
2010 Little Hawkeye Conference Meet Varsity Girls

Pine Knolls, Knoxville

Oct. 11, 2010

Sunny, 78 degrees

Results by Knoxville Cross Country

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var. Girls


Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 Pella                    35    1    7    8    9   10   11   18  16:49.8  1:06.6

  2 South Tama County        87    4    6   15   30   32   39   47  17:41.6  2:11.0

  3 Knoxville                94    3   16   24   25   26   29   42  17:51.0  1:46.1

  4 Oskaloosa Hs            122    5   19   23   35   40   50   52  18:13.7  2:35.4

  5 Grinnell                128   13   21   27   33   34   38       18:21.2  1:18.5

  6 Norwalk                 130   12   22   28   31   37   43       18:24.0  1:36.7

  7 Newton                  153   14   17   36   41   45   51       18:46.4  2:29.7

  8 Pella Christian High    160    2   20   44   46   48   49   53  19:00.2  4:01.1


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Pella

    1  Gabi Meirick, 2            16:05.7    6:34

    7  Sarah Wittenberg, 4        16:51.0    6:53

    8  Abby Fyfe, 1               16:54.0    6:54

    9  Hanna Martin, 3            17:06.1    6:59

   10  Mariah Vande Lune, 4       17:12.3    7:01

   11  Christina Hibbard, 4       17:19.0    7:04

   18  Catie Hones, 3             17:55.4    7:19

Total Time = 1:24:09.0     Total Places = 35

2. South Tama County

    4  Kelsey Kupka, 2            16:37.6    6:47

    6  Taylor Ellenbecker, 1      16:42.6    6:49

   15  Samantha Frundle, 3        17:40.3    7:13

   30  Erin Filloon, 1            18:39.0    7:37

   32  Megan Wanatee, 2           18:48.6    7:41

   39  Katelyn Behounek, 3        19:09.3    7:49

   47  Amanda Husak, 3            20:27.5    8:21

Total Time = 1:28:28.0     Total Places = 87

3. Knoxville

    3  Alissa VanKlootwyk, 3      16:35.1    6:46

   16  Hannah Wallace, 3          17:46.7    7:15

   24  Kathy Adrian, 3            18:12.9    7:26

   25  Courtney Hughes, 1         18:19.4    7:29

   26  Amy Turner, 4              18:21.1    7:29

   29  Lydia Anderson, 2          18:37.5    7:36

   42  Emily Klootwyk, 3          19:21.2    7:54

Total Time = 1:29:15.0     Total Places = 94

4. Oskaloosa Hs

    5  Brooke VanHouweling, 3     16:39.4    6:48

   19  Kelsey Roquet, 1           18:01.2    7:21

   23  Stephanie Smith, 2         18:12.3    7:26

   35  Meghan Toubekis, 2         19:00.9    7:46

   40  Riley Berg, 1              19:14.8    7:51

   50  Gabi Boxler, 3             20:59.5    8:34

   52  Mirjana Vidakovic, 4       21:20.0    8:42

Total Time = 1:31:08.4     Total Places = 122

5. Grinnell

   13  Nora Tjossem, 4            17:33.7    7:10

   21  Jennifer Dysart, 4         18:08.0    7:24

   27  Lisa Burnell, 2            18:21.6    7:30

   33  Jenna Staroska, 4          18:50.6    7:41

   34  Ann Menner, 3              18:52.1    7:42

   38  Amber Kracht, 2            19:06.5    7:48

Total Time = 1:31:45.8     Total Places = 128

6. Norwalk

   12  Sarah Adams, 2             17:29.3    7:08

   22  Alexa Berkenpas, 3         18:09.8    7:25

   28  Cassidy Gornick, 2         18:27.7    7:32

   31  Hali VanVelzen, 2          18:47.3    7:40

   37  Olivia Bratt, 3            19:06.0    7:48

   43  Brooke Westphalen, 1       19:35.0    8:00

Total Time = 1:31:59.9     Total Places = 130

7. Newton

   14  Alexis DesPlanque, 2       17:36.6    7:11

   17  Josie Thurmond, 2          17:51.7    7:17

   36  Jenny Johnson, 2           19:02.2    7:46

   41  Sarah Penning, 3           19:15.0    7:51

   45  Kandice Brekenridge, 1     20:06.3    8:12

   51  Mariah Doland, 3           21:03.8    8:36

Total Time = 1:33:51.7     Total Places = 153

8. Pella Christian High 

    2  Sarah Brandsen, 3          16:32.7    6:45

   20  Michaela Martin, 4         18:03.5    7:22

   44  Alec Breon, 1              19:35.3    8:00

   46  Megan Ferguson, 4          20:15.5    8:16

   48  Krista Fopma, 3            20:33.8    8:24

   49  Abbie Fincel, 4            20:35.7    8:24

   53  Maria Van Wolde, 2                0

Total Time = 1:35:00.7     Total Places = 160


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Gabi Meirick, 2            16:05.7    6:34  Pella                

    2     2  Sarah Brandsen, 3          16:32.7    6:45  Pella Christian High  

    3     3  Alissa VanKlootwyk, 3      16:35.1    6:46  Knoxville            

    4     4  Kelsey Kupka, 2            16:37.6    6:47  South Tama County    

    5     5  Brooke VanHouweling, 3     16:39.4    6:48  Oskaloosa Hs         

    6     6  Taylor Ellenbecker, 1      16:42.6    6:49  South Tama County    

    7     7  Sarah Wittenberg, 4        16:51.0    6:53  Pella                

    8     8  Abby Fyfe, 1               16:54.0    6:54  Pella                

    9     9  Hanna Martin, 3            17:06.1    6:59  Pella                

Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   10    10  Mariah Vande Lune, 4       17:12.3    7:01  Pella                

   11    11  Christina Hibbard, 4       17:19.0    7:04  Pella                

   12    12  Sarah Adams, 2             17:29.3    7:08  Norwalk              

   13    13  Nora Tjossem, 4            17:33.7    7:10  Grinnell             

   14    14  Alexis DesPlanque, 2       17:36.6    7:11  Newton               

   15    15  Samantha Frundle, 3        17:40.3    7:13  South Tama County    

   16    16  Hannah Wallace, 3          17:46.7    7:15  Knoxville            

   17    17  Josie Thurmond, 2          17:51.7    7:17  Newton               

   18    18  Catie Hones, 3             17:55.4    7:19  Pella                

   19    19  Kelsey Roquet, 1           18:01.2    7:21  Oskaloosa Hs         

   20    20  Michaela Martin, 4         18:03.5    7:22  Pella Christian High  

   21    21  Jennifer Dysart, 4         18:08.0    7:24  Grinnell             

   22    22  Alexa Berkenpas, 3         18:09.8    7:25  Norwalk              

   23    23  Stephanie Smith, 2         18:12.3    7:26  Oskaloosa Hs         

   24    24  Kathy Adrian, 3            18:12.9    7:26  Knoxville            

   25    25  Courtney Hughes, 1         18:19.4    7:29  Knoxville            

   26    26  Amy Turner, 4              18:21.1    7:29  Knoxville            

   27    27  Lisa Burnell, 2            18:21.6    7:30  Grinnell             

   28    28  Cassidy Gornick, 2         18:27.7    7:32  Norwalk              

   29    29  Lydia Anderson, 2          18:37.5    7:36  Knoxville            

   30    30  Erin Filloon, 1            18:39.0    7:37  South Tama County    

   31    31  Hali VanVelzen, 2          18:47.3    7:40  Norwalk              

   32    32  Megan Wanatee, 2           18:48.6    7:41  South Tama County    

   33    33  Jenna Staroska, 4          18:50.6    7:41  Grinnell             

   34    34  Ann Menner, 3              18:52.1    7:42  Grinnell             

   35    35  Meghan Toubekis, 2         19:00.9    7:46  Oskaloosa Hs         

   36    36  Jenny Johnson, 2           19:02.2    7:46  Newton               

   37    37  Olivia Bratt, 3            19:06.0    7:48  Norwalk              

   38    38  Amber Kracht, 2            19:06.5    7:48  Grinnell             

   39    39  Katelyn Behounek, 3        19:09.3    7:49  South Tama County    

   40    40  Riley Berg, 1              19:14.8    7:51  Oskaloosa Hs         

   41    41  Sarah Penning, 3           19:15.0    7:51  Newton               

   42    42  Emily Klootwyk, 3          19:21.2    7:54  Knoxville            

Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   43    43  Brooke Westphalen, 1       19:35.0    8:00  Norwalk              

   44    44  Alec Breon, 1              19:35.3    8:00  Pella Christian High  

   45    45  Kandice Brekenridge, 1     20:06.3    8:12  Newton               

   46    46  Megan Ferguson, 4          20:15.5    8:16  Pella Christian High  

   47    47  Amanda Husak, 3            20:27.5    8:21  South Tama County    

   48    48  Krista Fopma, 3            20:33.8    8:24  Pella Christian High  

   49    49  Abbie Fincel, 4            20:35.7    8:24  Pella Christian High  

   50    50  Gabi Boxler, 3             20:59.5    8:34  Oskaloosa Hs         

   51    51  Mariah Doland, 3           21:03.8    8:36  Newton               

   52    52  Mirjana Vidakovic, 4       21:20.0    8:42  Oskaloosa Hs         

   53    53  Maria Van Wolde, 2                0  Pella Christian High  

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