45th South Hardin Invitational, Boy's, Middle School, 2 Miles

Pine Lake Golf Course, Eldora, Iowa

Sep. 30, 2017

Sunny, 64i, 51%, SSE @ 16 mph

Results by Hilltopper Results Service

MS Girls

MS Boys

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JV Boys

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Var Boys

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                                Last updated Sep. 30, 2017 12:29 AM


  1 Cedar Falls M S          15    1    3    5    6    7    8   10    12:54    0:57

  2 East Marshall M S        51    9   13   14   15   21   25   27    13:53    0:57

  3 South Tama M S           52    2    4   17   29   31              13:53    2:19

  4 Iowa Falls/Alden M S     58   11   12   16   19   20   22   23    14:01  0:1:00

  5 South Hardin M S        102   18   24   28   32   33   37   40    14:56    0:58

  6 Meskwaki M S            138   26   30   39   43                   15:59    2:12

  7 B C L U W M S           155   34   38   41   42   44   47   48    16:38    1:19

  8 G M G M S               162   35   36   45   46                   16:40    1:49

Incomplete Teams: Baxter M S


 PLACE           FINISHER            TIME

1. Cedar Falls M S

    1  Brayden Burnett, 8             12:18  

    3  Kyle Westhoff, 8               12:51  

    5  Salem Strohbeen, 8             13:10  

    6  Alex Horstman, 8               13:14  

    7  Cameron Switzer, 8             13:20  

    8  Xavier Uhrmacker, 8            13:20  

   10  Cayden Schellhorn, 7           13:32  

Total Time = 51:33     Total Places = 15

2. East Marshall M S

    9  Joseph Terrones, 7             13:23  

   13  Dominik Ridout, 8              13:39  

   14  Payton Williams, 7             14:08  

   15  Brock Curtis, 7                14:19  

   21  Patrick Rayburn, 7             14:43  

   25  Hunter Hughlette, 8            14:51  

   27  Evan Andreson, 8               15:00  

Total Time = 55:29     Total Places = 51

3. South Tama M S

    2  Trusten Rosenberger, 8         12:51  

    4  Kordell Negrete, 8             13:06  

   17  Clayton Graff, 8               14:24  

   29  Jonathan Meyer, 8              15:09  

   31  Omar Castanon, 8               15:24  

Total Time = 55:30     Total Places = 52

4. Iowa Falls/Alden M S

   11  Guillermo Morales, 8           13:33  

   12  Jacob Michaelson, 8            13:36  

   16  Cainan Ralph, 8                14:21  

   19  Fischer Brogden, 8             14:32  

   20  Camden Porath, 8               14:39  

   22  Brody Hoversten, 8             14:45  

   23  Jase Beaubien, 7               14:46  

Total Time = 56:02     Total Places = 58

5. South Hardin M S

   18  Brody Cloudas, 7               14:26  

   24  Kayne Harrell, 7               14:47  

   28  Christopher Kohart, 8          15:05  

   32  Jake Teske, 7                  15:24  

   33  Cayden Davis, 8                15:31  

   37  Nick Davis, 7                  16:15  

   40  Cory Bachtell, 8               16:48  

Total Time = 59:42     Total Places = 102

6. Meskwaki M S

   26  Larnell Velazquez, 8           14:56  

   30  Donovan Slick - Driscol, 7     15:10  

   39  Kenny Baldras, 8               16:41  

   43  Zayton Weninger, 8             17:08  

Total Time = 63:55     Total Places = 138

7. B C L U W M S

   34  Carter Kemp, 7                 15:47  

   38  Jeffrey Sieverding, 8          16:32  

   41  Lincoln Stover, 7              17:04  

   42  Boston Gunderson, 8            17:06  

   44  Caleb Baker, 7                 17:11  

   47  Mason Engle, 8                 18:47  

   48  Irish Gunderson, 7             20:04  

Total Time = 66:29     Total Places = 155

8. G M G M S

   35  Bryce Edens, 8                 15:48  

   36  Noah Teske, 7                  15:50  

   45  Jarret Hornberg, 7             17:22  

   46  Zach Burgess, 8                17:37  

Total Time = 66:37     Total Places = 162


 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Brayden Burnett, 8             12:18    Cedar Falls M S      

    2     2  Trusten Rosenberger, 8         12:51    South Tama M S       

    3     3  Kyle Westhoff, 8               12:51    Cedar Falls M S      

    4     4  Kordell Negrete, 8             13:06    South Tama M S       

    5     5  Salem Strohbeen, 8             13:10    Cedar Falls M S      

    6     6  Alex Horstman, 8               13:14    Cedar Falls M S      

    7     7  Cameron Switzer, 8             13:20    Cedar Falls M S      

    8     8  Xavier Uhrmacker, 8            13:20    Cedar Falls M S      

    9     9  Joseph Terrones, 7             13:23    East Marshall M S    

   10    10  Cayden Schellhorn, 7           13:32    Cedar Falls M S      

   11    11  Guillermo Morales, 8           13:33    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   12    12  Jacob Michaelson, 8            13:36    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   13    13  Dominik Ridout, 8              13:39    East Marshall M S    

   14        Dayton Popenhagen, 7           13:41    Cedar Falls M S      

   15        Xander Steele, 8               13:42    Cedar Falls M S      

   16        Ethan Gruening, 8              13:49    Cedar Falls M S      

   17        Reece Gallagher, 8             13:56    Cedar Falls M S      

   18        Colin Johnson, 7               13:59    Cedar Falls M S      

   19    14  Payton Williams, 7             14:08    East Marshall M S    

   20    15  Brock Curtis, 7                14:19    East Marshall M S    

   21    16  Cainan Ralph, 8                14:21    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   22    17  Clayton Graff, 8               14:24    South Tama M S       

   23    18  Brody Cloudas, 7               14:26    South Hardin M S     

   24    19  Fischer Brogden, 8             14:32    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   25        Carter Guse, 7                 14:34    Cedar Falls M S      

   26    20  Camden Porath, 8               14:39    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   27        Holden Fromm, 7                14:42    Cedar Falls M S      

   28    21  Patrick Rayburn, 7             14:43    East Marshall M S    

   29        Josh Burjes, 8                 14:45    Cedar Falls M S      

   30    22  Brody Hoversten, 8             14:45    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   31    23  Jase Beaubien, 7               14:46    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   32        Cooper Jensen, 7               14:46    Cedar Falls M S      

   33    24  Kayne Harrell, 7               14:47    South Hardin M S     

   34        Kye Buerkle, 8                 14:48    Cedar Falls M S      

   35    25  Hunter Hughlette, 8            14:51    East Marshall M S    

   36    26  Larnell Velazquez, 8           14:56    Meskwaki M S         

   37        Carter Fadiga, 7               14:56    Cedar Falls M S      

   38    27  Evan Andreson, 8               15:00    East Marshall M S    

   39        Raymond Morales, 7             15:01    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   40    28  Christopher Kohart, 8          15:05    South Hardin M S     

   41    29  Jonathan Meyer, 8              15:09    South Tama M S       

   42    30  Donovan Slick - Driscol, 7     15:10    Meskwaki M S         

   43        Chase Sannes, 8                15:11    Cedar Falls M S      

   44        Austin Burke, 8                15:11    East Marshall M S    

   45        Junior Brown, 7                15:12    East Marshall M S    

   46        Lane Wunderlich, 7             15:16    Cedar Falls M S      

   47        Jonathon Squires, 7            15:16    Cedar Falls M S      

   48        Colby Cryer, 7                 15:16    Cedar Falls M S      

   49        Hogan Fuessel, 7               15:21    Cedar Falls M S      

   50        Isaiah Jennings, 8             15:22    Cedar Falls M S      

   51    31  Omar Castanon, 8               15:24    South Tama M S       

   52    32  Jake Teske, 7                  15:24    South Hardin M S     

   53        Connor Doyle, 7                15:24    Cedar Falls M S      

   54        Noah Phillis, 7                15:28    Cedar Falls M S      

   55        Connor Trunnell, 7             15:31    Cedar Falls M S      

   56    33  Cayden Davis, 8                15:31    South Hardin M S     

   57        Sidney Atkins, 8               15:32    Cedar Falls M S      

   58        Steven Williams, 7             15:33    Cedar Falls M S      

   59        Ascher Terpstra Schwab, 7      15:35    Cedar Falls M S      

   60        Zackary Lewis, 7               15:40    Cedar Falls M S      

   61        Caleb Eskelson, 8              15:44    Cedar Falls M S      

   62        Lane Tuve, 7                   15:45    Cedar Falls M S      

   63    34  Carter Kemp, 7                 15:47    B C L U W M S        

   64    35  Bryce Edens, 8                 15:48    G M G M S            

   65    36  Noah Teske, 7                  15:50    G M G M S            

   66        Aiden Kenaga, 7                15:51    Cedar Falls M S      

   67        Ryne Sinn, 8                   15:58    East Marshall M S    

   68        Keen Nolan, 7                  16:05    East Marshall M S    

   69    37  Nick Davis, 7                  16:15    South Hardin M S     

   70        Gavin Denholm, 7               16:20    Cedar Falls M S      

   71        Pacal Cuhat, 7                 16:30    Cedar Falls M S      

   72        Jefferson Roberts, 8           16:32    Cedar Falls M S      

   73    38  Jeffrey Sieverding, 8          16:32    B C L U W M S        

   74        Nick Hudson, 7                 16:40    Cedar Falls M S      

   75    39  Kenny Baldras, 8               16:41    Meskwaki M S         

   76        Chris Paulson, 7               16:42    Cedar Falls M S      

   77        Nicholas Hudspith, 8           16:45    Iowa Falls/Alden M S 

   78        Mason Eldridge, 8              16:46    Cedar Falls M S      

   79        Emerson Linney, 7              16:47    Cedar Falls M S      

   80    40  Cory Bachtell, 8               16:48    South Hardin M S     

   81        Colton McDonald, 7             16:56    South Hardin M S     

   82        Kolton Daleske, 7              16:57    South Hardin M S     

   83        Brayden Schreck, 7             16:58    Cedar Falls M S      

   84        Brady Cloudas, 7               17:00    South Hardin M S     

   85    41  Lincoln Stover, 7              17:04    B C L U W M S        

   86    42  Boston Gunderson, 8            17:06    B C L U W M S        

   87    43  Zayton Weninger, 8             17:08    Meskwaki M S         

   88    44  Caleb Baker, 7                 17:11    B C L U W M S        

   89        Jack Jarchow, 8                17:12    Cedar Falls M S      

   90    45  Jarret Hornberg, 7             17:22    G M G M S            

   91        Lawson Marks, 8                17:29    Baxter M S           

   92    46  Zach Burgess, 8                17:37    G M G M S            

   93        Zachary Wickham, 8             17:37    Cedar Falls M S      

   94        Allen Mrzljak, 7               18:07    Cedar Falls M S      

   95    47  Mason Engle, 8                 18:47    B C L U W M S        

   96        Berne Denison, 7               19:19    Cedar Falls M S      

   97        Tanner Scroggins, 8            19:21    Baxter M S           

   98        Cameron Mundt, 8               19:26    Cedar Falls M S      

   99    48  Irish Gunderson, 7             20:04    B C L U W M S        

  100        Cooper Gardner, 7              20:19    South Hardin M S     

  101        Dane Petty, 7                  20:25    B C L U W M S        

  102        Ryan Watson, 7                 21:08    Cedar Falls M S      

  103        Ben Tjaden, 7                  21:58    Cedar Falls M S      

  104        Joseph Kangas, 7               22:10    Cedar Falls M S      

  105        Breck Rea, 7                   24:36    Cedar Falls M S      

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