
2010 Little Hawkeye Conference Meet Junior Varsity Boys

Pine Knolls, Knoxville

Oct. 11, 2010

Sunny, 78 degrees

Results by Knoxville Cross Country

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var. Girls


Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 Pella                    15    1    2    3    4    5    8   12  17:46.0  0:16.5

  2 Grinnell                 55    7   10   11   13   14   15   16  18:19.6  0:32.1

  3 Knoxville                69    6    9   17   18   19   21   22  18:36.1  1:13.6

  4 Norwalk                 119   20   23   24   25   27   28   29  20:31.8  2:22.7

  5 Newton                  152   26   30   31   32   33   34       24:04.0  5:17.5

Incomplete Teams: Oskaloosa Hs, Pella Christian High , South Tama County


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Pella

    1  Cj Davis-Kovarik, 1        17:36.1    5:40

    2  Alex Ropes, 3              17:40.0    5:41

    3  Brett Schouten, 4          17:49.3    5:44

    4  Paul Andersen, 3           17:52.1    5:45

    5  Jon Verhoef, 4             17:52.6    5:45

    8  Colton Haning, 3           18:08.4    5:50

   12  Chris Mitchell, 4          18:23.1    5:55

Total Time = 1:28:49.9     Total Places = 15

2. Grinnell

    7  Luc Moisan, 2              18:01.4    5:48

   10  Will Hamilton, 2           18:17.1    5:53

   11  Isaac McFee, 1             18:22.1    5:54

   13  Sam Burt, 2                18:23.8    5:55

   14  Ben Cunningham, 3          18:33.5    5:58

   15  Tim Kahl, 4                18:34.0    5:58

   16  Jesse Lang, 4              18:48.8    6:03

Total Time = 1:31:37.7     Total Places = 55

3. Knoxville

    6  Matt Beary, 3              17:53.7    5:45

    9  Travis Rasmussen, 3        18:13.3    5:52

   17  Matt Hollingshead, 2       18:49.9    6:03

   18  Brad Shearer, 1            18:56.1    6:05

   19  Chris Norman, 3            19:07.3    6:09

   21  Bret Carter, 4             19:36.7    6:18

   22  Nathan Raymie, 2           19:37.0    6:18

Total Time = 1:33:00.1     Total Places = 69

4. Norwalk

   20  Salem Hildebrandt, 1       19:28.8    6:16

   23  Marcus Johnson, 3          20:02.9    6:27

   24  Michael Bockholt, 2        20:16.1    6:31

   25  Brad Chase, 3              20:59.9    6:45

   27  Jake Kaul, 2               21:51.4    7:02

   28  Brandon Britt, 4           21:52.1    7:02

   29  Kyle Warren, 1             22:08.7    7:07

Total Time = 1:42:39.0     Total Places = 119

5. Newton

   26  Devin Miller, 2            21:00.9    6:45

   30  Gunner Shipley, 3          23:29.3    7:33

   31  Cal Fisher, 3              24:29.4    7:52

   32  David Patterson, 3         25:02.3    8:03

   33  Brad Valdez, 1             26:18.4    8:28

   34  Connor Claypool, 1         26:32.6    8:32

Total Time = 2:00:20.0     Total Places = 152


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Cj Davis-Kovarik, 1        17:36.1    5:40  Pella                

    2     2  Alex Ropes, 3              17:40.0    5:41  Pella                

    3     3  Brett Schouten, 4          17:49.3    5:44  Pella                

    4     4  Paul Andersen, 3           17:52.1    5:45  Pella                

    5     5  Jon Verhoef, 4             17:52.6    5:45  Pella                

    6     6  Matt Beary, 3              17:53.7    5:45  Knoxville            

    7     7  Luc Moisan, 2              18:01.4    5:48  Grinnell             

    8     8  Colton Haning, 3           18:08.4    5:50  Pella                

    9     9  Travis Rasmussen, 3        18:13.3    5:52  Knoxville            

   10    10  Will Hamilton, 2           18:17.1    5:53  Grinnell             

   11    11  Isaac McFee, 1             18:22.1    5:54  Grinnell             

   12    12  Chris Mitchell, 4          18:23.1    5:55  Pella                

   13    13  Sam Burt, 2                18:23.8    5:55  Grinnell             

   14        Mitch Shepperd, 2          18:29.2    5:57  Pella                

   15        Brennan Mejia, 3           18:32.6    5:58  Pella                

   16        Aaron Houtz, 1             18:33.3    5:58  Pella                

   17    14  Ben Cunningham, 3          18:33.5    5:58  Grinnell             

   18    15  Tim Kahl, 4                18:34.0    5:58  Grinnell             

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   19        Josh Whitten, 2            18:42.4    6:01  Pella                

   20        Joseph Heschke, 3          18:45.5    6:02  Pella                

   21        Rick Williamson, 4         18:48.1    6:03  Pella                

   22    16  Jesse Lang, 4              18:48.8    6:03  Grinnell             

   23    17  Matt Hollingshead, 2       18:49.9    6:03  Knoxville            

   24        Shaun Sokol, 3             18:53.1    6:04  Pella                

   25    18  Brad Shearer, 1            18:56.1    6:05  Knoxville            

   26        Zach Hall, 4               18:57.4    6:06  Grinnell             

   27        Jordan Van Maanen, 3       18:57.9    6:06  Pella Christian High  

   28        Michael Etnyre, 2          19:05.3    6:08  Pella                

   29    19  Chris Norman, 3            19:07.3    6:09  Knoxville            

   30        Austin Davis, 3            19:08.1    6:09  Pella                

   31        Bailey Tripp, 2            19:08.8    6:09  Pella                

   32        Kollin Schaudt, 2          19:11.6    6:10  Pella                

   33        O'Neill Goltz, 4           19:18.7    6:13  Grinnell             

   34    20  Salem Hildebrandt, 1       19:28.8    6:16  Norwalk              

   35        Cassidy Blom, 1            19:30.1    6:16  Pella                

   36        Tanner Phelps, 1           19:31.3    6:17  Pella                

   37        Jon Lensing, 3             19:35.9    6:18  Pella Christian High  

   38    21  Bret Carter, 4             19:36.7    6:18  Knoxville            

   39    22  Nathan Raymie, 2           19:37.0    6:18  Knoxville            

   40        Mitchell Nunnikhoven, 3    19:40.0    6:19  Pella                

   41        Brenden Finan, 1           19:43.5    6:21  Knoxville            

   42        Justin Katich, 3           19:44.5    6:21  Knoxville            

   43        Kyle Irland, 4             19:46.9    6:22  Grinnell             

   44        Andy Hardine, 3            19:47.3    6:22  Pella                

   45        Jordan Angove, 1           19:47.8    6:22  Knoxville            

   46    23  Marcus Johnson, 3          20:02.9    6:27  Norwalk              

   47    24  Michael Bockholt, 2        20:16.1    6:31  Norwalk              

   48        Jesus Castanon, 4          20:18.1    6:32  South Tama County    

   49        Andrew Lockridge, 2        20:22.6    6:33  Pella                

   50        Alex Boots, 1              20:24.3    6:34  Pella                

   51        Cole Simon, 1              20:41.3    6:39  Grinnell             

   52        Jarrin Ford, 2             20:42.9    6:40  Grinnell             

   53        Nick Shepperd, 4           20:44.1    6:40  Pella                

   54        Matt Kissinger, 2          20:44.5    6:40  Pella                

   55        Shane Anderson, 3          20:50.7    6:42  Knoxville            

   56    25  Brad Chase, 3              20:59.9    6:45  Norwalk              

   57    26  Devin Miller, 2            21:00.9    6:45  Newton               

   58        Darik Kooistra, 3          21:02.4    6:46  Pella                

   59        Brett Howard, 3            21:03.5    6:46  Pella                

   60        Levi Heschke, 1            21:06.0    6:47  Pella                

   61        Ben Robertson, 2           21:09.1    6:48  Pella                

   62        Brady Vande Voort, 1       21:24.9    6:53  Pella                

   63        Tyler Swanson, 3           21:34.6    6:56  Pella                

   64        Zach Hopkins, 3            21:42.0    6:59  Pella                

   65        Jay Fresh, 3               21:44.2    6:59  Knoxville            

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   66        Seth Vander Horst, 4       21:45.9    7:00  Pella                

   67        James Stittsworth, 2       21:46.4    7:00  Knoxville            

   68        Jacob Chamberland, 1       21:49.3    7:01  Grinnell             

   69    27  Jake Kaul, 2               21:51.4    7:02  Norwalk              

   70    28  Brandon Britt, 4           21:52.1    7:02  Norwalk              

   71        Jared Alcorn, 3            21:59.4    7:04  Pella                

   72        Ben Ellis, 1               22:00.9    7:05  Grinnell             

   73    29  Kyle Warren, 1             22:08.7    7:07  Norwalk              

   74        Jamie Stoffel, 2           22:09.5    7:07  Norwalk              

   75        David Goemaat, 1           22:19.2    7:11  Knoxville            

   76        Billy Williams, 2          22:23.0    7:12  Knoxville            

   77        Zach Vander Hoek, 3        22:34.2    7:15  Pella                

   78        Dallas VanDorin, 1         22:51.7    7:21  Knoxville            

   79        Kolton Kapple, 3           23:07.3    7:26  Grinnell             

   80        Patrick Budding, 3         23:07.8    7:26  Grinnell             

   81        Shaun Van Welden, 4        23:12.0    7:28  Pella                

   82        Josh Larsen, 2             23:14.2    7:28  Grinnell             

   83        Chris Sharpe, 1            23:17.9    7:29  Grinnell             

   84        Nolan Murphy, 1            23:19.2    7:30  Norwalk              

   85        Luke Brady, 3              23:29.0    7:33  Knoxville            

   86    30  Gunner Shipley, 3          23:29.3    7:33  Newton               

   87        Bridger Deaton, 3          23:29.5    7:33  Pella                

   88        Tyler McClain, 3           23:42.0    7:37  Knoxville            

   89        Dwayne Johnson, 3          23:49.5    7:40  South Tama County    

   90        Colin Shaul, 2             23:55.5    7:42  Norwalk              

   91        Jake Simpson, 2            24:00.2    7:43  Norwalk              

   92        Luke Kordick, 4            24:05.5    7:45  Norwalk              

   93        Nick Eginoire, 3           24:05.7    7:45  Norwalk              

   94    31  Cal Fisher, 3              24:29.4    7:52  Newton               

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   95        Emory White, 4             25:00.0    8:02  Oskaloosa Hs         

   96    32  David Patterson, 3         25:02.3    8:03  Newton               

   97        David Dykstra, 1           25:08.9    8:05  Pella                

   98        Ben Reichert, 1            25:28.2    8:11  Knoxville            

   99        Eric Moore, 4              25:37.7    8:14  Pella                

  100    33  Brad Valdez, 1             26:18.4    8:28  Newton               

  101    34  Connor Claypool, 1         26:32.6    8:32  Newton               

  102        Charlie Comfort, 4         27:00.0    8:41  Oskaloosa Hs         

  103        Brody Van Berkum, 3        27:11.3    8:45  Pella                

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