NICL Conference, Women, Varsity, 4k

Oakleaf Golf Course, Reinbeck, Iowa

October 15, 2012
Cloudy, 60 Degrees, S @ 1-2 mph
Results by Hilltopper Results Service

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var Girls

Var Boys

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  1 Dike-New Hartford        75    4    5   13   21   32   35   42    17:33    1:55
  2 Hudson                  106    3   17   23   29   34   54   84    17:58    2:15
  3 Denver                  108    1   24   26   27   30   31   48    17:54    2:18
  4 South Hardin            131    6   12   22   40   51   57         18:19    2:58
  5 East Marshall           140    8    9   18   44   61   80   83    18:19    3:26
  6 South Tama              188    7   11   39   63   68   69         18:58    3:59
  7 Wapsie Valley           190    2   25   38   47   78   79   86    19:11    5:35
  8 B C L U W               195   15   16   45   59   60   72   75    19:00    2:38
 9* Grundy Center           204   10   37   49   52   56   76   82    19:12    2:57
10* Aplington Parkersburg   204   19   20   33   58   74   77         19:15    3:41
 11 Union                   246   28   46   53   55   64   65         19:41    2:06
 12 Gladbrook-Reinbeck      252   36   41   43   62   70   73   81    19:55    2:09
 13 West Marshall           268   14   50   66   67   71   85         19:57    3:43

Incomplete Teams: Jesup
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dike-New Hartford
    4  Haylee Luna, 9             16:48  
    5  Lauren Sharp, 12           16:50  
   13  Kadi Wright, 9             17:26  
   21  Jurane Lizer, 9            17:58  
   32  Hannah Dove, 9             18:43  
   35  Carolyn Bolhuis, 11        19:01  
   42  Hanna Hunt, 10             19:28  
Total Time = 87:45     Total Places = 75

2. Hudson
    3  Amanda Cartney, 10         16:41  
   17  Lexi Kolterman, 10         17:39  
   23  Courtney Petersen, 11      18:11  
   29  Kassidy Mayer, 10          18:25  
   34  Kaitlyn Peters, 10         18:56  
   54  Olivia Griffith, 10        19:52  
   84  Tatyana Breitkruz, 11      22:57  
Total Time = 89:50     Total Places = 106

3. Denver
    1  Kelsey Kirchoff, 12        16:09  
   24  Natalie Fober, 9           18:15  
   26  Miranda Fober, 11          18:20  
   27  Lauren Stokes, 9           18:21  
   30  Samantha Stokes, 11        18:27  
   31  Courtney Steege, 12        18:33  
   48  Zildjian Bartels, 12       19:42  
Total Time = 89:30     Total Places = 108

4. South Hardin
    6  Lydia Rose, 9              16:52  
   12  Claire Damon, 10           17:25  
   22  Megan Carr, 9              18:04  
   40  Kylee Zoske, 10            19:22  
   51  Laura Campbell, 9          19:49  
   57  Taylor Fox, 12             20:09  
Total Time = 91:31     Total Places = 131

5. East Marshall
    8  Kristen Amendt, 11         16:54  
    9  Haley Fye, 9               17:01  
   18  Paige Miller, 12           17:48  
   44  Paige Flugge, 11           19:34  
   61  Allie Roberts, 10          20:19  
   80  Kaylee Howe, 10            22:11  
   83  Mariah Fritz, 10           22:54  
Total Time = 91:34     Total Places = 140

6. South Tama
    7  Kelsey Kupka, 12           16:53  
   11  Taylor Ellenbecker, 11     17:18  
   39  Regina Balderas, 11        19:20  
   63  Erin Filloon, 11           20:28  
   68  Natasha Musgrave, 12       20:51  
   69  Grace Kavalier, 12         20:56  
Total Time = 94:48     Total Places = 188

7. Wapsie Valley
    2  Abrah Meyer, 12            16:35  
   25  Lauren Ambrosy, 11         18:18  
   38  Maddie Garber, 9           19:11  
   47  Brianne Miller, 10         19:40  
   78  Shereese Folsom, 11        22:10  
   79  Madi McDaniel, 10          22:11  
   86  Lexie Morse, 9             23:27  
Total Time = 95:52     Total Places = 190

8. B C L U W
   15  Becca Steckelberg, 10      17:32  
   16  Amelia Tonner, 9           17:35  
   45  Michelle Schmitt, 12       19:35  
   59  Bailey Nash, 12            20:10  
   60  Molly Pieper, 12           20:10  
   72  Callen Scurr, 12           21:25  
   75  Sydney Runge, 12           21:32  
Total Time = 95:00     Total Places = 195

9*. Grundy Center
   10  Hannah Stumberg, 11        17:11  
   37  Jes Ackerson, 11           19:07  
   49  Dalyn Maxson, 9            19:46  
   52  Kate Ross, 9               19:50  
   56  Jen Rust, 11               20:08  
   76  Mackenzie Mackie, 12       21:35  
   82  Baylie Wrage, 12           22:49  
Total Time = 95:59     Total Places = 204

10*. Aplington Parkersburg
   19  kaylea terrill, 12         17:49  
   20  hannah coates, 10          17:56  
   33  solvejg munch, 10          18:50  
   58  emilie herter, 9           20:09  
   74  kiersten truax, 9          21:30  
   77  cassidy choate, 9          22:05  
Total Time = 96:12     Total Places = 204

11. Union
   28  Tessa Reiter, 11           18:24  
   46  Rachel Vaughn, 11          19:35  
   53  Emily Dalluge, 11          19:51  
   55  Brooke Thiele, 10          20:05  
   64  Emily Samuelson, 11        20:29  
   65  Kylie Wrobel, 11           20:30  
Total Time = 98:22     Total Places = 246

12. Gladbrook-Reinbeck
   36  Nicole Adair, 10           19:03  
   41  Meg Edler, 10              19:23  
   43  Hannah Martin, 10          19:31  
   62  Kelsey Schwartz, 10        20:27  
   70  Cydney Rose, 10            21:12  
   73  Rachel Bown, 12            21:28  
   81  Emily Johnson, 10          22:13  
Total Time = 99:34     Total Places = 252

13. West Marshall
   14  Victoria Pothast, 12       17:30  
   50  Rachel Knights, 12         19:48  
   66  Maggie Sodders, 9          20:32  
   67  Carly Kielman, 11          20:42  
   71  Ashley Pfantz, 11          21:13  
   85  Kalie Weuve, 10            23:22  
Total Time = 99:43     Total Places = 268
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Kelsey Kirchoff, 12        16:09    Denver               
    2     2  Abrah Meyer, 12            16:35    Wapsie Valley        
    3     3  Amanda Cartney, 10         16:41    Hudson               
    4     4  Haylee Luna, 9             16:48    Dike-New Hartford    
    5     5  Lauren Sharp, 12           16:50    Dike-New Hartford    
    6     6  Lydia Rose, 9              16:52    South Hardin         
    7     7  Kelsey Kupka, 12           16:53    South Tama           
    8     8  Kristen Amendt, 11         16:54    East Marshall        
    9     9  Haley Fye, 9               17:01    East Marshall        
   10    10  Hannah Stumberg, 11        17:11    Grundy Center        
   11    11  Taylor Ellenbecker, 11     17:18    South Tama           
   12    12  Claire Damon, 10           17:25    South Hardin         
   13    13  Kadi Wright, 9             17:26    Dike-New Hartford    
   14    14  Victoria Pothast, 12       17:30    West Marshall        
   15    15  Becca Steckelberg, 10      17:32    B C L U W            
   16    16  Amelia Tonner, 9           17:35    B C L U W            
   17    17  Lexi Kolterman, 10         17:39    Hudson               
   18    18  Paige Miller, 12           17:48    East Marshall        
   19    19  kaylea terrill, 12         17:49    Aplington Parkersburg 
   20    20  hannah coates, 10          17:56    Aplington Parkersburg 
   21    21  Jurane Lizer, 9            17:58    Dike-New Hartford    
   22    22  Megan Carr, 9              18:04    South Hardin         
   23    23  Courtney Petersen, 11      18:11    Hudson               
   24    24  Natalie Fober, 9           18:15    Denver               
   25    25  Lauren Ambrosy, 11         18:18    Wapsie Valley        
   26    26  Miranda Fober, 11          18:20    Denver               
   27    27  Lauren Stokes, 9           18:21    Denver               
   28    28  Tessa Reiter, 11           18:24    Union                
   29    29  Kassidy Mayer, 10          18:25    Hudson               
   30    30  Samantha Stokes, 11        18:27    Denver               
   31    31  Courtney Steege, 12        18:33    Denver               
   32    32  Hannah Dove, 9             18:43    Dike-New Hartford    
   33    33  solvejg munch, 10          18:50    Aplington Parkersburg 
   34    34  Kaitlyn Peters, 10         18:56    Hudson               
   35    35  Carolyn Bolhuis, 11        19:01    Dike-New Hartford    
   36    36  Nicole Adair, 10           19:03    Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
   37    37  Jes Ackerson, 11           19:07    Grundy Center        
   38    38  Maddie Garber, 9           19:11    Wapsie Valley        
   39    39  Regina Balderas, 11        19:20    South Tama           
   40    40  Kylee Zoske, 10            19:22    South Hardin         
   41    41  Meg Edler, 10              19:23    Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
   42    42  Hanna Hunt, 10             19:28    Dike-New Hartford    
   43    43  Hannah Martin, 10          19:31    Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
   44    44  Paige Flugge, 11           19:34    East Marshall        
   45    45  Michelle Schmitt, 12       19:35    B C L U W            
   46    46  Rachel Vaughn, 11          19:35    Union                
   47    47  Brianne Miller, 10         19:40    Wapsie Valley        
   48    48  Zildjian Bartels, 12       19:42    Denver               
   49    49  Dalyn Maxson, 9            19:46    Grundy Center        
   50    50  Rachel Knights, 12         19:48    West Marshall        
   51    51  Laura Campbell, 9          19:49    South Hardin         
   52    52  Kate Ross, 9               19:50    Grundy Center        
   53    53  Emily Dalluge, 11          19:51    Union                
   54    54  Olivia Griffith, 10        19:52    Hudson               
   55    55  Brooke Thiele, 10          20:05    Union                
   56    56  Jen Rust, 11               20:08    Grundy Center        
   57    57  Taylor Fox, 12             20:09    South Hardin         
   58    58  emilie herter, 9           20:09    Aplington Parkersburg 
   59    59  Bailey Nash, 12            20:10    B C L U W            
   60    60  Molly Pieper, 12           20:10    B C L U W            
   61    61  Allie Roberts, 10          20:19    East Marshall        
   62        Kelsey Lough, 12           20:20    Jesup                
   63    62  Kelsey Schwartz, 10        20:27    Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
   64    63  Erin Filloon, 11           20:28    South Tama           
   65    64  Emily Samuelson, 11        20:29    Union                
   66    65  Kylie Wrobel, 11           20:30    Union                
   67    66  Maggie Sodders, 9          20:32    West Marshall        
   68    67  Carly Kielman, 11          20:42    West Marshall        
   69    68  Natasha Musgrave, 12       20:51    South Tama           
   70        Ashlyn Ciesielski, 9       20:54    Jesup                
   71    69  Grace Kavalier, 12         20:56    South Tama           
   72        Alissa Brown, 11           21:07    Jesup                
   73    70  Cydney Rose, 10            21:12    Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
   74    71  Ashley Pfantz, 11          21:13    West Marshall        
   75    72  Callen Scurr, 12           21:25    B C L U W            
   76    73  Rachel Bown, 12            21:28    Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
   77    74  kiersten truax, 9          21:30    Aplington Parkersburg 
   78    75  Sydney Runge, 12           21:32    B C L U W            
   79    76  Mackenzie Mackie, 12       21:35    Grundy Center        
   80    77  cassidy choate, 9          22:05    Aplington Parkersburg 
   81    78  Shereese Folsom, 11        22:10    Wapsie Valley        
   82    79  Madi McDaniel, 10          22:11    Wapsie Valley        
   83    80  Kaylee Howe, 10            22:11    East Marshall        
   84    81  Emily Johnson, 10          22:13    Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
   85    82  Baylie Wrage, 12           22:49    Grundy Center        
   86    83  Mariah Fritz, 10           22:54    East Marshall        
   87    84  Tatyana Breitkruz, 11      22:57    Hudson               
   88    85  Kalie Weuve, 10            23:22    West Marshall        
   89    86  Lexie Morse, 9             23:27    Wapsie Valley        

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