41st Tom Karpan XC Invite MS Girls

Valley/VSW course - West Des Moines, IA

Sep. 14, 2015

80 and Sunny

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var Girls

Var Boys

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                                  Last updated Sep. 15, 2015 8:16 PM

  1 Johnston                 63    1    2   14   15   31   32   48    14:25    2:36
  2 Dowling Catholic         73    5    7   18   21   22   33   62    14:44    0:49
  3 Waukee                   86    8   13   17   23   25   47   54    14:54    0:59
  4 Southeast Polk          104    9   12   16   30   37   40   72    15:05    1:29
  5 Valley                  112    4    6   29   35   38   41   51    15:11    1:38
  6 Ankeny                  165    3   26   27   49   60   66   68    15:32    2:18
  7 Ankeny Centennial       194   10   11   56   58   59   67   69    15:41    1:56
  8 Ames                    199   24   28   34   52   61   63   70    15:53    1:10
  9 Urbandale               207   20   36   43   53   55   64   65    15:56    1:28
 10 Indianola               233   19   42   44   57   71   73   76    16:02    1:46
 11 Roosevelt               258   39   45   46   50   78   79   80    16:24    1:39
 12 East                    434   75   85   86   90   98  101         20:16    7:31
 13 Hoover                  437   81   84   87   92   93   95  102    20:37    4:34
 14 Lincoln                 438   82   83   88   91   94   96   97    20:28    4:05
 15 Fort Dodge              439   74   77   89   99  100              20:59    7:54

Incomplete Teams: North
 PLACE           FINISHER            TIME

1. Johnston
    1  Brooke McKee, 8                13:03  
    2  Paige Horner, 8                13:39  
   14  Clara Toot, 8                  14:49  
   15  Maggie Hapgood, 8              14:52  
   31  Addyson Franklin, 7            15:38  
   32  Bella Heikes, 7                15:40  
   48  Kaya Young, 8                  16:13  
Total Time = 1:12:01     Total Places = 63

2. Dowling Catholic
    5  Megan Szalay, 8                14:19  
    7  Katelyn Reichart, 8            14:19  
   18  Katie Huey, 8                  14:54  
   21  Kiki Levy, 8                   15:00  
   22  Mia Levy, 7                    15:07  
   33  Zoe Fry, 8                     15:44  
   62  Rockie Greenslade, 8           16:28  
Total Time = 1:13:39     Total Places = 73

3. Waukee
    8  Paige Christensen, 8           14:21  
   13  Ally Schaffer, 8               14:42  
   17  Isabelle Schaffer, 8           14:53  
   23  Sydney Schaffer, 8             15:13  
   25  Kelly Biscoglia, 8             15:20  
   47  Mason Nikolaus, 8              16:08  
   54  Savannah Tiffany, 8            16:23  
Total Time = 1:14:29     Total Places = 86

4. Southeast Polk
    9  Magda McGowan, 7               14:27  
   12  Grace Larkins, 7               14:35  
   16  Jaycie Elliot, 7               14:52  
   30  Samantha Milani, 8             15:34  
   37  Gretta Hartz, 8                15:55  
   40  Natalie Clement, 8             15:58  
   72  Rachel Kaut, 8                 16:44  
Total Time = 1:15:23     Total Places = 104

5. Valley
    4  Blake Morrow, 8                14:18  
    6  Ashley Tan, 8                  14:19  
   29  Grace Plummer, 8               15:32  
   35  Caroline Ash, 8                15:49  
   38  Alli Henry, 8                  15:56  
   41  Faith Skinner, 8               16:00  
   51  Charly Froerer, 8              16:20  
Total Time = 1:15:54     Total Places = 112

6. Ankeny
    3  Lydia Hill, 8                  14:10  
   26  Kayla Pitz, 8                  15:22  
   27  Scout Bergwall, 8              15:23  
   49  Brooke Johnson, 8              16:14  
   60  Megan Utterback, 8             16:27  
   66  Ella Morris, 8                 16:36  
   68  Fiona Riordan, 8               16:40  
Total Time = 1:17:36     Total Places = 165

7. Ankeny Centennial
   10  Sophie Lee, 8                  14:31  
   11  Morgan Graybill, 8             14:33  
   56  Kate Hoogensen, 8              16:25  
   58  Ella McLaughlin, 8             16:26  
   59  Grace Meter, 8                 16:27  
   67  Celesta Cox, 8                 16:39  
   69  Bailey Dennis, 8               16:41  
Total Time = 1:18:22     Total Places = 194

8. Ames
   24  Sophie Wilson, 7               15:18  
   28  Hanulikova Caitlyn, 8          15:28  
   34  Camille Jackson, 8             15:47  
   52  Wilson Chloe, 8                16:21  
   61  Jordan Hinders, 7              16:27  
   63  Alison Moore, 7                16:29  
   70  Kaitlyn Goodman, 8             16:42  
Total Time = 1:19:21     Total Places = 199

9. Urbandale
   20  Macy Gaskill, 7                14:58  
   36  Marley Pearce, 7               15:54  
   43  Ally Redenius, 8               16:00  
   53  Abby Huls, 8                   16:21  
   55  Lexi Tindell, 8                16:25  
   64  Gracie Marks, 7                16:33  
   65  Faith Putz, 8                  16:34  
Total Time = 1:19:38     Total Places = 207

10. Indianola
   19  Jordan Hull, 7                 14:57  
   42  Brooklyn Pottebaum, 8          16:00  
   44  Rachel Engelhardt, 7           16:01  
   57  Ashley Rockhold, 8             16:26  
   71  Brittany Scovel, 8             16:43  
   73  Avarie Hilton, 7               16:45  
   76  Avery Howe, 7                  17:16  
Total Time = 1:20:07     Total Places = 233

11. Roosevelt
   39  Kaylee Reininga, 8             15:57  
   45  Elizabeth Saunders             16:03  
   46  Rachel Galluzzo, 8             16:05  
   50  Livi Ovrom, 7                  16:19  
   78  Lauren Drake, 7                17:35  
   79  Darian Hayes, 8                17:59  
   80  Liz Hahn, 7                    18:05  
Total Time = 1:21:59     Total Places = 258

12. East
   75  Vera Snodgrass, 8              17:04  
   85  Aline Moreno, 8                19:18  
   86  Mara Kinney, 8                 19:45  
   90  Alexis Davis, 7                20:38  
   98  Ashlyn Forget, 8               24:35  
  101  Diana Deterding, 8             25:37  
Total Time = 1:41:20     Total Places = 434

13. Hoover
   81  Arabia Parkey, 7               18:17  
   84  Amanda Jorgensen, 8            19:07  
   87  Hailee McCormick, 7            20:09  
   92  Izzy Peterson, 8               22:41  
   93  Claire Gordon, 7               22:51  
   95  Almas Mohamud, 7               23:20  
  102  Jessica Harrington, 8          26:57  
Total Time = 1:43:05     Total Places = 437

14. Lincoln
   82  Abbigail Webb, 7               19:01  
   83  Delaine Scharer, 7             19:02  
   88  Vanessa Cruz, 8                20:21  
   91  Eleanor Filippone, 7           20:48  
   94  Bailey Dostal, 7               23:06  
   96  Kaitlyn Carr, 7                24:26  
   97  Camille Lust, 7                24:30  
Total Time = 1:42:18     Total Places = 438

15. Fort Dodge
   74  Piera McBride, 7               17:02  
   77  Alexis Reed, 7                 17:27  
   89  Maddie Daniel, 7               20:35  
   99  Bork Adyson, 7                 24:55  
  100  Samara McMahon, 7              24:56  
Total Time = 1:44:55     Total Places = 439
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Brooke McKee, 8                13:03    Johnston             
    2     2  Paige Horner, 8                13:39    Johnston             
    3     3  Lydia Hill, 8                  14:10    Ankeny               
    4     4  Blake Morrow, 8                14:18    Valley               
    5     5  Megan Szalay, 8                14:19    Dowling Catholic     
    6     6  Ashley Tan, 8                  14:19    Valley               
    7     7  Katelyn Reichart, 8            14:19    Dowling Catholic     
    8     8  Paige Christensen, 8           14:21    Waukee               
    9     9  Magda McGowan, 7               14:27    Southeast Polk       
   10    10  Sophie Lee, 8                  14:31    Ankeny Centennial    
   11    11  Morgan Graybill, 8             14:33    Ankeny Centennial    
   12    12  Grace Larkins, 7               14:35    Southeast Polk       
   13    13  Ally Schaffer, 8               14:42    Waukee               
   14    14  Clara Toot, 8                  14:49    Johnston             
   15    15  Maggie Hapgood, 8              14:52    Johnston             
   16    16  Jaycie Elliot, 7               14:52    Southeast Polk       
   17    17  Isabelle Schaffer, 8           14:53    Waukee               
   18    18  Katie Huey, 8                  14:54    Dowling Catholic     
   19    19  Jordan Hull, 7                 14:57    Indianola            
   20    20  Macy Gaskill, 7                14:58    Urbandale            
   21    21  Kiki Levy, 8                   15:00    Dowling Catholic     
   22    22  Mia Levy, 7                    15:07    Dowling Catholic     
   23    23  Sydney Schaffer, 8             15:13    Waukee               
   24    24  Sophie Wilson, 7               15:18    Ames                 
   25    25  Kelly Biscoglia, 8             15:20    Waukee               
   26    26  Kayla Pitz, 8                  15:22    Ankeny               
   27    27  Scout Bergwall, 8              15:23    Ankeny               
   28    28  Hanulikova Caitlyn, 8          15:28    Ames                 
   29    29  Grace Plummer, 8               15:32    Valley               
   30    30  Samantha Milani, 8             15:34    Southeast Polk       
   31    31  Addyson Franklin, 7            15:38    Johnston             
   32    32  Bella Heikes, 7                15:40    Johnston             
   33    33  Zoe Fry, 8                     15:44    Dowling Catholic     
   34    34  Camille Jackson, 8             15:47    Ames                 
   35    35  Caroline Ash, 8                15:49    Valley               
   36    36  Marley Pearce, 7               15:54    Urbandale            
   37    37  Gretta Hartz, 8                15:55    Southeast Polk       
   38    38  Alli Henry, 8                  15:56    Valley               
   39    39  Kaylee Reininga, 8             15:57    Roosevelt            
   40    40  Natalie Clement, 8             15:58    Southeast Polk       
   41    41  Faith Skinner, 8               16:00    Valley               
   42    42  Brooklyn Pottebaum, 8          16:00    Indianola            
   43    43  Ally Redenius, 8               16:00    Urbandale            
   44    44  Rachel Engelhardt, 7           16:01    Indianola            
   45    45  Elizabeth Saunders             16:03    Roosevelt            
   46    46  Rachel Galluzzo, 8             16:05    Roosevelt            
   47    47  Mason Nikolaus, 8              16:08    Waukee               
   48    48  Kaya Young, 8                  16:13    Johnston             
   49    49  Brooke Johnson, 8              16:14    Ankeny               
   50    50  Livi Ovrom, 7                  16:19    Roosevelt            
   51    51  Charly Froerer, 8              16:20    Valley               
   52    52  Wilson Chloe, 8                16:21    Ames                 
   53    53  Abby Huls, 8                   16:21    Urbandale            
   54    54  Savannah Tiffany, 8            16:23    Waukee               
   55    55  Lexi Tindell, 8                16:25    Urbandale            
   56    56  Kate Hoogensen, 8              16:25    Ankeny Centennial    
   57    57  Ashley Rockhold, 8             16:26    Indianola            
   58    58  Ella McLaughlin, 8             16:26    Ankeny Centennial    
   59    59  Grace Meter, 8                 16:27    Ankeny Centennial    
   60    60  Megan Utterback, 8             16:27    Ankeny               
   61    61  Jordan Hinders, 7              16:27    Ames                 
   62    62  Rockie Greenslade, 8           16:28    Dowling Catholic     
   63    63  Alison Moore, 7                16:29    Ames                 
   64        Inaya Karajica, 8              16:31    Waukee               
   65    64  Gracie Marks, 7                16:33    Urbandale            
   66    65  Faith Putz, 8                  16:34    Urbandale            
   67    66  Ella Morris, 8                 16:36    Ankeny               
   68        Leah Johnson, 8                16:36    Johnston             
   69        Hannah Eckhoff, 7              16:38    Johnston             
   70    67  Celesta Cox, 8                 16:39    Ankeny Centennial    
   71    68  Fiona Riordan, 8               16:40    Ankeny               
   72    69  Bailey Dennis, 8               16:41    Ankeny Centennial    
   73    70  Kaitlyn Goodman, 8             16:42    Ames                 
   74    71  Brittany Scovel, 8             16:43    Indianola            
   75    72  Rachel Kaut, 8                 16:44    Southeast Polk       
   76    73  Avarie Hilton, 7               16:45    Indianola            
   77        Lauren Clark, 8                16:53    Ankeny               
   78        Sara Parker, 8                 16:56    Urbandale            
   79        Bree Beyer, 7                  16:58    Southeast Polk       
   80        Breanna VanDyke, 7             16:58    Ames                 
   81        Grace Kamara, 7                17:00    Urbandale            
   82        Ashley Franke, 7               17:01    Johnston             
   83        Mollie Cox, 8                  17:02    Ankeny               
   84    74  Piera McBride, 7               17:02    Fort Dodge           
   85        Emily Bueltel, 7               17:04    Southeast Polk       
   86        Lizabeth Clark, 8              17:04    Waukee               
   87    75  Vera Snodgrass, 8              17:04    East                 
   88        Taylor Hinkhouse, 7            17:07    Urbandale            
   89        Ellie Land, 8                  17:14    Ankeny               
   90    76  Avery Howe, 7                  17:16    Indianola            
   91        Sydney McNeeley, 7             17:17    Southeast Polk       
   92        Olivia Hayes, 7                17:18    Johnston             
   93        Alexis Rutledge, 7             17:19    Southeast Polk       
   94        Safia Chaudrey, 7              17:20    Urbandale            
   95        Cierra Fillinger, 8            17:20    Ankeny               
   96        Juliana Johnson, 7             17:20    Ames                 
   97        Lourdes Kouba, 8               17:21    Ames                 
   98        Elizabeth Andrews, 8           17:24    Ames                 
   99        Emma Acela, 8                  17:26    Urbandale            
  100        Katarina Kozakova, 7           17:27    Ames                 
  101    77  Alexis Reed, 7                 17:27    Fort Dodge           
  102        Eva Gabel, 8                   17:27    Indianola            
  103        Hailey Seifrig, 7              17:30    Indianola            
  104        Taylor Siebert, 8              17:34    Johnston             
  105        Annabel Saychareun, 8          17:34    Urbandale            
  106        Emma Arends, 8                 17:34    Ankeny Centennial    
  107        Maggie Gardner, 8              17:35    Urbandale            
  108    78  Lauren Drake, 7                17:35    Roosevelt            
  109        Makenzie Campbell, 8           17:36    Valley               
  110        Rylie Martin, 7                17:37    Southeast Polk       
  111        Adelade Nason, 8               17:37    Ames                 
  112        Haley Yoder, 8                 17:38    Ames                 
  113        Tarryn Hill, 8                 17:38    Southeast Polk       
  114        Erin Murphy, 7                 17:38    Ames                 
  115        Hannah Cloud, 8                17:39    Ames                 
  116        Reese Dial, 8                  17:40    Urbandale            
  117        Jordan Widmer, 7               17:40    Southeast Polk       
  118        Grace Running Hey, 8           17:40    Ankeny Centennial    
  119        Zea Rosella-Richter, 8         17:41    Waukee               
  120        Kristen McCuen, 8              17:41    Indianola            
  121        Molly Lunn, 8                  17:42    Johnston             
  122        Jasmin Mendoza, 7              17:43    Southeast Polk       
  123        Lauren Reiland, 8              17:43    Ankeny Centennial    
  124        Isa Dacre Del Canto, 8         17:44    Valley               
  125        Kate Cairney, 8                17:44    Valley               
  126        Jackie Liang, 8                17:45    Johnston             
  127        Tessa Streich, 8               17:45    Urbandale            
  128        Avi Ortega, 7                  17:46    Indianola            
  129        Victoria Kyverga, 8            17:47    Ames                 
  130        Jordan Gillispie, 8            17:47    Waukee               
  131        Maci Newby, 7                  17:54    Urbandale            
  132        Kendall Clatt, 7               17:54    Indianola            
  133    79  Darian Hayes, 8                17:59    Roosevelt            
  134        Anna Brooks, 8                 18:01    Waukee               
  135        Carly Phipps, 7                18:03    Southeast Polk       
  136        Mikayla Lies, 7                18:03    Johnston             
  137        Casey Monson, 8                18:05    Johnston             
  138    80  Liz Hahn, 7                    18:05    Roosevelt            
  139        Elena Busick, 7                18:06    Roosevelt            
  140        Anne Culbert, 7                18:08    Johnston             
  141        Becca Bendickson, 8            18:10    Ames                 
  142        Katherine VanDeVoorde, 8       18:16    Southeast Polk       
  143        Sage Halfhill-Boon             18:16    Roosevelt            
  144    81  Arabia Parkey, 7               18:17    Hoover               
  145        Reagan Smith, 8                18:20    Ankeny               
  146        Emma Roethler, 7               18:22    Johnston             
  147        Annie Flood, 8                 18:23    Dowling Catholic     
  148        Karlee Krier, 8                18:25    Southeast Polk       
  149        Ashlynn Phongsavanh, 8         18:27    Ankeny               
  150        Evie Sly, 8                    18:30    Roosevelt            
  151        Jessie Cheung, 7               18:30    Southeast Polk       
  152        Sarah Amro, 8                  18:31    Valley               
  153        Olivia Appel, 8                18:31    Roosevelt            
  154        Lauryn Woerdeman, 8            18:32    Ankeny Centennial    
  155        Kylie Eischen, 8               18:35    Waukee               
  156        Irie Vincent, 7                18:35    Southeast Polk       
  157        Isabella Main, 8               18:36    Dowling Catholic     
  158        Eliska Belava, 7               18:38    Ames                 
  159        Bridget Hall, 8                18:39    Urbandale            
  160        Emily Rolands, 8               18:41    Indianola            
  161        Maia Pappas, 7                 18:42    Urbandale            
  162        Kassidy Rinderknecht, 8        18:43    Waukee               
  163        Jaide Pappas, 7                18:44    Urbandale            
  164        Cecile Lorenzen, 7             18:48    Roosevelt            
  165        Hannah Eilers, 7               18:49    Indianola            
  166        Lilli Mahon, 8                 18:50    Johnston             
  167        Sophie Finken, 8               18:51    Waukee               
  168        Hannah Walter, 8               18:53    Valley               
  169        Madeline Cox, 8                18:53    Ankeny               
  170        Abbie Clark, 8                 18:53    Valley               
  171        Cabria Oleson, 8               18:53    Southeast Polk       
  172        Frickenstein Kayla, 7          18:54    Johnston             
  173        Hayden Werling, 7              18:55    Indianola            
  174        Kari Schreck, 8                18:57    Urbandale            
  175        Sam Johnson, 8                 18:58    Ames                 
  176    82  Abbigail Webb, 7               19:01    Lincoln              
  177        Mia Hiveley, 8                 19:02    Waukee               
  178    83  Delaine Scharer, 7             19:02    Lincoln              
  179        Anika Slowing, 8               19:02    Ames                 
  180        Ellie Anderson, 7              19:04    Indianola            
  181        Carson Forbes, 7               19:06    Southeast Polk       
  182    84  Amanda Jorgensen, 8            19:07    Hoover               
  183        Lily Fiihr, 8                  19:07    Roosevelt            
  184        Kennady Mills, 7               19:07    Southeast Polk       
  185        Emma Cochrane, 8               19:08    Urbandale            
  186        Leah Bergman, 8                19:11    Southeast Polk       
  187        Kayla Armantrout, 8            19:11    Southeast Polk       
  188        Hannah Schafer, 7              19:14    Southeast Polk       
  189        Karlie Hartman, 8              19:15    Ankeny               
  190        Katelynn Walker, 7             19:15    Southeast Polk       
  191        Madison Parker, 7              19:16    Southeast Polk       
  192        Daylan Carney, 7               19:16    Southeast Polk       
  193        Myah Woltz, 8                  19:17    Valley               
  194        Allie Hart, 7                  19:17    Johnston             
  195        Betsy Heiser, 7                19:17    Johnston             
  196    85  Aline Moreno, 8                19:18    East                 
  197        Sarah Montgomery, 8            19:23    Valley               
  198        Erin Anderson, 8               19:24    Johnston             
  199        Isabel Ahmann, 8               19:26    Dowling Catholic     
  200        Anna Johnston, 8               19:26    Waukee               
  201        Rylie Kruse, 7                 19:29    Southeast Polk       
  202        Olivia Laube, 8                19:30    Southeast Polk       
  203        Kira Currier, 7                19:41    Johnston             
  204    86  Mara Kinney, 8                 19:45    East                 
  205        Kaitlyn Akers, 8               19:50    Ames                 
  206        Kamryn Williams, 7             19:56    Roosevelt            
  207        Marian Bailey, 7               20:00    Johnston             
  208        Angel Nyaga, 8                 20:05    Johnston             
  209        Isabelle Juhler, 8             20:07    Southeast Polk       
  210    87  Hailee McCormick, 7            20:09    Hoover               
  211        Kendall Manning, 8             20:14    Southeast Polk       
  212        Izzy Lichtenberger, 7          20:19    Urbandale            
  213        Kirsti Robertson, 8            20:21    Ames                 
  214    88  Vanessa Cruz, 8                20:21    Lincoln              
  215        Riley Groth, 8                 20:25    Urbandale            
  216        Kate Phillips, 8               20:27    Waukee               
  217        Mary Beth Westercamp, 8        20:29    Dowling Catholic     
  218        Elly Shaw, 8                   20:32    Johnston             
  219        Greta Mote, 8                  20:33    Dowling Catholic     
  220    89  Maddie Daniel, 7               20:35    Fort Dodge           
  221        Emma Carrel, 8                 20:35    Ankeny               
  222        Nova Thornton, 7               20:35    Johnston             
  223        Brooklynn Hall, 7              20:36    Southeast Polk       
  224        Hailey Davis, 7                20:38    Urbandale            
  225        Lauren Chambers, 8             20:38    Waukee               
  226    90  Alexis Davis, 7                20:38    East                 
  227        Ava Laquament, 7               20:38    Southeast Polk       
  228        Abby Maitre, 7                 20:42    Johnston             
  229        Meghan Gentsch, 7              20:44    Roosevelt            
  230        Gabby Smith, 8                 20:45    Roosevelt            
  231        Zoe Randazzo, 8                20:45    Roosevelt            
  232    91  Eleanor Filippone, 7           20:48    Lincoln              
  233        Michal King, 7                 20:55    Roosevelt            
  234        Hannah Wilson, 8               20:56    Ankeny Centennial    
  235        Kali Daniels, 8                20:57    Ankeny               
  236        Emma Lewin, 7                  20:58    Ames                 
  237        Sierra Laaser-Webb, 7          20:58    Ames                 
  238        Rachel Moore, 8                20:59    Ankeny               
  239        Sarah Andreasen, 8             21:06    Johnston             
  240        Heather DeBruin, 7             21:07    Johnston             
  241        Brooke Wicker, 8               21:11    Southeast Polk       
  242        Kathleen Pelzer, 8             21:13    Ames                 
  243        Paige Bily, 7                  21:18    Indianola            
  244        Jaedyn Veasley, 8              21:20    Roosevelt            
  245        Catreena Wang, 7               21:20    Johnston             
  246        Cllaire Kallestad, 8           21:25    Roosevelt            
  247        Mathilda Keith, 8              21:26    Roosevelt            
  248        Lauryn Maggart, 7              21:27    Urbandale            
  249        Sarah Maroney, 7               21:37    Ames                 
  250        Megan Bean, 8                  21:41    Valley               
  251        Grace Zugg, 7                  21:44    Roosevelt            
  252        Sophie Hixson, 8               21:44    Valley               
  253        Wenjing Jiang, 8               21:45    Valley               
  254        Jersey Tapia, 7                21:49    Ames                 
  255        Madison Cavan, 7               22:02    Urbandale            
  256        Jordyn Hayes, 8                22:07    Valley               
  257        Katelyn Moore, 7               22:11    Urbandale            
  258        Haley Brouillet, 8             22:15    Ankeny Centennial    
  259        Meredith Umland, 7             22:26    Urbandale            
  260        Kiah Henderson, 7              22:40    Johnston             
  261    92  Izzy Peterson, 8               22:41    Hoover               
  262    93  Claire Gordon, 7               22:51    Hoover               
  263        Mary Horton, 8                 23:02    Ames                 
  264        Sarah Currier, 7               23:04    Ames                 
  265    94  Bailey Dostal, 7               23:06    Lincoln              
  266        Maggie Staudacher, 8           23:17    Indianola            
  267    95  Almas Mohamud, 7               23:20    Hoover               
  268        Stella Logsdon, 7              23:25    Dowling Catholic     
  269        Kathryn Wittrock, 8            23:28    Valley               
  270        Logan Mahon, 8                 23:32    Johnston             
  271        Lindsay Wildman, 7             23:51    Indianola            
  272        Anelia Gallardo, 8             23:59    North                
  273        Fajar Haider, 8                24:01    Waukee               
  274        Callie Server, 7               24:06    Ames                 
  275        Larissa Meader, 8              24:12    Valley               
  276        Erika Boies, 7                 24:17    Indianola            
  277        Mollie Walters, 7              24:26    Urbandale            
  278    96  Kaitlyn Carr, 7                24:26    Lincoln              
  279    97  Camille Lust, 7                24:30    Lincoln              
  280        Lucy Bennett, 7                24:35    Ames                 
  281    98  Ashlyn Forget, 8               24:35    East                 
  282        Madi Engelbrecht, 7            24:37    Urbandale            
  283        Bailey Ridgway, 7              24:49    Southeast Polk       
  284        Autumm Alexander, 7            24:50    Southeast Polk       
  285        Ava Morlach, 7                 24:52    Indianola            
  286        Isabel Vanderpool, 7           24:53    Indianola            
  287        Lilly Berg, 7                  24:53    Lincoln              
  288        Ellie Dove, 7                  24:55    Southeast Polk       
  289    99  Bork Adyson, 7                 24:55    Fort Dodge           
  290   100  Samara McMahon, 7              24:56    Fort Dodge           
  291        Jill Rivera, 7                 25:00    Roosevelt            
  292        Sabrina Vongphandy, 8          25:04    Lincoln              
  293        Jules Organ, 7                 25:08    Roosevelt            
  294        Annie Vannoy, 8                25:12    Southeast Polk       
  295        Diarelys Cruz-Crespo, 7        25:13    North                
  296   101  Diana Deterding, 8             25:37    East                 
  297        B'Elanna Trowbridge, 7         25:56    Urbandale            
  298        Alexis Harban, 8               26:09    Lincoln              
  299   102  Jessica Harrington, 8          26:57    Hoover               
  300        Abby Vandewater, 8             28:32    Ames                 
  301        Hazel Johnson, 8               28:37    Valley               
  302        Hannah Green, 7                28:44    Lincoln              
  303        Nora Sweeney, 7                28:47    Lincoln              
  304        Aris Tyler, 7                  29:14    Indianola            
  305        Stephanie Rodriguez, 8         29:15    Ames                 
  306        R-Reonna Nichols, 7            29:19    North                
  307        Kayla Crotty, 7                29:51    North                
  308        Isabelle Blaskovich, 7         32:01    Lincoln              
  309        Olivia Corey, 7                32:46    Lincoln              

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