NICL Conference, Men, Varsity, 5K

Oak Leaf Country Club, Reinbeck, Iowa

October 15, 2011

Sunny, 50 Degrees, N @ 3-5 mph

Results by Hilltopper Results Service

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 Denver                   56    2    5    9   16   24   25   50    17:02    1:32
  2 B C L U W.               82    1   14   17   22   28   32   38    17:16    1:48
  3 South Tama               89    3    4   15   30   37   57   70    17:24    1:43
  4 Hudson                  108    6    7   21   34   40   51   60    17:37    1:40
  5 West Marshall           129   12   19   26   29   43   48   72    17:49    1:26
  6 Dike-New Hartford       151    8   23   31   44   45   52         17:59    1:44
  7 South Hardin            164   10   13   39   49   53   55         18:03    1:54
  8 Wapsie Valley           165   11   18   27   47   62   68   71    18:09    2:29
  9 East Marshall           202   20   33   35   56   58   69   74    18:31    1:41
 10 Union                   315   36   61   66   75   77   78   79    19:32    2:02
 11 Jesup                   317   54   59   64   67   73   76   80    19:33    0:52
 12 Grundy Center           334   41   63   65   82   83   84         20:36    4:11
 13 Aplington-Park.         340   42   46   81   85   86              21:13    4:58

Incomplete Teams: Gladbrook-Reinbeck, N U H S.
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Denver
    2  Shane Kirchoff, 12         16:15    5:14
    5  Kyle Kehoe, 10             16:41    5:22
    9  Tanner Johnson, 9          17:00    5:28
   16  Dylan Peters, 12           17:26    5:37
   24  Nick Sabelka, 9            17:47    5:43
   25  John Stabenow, 12          17:50    5:44
   50  Brandon Sorensen, 11       18:46    6:02
Total Time = 85:08     Total Places = 56

2. B C L U W.
    1  Levi Storjohann, 12        16:05    5:10
   14  Derek Coulter, 10          17:15    5:33
   17  Clark Jackley, 11          17:27    5:37
   22  Chad Frazer, 12            17:40    5:41
   28  Will Levis, 12             17:52    5:45
   32  Ben Kuhl, 10               18:03    5:48
   38  Chad Dolphin, 12           18:22    5:54
Total Time = 86:18     Total Places = 82

3. South Tama
    3  Brandon Neslon, 12         16:39    5:21
    4  Brady Ellenbecker, 11      16:39    5:22
   15  Robert Tyynismaa, 9        17:24    5:36
   30  Luis Perez, 10             17:57    5:47
   37  Brad Cecak, 12             18:21    5:54
   57  Wes Forcht, 11             19:19    6:13
   70  James Norton, 11           19:48    6:22
Total Time = 86:59     Total Places = 89

4. Hudson
    6  Trevor Fouts, 11           16:50    5:25
    7  Jason Hawkins, 10          16:54    5:26
   21  Trevor Ruiz, 10            17:40    5:41
   34  Josh Casey, 12             18:13    5:52
   40  Michael Grams, 11          18:29    5:57
   51  Klyer Rickert, 12          18:49    6:03
   60  Shay Ingles, 12            19:24    6:14
Total Time = 88:05     Total Places = 108

5. West Marshall
   12  Nathan Bradley, 10         17:08    5:31
   19  Cole White, 9              17:37    5:40
   26  Austin McCool, 11          17:51    5:44
   29  Tanner Arnold, 11          17:55    5:46
   43  Zach Breja, 12             18:34    5:58
   48  Michael Hemaseth, 12       18:42    6:01
   72  Robert Blackburn, 12       19:54    6:24
Total Time = 89:04     Total Places = 129

6. Dike-New Hartford
    8  Ian Darland, 12            16:57    5:27
   23  Ethan Philo, 11            17:46    5:43
   31  Jared Christensen, 11      17:58    5:47
   44  Tanner Ragsdale, 12        18:36    5:59
   45  Wyatt Eden, 12             18:41    6:01
   52  Simon Granz, 12            18:53    6:05
Total Time = 89:55     Total Places = 151

7. South Hardin
   10  John Stanish, 11           17:00    5:28
   13  Tim Rose, 10               17:10    5:31
   39  Cody King, 11              18:25    5:56
   49  Kaleb Luse, 12             18:45    6:02
   53  Jake Ziggafoos, 12         18:54    6:05
   55  Wyatt Gethmann, 12         19:06    6:09
Total Time = 90:13     Total Places = 164

8. Wapsie Valley
   11  Jordan Wheeler, 12         17:04    5:29
   18  Nathan Brown, 11           17:36    5:40
   27  Tyler Knipp, 12            17:51    5:45
   47  Adam Bodensteiner, 10      18:42    6:01
   62  Cole Brandt, 10            19:32    6:17
   68  Joseph Kuhlmann, 12        19:44    6:21
   71  Brandon Ackerman, 10       19:51    6:23
Total Time = 90:43     Total Places = 165

9. East Marshall
   20  Connor Dilger, 12          17:39    5:41
   33  Rob Petrie, 10             18:08    5:50
   35  Lance Steward, 12          18:14    5:52
   56  Tyler Sawyer, 12           19:14    6:11
   58  Drew Schossow, 10          19:19    6:13
   69  Nate Dixon, 12             19:45    6:21
   74  Kevin Cross, 9             19:59    6:26
Total Time = 92:31     Total Places = 202

10. Union
   36  Logan Thomsen, 11          18:15    5:52
   61  Brady Allen, 12            19:26    6:15
   66  Luke Wilson, 10            19:41    6:20
   75  Evan Dalluge, 12           20:00    6:26
   77  Owen Dalluge, 10           20:17    6:32
   78  Chase Kruckmeyer, 12       20:17    6:32
   79  Austin Kiler, 9            20:21    6:33
Total Time = 97:37     Total Places = 315

11. Jesup
   54  Cody Marsh, 12             19:06    6:09
   59  Travis Youngblut, 11       19:22    6:14
   64  Jeremy Baumann, 10         19:36    6:18
   67  Trevor Larson, 10          19:42    6:20
   73  Nic Baumann, 12            19:57    6:25
   76  Tyler Johnson, 11          20:13    6:30
   80  Taylor Weber, 12           22:19    7:11
Total Time = 97:42     Total Places = 317

12. Grundy Center
   41  Espen Cleveland, 10        18:30    5:57
   63  Tyler Harken, 11           19:34    6:18
   65  Mitchell Matejka, 11       19:38    6:19
   82  Nathan Graham, 11          22:36    7:16
   83  Ian Alexia, 11             22:40    7:18
   84  Jonathan McIntire, 12      22:49    7:20
Total Time = 102:57     Total Places = 334

13. Aplington-Park.
   42  Jonas Hovenga, 11          18:34    5:58
   46  Nathan Coates, 12          18:41    6:01
   81  Joey McCauley, 11          22:20    7:11
   85  Steffen Seys, 10           22:58    7:23
   86  Huey Groeneveld, 10        23:31    7:34
Total Time = 106:02     Total Places = 340
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Levi Storjohann, 12        16:05    5:10  B C L U W.           
    2     2  Shane Kirchoff, 12         16:15    5:14  Denver               
    3     3  Brandon Neslon, 12         16:39    5:21  South Tama           
    4     4  Brady Ellenbecker, 11      16:39    5:22  South Tama           
    5     5  Kyle Kehoe, 10             16:41    5:22  Denver               
    6        Brandon Culmore, 12        16:49    5:25  N U H S.             
    7     6  Trevor Fouts, 11           16:50    5:25  Hudson               
    8     7  Jason Hawkins, 10          16:54    5:26  Hudson               
    9     8  Ian Darland, 12            16:57    5:27  Dike-New Hartford    
   10     9  Tanner Johnson, 9          17:00    5:28  Denver               
   11    10  John Stanish, 11           17:00    5:28  South Hardin         
   12    11  Jordan Wheeler, 12         17:04    5:29  Wapsie Valley        
   13    12  Nathan Bradley, 10         17:08    5:31  West Marshall        
   14    13  Tim Rose, 10               17:10    5:31  South Hardin         
   15    14  Derek Coulter, 10          17:15    5:33  B C L U W.           
   16    15  Robert Tyynismaa, 9        17:24    5:36  South Tama           
   17    16  Dylan Peters, 12           17:26    5:37  Denver               
   18    17  Clark Jackley, 11          17:27    5:37  B C L U W.           
   19    18  Nathan Brown, 11           17:36    5:40  Wapsie Valley        
   20    19  Cole White, 9              17:37    5:40  West Marshall        
   21    20  Connor Dilger, 12          17:39    5:41  East Marshall        
   22    21  Trevor Ruiz, 10            17:40    5:41  Hudson               
   23    22  Chad Frazer, 12            17:40    5:41  B C L U W.           
   24    23  Ethan Philo, 11            17:46    5:43  Dike-New Hartford    
   25    24  Nick Sabelka, 9            17:47    5:43  Denver               
   26    25  John Stabenow, 12          17:50    5:44  Denver               
   27    26  Austin McCool, 11          17:51    5:44  West Marshall        
   28    27  Tyler Knipp, 12            17:51    5:45  Wapsie Valley        
   29    28  Will Levis, 12             17:52    5:45  B C L U W.           
   30    29  Tanner Arnold, 11          17:55    5:46  West Marshall        
   31    30  Luis Perez, 10             17:57    5:47  South Tama           
   32    31  Jared Christensen, 11      17:58    5:47  Dike-New Hartford    
   33    32  Ben Kuhl, 10               18:03    5:48  B C L U W.           
   34    33  Rob Petrie, 10             18:08    5:50  East Marshall        
   35    34  Josh Casey, 12             18:13    5:52  Hudson               
   36    35  Lance Steward, 12          18:14    5:52  East Marshall        
   37    36  Logan Thomsen, 11          18:15    5:52  Union                
   38    37  Brad Cecak, 12             18:21    5:54  South Tama           
   39    38  Chad Dolphin, 12           18:22    5:54  B C L U W.           
   40    39  Cody King, 11              18:25    5:56  South Hardin         
   41    40  Michael Grams, 11          18:29    5:57  Hudson               
   42    41  Espen Cleveland, 10        18:30    5:57  Grundy Center        
   43    42  Jonas Hovenga, 11          18:34    5:58  Aplington-Park.      
   44    43  Zach Breja, 12             18:34    5:58  West Marshall        
   45    44  Tanner Ragsdale, 12        18:36    5:59  Dike-New Hartford    
   46        Noah Lanza, 10             18:37    5:59  Gladbrook-Reinbeck   
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top
   47    45  Wyatt Eden, 12             18:41    6:01  Dike-New Hartford    
   48    46  Nathan Coates, 12          18:41    6:01  Aplington-Park.      
   49    47  Adam Bodensteiner, 10      18:42    6:01  Wapsie Valley        
   50    48  Michael Hemaseth, 12       18:42    6:01  West Marshall        
   51    49  Kaleb Luse, 12             18:45    6:02  South Hardin         
   52    50  Brandon Sorensen, 11       18:46    6:02  Denver               
   53    51  Klyer Rickert, 12          18:49    6:03  Hudson               
   54    52  Simon Granz, 12            18:53    6:05  Dike-New Hartford    
   55    53  Jake Ziggafoos, 12         18:54    6:05  South Hardin         
   56    54  Cody Marsh, 12             19:06    6:09  Jesup                
   57    55  Wyatt Gethmann, 12         19:06    6:09  South Hardin         
   58    56  Tyler Sawyer, 12           19:14    6:11  East Marshall        
   59    57  Wes Forcht, 11             19:19    6:13  South Tama           
   60    58  Drew Schossow, 10          19:19    6:13  East Marshall        
   61    59  Travis Youngblut, 11       19:22    6:14  Jesup                
   62    60  Shay Ingles, 12            19:24    6:14  Hudson               
   63    61  Brady Allen, 12            19:26    6:15  Union                
   64    62  Cole Brandt, 10            19:32    6:17  Wapsie Valley        
   65    63  Tyler Harken, 11           19:34    6:18  Grundy Center        
   66    64  Jeremy Baumann, 10         19:36    6:18  Jesup                
   67    65  Mitchell Matejka, 11       19:38    6:19  Grundy Center        
   68    66  Luke Wilson, 10            19:41    6:20  Union                
   69    67  Trevor Larson, 10          19:42    6:20  Jesup                
   70    68  Joseph Kuhlmann, 12        19:44    6:21  Wapsie Valley        
   71    69  Nate Dixon, 12             19:45    6:21  East Marshall        
   72    70  James Norton, 11           19:48    6:22  South Tama           
   73    71  Brandon Ackerman, 10       19:51    6:23  Wapsie Valley        
   74    72  Robert Blackburn, 12       19:54    6:24  West Marshall        
   75    73  Nic Baumann, 12            19:57    6:25  Jesup                
   76    74  Kevin Cross, 9             19:59    6:26  East Marshall        
   77    75  Evan Dalluge, 12           20:00    6:26  Union                
   78    76  Tyler Johnson, 11          20:13    6:30  Jesup                
   79    77  Owen Dalluge, 10           20:17    6:32  Union                
   80    78  Chase Kruckmeyer, 12       20:17    6:32  Union                
   81    79  Austin Kiler, 9            20:21    6:33  Union                
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top
   82    80  Taylor Weber, 12           22:19    7:11  Jesup                
   83    81  Joey McCauley, 11          22:20    7:11  Aplington-Park.      
   84    82  Nathan Graham, 11          22:36    7:16  Grundy Center        
   85    83  Ian Alexia, 11             22:40    7:18  Grundy Center        
   86    84  Jonathan McIntire, 12      22:49    7:20  Grundy Center        
   87    85  Steffen Seys, 10           22:58    7:23  Aplington-Park.      
   88    86  Huey Groeneveld, 10        23:31    7:34  Aplington-Park.      

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