NICL Conference., Girl's, Middle School, 1.5 miles

Oakleaf GC, Reinbeck, Iowa

October 19, 2013
Sunny, 45 Degrees, SW @ 10-15 mph
Results by Hilltopper Results Service

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var Girls

Var Boys

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  1 Denver M S               28    2    3    5    7   11   12   22    10:38    1:02
  2 Hudson M S               57    1    4    8   21   23              11:20    2:20
  3 East Marshall M S        67    9   10   13   17   18   25   30    11:29    1:10
  4 West Marshall M S        85    6   16   19   20   24   28   31    11:57    2:06
  5 Dike-New Hart M S       111   14   15   26   27   29   32         12:35    1:19

Incomplete Teams: B C L U W M S, Gladbrook-Rein M S, Jesup M S, South Hardin M S
South Tama M S, Wapsie Valley M S
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Denver M S
    2  Caroline Stokes, 8         10:17  
    3  Annie Place, 8             10:24  
    5  Emma Larson, 8             10:33  
    7  Lauren Else, 7             10:36  
   11  Sarah Steege, 7            11:19  
   12  Katie Terrill, 8           11:38  
   22  Paige Harberts, 8          12:31  
Total Time = 53:07     Total Places = 28

2. Hudson M S
    1  Grace Jorgensen, 8         10:16  
    4  Hannah Wheeler, 7          10:32  
    8  Ashley Polendo, 8          10:49  
   21  Mikayla McKenna, 8         12:28  
   23  Olivia Kolterman, 8        12:36  
Total Time = 56:40     Total Places = 57

3. East Marshall M S
    9  Maddie Duncan, 7           10:53  
   10  Melinda Puumala, 7         10:53  
   13  Emily Terrones, 8          11:38  
   17  Erin Patterson, 8          12:01  
   18  Cindy Liera, 8             12:02  
   25  Autumn Fye, 7              12:41  
   30  Grace Zimmerman, 8         14:19  
Total Time = 57:25     Total Places = 67

4. West Marshall M S
    6  Ashlee Johnson, 8          10:35  
   16  Ali Davis, 8               12:00  
   19  Julia Harrings, 8          12:05  
   20  Isabelle Gradwell, 8       12:25  
   24  Madelyn Gerhart, 7         12:41  
   28  Brooklyn Philips, 7        13:09  
   31  Macy Landt, 7              14:39  
Total Time = 59:43     Total Places = 85

5. Dike-New Hart M S
   14  Meghan Nystel, 8           11:56  
   15  Sarah Hoehns, 8            11:58  
   26  Rachel Wardell, 7          12:44  
   27  Josie Claude, 8            13:03  
   29  Brooke Poyner, 7           13:15  
   32  Marley Kiewiet, 8          14:46  
Total Time = 62:54     Total Places = 111
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1        Emily Treptow, 7           9:57    Jesup M S            
    2        Jessica Musgrave, 7        10:09    South Tama M S       
    3     1  Grace Jorgensen, 8         10:16    Hudson M S           
    4     2  Caroline Stokes, 8         10:17    Denver M S           
    5     3  Annie Place, 8             10:24    Denver M S           
    6     4  Hannah Wheeler, 7          10:32    Hudson M S           
    7     5  Emma Larson, 8             10:33    Denver M S           
    8     6  Ashlee Johnson, 8          10:35    West Marshall M S    
    9     7  Lauren Else, 7             10:36    Denver M S           
   10        Jordan Carr, 7             10:44    South Hardin M S     
   11     8  Ashley Polendo, 8          10:49    Hudson M S           
   12     9  Maddie Duncan, 7           10:53    East Marshall M S    
   13    10  Melinda Puumala, 7         10:53    East Marshall M S    
   14    11  Sarah Steege, 7            11:19    Denver M S           
   15        Baleigh Menuey, 7          11:32    Jesup M S            
   16        Sidney Schnor, 8           11:35    Wapsie Valley M S    
   17    12  Katie Terrill, 8           11:38    Denver M S           
   18    13  Emily Terrones, 8          11:38    East Marshall M S    
   19        Lily Ehlers, 7             11:51    Gladbrook-Rein M S   
   20        Esmerelda DeLatorre, 8     11:55    South Tama M S       
   21    14  Meghan Nystel, 8           11:56    Dike-New Hart M S    
   22    15  Sarah Hoehns, 8            11:58    Dike-New Hart M S    
   23        Stephanie Slaven, 7        11:59    South Tama M S       
   24    16  Ali Davis, 8               12:00    West Marshall M S    
   25    17  Erin Patterson, 8          12:01    East Marshall M S    
   26    18  Cindy Liera, 8             12:02    East Marshall M S    
   27    19  Julia Harrings, 8          12:05    West Marshall M S    
   28        Kristen Selken, 8          12:16    B C L U W M S        
   29        Lauren Gumm, 8             12:19    South Tama M S       
   30    20  Isabelle Gradwell, 8       12:25    West Marshall M S    
   31    21  Mikayla McKenna, 8         12:28    Hudson M S           
   32    22  Paige Harberts, 8          12:31    Denver M S           
   33        Ellie Cook, 7              12:31    South Hardin M S     
   34    23  Olivia Kolterman, 8        12:36    Hudson M S           
   35    24  Madelyn Gerhart, 7         12:41    West Marshall M S    
   36    25  Autumn Fye, 7              12:41    East Marshall M S    
   37    26  Rachel Wardell, 7          12:44    Dike-New Hart M S    
   38        Skyler Nelson, 8           12:50    B C L U W M S        
   39        Madison Engle, 7           12:53    B C L U W M S        
   40    27  Josie Claude, 8            13:03    Dike-New Hart M S    
   41        Esther Rose, 8             13:03    South Hardin M S     
   42    28  Brooklyn Philips, 7        13:09    West Marshall M S    
   43    29  Brooke Poyner, 7           13:15    Dike-New Hart M S    
   44        Maleah Lichty, 8           13:24    Jesup M S            
   45        Taylor Gienger, 7          13:49    Gladbrook-Rein M S   
   46    30  Grace Zimmerman, 8         14:19    East Marshall M S    
   47    31  Macy Landt, 7              14:39    West Marshall M S    
   48        Raelene Vannatta, 7        14:42    West Marshall M S    
   49    32  Marley Kiewiet, 8          14:46    Dike-New Hart M S    
   50        Karissa Michael, 7         15:27    Wapsie Valley M S    
   51        Haley Teske, 8             15:28    South Hardin M S     

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