:26:03     Total Places = 63

3. Ankeny Centennial
    1  Dana Vogel, So             16:13  
    3  Haley Jacobs, So           16:40  
   13  Maddie Meter, Fr           17:22  
   24  Katelyn Melcher, So        17:45  
   27  Molly Doruska, Fr          17:49  
   34  Jade Peterson, Fr          18:11  
   35  Erin Burdt, Fr             18:16  
Total Time = 1:25:48     Total Places = 68

4. Pella
   11  Lydia Van Ee, Fr           17:19  
   15  Sydney Swanson, So         17:26  
   18  Katie Canfield, Fr         17:33  
   21  Kelsey Brown, Fr           17:37  
   26  Becky Visser, So           17:48  
   32  Aemelia Vande Lune, Fr     18:05  
   33  Laura Kleven, Fr           18:08  
Total Time = 1:27:41     Total Places = 91

5. Valley
    8  Hannah Baysinger, Fr       17:06  
   20  Mary Lowe, Fr              17:35  
   28  Maddie Foust, So           17:55  
   38  Amanda Brown, So           18:38  
   41  Jessica Gomez, So          18:48  
   42  Jessi Bierbaum, Fr         18:57  
   43  Maddie Hamborg, So         19:05  
Total Time = 1:30:00     Total Places = 135

6. Ames
   17  Zoe Sirotiak, Fr           17:32  
   30  Taylor Ryken, So           17:58  
   40  Margie Fernando, So        18:47  
   44  Shay Haverkamp, So         19:12  
   45  Kaitlyn Barr, Fr           19:13  
   49  Ruby Boman, So             19:42  
   52  Carissa Roberts, Fr        20:00  
Total Time = 1:32:40     Total Places = 176

7. Ankeny
    6  Stefanie Jensen, So        16:50  
   36  Taylor Francis, So         18:19  
   46  Perri Benna, So            19:29  
   47  Kiley Spoth, So            19:29  
   48  Alena Peterson, So         19:35  
   50  Kiersten Wright, Fr        19:43  
   53  Kelsey Buttolph, So        20:06  
Total Time = 1:33:41     Total Places = 183

8. Dowling Catholic
   14  Claire Hartlieb, Fr        17:24  
   22  Angela Davis, So           17:38  
   51  Emily Hill, So             19:55  
   54  Caela Derry, Fr            20:29  
   59  Elizabeth Godwin, So       25:19  
   60  Kaliana Villa, So          27:31  
Total Time = 1:40:42     Total Places = 200

9. Indianola
   19  Erin Halterman, So         17:33  
   37  Madeline Green, Fr         18:32  
   39  Katie Nichols, Fr          18:43  
   55  Brylie Wiedmaier, Fr       20:31  
   58  Tess Davis, So             22:24  
Total Time = 1:37:41     Total Places = 208
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Dana Vogel, So             16:13    Ankeny Centennial    
    2     2  Sandra Kromminga, Fr       16:32    Johnston             
    3     3  Haley Jacobs, So           16:40    Ankeny Centennial    
    4     4  Olivia Prohaska, Fr        16:45    Waukee               
    5     5  Keely Smith, So            16:45    Waukee               
    6     6  Stefanie Jensen, So        16:50    Ankeny               
    7     7  Abby Puk, Fr               17:00    Johnston             
    8     8  Hannah Baysinger, Fr       17:06    Valley               
    9     9  Savannah Oswald, Fr        17:07    Waukee               
   10    10  Lydia Sinclair, So         17:14    Johnston             
   11    11  Lydia Van Ee, Fr           17:19    Pella                
   12    12  Ellen Bennett, Fr          17:21    Johnston             
   13    13  Maddie Meter, Fr           17:22    Ankeny Centennial    
   14    14  Claire Hartlieb, Fr        17:24    Dowling Catholic     
   15    15  Sydney Swanson, So         17:26    Pella                
   16    16  Sydney Slagter, So         17:32    Waukee               
   17    17  Zoe Sirotiak, Fr           17:32    Ames                 
   18    18  Katie Canfield, Fr         17:33    Pella                
   19    19  Erin Halterman, So         17:33    Indianola            
   20    20  Mary Lowe, Fr              17:35    Valley               
   21    21  Kelsey Brown, Fr           17:37    Pella                
   22    22  Angela Davis, So           17:38    Dowling Catholic     
   23    23  Sarah Kromminga, Fr        17:41    Johnston             
   24    24  Katelyn Melcher, So        17:45    Ankeny Centennial    
   25    25  Anne Rogers, Fr            17:48    Johnston             
   26    26  Becky Visser, So           17:48    Pella                
   27    27  Molly Doruska, Fr          17:49    Ankeny Centennial    
   28    28  Maddie Foust, So           17:55    Valley               
   29    29  Madison Flesch, So         17:57    Waukee               
   30    30  Taylor Ryken, So           17:58    Ames                 
   31    31  Natalie Coomes, Fr         18:02    Johnston             
   32        Emma Thayer, Fr            18:04    Johnston             
   33        Haley Daughhetee, Fr       18:04    Johnston             
   34    32  Aemelia Vande Lune, Fr     18:05    Pella                
   35    33  Laura Kleven, Fr           18:08    Pella                
   36    34  Jade Peterson, Fr          18:11    Ankeny Centennial    
   37    35  Erin Burdt, Fr             18:16    Ankeny Centennial    
   38    36  Taylor Francis, So         18:19    Ankeny               
   39        Erica Thacker, Fr          18:20    Johnston             
   40        Maya Evans, Fr             18:23    Ankeny Centennial    
   41        Ronnoja Ayers, So          18:32    Johnston             
   42    37  Madeline Green, Fr         18:32    Indianola            
   43        Taylor Knight, Fr          18:34    Ankeny Centennial    
   44        Natalia Espinosa, So       18:34    Pella                
   45    38  Amanda Brown, So           18:38    Valley               
   46        Amy Keech, Fr              18:42    Johnston             
   47    39  Katie Nichols, Fr          18:43    Indianola            
   48    40  Margie Fernando, So        18:47    Ames                 
   49    41  Jessica Gomez, So          18:48    Valley               
   50        Taryn Ernst, Fr            18:48    Pella                
   51    42  Jessi Bierbaum, Fr         18:57    Valley               
   52        Sydney Maras, Fr           19:03    Johnston             
   53    43  Maddie Hamborg, So         19:05    Valley               
   54        Katie Broman, Fr           19:07    Valley               
   55    44  Shay Haverkamp, So         19:12    Ames                 
   56    45  Kaitlyn Barr, Fr           19:13    Ames                 
   57        Mani Manektala, Fr         19:23    Valley               
   58    46  Perri Benna, So            19:29    Ankeny               
   59    47  Kiley Spoth, So            19:29    Ankeny               
   60        Janelle Madsen, So         19:32    Valley               
   61    48  Alena Peterson, So         19:35    Ankeny               
   62        Courtney Mithelman, Fr     19:38    Johnston             
   63    49  Ruby Boman, So             19:42    Ames                 
   64        Alicia Munoz, Fr           19:42    Pella                
   65    50  Kiersten Wright, Fr        19:43    Ankeny               
   66    51  Emily Hill, So             19:55    Dowling Catholic     
   67        Rachel Bakey, So           20:00    Valley               
   68    52  Carissa Roberts, Fr        20:00    Ames                 
   69        Elizabeth Reed, Fr         20:02    Valley               
   70        Rachel Slezak, Fr          20:06    Valley               
   71    53  Kelsey Buttolph, So        20:06    Ankeny               
   72        Kathryn Waddingham, So     20:07    Ankeny Centennial    
   73        Shelby Costello, So        20:08    Johnston             
   74        Georgia Carroll, Fr        20:09    Johnston             
   75        Ashley Hodne, So           20:12    Ankeny               
   76        Amanda Jensen, So          20:14    Johnston             
   77        Jordynn Formaro, So        20:18    Ankeny               
   78        Rachael Busch, Fr          20:27    Ames                 
   79        Kayley DeVos, Fr           20:27    Pella                
   80        Ruchira Shekar, Fr         20:27    Johnston             
   81    54  Caela Derry, Fr            20:29    Dowling Catholic     
   82    55  Brylie Wiedmaier, Fr       20:31    Indianola            
   83        Megan Diesslin, So         20:36    Ames                 
   84        Taylor Kilstrom, So        20:38    Johnston             
   85    56  Samantha Storts, Fr        20:41    Waukee               
   86        Kelsey Caffrey, Fr         20:43    Johnston             
   87        Audrey Carew, Fr           20:44    Ankeny Centennial    
   88        Naomi Peterson, So         20:44    Ames                 
   89    57  Lanna Whitlock, So         20:45    Waukee               
   90        Kelly Knoff, So            20:46    Valley               
   91        Sophie Gunnink, So         20:47    Valley               
   92        Lena Schibrowski, So       20:48    Valley               
   93        Paige Roszhart, Fr         20:50    Waukee               
   94        Sirina Reed, So            20:51    Ankeny               
   95        Skylar Wetzel, So          20:53    Ankeny               
   96        Kristine Shaw, So          21:19    Ames                 
   97        Cassie Runyan, So          21:22    Ankeny               
   98        Anna Bourke, Fr            21:33    Ames                 
   99        Ella Bartlett, Fr          21:41    Ames                 
  100        Lillian Keitges, Fr        21:45    Ames                 
  101        Jasmine Beecham, So        21:48    Ankeny               
  102        Rachael Krysa, Fr          21:48    Valley               
  103        Maddie McMinn, Fr          21:49    Ames                 
  104        Allison Zieser, Fr         22:02    Valley               
  105        Ali Baumann, Fr            22:02    Valley               
  106        Andie Newell, Fr           22:03    Ames                 
  107        Kalason Weier, So          22:23    Valley               
  108    58  Tess Davis, So             22:24    Indianola            
  109        Sara Renaud, Fr            22:38    Ankeny               
  110        Claire Young, So           22:40    Valley               
  111        Kelli Schulte, So          23:00    Valley               
  112        Megan Russell, Fr          23:07    D M North            
  113        Sierra Cruz, So            23:29    Valley               
  114        Sydney DeGeest, So         23:52    Ames                 
  115        Alexandria Cao, Fr         24:19    Valley               
  116        Lillia Lepak, So           24:21    Ankeny               
  117        Jennie Lee, So             24:21    Ames                 
  118    59  Elizabeth Godwin, So       25:19    Dowling Catholic     
  119        Christine Orlanes, So      27:04    Ankeny               
  120        Amber Smith, Fr            27:30    Ankeny               
  121    60  Kaliana Villa, So          27:31    Dowling Catholic     
  122        Karli Bruxvoort, So        35:30    Pella                

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