Ankeny XC Invitational 9-10 Boys (place 6-20, times?)

DMACC - Ankeny, Iowa

Sep. 30, 2010

70 degrees at start, perfect weathe

Results by Cal Murdock

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Dowling Catholic         33    2    3    4   11   13   14   18    17:50    0:34
  2 Valley                   53    6    7    8   12   20   21   22    18:05    0:50
  3 Ames                     87    1    9   15   30   32   34   35    18:31    2:05
  4 Johnston                 94    5   17   19   26   27   29   37    18:36    1:17
  5 Ankeny                  143   10   16   36   40   41   43   44    19:15    2:10
  6 Mason City              151   23   25   31   33   39   48   49    19:23    0:59
  7 Southeast Polk          191   24   28   38   50   51   52   53    20:02    2:19
  8 D M Roosevelt           234   42   45   46   47   54   55   56    21:08    3:34
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dowling Catholic
    2  Anthony McLean, So         17:33  
    3  Spencer Clark, Fr          17:43  
    4  Joshua Harry, So           17:46  
   11  Ian McKenzie, Fr           18:02  
   13  Jonathan Hittner, Fr       18:06  
   14  Jack Sackett, Fr           18:07  
   18  Tyler Breed, So            18:29  
Total Time = 1:29:09     Total Places = 33

2. Valley
    6  Matthew Van Natta, So      17:52  
    7  David Daft, So             17:54  
    8  Andrew Yersin, So          17:56  
   12  Jacob Wiemers, Fr          18:04  
   20  Logan Blosser, So          18:41  
   21  Andrew Peterson, So        18:48  
   22  Trevor Schmitt, Fr         18:49  
Total Time = 1:30:24     Total Places = 53

3. Ames
    1  Alex Huang, So             17:29  
    9  Nich Schmitz, So           17:58  
   15  Orion Boylston, So         18:07  
   30  Austin Clark, So           19:29  
   32  Brett Weiss, So            19:34  
   34  Ben Tuggle, So             19:36  
   35  Ian Hansen, Fr             19:37  
Total Time = 1:32:35     Total Places = 87

4. Johnston
    5  Adam Johanson, Fr          17:49  
   17  Josh Boeschen, So          18:24  
   19  Jeremy Caracci, Fr         18:38  
   26  Dakota Weeter, So          19:01  
   27  Sam Altier, So             19:06  
   29  Dalton Handel, So          19:28  
   37  Ethan Moran, Fr            19:39  
Total Time = 1:32:56     Total Places = 94

5. Ankeny
   10  Nick Paulson, Fr           18:00  
   16  Colin Elleby, Fr           18:18  
   36  Brandon Beecham, Fr        19:38  
   40  Alex Selesky, So           20:08  
   41  Josh Nabity, Jr            20:09  
   43  David Peterson, So         20:18  
   44  Kendall Smart, Fr          20:26  
Total Time = 1:36:11     Total Places = 143

6. Mason City
   23  Nick Lala, So              18:54  
   25  Austin Thompson, So        19:00  
   31  Clay Penca, Fr             19:33  
   33  Patrick Rowe, Fr           19:36  
   39  Nick Westendorf, Fr        19:53  
   48  Alex Lang, So              20:50  
   49  Hayes Jorgensen, So        20:59  
Total Time = 1:36:53     Total Places = 151

7. Southeast Polk
   24  Brandon Welch, Fr          18:56  
   28  Tim Roosa, So              19:15  
   38  Patrick Whetstone, So      19:42  
   50  Cody Cockerham, So         21:00  
   51  Jacob Harrington, Fr       21:14  
   52  Grant VonTersch, Fr        21:20  
   53  T J. Merrifield, Fr        21:24  
Total Time = 1:40:06     Total Places = 191

8. D M Roosevelt
   42  Henry Oswald, Fr           20:10  
   45  Caleb Prentice, Fr         20:28  
   46  John Shumway, So           20:39  
   47  Luke Theuma, Fr            20:41  
   54  Jacob Richards, So         23:44  
   55  Henry Fender, So           24:19  
   56  Nick Farrell, Fr           24:20  
Total Time = 1:45:40     Total Places = 234
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Alex Huang, So             17:29    Ames                 
    2     2  Anthony McLean, So         17:33    Dowling Catholic     
    3     3  Spencer Clark, Fr          17:43    Dowling Catholic     
    4     4  Joshua Harry, So           17:46    Dowling Catholic     
    5     5  Adam Johanson, Fr          17:49    Johnston             
    6     6  Matthew Van Natta, So      17:52    Valley               
    7     7  David Daft, So             17:54    Valley               
    8     8  Andrew Yersin, So          17:56    Valley               
    9     9  Nich Schmitz, So           17:58    Ames                 
   10    10  Nick Paulson, Fr           18:00    Ankeny               
   11    11  Ian McKenzie, Fr           18:02    Dowling Catholic     
   12    12  Jacob Wiemers, Fr          18:04    Valley               
   13    13  Jonathan Hittner, Fr       18:06    Dowling Catholic     
   14    14  Jack Sackett, Fr           18:07    Dowling Catholic     
   15    15  Orion Boylston, So         18:07    Ames                 
   16    16  Colin Elleby, Fr           18:18    Ankeny               
   17    17  Josh Boeschen, So          18:24    Johnston             
   18    18  Tyler Breed, So            18:29    Dowling Catholic     
   19        Eddie Arndorfer, So        18:36    Dowling Catholic     
   20        Jd Benson, So              18:37    Dowling Catholic     
   21    19  Jeremy Caracci, Fr         18:38    Johnston             
   22    20  Logan Blosser, So          18:41    Valley               
   23        Riley Rasmussen, So        18:45    Dowling Catholic     
   24    21  Andrew Peterson, So        18:48    Valley               
   25        Jacob Solawetz, So         18:49    Dowling Catholic     
   26    22  Trevor Schmitt, Fr         18:49    Valley               
   27        Jordan Burklund, Fr        18:52    Valley               
   28    23  Nick Lala, So              18:54    Mason City           
   29    24  Brandon Welch, Fr          18:56    Southeast Polk       
   30        Ryan Rasmussen, So         18:59    Dowling Catholic     
   31    25  Austin Thompson, So        19:00    Mason City           
   32    26  Dakota Weeter, So          19:01    Johnston             
   33    27  Sam Altier, So             19:06    Johnston             
   34        Daniel Marcus, Fr          19:13    Valley               
   35    28  Tim Roosa, So              19:15    Southeast Polk       
   36        Tom Maigaard, Fr           19:16    Valley               
   37        Ben Rice, Fr               19:19    Valley               
   38        Nathan Wright, So          19:20    Valley               
   39    29  Dalton Handel, So          19:28    Johnston             
   40    30  Austin Clark, So           19:29    Ames                 
   41        Tyler Butel, So            19:31    Valley               
   42    31  Clay Penca, Fr             19:33    Mason City           
   43    32  Brett Weiss, So            19:34    Ames                 
   44    33  Patrick Rowe, Fr           19:36    Mason City           
   45    34  Ben Tuggle, So             19:36    Ames                 
   46    35  Ian Hansen, Fr             19:37    Ames                 
   47    36  Brandon Beecham, Fr        19:38    Ankeny               
   48        Nicholas Dolan, Fr         19:38    Valley               
   49        Caleb Floss, Fr            19:39    Valley               
   50    37  Ethan Moran, Fr            19:39    Johnston             
   51        Walker McCabe, So          19:40    Valley               
   52        Daniel DeLay, So           19:41    Ames                 
   53    38  Patrick Whetstone, So      19:42    Southeast Polk       
   54        Charlie Mosher, Fr         19:44    Dowling Catholic     
   55        Nikolas Hilzendeger, Fr    19:46    Valley               
   56        Hunter Pruegger, Fr        19:47    Ames                 
   57    39  Nick Westendorf, Fr        19:53    Mason City           
   58        Dominic Mauro, So          20:00    Dowling Catholic     
   59        Seth Daughhetee, So        20:02    Johnston             
   60        Jack Pitsor, Fr            20:06    Dowling Catholic     
   61        Michael Casey, Fr          20:07    Ames                 
   62    40  Alex Selesky, So           20:08    Ankeny               
   63        Andy Bevis, So             20:09    Johnston             
   64    41  Josh Nabity, Jr            20:09    Ankeny               
   65        Mark Kelly, So             20:10    Dowling Catholic     
   66    42  Henry Oswald, Fr           20:10    D M Roosevelt        
   67        James Jiracek, So          20:10    Valley               
   68        Forrest Alibee, So         20:11    Valley               
   69        Ross Palmer, So            20:12    Valley               
   70    43  David Peterson, So         20:18    Ankeny               
   71        Jackson Knoepfler, Fr      20:19    Dowling Catholic     
   72        Nicholas Sauer, So         20:20    Ames                 
   73        Jon Laczniak, So           20:23    Ames                 
   74        Lucas Brandt, So           20:24    Valley               
   75        Daniel Lowe, Fr            20:26    Valley               
   76    44  Kendall Smart, Fr          20:26    Ankeny               
   77    45  Caleb Prentice, Fr         20:28    D M Roosevelt        
   78        Josh Crew, So              20:35    Valley               
   79        Connor Ward, So            20:38    Johnston             
   80        Tyler Witte, So            20:38    Ames                 
   81    46  John Shumway, So           20:39    D M Roosevelt        
   82    47  Luke Theuma, Fr            20:41    D M Roosevelt        
   83        Jake Prebeck, Fr           20:47    Dowling Catholic     
   84        Grant Knake, Fr            20:48    Ankeny               
   85        Logan Barnes, Fr           20:49    Ankeny               
   86    48  Alex Lang, So              20:50    Mason City           
   87        Andrew Richlen, So         20:52    Ankeny               
   88        Hunter Haws, So            20:53    Ankeny               
   89        Tyler Juhl, Fr             20:55    Dowling Catholic     
   90        Colin Creighton, Fr        20:56    Dowling Catholic     
   91        Peter Gartin, So           20:57    Ames                 
   92        Jacob Jansen, Fr           20:57    Johnston             
   93    49  Hayes Jorgensen, So        20:59    Mason City           
   94    50  Cody Cockerham, So         21:00    Southeast Polk       
   95        Jordon Boge, Fr            21:00    Johnston             
   96        Patrick Finnegan, Fr       21:01    Dowling Catholic     
   97        Andy Saigh, Fr             21:03    Dowling Catholic     
   98        Andrew Boge, Fr            21:04    Johnston             
   99        Cole Jones, Fr             21:06    Ankeny               
  100        Nicus Hicks, So            21:06    Ames                 
  101        Kyle Natzke, Fr            21:07    Johnston             
  102        Matt Triplett, Fr          21:07    Dowling Catholic     
  103        Ethan Guge, So             21:12    Valley               
  104        Craig O'Keefe, Fr          21:14    Johnston             
  105    51  Jacob Harrington, Fr       21:14    Southeast Polk       
  106        Brayden Agnitsch, Fr       21:15    Ames                 
  107        Ryan Decker, Fr            21:18    Johnston             
  108        Henry Long, Fr             21:19    Dowling Catholic     
  109    52  Grant VonTersch, Fr        21:20    Southeast Polk       
  110        Dan Happe, So              21:20    Dowling Catholic     
  111        Eliseo Flores, So          21:21    Dowling Catholic     
  112        Layton Windust, So         21:22    Valley               
  113        Ian Kolb, Fr               21:22    Ames                 
  114    53  T J. Merrifield, Fr        21:24    Southeast Polk       
  115        Zack Robinson, So          21:26    Johnston             
  116        Harry Freund               21:30    Valley               
  117        Jesse Coleman, Fr          21:33    Dowling Catholic     
  118        Collin Ten Haken, So       21:34    Valley               
  119        Michael Fear, So           21:39    Valley               
  120        Andrew Noble, So           21:40    Dowling Catholic     
  121        Marcus Estes, Fr           21:42    Southeast Polk       
  122        Jacob Randall, So          21:43    Johnston             
  123        Zach Skarshaug, Fr         21:43    Ames                 
  124        Nick Voortmann, Fr         21:47    Mason City           
  125        Chris Kline, Fr            21:52    Johnston             
  126        Chris Nicolet, Fr          22:01    Valley               
  127        Adam Vail, Fr              22:02    Southeast Polk       
  128        Jacob Brennecke, Fr        22:03    Ankeny               
  129        Andrew Baumgartner, So     22:15    Ames                 
  130        Fabio Caipa, Fr            22:16    Ames                 
  131        Alex Young, Fr             22:17    Mason City           
  132        Nat Bennett, Fr            22:25    Ankeny               
  133        Connor Noonan, Fr          22:29    Ankeny               
  134        Cameron McCaw, Fr          22:32    Ames                 
  135        Jonah Tibbits, Fr          22:38    Ames                 
  136        Zach Boesen, Fr            22:40    Ankeny               
  137        Daniel Stromgren, Fr       23:10    Johnston             
  138        Jacob Evans, Fr            23:14    Southeast Polk       
  139        Brad Robey, So             23:16    Dowling Catholic     
  140        Timothy Greene, Fr         23:32    Ames                 
  141        Ben Hermann, So            23:36    Ankeny               
  142        Daniel Griffen, So         23:41    Ames                 
  143    54  Jacob Richards, So         23:44    D M Roosevelt        
  144        Tyler Gudorf, So           23:53    Dowling Catholic     
  145        Casey Halder, So           23:57    Johnston             
  146        Shane Wiley, So            24:09    Johnston             
  147    55  Henry Fender, So           24:19    D M Roosevelt        
  148    56  Nick Farrell, Fr           24:20    D M Roosevelt        
  149        Granger Carty, Fr          24:22    D M Roosevelt        
  150        Patrick Tingleff, Fr       24:26    Dowling Catholic     
  151        Nolan Wright, So           24:31    Ankeny               
  152        Connor Mutch, Fr           24:32    Johnston             
  153        Kellen Zanders, So         24:41    D M Roosevelt        
  154        Jared Neal, So             24:47    Valley               
  155        Danny Comito, So           24:47    D M Roosevelt        
  156        Alek Benson, So            24:54    Ankeny               
  157        Justin Palas, So           25:00    Ames                 
  158        Blake Edgeton, Jr          25:13    Valley               
  159        Sam Beattie, Fr            25:23    Southeast Polk       
  160        Sergio Acosta, So          26:18    Dowling Catholic     
  161        Tanner Fettinger, Fr       27:19    Ankeny               

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