40th Bobcat Inviational MS Boys

Marshalltown Community College

Sep. 12, 2013
High 70s, Sunny & Windy
Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

9/10 Girls

JV Girls

Var Girls

MS Boys

9/10 Boys

JV Boys

Var Boys

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  1 Valley                   26    3    4    5    6    8   13   15    12:43    0:54
  2 Marshalltown             51    2    7   12   14   16   19   21    13:06    1:36
  3 Southeast Polk           57    1   10   11   17   18   20   25    13:14    1:54
  4 Fort Dodge              104    9   22   23   24   26   27   28    14:28    2:26

Incomplete Teams: Grundy Center, Hudson
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Valley
    3  Jd VanderWeide, 8          12:12  
    4  Nick Johnson, 8            12:20  
    5  Matt Scharingson, 8        12:57  
    6  Kon Lueth, 8               12:58  
    8  Arm Kumar, 8               13:06  
   13  Donald Bishop, 8           13:25  
   15  Sam Worlie, 8              13:30  
Total Time = 1:03:33     Total Places = 26

2. Marshalltown
    2  Sam Irwin, 8               12:04  
    7  Brent Johnson, 7           12:59  
   12  Jarod Dolezal, 8           13:16  
   14  Dylan Roseburrough, 8      13:29  
   16  Ryan Huffman, 8            13:39  
   19  Luke Pederson, 8           14:01  
   21  Andrew Barber, 8           14:07  
Total Time = 1:05:27     Total Places = 51

3. Southeast Polk
    1  Cutler Owens, 8            11:57  
   10  Andrew Owens, 8            13:14  
   11  Andrew Gjersvik, 8         13:16  
   17  James Haines, 8            13:49  
   18  Cj Schrock, 7              13:50  
   20  Mason Cole, 8              14:05  
   25  Brandon Banyas, 7          14:40  
Total Time = 1:06:06     Total Places = 57

4. Fort Dodge
    9  Austin Hintch, 8           13:13  
   22  Tyreike Mericle, 8         14:13  
   23  Jr Brandt, 8               14:35  
   24  Eli Asay, 8                14:38  
   26  Landon Getting, 8          15:39  
   27  Drew Zimmerman, 8          15:46  
   28  Luke Jacobson, 8           15:50  
Total Time = 1:12:18     Total Places = 104
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Cutler Owens, 8            11:57    Southeast Polk       
    2     2  Sam Irwin, 8               12:04    Marshalltown         
    3     3  Jd VanderWeide, 8          12:12    Valley               
    4     4  Nick Johnson, 8            12:20    Valley               
    5     5  Matt Scharingson, 8        12:57    Valley               
    6     6  Kon Lueth, 8               12:58    Valley               
    7     7  Brent Johnson, 7           12:59    Marshalltown         
    8     8  Arm Kumar, 8               13:06    Valley               
    9     9  Austin Hintch, 8           13:13    Fort Dodge           
   10    10  Andrew Owens, 8            13:14    Southeast Polk       
   11    11  Andrew Gjersvik, 8         13:16    Southeast Polk       
   12    12  Jarod Dolezal, 8           13:16    Marshalltown         
   13    13  Donald Bishop, 8           13:25    Valley               
   14        Matt Reichert, 8           13:26    Hudson               
   15    14  Dylan Roseburrough, 8      13:29    Marshalltown         
   16    15  Sam Worlie, 8              13:30    Valley               
   17    16  Ryan Huffman, 8            13:39    Marshalltown         
   18        Preston Doerrfeld, 8       13:44    Valley               
   19    17  James Haines, 8            13:49    Southeast Polk       
   20    18  Cj Schrock, 7              13:50    Southeast Polk       
   21    19  Luke Pederson, 8           14:01    Marshalltown         
   22        Ryan Roberts, 8            14:05    Valley               
   23    20  Mason Cole, 8              14:05    Southeast Polk       
   24    21  Andrew Barber, 8           14:07    Marshalltown         
   25    22  Tyreike Mericle, 8         14:13    Fort Dodge           
   26        Blake Mann, 8              14:18    Marshalltown         
   27        Aj Sandor, 8               14:20    Valley               
   28        Erik Skoog, 8              14:30    Valley               
   29        Lucas Theissen, 8          14:32    Marshalltown         
   30    23  Jr Brandt, 8               14:35    Fort Dodge           
   31    24  Eli Asay, 8                14:38    Fort Dodge           
   32    25  Brandon Banyas, 7          14:40    Southeast Polk       
   33        Isaish Keomala, 7          14:45    Southeast Polk       
   34        Caleb Summers, 7           14:48    Marshalltown         
   35        Vincent Barlow, 7          14:53    Southeast Polk       
   36        Luke Smith, 7              14:56    Marshalltown         
   37        Evan Wilson, 7             14:57    Southeast Polk       
   38        Brady Appel, 7             14:58    Grundy Center        
   39        Will Brandt, 7             14:58    Southeast Polk       
   40        Tate Keuhner, 7            15:01    Marshalltown         
   41        Nick Cinnamon, 8           15:02    Valley               
   42        Johnson Huynh, 7           15:06    Southeast Polk       
   43        Jacob Weisshaar, 8         15:11    Valley               
   44        Juan Guavara, 8            15:11    Marshalltown         
   45        Carson George, 7           15:12    Southeast Polk       
   46        Connor Willeford, 8        15:31    Southeast Polk       
   47        Bailey Shaw, 7             15:33    Southeast Polk       
   48        Evan Perry, 7              15:36    Southeast Polk       
   49        Camden Christensen, 8      15:38    Southeast Polk       
   50        Lucas Lubben, 8            15:38    Hudson               
   51    26  Landon Getting, 8          15:39    Fort Dodge           
   52        Joe Swinton, 8             15:40    Southeast Polk       
   53    27  Drew Zimmerman, 8          15:46    Fort Dodge           
   54    28  Luke Jacobson, 8           15:50    Fort Dodge           
   55        Michael Joyce, 8           15:52    Valley               
   56        Garrison Starkey, 8        15:59    Valley               
   57        Garrett Horak, 8           16:09    Valley               
   58        Kyle Kopf, 8               16:11    Valley               
   59        Kody Richardson, 8         16:16    Fort Dodge           
   60        Brennan Wieck, 8           16:20    Valley               
   61        Riley Crimmins, 8          16:20    Fort Dodge           
   62        Nicholas Hoepker, 8        16:22    Valley               
   63        Maria Gorham, 8            16:25    Valley               
   64        Connor Bernstein, 7        16:26    Southeast Polk       
   65        Dylan Bethke, 8            16:41    Fort Dodge           
   66        Evan Alley, 8              16:50    Valley               
   67        Zach Harn, 8               17:11    Valley               
   68        Peyton Jackson, 7          17:17    Southeast Polk       
   69        Jose Ramos De Jesus, 8     17:21    Valley               
   70        Yuet Both, 8               17:24    Valley               
   71        Bennett Boote, 8           17:31    Valley               
   72        Nick Reeck, 8              17:34    Fort Dodge           
   73        Clayton Moffit, 8          17:58    Valley               
   74        Andrew Johnson, 7          18:01    Fort Dodge           
   75        Ethan Penne, 7             18:09    Southeast Polk       
   76        Varun Myneni, 8            18:09    Valley               
   77        Elijah Hanson, 7           18:13    Southeast Polk       
   78        Wyatt Rayl, 8              18:14    Southeast Polk       
   79        Linh Tran, 8               18:17    Valley               
   80        Preston Hayes, 8           18:28    Valley               
   81        Will Fajen, 8              18:48    Valley               
   82        Andrew Berry, 8            18:52    Valley               
   83        Neil Fajen, 8              18:58    Valley               
   84        Garrett Wheeler, 8         19:12    Valley               
   85        Jacob Beattie, 7           19:24    Southeast Polk       
   86        Josh Dvorak, 8             19:35    Valley               
   87        Luke McKibben, 7           19:40    Marshalltown         
   88        Andrew Hinton, 7           19:53    Fort Dodge           
   89        Keegan Lombard, 7          19:59    Fort Dodge           
   90        Jared Melcher, 7           20:03    Grundy Center        
   91        Tristian Streeter, 7       20:07    Marshalltown         
   92        Mitchell O\\\'meara, 8     20:59    Valley               
   93        Emmett Bauder, 7           21:02    Marshalltown         
   94        Joel Adams, 8              21:20    Valley               
   95        Ryne Downey, 7             21:33    Marshalltown         
   96        Josh VanHorn, 7            22:28    Southeast Polk       
   97        Connor Lovejoy, 7          23:13    Fort Dodge           
   98        Garrison Osborn, 8         23:26    Valley               
   99        Troy Hamrick, 7            23:33    Marshalltown         
  100        David Wahl, 7              26:54    Marshalltown         
  101        Patrick Martin, 7          27:11    Marshalltown         
  102        Ben Warren, 7              27:21    Southeast Polk       

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