Solon Spartan Invitational JV Boys - 5K

Solon Campus

Sep. 19, 2011

Sunny & 74, Wind WNW 9 MPH

Results by Kauder Racing

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MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Solon                   34   1   6   8   9  10  13  15    19:09    0:57

  2 Mount Vernon-Lisbon     54   2   7  11  14  20  21  27    19:29    1:54

  3 Northeast               74   4  16  17  18  19  44        19:51    1:10

  4 Central Clinton-DeWit   85   3   5  23  25  29  30  32    20:13    2:13

  5 Tipton                 162  24  33  34  35  36  41  42    21:36    1:04

  6 Williamsburg           169  12  22  28  53  54            22:56    7:21

  7 Clear Creek-Amana      203  26  38  43  46  50            23:23    4:37

  8 Wilton                 206  31  37  39  47  52            23:30    4:40

  9 North Cedar            233  40  45  48  49  51            24:32    3:09

Incomplete Teams: West Liberty


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Solon

    1  Matt Reiland, 11           18:31    5:57

    6  Taylor Walkner, 10         19:04    6:08

    8  Andrew Barenz, 12          19:16    6:12

    9  Ryan Kunkel, 11            19:26    6:15

   10  Jake Singkofer, 9          19:28    6:16

   13  Quinn Kelsay, 11           19:35    6:18

   15  David Coberly, 10          19:45    6:21

Total Time = 95:43     Total Places = 34

2. Mount Vernon-Lisbon

    2  Ethan Brand, 9             18:39    6:00

    7  Benjamin Gilbert, 9        19:07    6:09

   11  Nate Marti, 11             19:28    6:16

   14  Josh Fell, 12              19:38    6:19

   20  Seth Pisarik, 12           20:33    6:37

   21  Tanner Mote, 11            20:34    6:37

   27  Charlie Bootsmiller, 10    21:05    6:47

Total Time = 97:23     Total Places = 54

3. Northeast

    4  hunter bielenberg, 9       19:03    6:08

   16  alex sellnau, 9            19:55    6:24

   17  steven flesch, 10          19:57    6:25

   18  tyler schoon, 10           20:08    6:29

   19  nick sellnau, 9            20:12    6:30

   44  jason kuhse, 12            23:35    7:35

Total Time = 99:12     Total Places = 74

4. Central Clinton-DeWit

    3  Peter Keegan, 10           18:57    6:06

    5  Adam Pacha, 10             19:03    6:08

   23  Cameron O'Neil, 11         20:54    6:43

   25  Colton Bauer, 11           21:02    6:46

   29  Drew Dieckmann, 11         21:09    6:48

   30  Christian Wright, 10       21:15    6:50

   32  Nick Woodford, 11          21:29    6:55

Total Time = 101:03     Total Places = 85

5. Tipton

   24  Cole Wehde, 9              20:55    6:44

   33  Trent Schroeder, 9         21:36    6:57

   34  Nathan Laing, 11           21:37    6:57

   35  Derek Nebergall, 9         21:53    7:02

   36  Kody Wallick, 10           21:58    7:04

   41  Zac Downs, 9               22:47    7:20

   42  Jacob Lewis, 10            22:58    7:23

Total Time = 107:57     Total Places = 162

6. Williamsburg

   12  Cole Williamson, 10        19:32    6:17

   22  Trent Allison, 9           20:52    6:43

   28  Josh Zollinger, 9          21:08    6:48

   53  Vuk Vukavic, 12            26:14    8:26

   54  Kris Brummond, 11          26:53    8:39

Total Time = 114:37     Total Places = 169

7. Clear Creek-Amana

   26  Riley Johanson, 9          21:03    6:46

   38  Tyler Cooling, 12          22:26    7:13

   43  Austin Smith, 9            23:27    7:33

   46  Cody Marmet, 12            24:20    7:50

   50  Mitchell Rath-Sandburg, 12 25:39    8:15

Total Time = 116:52     Total Places = 203

8. Wilton

   31  Zac Ford, 10               21:25    6:53

   37  Jack Rabedeaux, 10         22:15    7:10

   39  Lucas Hammann, 10          22:40    7:17

   47  Garrett Grings, 10         25:05    8:04

   52  Owen Anderson, 9           26:05    8:23

Total Time = 117:28     Total Places = 206

9. North Cedar

   40  Jarrod Droll, 11           22:41    7:18

   45  Alex Reif, 12              23:55    7:42

   48  Cole Hansen, 9             25:07    8:05

   49  Landon Weber, 9            25:09    8:06

   51  Christain Jordan, 12       25:49    8:19

Total Time = 122:39     Total Places = 233


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Matt Reiland, 11           18:31    5:57  Solon                

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
    2     2  Ethan Brand, 9             18:39    6:00  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

    3     3  Peter Keegan, 10           18:57    6:06  Central Clinton-DeWit 

    4     4  hunter bielenberg, 9       19:03    6:08  Northeast            

    5     5  Adam Pacha, 10             19:03    6:08  Central Clinton-DeWit 

    6     6  Taylor Walkner, 10         19:04    6:08  Solon                

    7     7  Benjamin Gilbert, 9        19:07    6:09  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

    8     8  Andrew Barenz, 12          19:16    6:12  Solon                

    9     9  Ryan Kunkel, 11            19:26    6:15  Solon                

   10    10  Jake Singkofer, 9          19:28    6:16  Solon                

   11    11  Nate Marti, 11             19:28    6:16  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   12    12  Cole Williamson, 10        19:32    6:17  Williamsburg         

   13    13  Quinn Kelsay, 11           19:35    6:18  Solon                

   14    14  Josh Fell, 12              19:38    6:19  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   15    15  David Coberly, 10          19:45    6:21  Solon                

   16        Drew Schultz, 11           19:47    6:22  Solon                

   17        Josh Prybil, 9             19:49    6:22  Solon                

   18    16  alex sellnau, 9            19:55    6:24  Northeast            

   19    17  steven flesch, 10          19:57    6:25  Northeast            

   20    18  tyler schoon, 10           20:08    6:29  Northeast            

   21    19  nick sellnau, 9            20:12    6:30  Northeast            

   22        Grayson Harrington, 11     20:22    6:33  Solon                

   23        Connor Fitzpatrick, 11     20:22    6:33  Solon                

   24        Kylan Patterson, 12        20:31    6:36  Solon                

   25    20  Seth Pisarik, 12           20:33    6:37  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   26    21  Tanner Mote, 11            20:34    6:37  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   27        Austin Hunt, 10            20:44    6:40  Solon                

   28        Cody Henneberry, 11        20:44    6:40  Solon                

   29        Erik Morales, 11           20:50    6:42  West Liberty         

   30    22  Trent Allison, 9           20:52    6:43  Williamsburg         

   31    23  Cameron O'Neil, 11         20:54    6:43  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   32    24  Cole Wehde, 9              20:55    6:44  Tipton               

   33        Jack Adolphson, 9          21:00    6:46  Solon                

   34    25  Colton Bauer, 11           21:02    6:46  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   35    26  Riley Johanson, 9          21:03    6:46  Clear Creek-Amana    

   36    27  Charlie Bootsmiller, 10    21:05    6:47  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   37    28  Josh Zollinger, 9          21:08    6:48  Williamsburg         

   38    29  Drew Dieckmann, 11         21:09    6:48  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   39        Thomas Hand, 11            21:10    6:49  Solon                

   40        Brandon Keen, 9            21:12    6:49  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   41    30  Christian Wright, 10       21:15    6:50  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   42        Jordan Goodwin, 11         21:21    6:52  Solon                

   43    31  Zac Ford, 10               21:25    6:53  Wilton               

   44    32  Nick Woodford, 11          21:29    6:55  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   45        Blake Steffens, 11         21:31    6:55  Solon                

   46    33  Trent Schroeder, 9         21:36    6:57  Tipton               

   47    34  Nathan Laing, 11           21:37    6:57  Tipton               

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   48        Sean Dougherty, 11         21:46    7:00  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   49    35  Derek Nebergall, 9         21:53    7:02  Tipton               

   50    36  Kody Wallick, 10           21:58    7:04  Tipton               

   51        Hunter Ilg, 11             22:05    7:06  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   52    37  Jack Rabedeaux, 10         22:15    7:10  Wilton               

   53    38  Tyler Cooling, 12          22:26    7:13  Clear Creek-Amana    

   54        Joseph Klingelhutz, 12     22:31    7:15  Solon                

   55        Seth Weirup, 9             22:33    7:15  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   56        Bryant Fletcher, 12        22:34    7:16  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   57        Jordan Porth, 11           22:39    7:17  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   58    39  Lucas Hammann, 10          22:40    7:17  Wilton               

   59    40  Jarrod Droll, 11           22:41    7:18  North Cedar          

   60        Lucas Schwartz, 11         22:46    7:20  Solon                

   61    41  Zac Downs, 9               22:47    7:20  Tipton               

   62        Greg Hofsommer, 10         22:52    7:22  Solon                

   63        Timothy Stroud, 9          22:55    7:22  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   64    42  Jacob Lewis, 10            22:58    7:23  Tipton               

   65        Clay Geise, 9              23:04    7:25  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   66        Mitch Wilson, 11           23:07    7:26  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   67        Logan Sanderson, 11        23:07    7:26  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   68        Paul Chihak, 10            23:13    7:28  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   69        Wade Sandry, 9             23:14    7:29  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   70        Jeremy Wise, 11            23:15    7:29  Solon                

   71    43  Austin Smith, 9            23:27    7:33  Clear Creek-Amana    

   72    44  jason kuhse, 12            23:35    7:35  Northeast            

   73    45  Alex Reif, 12              23:55    7:42  North Cedar          

   74        Adam Barr, 9               23:56    7:42  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   75        Kevin Walters, 12          24:08    7:46  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

   76        Cullen Schroeder, 10       24:19    7:50  Tipton               

   77    46  Cody Marmet, 12            24:20    7:50  Clear Creek-Amana    

   78        Charlie Jedlicka, 10       24:20    7:50  Solon                

   79        Diego Mendoza, 9           24:26    7:52  West Liberty         

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   80    47  Garrett Grings, 10         25:05    8:04  Wilton               

   81    48  Cole Hansen, 9             25:07    8:05  North Cedar          

   82    49  Landon Weber, 9            25:09    8:06  North Cedar          

   83        Tyler Hatland, 10          25:13    8:07  Tipton               

   84        Donahoe Parker, 12         25:20    8:09  Tipton               

   85    50  Mitchell Rath-Sandburg, 12 25:39    8:15  Clear Creek-Amana    

   86    51  Christain Jordan, 12       25:49    8:19  North Cedar          

   87        Jp Gomez, 11               25:56    8:21  West Liberty         

   88    52  Owen Anderson, 9           26:05    8:23  Wilton               

   89        Karson Smith, 9            26:06    8:24  Central Clinton-DeWit 

   90        Seth Groechen, 9           26:08    8:25  Solon                

   91    53  Vuk Vukavic, 12            26:14    8:26  Williamsburg         

   92    54  Kris Brummond, 11          26:53    8:39  Williamsburg         

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   93        Hector Martinez, 9         30:43    9:53  West Liberty         

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
   94        Jack Johnson, 12           32:42   10:31  Mount Vernon-Lisbon  

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top
  95        Kyle Stewart, 12           39:06   12:35  Solon                

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