17th Washburn Classic - JH State 4a 8th Boys

Saydel High School

Oct. 15, 2011

60s and Sunny

Results by Cal Murdock

1A 7g Boys

1A 7g Girls

1A 8g Boys

1A 8g Girls

2A 7g Boys

2A 7g Girls

2A 8g Boys

2A 8g Girls

3A 7g Boys

3A 7g Girls

3A 8g Boys

3A 8g Girls

4A 7g Boys

4A 7g Girls

4A 8g Boys

4A 8g Girls

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  1 Dowling Maroons          55    1    6   13   35   51   61    12:22    1:42
  2 Linn-Mar Lions           58    7   14   17   20   34   36    12:37    0:34
  3 Bettendorf Bulldogs      78   10   12   27   29   52   58    12:42    0:39
  4 Cedar Falls Tigers       81    5    8   22   46   47   60    12:40    1:13
  5 Ankeny                   82    3   25   26   28   41   42    12:39    1:12
  6 Wdm Valley Tigers        94   15   16   24   39   43   72    12:52    0:34
  7 Ames                     99    2   21   23   53              12:46    1:53
  8 P V Spartans            130    4   32   38   56   69         12:59    1:44
  9 Johnston Dragons        142   11   18   54   59   66   68    13:10    1:19
 10 Urbandale               154   19   31   33   71              13:24    1:52
 11 Ottumwa Bulldogs        173    9   37   62   65   67   73    13:24    1:47
 12 Burlington Grayhounds   178   30   45   48   55   57   74    13:21    0:40
 13 D M Roosevelt           228   44   50   64   70              13:51    1:16
 14 Waterloo Blackhawks     229   40   49   63   77              14:14    3:04
 15 Des Moines Lincoln      308   75   76   78   79              16:52    2:28

Incomplete Teams: Muscatine Muskies, North Central, Cr Prairie, MeRedith, MaSon City Mohawks

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Dowling Maroons
    1  Ryan Schweizer, 8          11:29  
    6  Skylar Riesberg, 8         12:13  
   13  Sean Conner, 8             12:36  
   35  Alex Smith, 8              13:10  
   51  Sean McKenzie, 8           13:30  
   61  Matthew Matterhas, 8       13:53  
Total Time = 49:28     Total Places = 55

2. Linn-Mar Lions
    7  Michael Mather, 8          12:18  
   14  Andrew Schuring, 8         12:37  
   17  Devin Eby, 8               12:42  
   20  Trenton Koser, 8           12:51  
   34  Mark Schoen, 8             13:09  
   36  Tyler Annis, 8             13:11  
Total Time = 50:28     Total Places = 58

3. Bettendorf Bulldogs
   10  Jacob Wehr, 8              12:20  
   12  Brandon Cooley, 8          12:32  
   27  Andrew Sunderman, 8        12:57  
   29  Nate Trabue, 8             12:59  
   52  Reagan Johnson, 8          13:33  
   58  John Bai, 8                13:46  
Total Time = 50:46     Total Places = 78

4. Cedar Falls Tigers
    5  Austin Wallestad, 8        12:07  
    8  Jake Hartman, 8            12:19  
   22  Charlie Eastman, 8         12:53  
   46  Ben Hertz, 8               13:19  
   47  Devin Gettman, 8           13:23  
   60  Andrew Nurse, 8            13:49  
Total Time = 50:37     Total Places = 81

5. Ankeny
    3  Riley McCoy, 8             11:47  
   25  Tyler Hadden, 8            12:56  
   26  Tanner Rinker, 8           12:56  
   28  Grant Acoymo, 8            12:59  
   41  Jack Voigt, 8              13:15  
   42  Dakota Lucht, 8            13:16  
Total Time = 50:36     Total Places = 82

6. Wdm Valley Tigers
   15  Robert Knudson, 8          12:40  
   16  Alec Jacobson, 8           12:40  
   24  Greg Rinn, 8               12:54  
   39  Nathan Schmitt, 8          13:14  
   43  Matthew Nicholson, 8       13:17  
   72  Carl Skoog, 8              14:56  
Total Time = 51:26     Total Places = 94

7. Ames
    2  Lee Grim, 8                11:43  
   21  Malkan Santiago, 8         12:52  
   23  Shafim Khoda, 8            12:53  
   53  Ariel Rizshsky, 8          13:35  
Total Time = 51:02     Total Places = 99

8. P V Spartans
    4  Karson Sommer, 8           11:57  
   32  Cole Krueger, 8            13:05  
   38  Riley Wells, 8             13:13  
   56  Michael Li, 8              13:40  
   69  Nicholas Roys, 8           14:32  
Total Time = 51:53     Total Places = 130

9. Johnston Dragons
   11  Zachary Smith, 8           12:30  
   18  Tyler Franke, 8            12:45  
   54  Anthony Dragons, 8         13:37  
   59  Brett Kerr, 8              13:49  
   66  Joseph Derry, 8            14:09  
   68  Devin Vander Werff, 8      14:26  
Total Time = 52:39     Total Places = 142

10. Urbandale
   19  Jonah Penningroth, 8       12:50  
   31  Michael Westphal, 8        13:01  
   33  Griffin Clabaugh, 8        13:05  
   71  Tad Schweizer, 8           14:41  
Total Time = 53:35     Total Places = 154

11. Ottumwa Bulldogs
    9  Collin McConnell, 8        12:20  
   37  Curtis Ford, 8             13:12  
   62  Alex Ayala, 8              13:58  
   65  Ryley Wynn, 8              14:06  
   67  Juan Aldaba, 8             14:18  
   73  Zach Grooms, 8             15:16  
Total Time = 53:34     Total Places = 173

12. Burlington Grayhounds
   30  Marcus Reid, 8             13:01  
   45  Brandon Schoene, 8         13:18  
   48  Ben Sterler, 8             13:24  
   55  Jared Gibbons, 8           13:40  
   57  Sherman Hartman, 8         13:41  
   74  Bobby Kemp, 8              15:24  
Total Time = 53:21     Total Places = 178

13. D M Roosevelt
   44  Abdisalan Omar, 8          13:18  
   50  Sebastian Anderson, 8      13:28  
   64  Freddy Smith, 8            14:05  
   70  Alex Weakland, 8           14:34  
Total Time = 55:23     Total Places = 228

14. Waterloo Blackhawks
   40  Cody Rodebush, 8           13:15  
   49  James Ritter, 8            13:26  
   63  Grant Durbahn, 8           13:58  
   77  Chase Peters, 8            16:18  
Total Time = 56:56     Total Places = 229

15. Des Moines Lincoln
   75  Christian Thongvanh, 8     15:34  
   76  Austin Fisher, 8           15:59  
   78  Caleb Meyer, 8             17:53  
   79  Gennaro Cataldo, 8         18:02  
Total Time = 1:07:26     Total Places = 308
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Ryan Schweizer, 8          11:29    Dowling Maroons      
    2     2  Lee Grim, 8                11:43    Ames                 
    3     3  Riley McCoy, 8             11:47    Ankeny               
    4     4  Karson Sommer, 8           11:57    P V Spartans         
    5     5  Austin Wallestad, 8        12:07    Cedar Falls Tigers   
    6     6  Skylar Riesberg, 8         12:13    Dowling Maroons      
    7     7  Michael Mather, 8          12:18    Linn-Mar Lions       
    8     8  Jake Hartman, 8            12:19    Cedar Falls Tigers   
    9     9  Collin McConnell, 8        12:20    Ottumwa Bulldogs     
   10    10  Jacob Wehr, 8              12:20    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   11    11  Zachary Smith, 8           12:30    Johnston Dragons     
   12    12  Brandon Cooley, 8          12:32    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   13    13  Sean Conner, 8             12:36    Dowling Maroons      
   14    14  Andrew Schuring, 8         12:37    Linn-Mar Lions       
   15    15  Robert Knudson, 8          12:40    Wdm Valley Tigers    
   16    16  Alec Jacobson, 8           12:40    Wdm Valley Tigers    
   17    17  Devin Eby, 8               12:42    Linn-Mar Lions       
   18    18  Tyler Franke, 8            12:45    Johnston Dragons     
   19        Matthew Schneider, 8       12:47    North Central        
   20    19  Jonah Penningroth, 8       12:50    Urbandale            
   21        Sam Uthoff, 8              12:51    Cr Prairie           
   22    20  Trenton Koser, 8           12:51    Linn-Mar Lions       
   23    21  Malkan Santiago, 8         12:52    Ames                 
   24    22  Charlie Eastman, 8         12:53    Cedar Falls Tigers   
   25    23  Shafim Khoda, 8            12:53    Ames                 
   26    24  Greg Rinn, 8               12:54    Wdm Valley Tigers    
   27        Cooper Mortenson, 8        12:55    MeRedith             
   28    25  Tyler Hadden, 8            12:56    Ankeny               
   29    26  Tanner Rinker, 8           12:56    Ankeny               
   30    27  Andrew Sunderman, 8        12:57    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   31    28  Grant Acoymo, 8            12:59    Ankeny               
   32    29  Nate Trabue, 8             12:59    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   33    30  Marcus Reid, 8             13:01    Burlington Grayhounds 
   34    31  Michael Westphal, 8        13:01    Urbandale            
   35    32  Cole Krueger, 8            13:05    P V Spartans         
   36    33  Griffin Clabaugh, 8        13:05    Urbandale            
   37    34  Mark Schoen, 8             13:09    Linn-Mar Lions       
   38    35  Alex Smith, 8              13:10    Dowling Maroons      
   39    36  Tyler Annis, 8             13:11    Linn-Mar Lions       
   40    37  Curtis Ford, 8             13:12    Ottumwa Bulldogs     
   41    38  Riley Wells, 8             13:13    P V Spartans         
   42    39  Nathan Schmitt, 8          13:14    Wdm Valley Tigers    
   43    40  Cody Rodebush, 8           13:15    Waterloo Blackhawks  
   44    41  Jack Voigt, 8              13:15    Ankeny               
   45    42  Dakota Lucht, 8            13:16    Ankeny               
   46    43  Matthew Nicholson, 8       13:17    Wdm Valley Tigers    
   47    44  Abdisalan Omar, 8          13:18    D M Roosevelt        
   48    45  Brandon Schoene, 8         13:18    Burlington Grayhounds 
   49    46  Ben Hertz, 8               13:19    Cedar Falls Tigers   
   50        Sam Parker, 8              13:20    Ankeny               
   51        Grant Brown, 8             13:20    North Central        
   52    47  Devin Gettman, 8           13:23    Cedar Falls Tigers   
   53    48  Ben Sterler, 8             13:24    Burlington Grayhounds 
   54        A  J. Highsmith, 8         13:26    Ankeny               
   55    49  James Ritter, 8            13:26    Waterloo Blackhawks  
   56    50  Sebastian Anderson, 8      13:28    D M Roosevelt        
   57        Gavern Dochterman, 8       13:29    Linn-Mar Lions       
   58    51  Sean McKenzie, 8           13:30    Dowling Maroons      
   59    52  Reagan Johnson, 8          13:33    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   60    53  Ariel Rizshsky, 8          13:35    Ames                 
   61    54  Anthony Dragons, 8         13:37    Johnston Dragons     
   62        Collin Shannon, 8          13:37    Ankeny               
   63    55  Jared Gibbons, 8           13:40    Burlington Grayhounds 
   64    56  Michael Li, 8              13:40    P V Spartans         
   65    57  Sherman Hartman, 8         13:41    Burlington Grayhounds 
   66    58  John Bai, 8                13:46    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   67    59  Brett Kerr, 8              13:49    Johnston Dragons     
   68    60  Andrew Nurse, 8            13:49    Cedar Falls Tigers   
   69    61  Matthew Matterhas, 8       13:53    Dowling Maroons      
   70        Nick Culver, 8             13:55    Linn-Mar Lions       
   71    62  Alex Ayala, 8              13:58    Ottumwa Bulldogs     
   72    63  Grant Durbahn, 8           13:58    Waterloo Blackhawks  
   73        Reise Simpson, 8           14:01    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   74        Michael Kistler, 8         14:01    Muscatine Muskies    
   75    64  Freddy Smith, 8            14:05    D M Roosevelt        
   76    65  Ryley Wynn, 8              14:06    Ottumwa Bulldogs     
   77    66  Joseph Derry, 8            14:09    Johnston Dragons     
   78        Zach Wheeler, 8            14:17    Dowling Maroons      
   79    67  Juan Aldaba, 8             14:18    Ottumwa Bulldogs     
   80        Gaven O'Hair, 8            14:20    Cedar Falls Tigers   
   81        Ryan Hilby, 8              14:25    Cedar Falls Tigers   
   82    68  Devin Vander Werff, 8      14:26    Johnston Dragons     
   83        Thomas Doyle, 8            14:28    Linn-Mar Lions       
   84        Brett Willhite, 8          14:29    Linn-Mar Lions       
   85        Colton Marshall, 8         14:30    Johnston Dragons     
   86        Ricky Rodriguez, 8         14:30    North Central        
   87        Kyle Weber, 8              14:31    Bettendorf Bulldogs  
   88    69  Nicholas Roys, 8           14:32    P V Spartans         
   89        Hudson Haws, 8             14:32    Ankeny               
   90    70  Alex Weakland, 8           14:34    D M Roosevelt        
   91    71  Tad Schweizer, 8           14:41    Urbandale            
   92        Jacob Babcock, 8           14:50    Ankeny               
   93    72  Carl Skoog, 8              14:56    Wdm Valley Tigers    
   94        Ben Marlow, 8              15:02    MaSon City Mohawks   
   95        Kyle Spear, 8              15:04    Ankeny               
   96    73  Zach Grooms, 8             15:16    Ottumwa Bulldogs     
   97        Collin Christy, 8          15:18    Dowling Maroons      
   98        Charlie Nissen-Pickard, 8  15:21    Ankeny               
   99    74  Bobby Kemp, 8              15:24    Burlington Grayhounds 
  100    75  Christian Thongvanh, 8     15:34    Des Moines Lincoln   
  101        Nate Kouri, 8              15:39    Dowling Maroons      
  102        Ben Helling, 8             15:40    Dowling Maroons      
  103        Evan Pyle, 8               15:48    Dowling Maroons      
  104        Dakota Hulse, 8            15:49    Cedar Falls Tigers   
  105        Thomas Carroll, 8          15:57    Dowling Maroons      
  106    76  Austin Fisher, 8           15:59    Des Moines Lincoln   
  107        Andy Meyer, 8              16:10    Dowling Maroons      
  108        Andy Townsend, 8           16:12    Muscatine Muskies    
  109    77  Chase Peters, 8            16:18    Waterloo Blackhawks  
  110        Jack Wahlig, 8             16:47    Dowling Maroons      
  111        Jacob Means, 8             16:58    Dowling Maroons      
  112    78  Caleb Meyer, 8             17:53    Des Moines Lincoln   
  113    79  Gennaro Cataldo, 8         18:02    Des Moines Lincoln   

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