Cascade Invitational 3A-4A Varsity Boys - 5K

Fillmore Fairways Golf Course, Cascade, IA

Sep. 20, 2013
Overcast, Wind WNW 10-15mph & 61
Results by Andrew Kauder, Kauder Racing

1A/2A-JV G

3A/4A-JV G

JV Girls

1A/2A-Var G

3A/4A-Var G

Var Girls

1A/2A-JV B

3A/4A-JV B

JV Boys

1A/2A-Var B

3A/4A-Var B

Var Boys



MS Girls

MS Boys



Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 Xavier-Cedar Rapids      50    3    6    8   16   17   32   54    18:11    0:53

  2 Center Point-Urbana      58    1    2    7   20   28   29   50    18:04    1:59

  3 Mount Vernon-Lisbon      78   10   11   12   19   26   30   46    18:29    0:36

  4 Marion                  118    4   15   22   33   44   47   49    18:47    1:51

  5 Western Dubuque         132    9   23   24   36   40   51   53    18:53    1:06

  6 Assumption-Davenport    134    5   27   31   34   37   38   39    18:55    1:13

  7 West Delaware           170   14   21   35   48   52   58   61    19:22    2:17

  8 Central Clinton-DeWit   194   13   41   42   43   55   59   62    19:36    2:38

  9 Maquoketa               201   18   25   45   56   57   60         19:53    2:38

Incomplete Teams: 


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Xavier-Cedar Rapids

    3  Jacob Schmitt, 12          17:38    5:40

    6  Luke Koechner, 11          18:06    5:49

    8  Steven Culpepper, 10       18:12    5:51

   16  Jonathan Francois, 10      18:29    5:57

   17  Nick Koechner, 9           18:30    5:57

   32  Evan Gradoville, 11        19:10    6:10

   54  Bryce Volk, 12             20:52    6:43

Total Time = 90:54     Total Places = 50

2. Center Point-Urbana

    1  Josh Yeager, 11            17:00    5:28

    2  Michael Marshall, 11       17:31    5:38

    7  Adam Millikin, 12          18:08    5:50

   20  Wyatt Gatrost, 10          18:41    6:01

   28  Kevin Ockenfels, 10        18:58    6:06

   29  Ulysses Grant, 12          19:01    6:07

   50  Bradan Hansen, 10          19:58    6:25

Total Time = 90:16     Total Places = 58

3. Mount Vernon-Lisbon

   10  Jack Young, 9              18:17    5:53

   11  Chase McLaughlin, 9        18:19    5:54

   12  Reid Smock, 10             18:19    5:54

   19  Nolan Teubel, 11           18:40    6:00

   26  Peyton Wilch, 10           18:52    6:04

   30  Benjamin Gilbert, 11       19:05    6:08

   46  Chandler Dolan, 11         19:47    6:22

Total Time = 92:25     Total Places = 78

4. Marion

    4  Colton Forster, 11         17:51    5:45

   15  Jacob Manderscheid, 10     18:26    5:56

   22  Hunter Reifschneider, 11   18:43    6:01

   33  Maverick Miller, 9         19:13    6:11

   44  Salem Snoop, 10            19:42    6:20

   47  Jeremy Ellerby, 12         19:48    6:22

   49  Justin Arebaugh, 11        19:53    6:24

Total Time = 93:52     Total Places = 118

5. Western Dubuque

    9  Alex Behnke, 11            18:16    5:52

   23  Isaac Connolly, 9          18:46    6:02

   24  Sam Donovan, 12            18:46    6:02

   36  Nathan Betts, 9            19:15    6:12

   40  Collin Koerperich, 11      19:21    6:14

   51  Mitchell McAndrew, 11      19:59    6:26

   53  Joe Freiburger, 9          20:46    6:41

Total Time = 94:23     Total Places = 132

6. Assumption-Davenport

    5  Jacob Phillips, 11         18:04    5:49

   27  Chris Rolf, 12             18:55    6:05

   31  Will Cooper, 12            19:08    6:09

   34  Sean Baldwin, 11           19:14    6:11

   37  Marcus Knouse, 11          19:16    6:12

   38  Tristan Peterson, 12       19:17    6:12

   39  Alix Gradin, 11            19:21    6:14

Total Time = 94:35     Total Places = 134

7. West Delaware

   14  Nick Sailer, 12            18:23    5:55

   21  Zach Meyer, 12             18:41    6:01

   35  Patrick Woods, 12          19:15    6:11

   48  Ben Knutson, 12            19:52    6:23

   52  Christian Schnieders, 10   20:39    6:39

   58  James Prier, 11            21:19    6:51

   61  Harrison Guetzko, 11       21:55    7:03

Total Time = 96:47     Total Places = 170

8. Central Clinton-DeWit

   13  Kyle Marti, 12             18:20    5:54

   41  Peter Keegan, 12           19:32    6:17

   42  Lucas Block, 11            19:33    6:17

   43  Christian Wright, 12       19:37    6:19

   55  Mathew Townsley, 10        20:57    6:44

   59  Ryan Davison, 11           21:24    6:53

   62  Clay Geise, 11             22:09    7:08

Total Time = 97:56     Total Places = 194

9. Maquoketa

   18  Cale Gent, 11              18:34    5:59

   25  Zach Koppes, 10            18:50    6:04

   45  Ryan Murphy, 10            19:42    6:20

   56  Jacob Miller, 12           21:08    6:48

   57  Sam Fowler, 10             21:12    6:49

   60  Joey Lyon, 10              21:51    7:02

Total Time = 99:25     Total Places = 201


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Josh Yeager, 11            17:00    5:28  Center Point-Urbana  

    2     2  Michael Marshall, 11       17:31    5:38  Center Point-Urbana  

    3     3  Jacob Schmitt, 12          17:38    5:40  Xavier-Cedar Rapids  

    4     4  Colton Forster, 11         17:51    5:45  Marion               

    5     5  Jacob Phillips, 11         18:04    5:49  Assumption-Davenport 

    6     6  Luke Koechner, 11          18:06    5:49  Xavier-Cedar Rapids  

    7     7  Adam Millikin, 12          18:08    5:50  Center Point-Urbana  

    8     8  Steven Culpepper, 10       18:12    5:51  Xavier-Cedar Rapids  

    9     9  Alex Behnke, 11            18:16    5:52  Western Dubuque      

   10    10  Jack Young, 9              18:17    5:53  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   11    11  Chase McLaughlin, 9        18:19    5:54  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   12    12  Reid Smock, 10             18:19    5:54  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   13    13  Kyle Marti, 12             18:20    5:54  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   14    14  Nick Sailer, 12            18:23    5:55  West Delaware        

   15    15  Jacob Manderscheid, 10     18:26    5:56  Marion               

   16    16  Jonathan Francois, 10      18:29    5:57  Xavier-Cedar Rapids  

   17    17  Nick Koechner, 9           18:30    5:57  Xavier-Cedar Rapids  

   18    18  Cale Gent, 11              18:34    5:59  Maquoketa            

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
   19    19  Nolan Teubel, 11           18:40    6:00  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   20    20  Wyatt Gatrost, 10          18:41    6:01  Center Point-Urbana  

   21    21  Zach Meyer, 12             18:41    6:01  West Delaware        

   22    22  Hunter Reifschneider, 11   18:43    6:01  Marion               

   23    23  Isaac Connolly, 9          18:46    6:02  Western Dubuque      

   24    24  Sam Donovan, 12            18:46    6:02  Western Dubuque      

   25    25  Zach Koppes, 10            18:50    6:04  Maquoketa            

   26    26  Peyton Wilch, 10           18:52    6:04  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   27    27  Chris Rolf, 12             18:55    6:05  Assumption-Davenport 

   28    28  Kevin Ockenfels, 10        18:58    6:06  Center Point-Urbana  

   29    29  Ulysses Grant, 12          19:01    6:07  Center Point-Urbana  

   30    30  Benjamin Gilbert, 11       19:05    6:08  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   31    31  Will Cooper, 12            19:08    6:09  Assumption-Davenport 

   32    32  Evan Gradoville, 11        19:10    6:10  Xavier-Cedar Rapids  

   33    33  Maverick Miller, 9         19:13    6:11  Marion               

   34    34  Sean Baldwin, 11           19:14    6:11  Assumption-Davenport 

   35    35  Patrick Woods, 12          19:15    6:11  West Delaware        

   36    36  Nathan Betts, 9            19:15    6:12  Western Dubuque      

   37    37  Marcus Knouse, 11          19:16    6:12  Assumption-Davenport 

   38    38  Tristan Peterson, 12       19:17    6:12  Assumption-Davenport 

   39    39  Alix Gradin, 11            19:21    6:14  Assumption-Davenport 

   40    40  Collin Koerperich, 11      19:21    6:14  Western Dubuque      

   41    41  Peter Keegan, 12           19:32    6:17  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   42    42  Lucas Block, 11            19:33    6:17  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   43    43  Christian Wright, 12       19:37    6:19  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   44    44  Salem Snoop, 10            19:42    6:20  Marion               

   45    45  Ryan Murphy, 10            19:42    6:20  Maquoketa            

   46    46  Chandler Dolan, 11         19:47    6:22  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   47    47  Jeremy Ellerby, 12         19:48    6:22  Marion               

   48    48  Ben Knutson, 12            19:52    6:23  West Delaware        

   49    49  Justin Arebaugh, 11        19:53    6:24  Marion               

   50    50  Bradan Hansen, 10          19:58    6:25  Center Point-Urbana  

   51    51  Mitchell McAndrew, 11      19:59    6:26  Western Dubuque      

   52    52  Christian Schnieders, 10   20:39    6:39  West Delaware        

   53    53  Joe Freiburger, 9          20:46    6:41  Western Dubuque      

   54    54  Bryce Volk, 12             20:52    6:43  Xavier-Cedar Rapids  

   55    55  Mathew Townsley, 10        20:57    6:44  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   56    56  Jacob Miller, 12           21:08    6:48  Maquoketa            

   57    57  Sam Fowler, 10             21:12    6:49  Maquoketa            

   58    58  James Prier, 11            21:19    6:51  West Delaware        

   59    59  Ryan Davison, 11           21:24    6:53  Central Clinton-DeWit 

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
   60    60  Joey Lyon, 10              21:51    7:02  Maquoketa            

   61    61  Harrison Guetzko, 11       21:55    7:03  West Delaware        

   62    62  Clay Geise, 11             22:09    7:08  Central Clinton-DeWit 

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