CIML Iowa Conference XC Championship 9-10 Girls

MCC XC Course - Marshalltown, Ia

Oct. 11, 2012
50s and Windy
Results by Cal Murdock

F/S Girls

F/S Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var Girls

Var Boys

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  1 Johnston                 15    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    16:38    0:18
  2 Valley                   77    8   10   12   21   26   28   30    17:34    0:57
  3 Ankeny Centennial        98   13   16   20   24   25   27   34    17:48    0:30
  4 Waukee                  107   11   17   19   23   37   40   46    17:51    1:05
  5 Ames                    112    9   14   15   35   39   43   51    17:53    1:23
  6 Southeast Polk          162   18   31   33   36   44   50   60    18:20    1:01
  7 Mason City              210   22   29   42   55   62   69         18:55    2:32
  8 Ankeny                  216   32   38   41   52   53   59   67    18:48    0:56
  9 Marshalltown            264   48   49   54   56   57   66   68    19:18    0:37
 10 Dowling Catholic        274   45   47   58   61   63   64   65    19:35    1:58
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston
    1  Abby Puk, So               16:29  
    2  Emma Thayer, So            16:31  
    3  Anne Rogers, So            16:39  
    4  Kristina Rice, Fr          16:42  
    5  Sarah Kromminga, So        16:47  
    6  Jady Polson, So            16:52  
    7  Ellen Bennett, So          16:57  
Total Time = 1:23:06     Total Places = 15

2. Valley
    8  Megan Baysinger, So        17:07  
   10  Mary Lowe, So              17:21  
   12  Samantha Ellis, Fr         17:28  
   21  Jessi Bierbaum, So         17:52  
   26  Hannah Baysinger, So       18:03  
   28  Mani Manektala, So         18:07  
   30  Haley Anglea, Fr           18:10  
Total Time = 1:27:48     Total Places = 77

3. Ankeny Centennial
   13  Molly Doruska, So          17:31  
   16  Jenna Iverson, Fr          17:40  
   20  Caroline Stirling, So      17:50  
   24  Jade Peterson, So          17:59  
   25  Taylor Knight, So          18:01  
   27  Maddie Meter, So           18:06  
   34  Savanna Henning, Fr        18:25  
Total Time = 1:28:59     Total Places = 98

4. Waukee
   11  Hannah Roethler, Fr        17:24  
   17  Ellie Drees, Fr            17:43  
   19  Sydney Day, Fr             17:48  
   23  Haley Smith, Fr            17:54  
   37  Katie Wempen, Fr           18:28  
   40  Rebecca O'Brien, So        18:35  
   46  Kaitlyn Cox, Fr            18:49  
Total Time = 1:29:15     Total Places = 107

5. Ames
    9  Dagney Paskach, Fr         17:11  
   14  Macy Vollbrecht, Fr        17:36  
   15  Madalynn Kouba, Fr         17:39  
   35  Alyssa Duvick, Sr          18:28  
   39  Kaitlyn Barr, So           18:33  
   43  Natalie Tesdall, Fr        18:43  
   51  Carissa Roberts, So        19:09  
Total Time = 1:29:25     Total Places = 112

6. Southeast Polk
   18  Ashley Rodgers, Fr         17:47  
   31  Isabelle Johnson, Fr       18:15  
   33  Madison Johannsen, So      18:24  
   36  Macy Scully, So            18:28  
   44  Kaylie Lyons, Fr           18:47  
   50  Delanie Murphy, So         19:05  
   60  Lauren Veigulis, So        19:45  
Total Time = 1:31:39     Total Places = 162

7. Mason City
   22  Karly Krutsinger, Fr       17:52  
   29  Libby Lewis, So            18:09  
   42  Alyssa Wendel, Fr          18:41  
   55  Halle Phillips, Fr         19:29  
   62  Kayla Alexander, Fr        20:24  
   69  Makalea Bjoin, So          22:51  
Total Time = 1:34:32     Total Places = 210

8. Ankeny
   32  Allison Martz, Fr          18:22  
   38  Julia Tagye, So            18:31  
   41  Taylor Lenhart, Fr         18:38  
   52  Kylie Barbour, Fr          19:11  
   53  Kenzie Mulhern, Fr         19:17  
   59  Katie Berquist, So         19:41  
   67  Sara Renaud, So            21:09  
Total Time = 1:33:58     Total Places = 216

9. Marshalltown
   48  Becky Schwartzenburg, So   18:59  
   49  Riley Peterson, Fr         19:00  
   54  Erin Carmichael, So        19:21  
   56  Ailane Burgos, So          19:34  
   57  Selena Sinclair, So        19:36  
   66  Aurora Huerta, So          21:05  
   68  Jennica Bunn, So           22:26  
Total Time = 1:36:27     Total Places = 264

10. Dowling Catholic
   45  Shannon Beh, So            18:48  
   47  Jeanne Gookin, Fr          18:53  
   58  Ally Goldsmith, So         19:40  
   61  Hannah Brown, So           19:51  
   63  Ashlie Clinger, Fr         20:45  
   64  Meagan Halliwell, Fr       20:53  
   65  Amanda Goldsmith, So       20:55  
Total Time = 1:37:55     Total Places = 274
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Abby Puk, So               16:29    Johnston             
    2     2  Emma Thayer, So            16:31    Johnston             
    3     3  Anne Rogers, So            16:39    Johnston             
    4     4  Kristina Rice, Fr          16:42    Johnston             
    5     5  Sarah Kromminga, So        16:47    Johnston             
    6     6  Jady Polson, So            16:52    Johnston             
    7     7  Ellen Bennett, So          16:57    Johnston             
    8     8  Megan Baysinger, So        17:07    Valley               
    9        Natalie Coomes, So         17:09    Johnston             
   10     9  Dagney Paskach, Fr         17:11    Ames                 
   11        Haley Daughhetee, So       17:16    Johnston             
   12    10  Mary Lowe, So              17:21    Valley               
   13    11  Hannah Roethler, Fr        17:24    Waukee               
   14    12  Samantha Ellis, Fr         17:28    Valley               
   15    13  Molly Doruska, So          17:31    Ankeny Centennial    
   16    14  Macy Vollbrecht, Fr        17:36    Ames                 
   17    15  Madalynn Kouba, Fr         17:39    Ames                 
   18    16  Jenna Iverson, Fr          17:40    Ankeny Centennial    
   19    17  Ellie Drees, Fr            17:43    Waukee               
   20    18  Ashley Rodgers, Fr         17:47    Southeast Polk       
   21    19  Sydney Day, Fr             17:48    Waukee               
   22    20  Caroline Stirling, So      17:50    Ankeny Centennial    
   23    21  Jessi Bierbaum, So         17:52    Valley               
   24    22  Karly Krutsinger, Fr       17:52    Mason City           
   25    23  Haley Smith, Fr            17:54    Waukee               
   26    24  Jade Peterson, So          17:59    Ankeny Centennial    
   27    25  Taylor Knight, So          18:01    Ankeny Centennial    
   28    26  Hannah Baysinger, So       18:03    Valley               
   29    27  Maddie Meter, So           18:06    Ankeny Centennial    
   30    28  Mani Manektala, So         18:07    Valley               
   31    29  Libby Lewis, So            18:09    Mason City           
   32    30  Haley Anglea, Fr           18:10    Valley               
   33        Lauren Caseley, Fr         18:14    Valley               
   34    31  Isabelle Johnson, Fr       18:15    Southeast Polk       
   35    32  Allison Martz, Fr          18:22    Ankeny               
   36    33  Madison Johannsen, So      18:24    Southeast Polk       
   37    34  Savanna Henning, Fr        18:25    Ankeny Centennial    
   38    35  Alyssa Duvick, Sr          18:28    Ames                 
   39    36  Macy Scully, So            18:28    Southeast Polk       
   40    37  Katie Wempen, Fr           18:28    Waukee               
   41    38  Julia Tagye, So            18:31    Ankeny               
   42        Katie Broman, So           18:32    Valley               
   43        Katelyn Criner, So         18:32    Valley               
   44    39  Kaitlyn Barr, So           18:33    Ames                 
   45    40  Rebecca O'Brien, So        18:35    Waukee               
   46        Maya Evans, So             18:37    Ankeny Centennial    
   47    41  Taylor Lenhart, Fr         18:38    Ankeny               
   48    42  Alyssa Wendel, Fr          18:41    Mason City           
   49    43  Natalie Tesdall, Fr        18:43    Ames                 
   50        Kelsey Caffrey, So         18:44    Johnston             
   51    44  Kaylie Lyons, Fr           18:47    Southeast Polk       
   52    45  Shannon Beh, So            18:48    Dowling Catholic     
   53    46  Kaitlyn Cox, Fr            18:49    Waukee               
   54        Sydney Baxter, Fr          18:50    Ankeny Centennial    
   55        Annie Schacht, Fr          18:52    Valley               
   56    47  Jeanne Gookin, Fr          18:53    Dowling Catholic     
   57        Erica Thacker, So          18:57    Johnston             
   58    48  Becky Schwartzenburg, So   18:59    Marshalltown         
   59    49  Riley Peterson, Fr         19:00    Marshalltown         
   60        Katie Bevis, So            19:03    Johnston             
   61    50  Delanie Murphy, So         19:05    Southeast Polk       
   62    51  Carissa Roberts, So        19:09    Ames                 
   63    52  Kylie Barbour, Fr          19:11    Ankeny               
   64        Sydney Maras, So           19:13    Johnston             
   65        Alyssa Lehman, Fr          19:15    Ames                 
   66        Paige Roszhart, So         19:17    Waukee               
   67    53  Kenzie Mulhern, Fr         19:17    Ankeny               
   68    54  Erin Carmichael, So        19:21    Marshalltown         
   69        Georgia Carroll, So        19:22    Johnston             
   70    55  Halle Phillips, Fr         19:29    Mason City           
   71        Courtney Mithelman, So     19:30    Johnston             
   72    56  Ailane Burgos, So          19:34    Marshalltown         
   73    57  Selena Sinclair, So        19:36    Marshalltown         
   74        Josie Dubiel, Fr           19:36    Ames                 
   75    58  Ally Goldsmith, So         19:40    Dowling Catholic     
   76    59  Katie Berquist, So         19:41    Ankeny               
   77        Coral Barner, So           19:43    Valley               
   78    60  Lauren Veigulis, So        19:45    Southeast Polk       
   79    61  Hannah Brown, So           19:51    Dowling Catholic     
   80        Olivia Sauer, So           19:55    Ames                 
   81        Blake Bauer, So            20:03    Southeast Polk       
   82        Melanie Long, So           20:04    Ames                 
   83        Elizabeth Reed, So         20:06    Valley               
   84        Jordan Leo, Fr             20:10    Southeast Polk       
   85        Allison Zeiser, So         20:10    Valley               
   86        Amy Keech, So              20:12    Johnston             
   87        Odette Muziranenge, So     20:15    Johnston             
   88        Lila Rice, Fr              20:18    Ames                 
   89    62  Kayla Alexander, Fr        20:24    Mason City           
   90        Taylor Covey, So           20:31    Ankeny Centennial    
   91        Serena Qamhieh, Fr         20:32    Ames                 
   92        Brooke Chesmore, Fr        20:36    Southeast Polk       
   93    63  Ashlie Clinger, Fr         20:45    Dowling Catholic     
   94        Anna Bourke, So            20:46    Ames                 
   95        Logan Spacek, So           20:47    Valley               
   96    64  Meagan Halliwell, Fr       20:53    Dowling Catholic     
   97    65  Amanda Goldsmith, So       20:55    Dowling Catholic     
   98    66  Aurora Huerta, So          21:05    Marshalltown         
   99        Tera Von Tersch, Fr        21:08    Southeast Polk       
  100    67  Sara Renaud, So            21:09    Ankeny               
  101        Emma Sorensen, Fr          21:11    Ankeny               
  102        Ruchi Shekar, So           21:19    Johnston             
  103        Lilly Keitges, So          21:19    Ames                 
  104        Rachael Krysa, So          21:21    Valley               
  105        Andie Newell, So           21:28    Ames                 
  106        Audrey Carew, So           21:36    Ankeny Centennial    
  107        Autumn Van Dyke, Fr        21:41    Waukee               
  108        McKenzie Gruchow, Fr       21:50    Southeast Polk       
  109        Carissa Bowie, So          21:54    Southeast Polk       
  110        Elizabeth Alas, So         21:56    Southeast Polk       
  111        Chloe Haynes, So           21:56    Waukee               
  112        Elyse Warrick, So          22:09    Ames                 
  113        Bailey Pohlman, So         22:09    Johnston             
  114    68  Jennica Bunn, So           22:26    Marshalltown         
  115        Alexandria Cao, So         22:31    Valley               
  116        Katie Coleman, Fr          22:38    Dowling Catholic     
  117        Caela Derry, So            22:38    Dowling Catholic     
  118        Emily Merkle, So           22:49    Southeast Polk       
  119        Megan Kress, Fr            22:50    Johnston             
  120    69  Makalea Bjoin, So          22:51    Mason City           
  121        Maddie Stillman, So        23:28    Valley               
  122        Sarah Hawkins, Fr          24:47    Southeast Polk       
  123        Sarah Caporelli, So        25:12    Johnston             
  124        Alexis Frisby, So          26:33    Southeast Polk       

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