Ankeny XC Invitational JV Boys

DMACC - Ankeny, Iowa

Sep. 30, 2010

70 degrees at start, perfect weather

Results by Cal Murdock

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Dowling Catholic         20    1    2    4    6    7   10   19    17:25    0:21
  2 Valley                   50    3    5   11   15   16   20   31    17:45    0:36
  3 Ames                     96   13   14   17   22   30   32   33    18:11    0:48
  4 D M Roosevelt           107    8   21   25   26   27   46   47    18:21    0:56
  5 Ankeny                  111    9   12   23   29   38   42   44    18:21    1:21
  6 Johnston                139   18   24   28   34   35   39   50    18:34    0:48
  7 Southeast Polk          226   41   43   45   48   49   51   54    19:23    0:22
  8 Mason City              257   36   40   53   63   65   68   70    20:12    2:44
  9 D M Lincoln             280   52   55   56   57   60   61   64    20:25    0:48
 10 D M Hoover              282   37   58   59   62   66   67   69    20:40    3:03

Incomplete Teams: D M East
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dowling Catholic
    1  Jake Zenk, Sr              17:14  
    2  Michael Meyer, Sr          17:16  
    4  Tom Lensing, Jr            17:28  
    6  Charlie Jones, So          17:32  
    7  Aj Stork, Sr               17:34  
   10  Nick Coleman, Sr           17:46  
   19  Collan Murray, Sr          18:11  
Total Time = 1:27:01     Total Places = 20

2. Valley
    3  Dylan Courtney, Sr         17:25  
    5  Clark Baldus, Jr           17:31  
   11  Bernie Saggau, Jr          17:50  
   15  Scott Oman, Sr             17:58  
   16  Dan Sales, Sr              18:00  
   20  Alex Day, Jr               18:13  
   31  Zeke Gunnink, Sr           18:40  
Total Time = 1:28:42     Total Places = 50

3. Ames
   13  Macen VanAllen, Sr         17:53  
   14  Johnny Hadish, Jr          17:56  
   17  Sam Ennis, Jr              18:01  
   22  Nich Scallon, Sr           18:27  
   30  Bryan Graveline, Jr        18:40  
   32  Kevin Smith, Jr            18:41  
   33  Malcolm Squire, Sr         18:46  
Total Time = 1:30:55     Total Places = 96

4. D M Roosevelt
    8  Matt Mackay, Jr            17:39  
   21  Joe Kastner, So            18:26  
   25  Graham Oman, Fr            18:31  
   26  Benton McClaran, Jr        18:33  
   27  Joe Messina, Jr            18:35  
   46  Steve Snyder, Jr           19:23  
   47  Trevor Neary, Sr           19:24  
Total Time = 1:31:42     Total Places = 107

5. Ankeny
    9  Logan Dengler, So          17:43  
   12  Matthew Peterson, Jr       17:52  
   23  Eric Lathrop, Sr           18:28  
   29  Paul McCleary, Sr          18:36  
   38  Andrew Gunn, Jr            19:04  
   42  Tommy Howard, Jr           19:14  
   44  Brandal Wagener, Jr        19:20  
Total Time = 1:31:41     Total Places = 111

6. Johnston
   18  Lincoln Eppard, Sr         18:04  
   24  Hank Mandsager, Sr         18:30  
   28  Chase Wallace, Jr          18:36  
   34  Jacob Foutch, Sr           18:48  
   35  Chris Coble, Sr            18:52  
   39  Lucas Wittman, Jr          19:04  
   50  Chris Caracci, Jr          19:50  
Total Time = 1:32:47     Total Places = 139

7. Southeast Polk
   41  Sam German, Sr             19:12  
   43  Mike Buchanan, Jr          19:18  
   45  Austin Osmundson, Jr       19:20  
   48  Tanner O'Connor, Jr        19:33  
   49  Eric Angeroth Franks, Sr   19:34  
   51  Ben Moeller, Jr            19:51  
   54  Todd Bulver, Jr            20:07  
Total Time = 1:36:54     Total Places = 226

8. Mason City
   36  Nick Riesen, Jr            18:55  
   40  Tommy Stepleton, Jr        19:07  
   53  Trey Cavanaugh, Sr         19:58  
   63  Casey Thompson, Sr         21:18  
   65  Zach Wilson, Jr            21:39  
   68  Kyle Goranson, Jr          23:18  
   70  Josh Pals, Sr              25:26  
Total Time = 1:40:56     Total Places = 257

9. D M Lincoln
   52  Caleb Smith, So            19:56  
   55  Jacob Holland, Sr          20:21  
   56  Awan Gak, Sr               20:32  
   57  Finn Hoogensen, Fr         20:33  
   60  Jose De Jesus Alvarez, So  20:44  
   61  Skyler Marquis, Sr         20:55  
   64  Sam Sides, Fr              21:29  
Total Time = 1:42:03     Total Places = 280

10. D M Hoover
   37  Kaleb Vancleve             18:59  
   58  Zach Doyle, Jr             20:33  
   59  Sam Duncan, Sr             20:34  
   62  Ian Pierson, Sr            21:11  
   66  Alex Woods, Jr             22:01  
   67  Jordan Provost, Jr         22:51  
   69  William Bolte, Sr          25:18  
Total Time = 1:43:18     Total Places = 282
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Jake Zenk, Sr              17:14    Dowling Catholic     
    2     2  Michael Meyer, Sr          17:16    Dowling Catholic     
    3     3  Dylan Courtney, Sr         17:25    Valley               
    4     4  Tom Lensing, Jr            17:28    Dowling Catholic     
    5     5  Clark Baldus, Jr           17:31    Valley               
    6     6  Charlie Jones, So          17:32    Dowling Catholic     
    7     7  Aj Stork, Sr               17:34    Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Matt Mackay, Jr            17:39    D M Roosevelt        
    9     9  Logan Dengler, So          17:43    Ankeny               
   10    10  Nick Coleman, Sr           17:46    Dowling Catholic     
   11    11  Bernie Saggau, Jr          17:50    Valley               
   12    12  Matthew Peterson, Jr       17:52    Ankeny               
   13    13  Macen VanAllen, Sr         17:53    Ames                 
   14    14  Johnny Hadish, Jr          17:56    Ames                 
   15    15  Scott Oman, Sr             17:58    Valley               
   16    16  Dan Sales, Sr              18:00    Valley               
   17    17  Sam Ennis, Jr              18:01    Ames                 
   18    18  Lincoln Eppard, Sr         18:04    Johnston             
   19    19  Collan Murray, Sr          18:11    Dowling Catholic     
   20    20  Alex Day, Jr               18:13    Valley               
   21    21  Joe Kastner, So            18:26    D M Roosevelt        
   22    22  Nich Scallon, Sr           18:27    Ames                 
   23    23  Eric Lathrop, Sr           18:28    Ankeny               
   24    24  Hank Mandsager, Sr         18:30    Johnston             
   25        Marcus Fardal, Jr          18:31    Dowling Catholic     
   26    25  Graham Oman, Fr            18:31    D M Roosevelt        
   27    26  Benton McClaran, Jr        18:33    D M Roosevelt        
   28    27  Joe Messina, Jr            18:35    D M Roosevelt        
   29    28  Chase Wallace, Jr          18:36    Johnston             
   30    29  Paul McCleary, Sr          18:36    Ankeny               
   31    30  Bryan Graveline, Jr        18:40    Ames                 
   32    31  Zeke Gunnink, Sr           18:40    Valley               
   33    32  Kevin Smith, Jr            18:41    Ames                 
   34        Stijn Hentzen, Jr          18:45    Valley               
   35    33  Malcolm Squire, Sr         18:46    Ames                 
   36        Andrew Filipp, Sr          18:46    Valley               
   37    34  Jacob Foutch, Sr           18:48    Johnston             
   38    35  Chris Coble, Sr            18:52    Johnston             
   39        Conner Vandeventer, Jr     18:55    Valley               
   40    36  Nick Riesen, Jr            18:55    Mason City           
   41        Brad Haupts, Jr            18:56    Dowling Catholic     
   42        Robbie Helgason, Sr        18:58    Dowling Catholic     
   43        Stephen Wilson, Sr         18:58    Ames                 
   44    37  Kaleb Vancleve             18:59    D M Hoover           
   45        Mitch McCoy, Jr            19:02    Valley               
   46    38  Andrew Gunn, Jr            19:04    Ankeny               
   47    39  Lucas Wittman, Jr          19:04    Johnston             
   48        Hunter Levis, Jr           19:05    Valley               
   49    40  Tommy Stepleton, Jr        19:07    Mason City           
   50        Khoda Samir, Jr            19:09    Ames                 
   51    41  Sam German, Sr             19:12    Southeast Polk       
   52        Chris Dahl, Sr             19:14    Valley               
   53    42  Tommy Howard, Jr           19:14    Ankeny               
   54    43  Mike Buchanan, Jr          19:18    Southeast Polk       
   55        Jacob Herr, Jr             19:19    Valley               
   56    44  Brandal Wagener, Jr        19:20    Ankeny               
   57    45  Austin Osmundson, Jr       19:20    Southeast Polk       
   58    46  Steve Snyder, Jr           19:23    D M Roosevelt        
   59    47  Trevor Neary, Sr           19:24    D M Roosevelt        
   60        Alex Jacobs, Sr            19:25    Valley               
   61        Jacob Hoogensen, Jr        19:26    Valley               
   62        Kolyn Drake, Jr            19:32    Ankeny               
   63    48  Tanner O'Connor, Jr        19:33    Southeast Polk       
   64    49  Eric Angeroth Franks, Sr   19:34    Southeast Polk       
   65        Blaise Rothwell, Jr        19:42    D M Roosevelt        
   66        Elijah Cherry, Jr          19:46    Valley               
   67        Ben Johnson, Sr            19:48    Ankeny               
   68        Trevor Bridge, Jr          19:48    Valley               
   69        Jake Harry, Sr             19:49    Dowling Catholic     
   70    50  Chris Caracci, Jr          19:50    Johnston             
   71    51  Ben Moeller, Jr            19:51    Southeast Polk       
   72        Brandon Friedrich, Sr      19:53    Ames                 
   73        Cullen Mahoney, Jr         19:55    Ankeny               
   74    52  Caleb Smith, So            19:56    D M Lincoln          
   75        Ben Sevcik, Sr             19:57    Dowling Catholic     
   76        Jeffrey Pflanz, Sr         19:58    Valley               
   77    53  Trey Cavanaugh, Sr         19:58    Mason City           
   78        Thomas Thatcher, Sr        20:01    Johnston             
   79        Sam Kirk, Jr               20:02    Dowling Catholic     
   80        John Silka, Jr             20:03    Valley               
   81        Will Eldredge, Jr          20:04    Valley               
   82        Alex Peterson, Jr          20:05    Johnston             
   83        Kyle Roode, Jr             20:06    Ankeny               
   84    54  Todd Bulver, Jr            20:07    Southeast Polk       
   85        Zak Huebner, Sr            20:08    Southeast Polk       
   86        Brad Vannoy, Sr            20:10    Southeast Polk       
   87        Mirza Besic, Jr            20:13    Johnston             
   88        Jacob Folvag, Sr           20:15    Ankeny               
   89        Isaac Tyrrel, Jr           20:17    Valley               
   90    55  Jacob Holland, Sr          20:21    D M Lincoln          
   91        Darren Johnson, Jr         20:29    Ames                 
   92        Max Rice, Jr               20:31    D M Roosevelt        
   93    56  Awan Gak, Sr               20:32    D M Lincoln          
   94        John Jurgens, Jr           20:32    D M Roosevelt        
   95    57  Finn Hoogensen, Fr         20:33    D M Lincoln          
   96    58  Zach Doyle, Jr             20:33    D M Hoover           
   97    59  Sam Duncan, Sr             20:34    D M Hoover           
   98        Joe Carroll, Jr            20:38    Dowling Catholic     
   99        Sam Reichenbacker, Jr      20:41    Ankeny               
  100        Jordan Suby, Jr            20:43    Ankeny               
  101    60  Jose De Jesus Alvarez, So  20:44    D M Lincoln          
  102        Josh Sutton, Jr            20:48    Valley               
  103        Nathan Zbylicki, Sr        20:53    Valley               
  104        Ricardo San Elias, Jr      20:54    D M East             
  105    61  Skyler Marquis, Sr         20:55    D M Lincoln          
  106        David Habhab, Jr           21:02    Ames                 
  107        Neil Gerstein, Sr          21:05    Ames                 
  108        Daniel Noysz, Jr           21:11    Valley               
  109    62  Ian Pierson, Sr            21:11    D M Hoover           
  110    63  Casey Thompson, Sr         21:18    Mason City           
  111        Henry Seidlin, Sr          21:21    Valley               
  112        Peter Scott, Sr            21:26    Ames                 
  113        Austin Schenkelberg, Jr    21:28    Johnston             
  114    64  Sam Sides, Fr              21:29    D M Lincoln          
  115        Morgan White, Jr           21:30    Dowling Catholic     
  116        Jason Zinkula, Sr          21:32    D M Lincoln          
  117        Stephen Todey, Sr          21:33    Ames                 
  118        Derek Jacobson, Sr         21:38    Johnston             
  119    65  Zach Wilson, Jr            21:39    Mason City           
  120        Quyen Diep, Sr             21:42    D M Lincoln          
  121        Joel Rosenberg, Sr         21:47    Ames                 
  122        Cory Melin, Sr             21:58    Dowling Catholic     
  123        Phil Molnar, Jr            21:59    Ankeny               
  124        Stephen Jones, Jr          22:01    Southeast Polk       
  125    66  Alex Woods, Jr             22:01    D M Hoover           
  126        Ean Johnson, Jr            22:05    Southeast Polk       
  127        Christian Lucht, Fr        22:06    D M Lincoln          
  128        Jake Keesee, Sr            22:07    Southeast Polk       
  129        Evan Fischer, Jr           22:09    Southeast Polk       
  130        Drew Waters, Sr            22:29    D M Roosevelt        
  131        Lucas Roach, Jr            22:30    Southeast Polk       
  132    67  Jordan Provost, Jr         22:51    D M Hoover           
  133        Victor Blumauer, Jr        22:54    D M Lincoln          
  134        David Lee, Sr              22:56    Ames                 
  135        Lucas Norris, Sr           23:00    D M Lincoln          
  136    68  Kyle Goranson, Jr          23:18    Mason City           
  137        Hunter Hall, So            23:19    D M East             
  138        Spencer Nicewarner, Jr     23:24    Valley               
  139        Peter Jok, So              23:37    D M Roosevelt        
  140        William Doan, Sr           24:03    D M Lincoln          
  141        Ben Lein, So               24:06    D M East             
  142        Brennan Veal, Jr           24:06    D M Roosevelt        
  143        Daniel Meyer, Sr           24:09    Johnston             
  144        Christopher Vasquez, Jr    24:33    D M Lincoln          
  145        Michael Petroski, Sr       24:37    D M Roosevelt        
  146        Andy Tetmeyer, Sr          24:47    Southeast Polk       
  147        Aj Lewis, So               24:48    D M Lincoln          
  148        Joel Heilman, Jr           24:54    Ames                 
  149    69  William Bolte, Sr          25:18    D M Hoover           
  150        Kieran Sweeney, Sr         25:20    Southeast Polk       
  151    70  Josh Pals, Sr              25:26    Mason City           
  152        Brandon Bruscher, So       25:32    D M East             
  153        Bryce Plew, Jr             25:34    Johnston             
  154        Nicolas Orrante, Fr        26:40    D M Hoover           
  155        Cody Kokemiller, Jr        27:59    Southeast Polk       
  156        Tommy Gibson, Sr           29:10    Mason City           
  157        Lucas Kroneman, Sr             D M Roosevelt        

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