Go-Hawk Invitational, Men, Frosh, 5K

Wartburg Max CC Course, Waverly, Iowa

September 9, 2008

Sunny, 68 Degrees, SW @ 5

Results by Hilltopper Results

Fr. Girls

So. Girls

Jr. Girls

Sr. Girls

Comb. Girls

MS Girls

Fr. Boys

So. boys

Jr. Boys

Sr. Boys

Comb. Boys

MS Boys

Click on the "pace" links to move about the results. Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team.


  1 Denver-Tripoli          34   9  12  13  57              20:09   0:24
  2 Dike-New Hartford       38   1  17  20  22  51  73      19:47   2:51
  3 Waverly-Shell Rock      42   5  14  23  29  37  64  72  20:00   2:24
  4 Webster City            43   2  11  30  34  50  59      19:54   3:22
  5 Waterloo West           47  10  16  21  61              20:26   0:53
  6 Nashua-Plainfield       62   3  18  41  65              20:23   3:53
  7 Charles City            73  19  26  28  42  60  78      21:03   0:41
  8 Hudson                  87   8  31  48  58  69          21:19   2:42
  9 Wapsie Valley           94  15  35  44  47  53  62      21:31   1:59
 10 Decorah                105   4  45  56  63              21:29   5:14
 11 Dubuque Hempstead      128  33  46  49  67              22:14   0:59
 12 North Fayette          155  24  54  77                  24:37   8:39
 13 Jesup                  157  38  39  80                  26:24  13:12
 14 Oelwein                186  40  70  76  79              26:15   7:27
 PLACE          FINISHER           TIME     PACE

1. Denver-Tripoli
    9  Dylan Peters, 9            19:54    6:24
   12  Sawyer Broshar, 9          20:15    6:31
   13  Shane Kirchoff, 9          20:18    6:32
   57  John Stabenow, 9           23:42    7:38
Total Time = 60:26     Total Places = 34

2. Dike-New Hartford
    1  Sloan Beninga, 9           17:59    5:47
   17  Wyatt Eden, 9              20:31    6:36
   20  Ian Darland, 9             20:50    6:42
   22  Tanner Ragsdale, 9         20:59    6:45
   51  Eric Beninga, 9            22:41    7:18
   73  Al Beninga, 9              28:24    9:08
Total Time = 59:19     Total Places = 38

3. Waverly-Shell Rock
    5  Daniel Huff, 9             18:36    5:59
   14  Branden Davis, 9           20:24    6:34
   23  Ben Holdiman, 9            20:59    6:45
   29  Tyler Goodman, 9           21:24    6:53
   37  Drew Rasmussen, 9          21:57    7:04
   64  Dalton Lee, 9              24:37    7:55
   72  Zachary Hodgerson, 9       28:23    9:08
Total Time = 59:59     Total Places = 42

4. Webster City
    2  Mason Powers, 9            18:05    5:49
   11  Derek Turner, 9            20:10    6:29
   30  Jake Hedeen, 9             21:26    6:54
   34  Dustin Conley, 9           21:45    7:00
   50  Andrew Laird, 9            22:37    7:17
   59  James Durivage, 9          23:58    7:43
Total Time = 59:40     Total Places = 43

5. Waterloo West
   10  Nathan Heyerhoff, 9        20:00    6:26
   16  Jake Porter, 9             20:27    6:35
   21  Hunter Lynch, 9            20:53    6:43
   61  Sam Kapler, 9              24:18    7:49
Total Time = 61:18     Total Places = 47

6. Nashua-Plainfield
    3  Kevin Klobassa, 9          18:19    5:54
   18  Blake Dietz, 9             20:37    6:38
   41  Luke Baxter, 9             22:12    7:08
   65  Kory Klingman, 9           24:40    7:56
Total Time = 61:07     Total Places = 62

7. Charles City
   19  Darwin Sta Romana, 9       20:40    6:39
   26  Joe Earney, 9              21:09    6:48
   28  Kyle Bonwell, 9            21:21    6:52
   42  Gabe Wohlers, 9            22:16    7:10
   60  Sina Saeedi, 9             24:13    7:48
   78  Hunter Shultz, 9           31:08   10:01
Total Time = 63:09     Total Places = 73

8. Hudson
    8  Shay Ingles, 9             19:53    6:24
   31  Kyler Rickert, 9           21:31    6:55
   48  Skyler Wendling, 9         22:34    7:16
   58  David Wrage, 9             23:57    7:42
   69  Jamie Medina, 9            26:37    8:34
Total Time = 63:57     Total Places = 87

9. Wapsie Valley
   15  Jordan Wheeler, 9          20:24    6:34
   35  Jake Galleger, 9           21:46    7:00
   44  Joseph Kuhlmann, 9         22:22    7:12
   47  Patrick Graham, 9          22:32    7:15
   53  Tyler Knipp, 9             22:48    7:20
   62  Zach Arthur, 9             24:23    7:51
Total Time = 64:32     Total Places = 94

10. Decorah
    4  Parker Beard, 9            18:24    5:55
   45  Garrett Minear, 9          22:25    7:13
   56  Colin Zidlicky, 9          23:37    7:36
   63  Tage Olson, 9              24:35    7:55
Total Time = 64:26     Total Places = 105

11. Dubuque Hempstead
   33  Nick Berger, 9             21:37    6:57
   46  Bryan Case, 9              22:29    7:14
   49  Ben Yoko, 9                22:36    7:16
   67  Alex Habel, 9              25:13    8:07
Total Time = 66:41     Total Places = 128

12. North Fayette
   24  Matt Campbell, 9           21:07    6:48
   54  Nelson Wiese, 9            22:59    7:24
   77  Tyler Grimm, 9             29:46    9:35
Total Time = 73:51     Total Places = 155

13. Jesup
   38  Cody Marsh, 9              21:59    7:04
   39  Christian Mangrich, 9      22:02    7:05
   80  Cody Haack, 9              35:10   11:19
Total Time = 79:11     Total Places = 157

14. Oelwein
   40  Jed Wilson, 9              22:08    7:07
   70  Christian Johnson, 9       27:02    8:42
   76  Andy Aldrich, 9            29:35    9:31
   79  Drew Suckow, 9             31:35   10:10
Total Time = 78:44     Total Places = 186
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER           TIME     PACE        TEAM

    1     1  Sloan Beninga, 9           17:59    5:47  Dike-New Hartford
    2     2  Mason Powers, 9            18:05    5:49  Webster City
    3     3  Kevin Klobassa, 9          18:19    5:54  Nashua-Plainfield
    4     4  Parker Beard, 9            18:24    5:55  Decorah
    5     5  Daniel Huff, 9             18:36    5:59  Waverly-Shell Rock
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
    6     6  Alex Behrend, 9            19:15    6:12  Waukon
    7     7  Will Blake, 9              19:47    6:22  Waukon
    8     8  Shay Ingles, 9             19:53    6:24  Hudson
    9     9  Dylan Peters, 9            19:54    6:24  Denver-Tripoli
   10    10  Nathan Heyerhoff, 9        20:00    6:26  Waterloo West
   11    11  Derek Turner, 9            20:10    6:29  Webster City
   12    12  Sawyer Broshar, 9          20:15    6:31  Denver-Tripoli
   13    13  Shane Kirchoff, 9          20:18    6:32  Denver-Tripoli
   14    14  Branden Davis, 9           20:24    6:34  Waverly-Shell Rock
   15    15  Jordan Wheeler, 9          20:24    6:34  Wapsie Valley
   16    16  Jake Porter, 9             20:27    6:35  Waterloo West
   17    17  Wyatt Eden, 9              20:31    6:36  Dike-New Hartford
   18    18  Blake Dietz, 9             20:37    6:38  Nashua-Plainfield
   19    19  Darwin Sta Romana, 9       20:40    6:39  Charles City
   20    20  Ian Darland, 9             20:50    6:42  Dike-New Hartford
   21    21  Hunter Lynch, 9            20:53    6:43  Waterloo West
   22    22  Tanner Ragsdale, 9         20:59    6:45  Dike-New Hartford
   23    23  Ben Holdiman, 9            20:59    6:45  Waverly-Shell Rock
   24    24  Matt Campbell, 9           21:07    6:48  North Fayette
   25    25  Alex Johnson, 9            21:08    6:48  North Butler
   26    26  Joe Earney, 9              21:09    6:48  Charles City
   27    27  Jake Gotto, 9              21:17    6:51  Western Dubuque
   28    28  Kyle Bonwell, 9            21:21    6:52  Charles City
   29    29  Tyler Goodman, 9           21:24    6:53  Waverly-Shell Rock
   30    30  Jake Hedeen, 9             21:26    6:54  Webster City
   31    31  Kyler Rickert, 9           21:31    6:55  Hudson
   32    32  Ryan Brown, 9              21:34    6:56  Crestwood
   33    33  Nick Berger, 9             21:37    6:57  Dubuque Hempstead
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   34    34  Dustin Conley, 9           21:45    7:00  Webster City
   35    35  Jake Galleger, 9           21:46    7:00  Wapsie Valley
   36    36  Tomosu Menning, 9          21:46    7:00  Waterloo Columbus
   37    37  Drew Rasmussen, 9          21:57    7:04  Waverly-Shell Rock
   38    38  Cody Marsh, 9              21:59    7:04  Jesup
   39    39  Christian Mangrich, 9      22:02    7:05  Jesup
   40    40  Jed Wilson, 9              22:08    7:07  Oelwein
   41    41  Luke Baxter, 9             22:12    7:08  Nashua-Plainfield
   42    42  Gabe Wohlers, 9            22:16    7:10  Charles City
   43    43  Jordan Roths, 9            22:19    7:11  New Hampton
   44    44  Joseph Kuhlmann, 9         22:22    7:12  Wapsie Valley
   45    45  Garrett Minear, 9          22:25    7:13  Decorah
   46    46  Bryan Case, 9              22:29    7:14  Dubuque Hempstead
   47    47  Patrick Graham, 9          22:32    7:15  Wapsie Valley
   48    48  Skyler Wendling, 9         22:34    7:16  Hudson
   49    49  Ben Yoko, 9                22:36    7:16  Dubuque Hempstead
   50    50  Andrew Laird, 9            22:37    7:17  Webster City
   51    51  Eric Beninga, 9            22:41    7:18  Dike-New Hartford
   52    52  Kaleb Hendrix, 9           22:47    7:20  North Butler
   53    53  Tyler Knipp, 9             22:48    7:20  Wapsie Valley
   54    54  Nelson Wiese, 9            22:59    7:24  North Fayette
   55    55  Evan Dalluge, 9            23:33    7:35  Union
   56    56  Colin Zidlicky, 9          23:37    7:36  Decorah
   57    57  John Stabenow, 9           23:42    7:38  Denver-Tripoli
   58    58  David Wrage, 9             23:57    7:42  Hudson
   59    59  James Durivage, 9          23:58    7:43  Webster City
   60    60  Sina Saeedi, 9             24:13    7:48  Charles City
   61    61  Sam Kapler, 9              24:18    7:49  Waterloo West
   62    62  Zach Arthur, 9             24:23    7:51  Wapsie Valley
   63    63  Tage Olson, 9              24:35    7:55  Decorah
   64    64  Dalton Lee, 9              24:37    7:55  Waverly-Shell Rock
   65    65  Kory Klingman, 9           24:40    7:56  Nashua-Plainfield
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   66    66  Jesse Bank, 9              25:07    8:05  N U. High
   67    67  Alex Habel, 9              25:13    8:07  Dubuque Hempstead
   68    68  Keith Weich, 9             26:19    8:28  Union
   69    69  Jamie Medina, 9            26:37    8:34  Hudson
   70    70  Christian Johnson, 9       27:02    8:42  Oelwein
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   71    71  Nathan Eldridge, 9         28:06    9:03  Waterloo Columbus
   72    72  Zachary Hodgerson, 9       28:23    9:08  Waverly-Shell Rock
   73    73  Al Beninga, 9              28:24    9:08  Dike-New Hartford
   74    74  Ryan Niedert, 9            28:35    9:12  Waterloo East
   75    75  Taylor Burgart, 9          29:11    9:23  New Hampton
   76    76  Andy Aldrich, 9            29:35    9:31  Oelwein
   77    77  Tyler Grimm, 9             29:46    9:35  North Fayette
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   78    78  Hunter Shultz, 9           31:08   10:01  Charles City
   79    79  Drew Suckow, 9             31:35   10:10  Oelwein
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   80    80  Cody Haack, 9              35:10   11:19  Jesup


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