Washburn Classic-JH XC Meet 7th Grade Girls 4A

Saydel High School

Oct. 18, 2008

50s, sunny, breeze, perfect

Results by Cal Murdock

71A-2A Girls

7 3A Girls

7 4A Girls

8 1A-2A Girls

8 3A Girls

8 4A Girls

7 1A-2A Boys

7 3A Boys

7 4A Boys

8 1A-2A Boys

8 3A Boys

8 4A Boys

Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1   CfdietCherryShasta       19    1    4    5    9   13   14   13:36      1:18
  2   Pv Speedsters            58    2    3   19   34   43   54   14:27      2:40
  3   Mason Mo's               70    8   10   25   27   49   50   14:49      1:27
  4   Cf Hawks                 94    6   17   31   40   51   58   15:14      2:15
  5   Scotts                   96    7   12   29   48             15:16      2:43
 6*   Lm Pack                 102   20   22   24   36   38   42   15:30        49
 7*   Golds                   102   11   26   28   37   41   52   15:25      1:31
 8*   Parkview                115   15   16   39   45   56        15:42      1:31
 9*   M'town                  115   18   21   23   53   57        15:45      2:04
 10   Regis                   146   32   33   35   46   60        16:04        41
 11   Vikings                 176   30   44   47   55   59        16:34      1:57


1. CfdietCherryShasta
    1  Jenny Luksan, 7             12:49  
    4  Abbie Vaughan, 7            13:37  
    5  Angela Davis, 7             13:51  
    9  Addie Schumacher, 7         14:07  
   13  Sarah Michaud, 7            14:56  
   14  Karissa Schweizer, 7        14:58  
Time = 54:22     Places = 19

2. Pv Speedsters
    2  Mickey Malmgren, 7          13:18  
    3  Maddie Reynolds, 7          13:24  
   19  Dana Waterman, 7            15:09  
   34  Brittany Clemons, 7         15:58  
   43  Erin Moser, 7               16:29  
   54  Alyssa Wagenknecht, 7       17:20  
Time = 57:46     Places = 58

3. Mason Mo's
    8  Taylor Richards, 7          14:03  
   10  Katie Penn, 7               14:20  
   25  Kayal Newell, 7             15:25  
   27  Brooke Corcoran, 7          15:29  
   49  Gen Andersen, 7             16:48  
   50  Elizabeth Waythal, 7        16:50  
Time = 59:16     Places = 70

4. Cf Hawks
    6  Molly Gettman, 7            13:56  
   17  Diana Zarate, 7             15:08  
   31  Sophie Mallaro, 7           15:41  
   40  Kelli Dekutoski, 7          16:11  
   51  Zoey Youngblut, 7           16:56  
   58  Kylee Ferrel, 7             19:09  
Time = 1:00:54     Places = 94

5. Scotts
    7  Emily Lane, 7               14:02  
   12  Skylar Brooks, 7            14:45  
   29  Madison Temperly, 7         15:34  
   48  Shelby Sorensen, 7          16:44  
Time = 1:01:02     Places = 96

6*. Lm Pack
   20  Caitlin Novak, 7            15:14  
   22  Brooke Almasi, 7            15:21  
   24  Dana Sublett, 7             15:25  
   36  Jennifer Frank, 7           16:02  
   38  Sarah Maikon, 7             16:06  
   42  Elijah Bell, 7              16:25  
Time = 1:02:01     Places = 102

7*. Golds
   11  Ellen Carmen, 7             14:34  
   26  Daniela Perret, 7           15:27  
   28  Micah Cabbage, 7            15:33  
   37  Emma Greimann, 7            16:05  
   41  Holliday Bender, 7          16:25  
   52  Mary Kelly, 7               17:10  
Time = 1:01:38     Places = 102

8*. Parkview
   15  Kasey Hurt, 7               15:01  
   16  Brienna Ross, 7             15:06  
   39  Hannah Syversen, 7          16:10  
   45  Kiley Spoth, 7              16:31  
   56  Audree Douma, 7             17:59  
Time = 1:02:46     Places = 115

9*. M'town
   18  Phoebe Lynk, 7              15:08  
   21  Chloe Kuehner, 7            15:18  
   23  Wynn Tann, 7                15:22  
   53  Kimmee Schmitt, 7           17:12  
   57  Kelly Vopova, 7             18:06  
Time = 1:02:58     Places = 115

10. Regis
   32  Brianna Didriksen, 7        15:51  
   33  Maddy Gerleman, 7           15:53  
   35  Molly Vipon, 7              15:59  
   46  Grace Winker, 7             16:32  
   60  Meghan Gerke, 7             23:03  
Time = 1:04:13     Places = 146

11. Vikings
   30  Lilian Zhu, 7               15:37  
   44  Kate Anstreicher, 7         16:30  
   47  Sophie Shoultz, 7           16:34  
   55  Michaela Just, 7            17:33  
   59  Anna Furlong, 7             20:11  
Time = 1:06:13     Places = 176

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Jenny Luksan, 7             12:49    CfdietCherryShasta
    2     2  Mickey Malmgren, 7          13:18    Pv Speedsters
    3     3  Maddie Reynolds, 7          13:24    Pv Speedsters
    4        Nicki Bruett, 7             13:24    
    5        Jenny Brown, 7              13:35    Waukee
    6     4  Abbie Vaughan, 7            13:37    CfdietCherryShasta
    7     5  Angela Davis, 7             13:51    CfdietCherryShasta
    8     6  Molly Gettman, 7            13:56    Cf Hawks
    9     7  Emily Lane, 7               14:02    Scotts
   10     8  Taylor Richards, 7          14:03    Mason Mo's
   11     9  Addie Schumacher, 7         14:07    CfdietCherryShasta
   12        Sarah Pfeiffer, 7           14:18    Mighty Muskies
   13    10  Katie Penn, 7               14:20    Mason Mo's
   14    11  Ellen Carmen, 7             14:34    Golds
   15        Rachele Turner, 7           14:42    Mighty Muskies
   16    12  Skylar Brooks, 7            14:45    Scotts
   17        Madeline Taylor, 7          14:51    Summitt
   18        Kayla Sabotin, 7            14:51    Waukee
   19    13  Sarah Michaud, 7            14:56    CfdietCherryShasta
   20    14  Karissa Schweizer, 7        14:58    CfdietCherryShasta
   21    15  Kasey Hurt, 7               15:01    Parkview
   22    16  Brienna Ross, 7             15:06    Parkview
   23    17  Diana Zarate, 7             15:08    Cf Hawks
   24    18  Phoebe Lynk, 7              15:08    M'town
   25    19  Dana Waterman, 7            15:09    Pv Speedsters
   26        Chelsa McGill, 7            15:09    Mighty Muskies
   27    20  Caitlin Novak, 7            15:14    Lm Pack
   28        Claire Hartieb, 7           15:18    CfdietCherryShasta
   29    21  Chloe Kuehner, 7            15:18    M'town
   30    22  Brooke Almasi, 7            15:21    Lm Pack
   31    23  Wynn Tann, 7                15:22    M'town
   32        Samatha Smith, 7            15:24    Grayhounds
   33    24  Dana Sublett, 7             15:25    Lm Pack
   34    25  Kayal Newell, 7             15:25    Mason Mo's
   35    26  Daniela Perret, 7           15:27    Golds
   36    27  Brooke Corcoran, 7          15:29    Mason Mo's
   37    28  Micah Cabbage, 7            15:33    Golds
   38    29  Madison Temperly, 7         15:34    Scotts
   39        Kristin Mackenburg, 7       15:34    McKinley
   40    30  Lilian Zhu, 7               15:37    Vikings
   41        Emily Starman, 7            15:37    Nc Striders
   42    31  Sophie Mallaro, 7           15:41    Cf Hawks
   43        Kendra Vanpelt, 7           15:48    Grayhounds
   44    32  Brianna Didriksen, 7        15:51    Regis
   45    33  Maddy Gerleman, 7           15:53    Regis
   46        Rachael Niehus, 7           15:55    Nc Striders
   47    34  Brittany Clemons, 7         15:58    Pv Speedsters
   48    35  Molly Vipon, 7              15:59    Regis
   49    36  Jennifer Frank, 7           16:02    Lm Pack
   50    37  Emma Greimann, 7            16:05    Golds
   51    38  Sarah Maikon, 7             16:06    Lm Pack
   52    39  Hannah Syversen, 7          16:10    Parkview
   53    40  Kelli Dekutoski, 7          16:11    Cf Hawks
   54        Emily McQuire, 7            16:19    CfdietCherryShasta
   55    41  Holliday Bender, 7          16:25    Golds
   56    42  Elijah Bell, 7              16:25    Lm Pack
   57    43  Erin Moser, 7               16:29    Pv Speedsters
   58    44  Kate Anstreicher, 7         16:30    Vikings
   59    45  Kiley Spoth, 7              16:31    Parkview
   60    46  Grace Winker, 7             16:32    Regis
   61        Taylor Hawkins, 7           16:33    Sepolk
   62    47  Sophie Shoultz, 7           16:34    Vikings
   63        Rachel Tinman, 7            16:37    Sepolk
   64    48  Shelby Sorensen, 7          16:44    Scotts
   65        Jackie Johnson, 7           16:46    Davenport Flyers
   66    49  Gen Andersen, 7             16:48    Mason Mo's
   67    50  Elizabeth Waythal, 7        16:50    Mason Mo's
   68    51  Zoey Youngblut, 7           16:56    Cf Hawks
   69    52  Mary Kelly, 7               17:10    Golds
   70    53  Kimmee Schmitt, 7           17:12    M'town
   71    54  Alyssa Wagenknecht, 7       17:20    Pv Speedsters
   72    55  Michaela Just, 7            17:33    Vikings
   73    56  Audree Douma, 7             17:59    Parkview
   74        Halie Doland, 7             18:03    Newton Reds
   75    57  Kelly Vopova, 7             18:06    M'town
   76        Jamie Dougherty, 7          18:07    Pv Speedsters
   77        Sierra Conway, 7            18:09    Pv Speedsters
   78        Sarah Kearney, 7            18:51    Bulldogs
   79        Angel McLaughlin, 7         18:53    Mason Mo's
   80        Allison Clements, 7         19:07    Nc Striders
   81    58  Kylee Ferrel, 7             19:09    Cf Hawks
   82        Mary Rethwisch, 7           19:31    Golds
   83        Mari Howard-McGuir, 7       19:33    Golds
   84    59  Anna Furlong, 7             20:11    Vikings
   85    60  Meghan Gerke, 7             23:03    Regis
   86        Emma Wortman, 7             23:32    Golds


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