34th Cardinal Invitational JV Boys

Newton, Iowa

Sep. 20, 2011

60 and Cloudy

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Knoxville                41    2    3    9   13   14   21   25    20:44    0:47

  2 Newton                   52    4    6   10   12   20   23   27    20:57    1:04

  3 West Marshall            55    1    8   11   16   19   22   28    20:51    1:30

  4 Grinnell                 62    5    7   15   17   18   24   26    20:59    0:39

Incomplete Teams: D M Lincoln, Van Meter


 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Knoxville

    2  Matt Hollingshead, 3       20:17  

    3  Travis Rasmussen, 4        20:35  

    9  Tyler Chatterton, 2        20:51  

   13  Brendan Finan, 2           20:56  

   14  Nathan Raymie, 3           21:03  

   21  Justin Katich, 4           21:45  

   25  Chris Schwanebeck, 1       21:54  

Total Time = 1:43:40     Total Places = 41

2. Newton

    4  Luke Norcross, 3           20:38  

    6  Jacob Arrowood, 1          20:40  

   10  Colten Gearhart, 4         20:52  

   12  Jacob Hill, 3              20:53  

   20  Nick McVey, 1              21:41  

   23  Matt Thoma, 4              21:50  

   27  Zach Coy, 2                22:00  

Total Time = 1:44:41     Total Places = 52

3. West Marshall

    1  Brock Angell, 4            20:01  

    8  Robert Blackburn, 4        20:45  

   11  Nate Byerly, 3             20:52  

   16  Adam Sodders, 3            21:07  

   19  Michael Hemaseth, 4        21:30  

   22  Josh Wren, 4               21:46  

   28  Chris Goodwin, 4           22:58  

Total Time = 1:44:13     Total Places = 55

4. Grinnell

    5  Jarren Ford, 3             20:38  

    7  Nathan Smith, 2            20:43  

   15  Andy Plate, 4              21:04  

   17  Victor Nagel, 3            21:16  

   18  Grant Cirks, 2             21:16  

   24  Jc Abrahamson, 4           21:53  

   26  Chris Sharpe, 2            21:57  

Total Time = 1:44:55     Total Places = 62


 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Brock Angell, 4            20:01    West Marshall        

    2     2  Matt Hollingshead, 3       20:17    Knoxville            

    3     3  Travis Rasmussen, 4        20:35    Knoxville            

    4     4  Luke Norcross, 3           20:38    Newton               

    5     5  Jarren Ford, 3             20:38    Grinnell             

    6     6  Jacob Arrowood, 1          20:40    Newton               

    7     7  Nathan Smith, 2            20:43    Grinnell             

    8     8  Robert Blackburn, 4        20:45    West Marshall        

    9     9  Tyler Chatterton, 2        20:51    Knoxville            

   10    10  Colten Gearhart, 4         20:52    Newton               

   11    11  Nate Byerly, 3             20:52    West Marshall        

   12    12  Jacob Hill, 3              20:53    Newton               

   13    13  Brendan Finan, 2           20:56    Knoxville            

   14    14  Nathan Raymie, 3           21:03    Knoxville            

   15    15  Andy Plate, 4              21:04    Grinnell             

   16    16  Adam Sodders, 3            21:07    West Marshall        

   17    17  Victor Nagel, 3            21:16    Grinnell             

   18    18  Grant Cirks, 2             21:16    Grinnell             

   19    19  Michael Hemaseth, 4        21:30    West Marshall        

   20    20  Nick McVey, 1              21:41    Newton               

   21    21  Justin Katich, 4           21:45    Knoxville            

   22    22  Josh Wren, 4               21:46    West Marshall        

   23    23  Matt Thoma, 4              21:50    Newton               

   24    24  Jc Abrahamson, 4           21:53    Grinnell             

   25    25  Chris Schwanebeck, 1       21:54    Knoxville            

   26    26  Chris Sharpe, 2            21:57    Grinnell             

   27    27  Zach Coy, 2                22:00    Newton               

   28        Jon Ellis, 4               22:06    Newton               

   29        Kirk Rudolph, 2            22:06    Grinnell             

   30        Tiernan Stephens, 2        22:15    Knoxville            

   31        Brad Loiselle, 4           22:20    Newton               

   32        Chris Norman, 4            22:29    Knoxville            

   33        Justin Simms, 1            22:29    Newton               

   34        Andy Hobbs, 3              22:36    Newton               

   35        Jacob Herduin, 3           22:36    Newton               

   36        Nolan Crossett, 1          22:41    Knoxville            

   37        Mitch Frishmeyer, 3        22:41    Grinnell             

   38        Brody Beck, 2              22:42    Grinnell             

   39        Ben Ellis, 2               22:42    Grinnell             

   40        Zach Schneider, 4          22:43    Grinnell             

   41        Peder Hopkins, 3           22:44    Newton               

   42        Josh Weiss, 2              22:46    Grinnell             

   43        Ben Reichert, 2            22:48    Knoxville            

   44        Gage Grutz, 2              22:53    Grinnell             

   45        Ian Baumann, 1             22:54    Grinnell             

   46    28  Chris Goodwin, 4           22:58    West Marshall        

   47        Tyler Legg, 3              23:05    West Marshall        

   48        Jacob Chamberland, 2       23:10    Grinnell             

   49        Kyle Cogley, 1             23:15    Grinnell             

   50        Koby Hull, 2               23:22    Newton               

   51        John Doorenboss, 4         23:41    Grinnell             

   52        Will Thomas, 3             23:42    Van Meter            

   53        Josh Larson, 3             23:43    Grinnell             

   54        Aric Berndt, 1             23:46    D M Lincoln          

   55        Alex Pervis, 1             23:49    Knoxville            

   56        Joel Phelps, 2             23:53    West Marshall        

   57        Justin Kaestner, 1         23:58    Knoxville            

   58        Kolby Steiert, 3           24:02    West Marshall        

   59        Alex Wilkening, 3          24:02    Knoxville            

   60        Ian Day, 3                 24:15    West Marshall        

   61        Patrick Budding, 4         24:16    Grinnell             

   62        Chris Thorpe, 1            24:17    Newton               

   63        James Stittsworth, 3       24:19    Knoxville            

   64        Mark Brown, 3              24:24    Newton               

   65        Mathias Pedersen, 4        24:40    West Marshall        

   66        Kyle Weuve, 4              24:46    West Marshall        

   67        Brody Stanford, 3          24:50    Grinnell             

   68        Brandon Overman, 3         25:01    West Marshall        

   69        Cole Simon, 2              25:04    Grinnell             

   70        Cal Fisher, 4              25:07    Newton               

   71        Logan Gogg, 1              25:14    Grinnell             

   72        Alec Barnum, 4             25:18    Grinnell             

   73        David Goemaat, 2           25:24    Knoxville            

   74        Billy Williams, 3          25:53    Knoxville            

   75        Connor Quijano, 3          26:13    D M Lincoln          

   76        Tyler Haskell, 3           26:14    West Marshall        

   77        Jack Fisher, 1             28:08    Newton               

   78        Kolton Kapple, 4           28:15    Grinnell             

   79        Sabonis Smith, 2           30:33    D M Lincoln          

   80        Cole Baker, 3              32:31    Grinnell             

   81        Nathan Stubbs, 3               D M Lincoln          

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