Williamsburg Invitational Varsity Boys 5K

Sports Complex, Williamsburg, IA

Sep. 3, 2013

Sunny, Humidity 40%, Light Wind & 77

Results by Andrew Kauder - Kauder Racing

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var Girls

Var Boys

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 Vinton-Shellsburg        58    2    3   10   11   32   37   41    18:11    2:14

  2 Mid-Prairie              59    4    5    9   18   23   25   42    18:17    1:33

  3 Williamsburg             73    6    8   13   20   26   35   39    18:29    1:33

  4 Mount Pleasant           87    1   14   17   27   28   30   34    18:36    2:24

  5 Clear Creek-Amana       112    7   12   15   38   40   50   62    18:54    2:08

  6 Benton Community        145   16   29   31   33   36   46   52    19:24    1:11

  7 Belle Plaine            215   19   44   48   49   55   56   68    20:43    3:14

  8 Sigourney               242   22   45   47   63   65   66   69    21:29    4:33

  9 Springville-Central C   266   43   51   54   57   61              21:44    2:21

 10 Bgm                     269   24   53   58   64   70   72   73    22:20    5:55

 11 Hlv                     278   21   59   60   67   71              22:46    6:06

Incomplete Teams: 


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Vinton-Shellsburg

    2  Derek Dinderman, 11        17:22    5:35

    3  Nolan Sagan, 12            17:38    5:40

   10  Max Wehage, 11             18:07    5:50

   11  Jordan Evans, 11           18:14    5:52

   32  Scott Wirth, 9             19:35    6:18

   37  Ben Hyland, 12             19:48    6:22

   41  Conner Miracle, 9          20:04    6:27

Total Time = 90:53     Total Places = 58

2. Mid-Prairie

    4  Ryan Errthum, 10           17:40    5:41

    5  Jared Draper, 11           17:48    5:44

    9  Ty Feigenspan, 12          18:01    5:48

   18  Zebulon Schwartz, 12       18:43    6:01

   23  Andrew Schwartz, 9         19:13    6:11

   25  Jonah Van Roekel, 12       19:19    6:13

   42  Evan Wild, 12              20:06    6:28

Total Time = 91:24     Total Places = 59

3. Williamsburg

    6  Cullen Turner, 12          17:51    5:44

    8  Warren Jennings, 11        17:57    5:46

   13  Bailey Westfall, 10        18:22    5:55

   20  Stetson Greiner, 11        18:53    6:05

   26  Cole Williamson, 12        19:23    6:14

   35  Josh Zollinger, 11         19:44    6:21

   39  Dylan Miller, 10           19:54    6:24

Total Time = 92:24     Total Places = 73

4. Mount Pleasant

    1  Logan Murray, 9            17:03    5:29

   14  Jack Pieper, 9             18:24    5:55

   17  Josh Beelman, 11           18:37    6:00

   27  Henry Pham, 11             19:25    6:15

   28  Ryan Hutchinson, 9         19:27    6:16

   30  Dalton Krum, 9             19:31    6:17

   34  Adam Bodenham, 9           19:36    6:18

Total Time = 92:56     Total Places = 87

5. Clear Creek-Amana

    7  Eric Douglass, 10          17:51    5:44

   12  Ben Alcorn, 10             18:22    5:54

   15  Jacob Tener, 10            18:33    5:58

   38  Dustin Yelland, 12         19:49    6:23

   40  Luke Wingert, 9            19:58    6:25

   50  Ben Oxley, 9               21:15    6:50

   62  Albin Forsberg, 12         22:57    7:23

Total Time = 94:30     Total Places = 112

6. Benton Community

   16  Tom Smith, 12              18:36    5:59

   29  Trevor Hartz, 11           19:30    6:16

   31  Andrew Thompson, 12        19:31    6:17

   33  Neil Schadle, 12           19:36    6:18

   36  Eli Miller, 10             19:46    6:22

   46  Zach Steffen, 10           20:36    6:38

   52  Ben Haerther, 11           21:34    6:56

Total Time = 96:57     Total Places = 145

7. Belle Plaine

   19  Orie Brown, 12             18:45    6:02

   44  Robert Brown, 12           20:28    6:35

   48  Jacob Ehlen, 10            21:09    6:48

   49  Mattew Mengler, 12         21:13    6:50

   55  Justin Jacobi, 11          21:58    7:04

   56  Lane Bachelder, 12         21:59    7:04

   68  Will Mengler, 10           24:28    7:52

Total Time = 103:32     Total Places = 215

8. Sigourney

   22  Nathan Fritz, 11           19:12    6:11

   45  Will Flanegin, 9           20:31    6:36

   47  Tyler Crawford, 10         20:56    6:44

   63  Jake Van Ee, 11            23:01    7:24

   65  Zane Kracht, 9             23:45    7:38

   66  Adam deRegnier, 11         24:02    7:44

   69  Drayce Webster, 11         24:29    7:53

Total Time = 107:23     Total Places = 242

9. Springville-Central C

   43  Sam Lorimer, 9             20:26    6:34

   51  Levi Flitsch, 9            21:25    6:53

   54  Brady Barner, 10           21:52    7:02

   57  Garrett Wolf, 10           22:10    7:08

   61  Tucker Nelson, 9           22:46    7:20

Total Time = 108:38     Total Places = 266

10. Bgm

   24  Jake Wilson, 11            19:14    6:11

   53  Jesus Gambou, 9            21:35    6:57

   58  Teun Boelen, 9             22:15    7:10

   64  Owen Cline, 9              23:29    7:33

   70  Dillon Brady, 9            25:09    8:05

   72  Storm Riby, 12             26:32    8:32

   73  Zach Guss, 9               27:11    8:45

Total Time = 111:40     Total Places = 269

11. Hlv

   21  Rhett Thys, 12             19:05    6:08

   59  Isaiah Ehrenberger, 9      22:34    7:16

   60  Michael Davis, 9           22:44    7:19

   67  David Williams, 11         24:16    7:49

   71  Peyton Simmons, 9          25:10    8:06

Total Time = 113:47     Total Places = 278


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Logan Murray, 9            17:03    5:29  Mount Pleasant       

    2     2  Derek Dinderman, 11        17:22    5:35  Vinton-Shellsburg    

    3     3  Nolan Sagan, 12            17:38    5:40  Vinton-Shellsburg    

    4     4  Ryan Errthum, 10           17:40    5:41  Mid-Prairie          

    5     5  Jared Draper, 11           17:48    5:44  Mid-Prairie          

    6     6  Cullen Turner, 12          17:51    5:44  Williamsburg         

    7     7  Eric Douglass, 10          17:51    5:44  Clear Creek-Amana    

    8     8  Warren Jennings, 11        17:57    5:46  Williamsburg         

    9     9  Ty Feigenspan, 12          18:01    5:48  Mid-Prairie          

   10    10  Max Wehage, 11             18:07    5:50  Vinton-Shellsburg    

   11    11  Jordan Evans, 11           18:14    5:52  Vinton-Shellsburg    

   12    12  Ben Alcorn, 10             18:22    5:54  Clear Creek-Amana    

   13    13  Bailey Westfall, 10        18:22    5:55  Williamsburg         

   14    14  Jack Pieper, 9             18:24    5:55  Mount Pleasant       

   15    15  Jacob Tener, 10            18:33    5:58  Clear Creek-Amana    

   16    16  Tom Smith, 12              18:36    5:59  Benton Community     

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   17    17  Josh Beelman, 11           18:37    6:00  Mount Pleasant       

   18    18  Zebulon Schwartz, 12       18:43    6:01  Mid-Prairie          

   19    19  Orie Brown, 12             18:45    6:02  Belle Plaine         

   20    20  Stetson Greiner, 11        18:53    6:05  Williamsburg         

   21    21  Rhett Thys, 12             19:05    6:08  Hlv                  

   22    22  Nathan Fritz, 11           19:12    6:11  Sigourney            

   23    23  Andrew Schwartz, 9         19:13    6:11  Mid-Prairie          

   24    24  Jake Wilson, 11            19:14    6:11  Bgm                  

   25    25  Jonah Van Roekel, 12       19:19    6:13  Mid-Prairie          

   26    26  Cole Williamson, 12        19:23    6:14  Williamsburg         

   27    27  Henry Pham, 11             19:25    6:15  Mount Pleasant       

   28    28  Ryan Hutchinson, 9         19:27    6:16  Mount Pleasant       

   29    29  Trevor Hartz, 11           19:30    6:16  Benton Community     

   30    30  Dalton Krum, 9             19:31    6:17  Mount Pleasant       

   31    31  Andrew Thompson, 12        19:31    6:17  Benton Community     

   32    32  Scott Wirth, 9             19:35    6:18  Vinton-Shellsburg    

   33    33  Neil Schadle, 12           19:36    6:18  Benton Community     

   34    34  Adam Bodenham, 9           19:36    6:18  Mount Pleasant       

   35    35  Josh Zollinger, 11         19:44    6:21  Williamsburg         

   36    36  Eli Miller, 10             19:46    6:22  Benton Community     

   37    37  Ben Hyland, 12             19:48    6:22  Vinton-Shellsburg    

   38    38  Dustin Yelland, 12         19:49    6:23  Clear Creek-Amana    

   39    39  Dylan Miller, 10           19:54    6:24  Williamsburg         

   40    40  Luke Wingert, 9            19:58    6:25  Clear Creek-Amana    

   41    41  Conner Miracle, 9          20:04    6:27  Vinton-Shellsburg    

   42    42  Evan Wild, 12              20:06    6:28  Mid-Prairie          

   43    43  Sam Lorimer, 9             20:26    6:34  Springville-Central C 

   44    44  Robert Brown, 12           20:28    6:35  Belle Plaine         

   45    45  Will Flanegin, 9           20:31    6:36  Sigourney            

   46    46  Zach Steffen, 10           20:36    6:38  Benton Community     

   47    47  Tyler Crawford, 10         20:56    6:44  Sigourney            

   48    48  Jacob Ehlen, 10            21:09    6:48  Belle Plaine         

   49    49  Mattew Mengler, 12         21:13    6:50  Belle Plaine         

   50    50  Ben Oxley, 9               21:15    6:50  Clear Creek-Amana    

   51    51  Levi Flitsch, 9            21:25    6:53  Springville-Central C 

   52    52  Ben Haerther, 11           21:34    6:56  Benton Community     

   53    53  Jesus Gambou, 9            21:35    6:57  Bgm                  

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   54    54  Brady Barner, 10           21:52    7:02  Springville-Central C 

   55    55  Justin Jacobi, 11          21:58    7:04  Belle Plaine         

   56    56  Lane Bachelder, 12         21:59    7:04  Belle Plaine         

   57    57  Garrett Wolf, 10           22:10    7:08  Springville-Central C 

   58    58  Teun Boelen, 9             22:15    7:10  Bgm                  

   59    59  Isaiah Ehrenberger, 9      22:34    7:16  Hlv                  

   60    60  Michael Davis, 9           22:44    7:19  Hlv                  

   61    61  Tucker Nelson, 9           22:46    7:20  Springville-Central C 

   62    62  Albin Forsberg, 12         22:57    7:23  Clear Creek-Amana    

   63    63  Jake Van Ee, 11            23:01    7:24  Sigourney            

   64    64  Owen Cline, 9              23:29    7:33  Bgm                  

   65    65  Zane Kracht, 9             23:45    7:38  Sigourney            

   66    66  Adam deRegnier, 11         24:02    7:44  Sigourney            

   67    67  David Williams, 11         24:16    7:49  Hlv                  

   68    68  Will Mengler, 10           24:28    7:52  Belle Plaine         

   69    69  Drayce Webster, 11         24:29    7:53  Sigourney            

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
   70    70  Dillon Brady, 9            25:09    8:05  Bgm                  

   71    71  Peyton Simmons, 9          25:10    8:06  Hlv                  

   72    72  Storm Riby, 12             26:32    8:32  Bgm                  

   73    73  Zach Guss, 9               27:11    8:45  Bgm                  

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