SE Polk Invitational 9-10, 11-12 Boys 5 km Combined

Metro Waste Authority

Aug. 31, 2010

Results by Michael Franke

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

11/12 Girls

11/12 Boys

Combined Girls

Combined Boys

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  1 Indianola                61    6    7   11   18   19   23   37    18:05    1:18
  2 Knoxville                64    4    9   12   14   25   30   44    18:03    1:45
  3 Waukee                   69    2   10   16   17   24   26   28    18:06    2:15
  4 Pella                    88    3    8   21   27   29   31   33    18:18    2:14
  5 Southeast Polk           91    1   13   15   22   40   46   54    18:18    3:39
  6 Nevada                  171   20   32   34   42   43   48   49    19:31    1:21
  7 Carlisle                200   35   36   38   41   50   53   58    19:50    1:06
  8 Newton                  244   39   45   47   56   57   59   63    20:33    1:31
  9 East                    257    5   55   62   66   69   71   73    21:58    7:23
 10 Oakaloosa               308   52   60   61   67   68   70   74    22:43    3:51
 11 North                   327   51   64   65   72   75   76         24:16    6:09
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Indianola
    6  Jordan Schulze, 2          17:28  
    7  Tyler Krpan, 3             17:31  
   11  Jacob Howard, 2            18:00  
   18  Andy Arndt, 2              18:40  
   19  Blake Dowson, 2            18:46  
   23  Tyler Nicholson, 2         18:52  
   37  Josh Condon, 4             19:36  
Total Time = 1:30:25     Total Places = 61

2. Knoxville
    4  Jamie VanderVeer, 4        17:14  
    9  Timothy Shepherd, 4        17:42  
   12  Alex Edwards, 4            18:01  
   14  Wick Cunningham, 2         18:18  
   25  Erik Ryan, 3               18:59  
   30  Lane Colwell, 3            19:11  
   44  Jacob Moats, 2             20:12  
Total Time = 1:30:12     Total Places = 64

3. Waukee
    2  Mitch Wink, 4              16:38  
   10  Kyle Nuehring, 3           17:50  
   16  Aj Rich, 3                 18:31  
   17  Tyler Coder, 4             18:38  
   24  Steffen Williams, 4        18:53  
   26  Irvin Stumberg, 2          19:04  
   28  Jack Oberman, 3            19:05  
Total Time = 1:30:29     Total Places = 69

4. Pella
    3  Zach Buchheit, 3           16:52  
    8  Evan Jones, 2              17:41  
   21  Cj Davis-Kovarik, 1        18:47  
   27  Tukker Bogaard, 3          19:05  
   29  Brett Schouten, 4          19:06  
   31  Jon Verhoef, 4             19:14  
   33  Ryan Sievers, 2            19:16  
Total Time = 1:31:30     Total Places = 88

5. Southeast Polk
    1  Eli Horton, 4              16:19  
   13  Logan Olson, 4             18:03  
   15  Ethan Pellegrino, 2        18:22  
   22  Jesse Davenport, 4         18:49  
   40  Jeff Hadden, 3             19:58  
   46  Sam German, 4              20:18  
   54  Ivan Egan, 4               20:50  
Total Time = 1:31:29     Total Places = 91

6. Nevada
   20  Trent Dittmer, 4           18:47  
   32  Owen Shawgo, 2             19:14  
   34  Jarid Maloney, 3           19:21  
   42  Tate Handsaker, 2          20:07  
   43  Nick Hauenstein, 4         20:08  
   48  Evan Rix, 1                20:21  
   49  Chris Lekwa, 4             20:22  
Total Time = 1:37:35     Total Places = 171

7. Carlisle
   35  Taylor Hammond, 9          19:21  
   36  Niki Hermon, 3             19:33  
   38  Morgan Paxton, 3           19:43  
   41  Austin Skiles, 3           20:07  
   50  Jeffrey Critchlow, 3       20:27  
   53  Jt Crowley, 2              20:49  
   58  Devin Little, 3            21:17  
Total Time = 1:39:10     Total Places = 200

8. Newton
   39  Mitch Roush, 4             19:46  
   45  Joe Lothe, 4               20:14  
   47  Alex Osborn, 2             20:19  
   56  Tom Miller, 2              21:09  
   57  Tanner Hull, 2             21:16  
   59  Grant Cooling, 3           21:24  
   63  Colton Gearhart, 3         23:04  
Total Time = 1:42:44     Total Places = 244

9. East
    5  Salat Jones, 3             17:23  
   55  David Cordero, 4           20:55  
   62  Grant Jones, 2             22:24  
   66  Cameron devan, 2           24:24  
   69  Ricardo San Elias, 3       24:45  
   71  Hunter Hall, 2             25:25  
   73  Ben Lein, 2                26:00  
Total Time = 1:49:50     Total Places = 257

10. Oakaloosa
   52  Max Holle, 4               20:43  
   60  Tyler Wallen, 4            21:48  
   61  Alex Hyland, 3             22:07  
   67  Adam Genskow, 2            24:25  
   68  Caden Smith, 4             24:34  
   70  Bryan Herr, 2              24:58  
   74  Logan Ashman, 1            26:40  
Total Time = 1:53:35     Total Places = 308

11. North
   51  Brian Warren, 3            20:43  
   64  Sergio Reyes, 4            23:35  
   65  Matt Russell, 3            24:22  
   72  Aj Walker, 2               25:46  
   75  Jaime Hernandez, 4         26:52  
   76  Brandon Ung, 3             26:54  
Total Time = 2:01:17     Total Places = 327
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Eli Horton, 4              16:19    Southeast Polk       
    2     2  Mitch Wink, 4              16:38    Waukee               
    3     3  Zach Buchheit, 3           16:52    Pella                
    4     4  Jamie VanderVeer, 4        17:14    Knoxville            
    5     5  Salat Jones, 3             17:23    East                 
    6     6  Jordan Schulze, 2          17:28    Indianola            
    7     7  Tyler Krpan, 3             17:31    Indianola            
    8     8  Evan Jones, 2              17:41    Pella                
    9     9  Timothy Shepherd, 4        17:42    Knoxville            
   10    10  Kyle Nuehring, 3           17:50    Waukee               
   11    11  Jacob Howard, 2            18:00    Indianola            
   12    12  Alex Edwards, 4            18:01    Knoxville            
   13    13  Logan Olson, 4             18:03    Southeast Polk       
   14    14  Wick Cunningham, 2         18:18    Knoxville            
   15    15  Ethan Pellegrino, 2        18:22    Southeast Polk       
   16    16  Aj Rich, 3                 18:31    Waukee               
   17    17  Tyler Coder, 4             18:38    Waukee               
   18    18  Andy Arndt, 2              18:40    Indianola            
   19    19  Blake Dowson, 2            18:46    Indianola            
   20    20  Trent Dittmer, 4           18:47    Nevada               
   21    21  Cj Davis-Kovarik, 1        18:47    Pella                
   22    22  Jesse Davenport, 4         18:49    Southeast Polk       
   23    23  Tyler Nicholson, 2         18:52    Indianola            
   24    24  Steffen Williams, 4        18:53    Waukee               
   25    25  Erik Ryan, 3               18:59    Knoxville            
   26    26  Irvin Stumberg, 2          19:04    Waukee               
   27    27  Tukker Bogaard, 3          19:05    Pella                
   28    28  Jack Oberman, 3            19:05    Waukee               
   29    29  Brett Schouten, 4          19:06    Pella                
   30        Noah Larrison, 1           19:06    Waukee               
   31        Max Borchardt, 3           19:07    Waukee               
   32    30  Lane Colwell, 3            19:11    Knoxville            
   33    31  Jon Verhoef, 4             19:14    Pella                
   34    32  Owen Shawgo, 2             19:14    Nevada               
   35    33  Ryan Sievers, 2            19:16    Pella                
   36    34  Jarid Maloney, 3           19:21    Nevada               
   37    35  Taylor Hammond, 9          19:21    Carlisle             
   38        Michael Etnyre, 2          19:25    Pella                
   39        Joseph Heschke, 3          19:27    Pella                
   40    36  Niki Hermon, 3             19:33    Carlisle             
   41        Henry Oberman, 1           19:34    Waukee               
   42    37  Josh Condon, 4             19:36    Indianola            
   43        Matthew Klein, 2           19:39    Pella                
   44    38  Morgan Paxton, 3           19:43    Carlisle             
   45        Chandler Conlon, 3         19:45    Waukee               
   46        Chris Mitchell, 4          19:46    Pella                
   47    39  Mitch Roush, 4             19:46    Newton               
   48        Paul Andersen, 3           19:47    Pella                
   49        Zach Miller, 4             19:50    Indianola            
   50        Ryan Burns, 3              19:52    Waukee               
   51        Michael Fellers, 1         19:54    Waukee               
   52        Dheeraj Pulyala, 2         19:55    Waukee               
   53        Evan Blackwell, 2          19:55    Waukee               
   54    40  Jeff Hadden, 3             19:58    Southeast Polk       
   55        Alex Ropes, 3              20:00    Pella                
   56        Josh Whitten, 2            20:00    Pella                
   57        Nate Jones, 2              20:03    Indianola            
   58    41  Austin Skiles, 3           20:07    Carlisle             
   59    42  Tate Handsaker, 2          20:07    Nevada               
   60    43  Nick Hauenstein, 4         20:08    Nevada               
   61    44  Jacob Moats, 2             20:12    Knoxville            
   62        Zach Hanna, 2              20:12    Indianola            
   63    45  Joe Lothe, 4               20:14    Newton               
   64        Zach Roozeboom, 4          20:16    Waukee               
   65    46  Sam German, 4              20:18    Southeast Polk       
   66    47  Alex Osborn, 2             20:19    Newton               
   67    48  Evan Rix, 1                20:21    Nevada               
   68        Shaun Sokol, 3             20:22    Pella                
   69    49  Chris Lekwa, 4             20:22    Nevada               
   70        Matt Beary, 3              20:23    Knoxville            
   71        Tyler Moyle, 3             20:26    Waukee               
   72        Colton Haning, 3           20:26    Pella                
   73    50  Jeffrey Critchlow, 3       20:27    Carlisle             
   74        Bailey Tripp, 2            20:35    Pella                
   75        Travis Rasmussen, 3        20:38    Knoxville            
   76        Bryce Bickham, 1           20:42    Indianola            
   77    51  Brian Warren, 3            20:43    North                
   78    52  Max Holle, 4               20:43    Oakaloosa            
   79        Johnny Coder, 1            20:46    Waukee               
   80        Nathan Schaffer, 1         20:49    Waukee               
   81    53  Jt Crowley, 2              20:49    Carlisle             
   82    54  Ivan Egan, 4               20:50    Southeast Polk       
   83        Austin Davis, 3            20:50    Pella                
   84        Nathan Merryfield, 4       20:51    Indianola            
   85    55  David Cordero, 4           20:55    East                 
   86        Ryan Tunink, 1             21:03    Waukee               
   87        Aaron Hortz, 1             21:05    Pella                
   88        Connor Simmons, 2          21:07    Waukee               
   89    56  Tom Miller, 2              21:09    Newton               
   90        Jt Trible, 2               21:13    Waukee               
   91        Matt Slaughter, 4          21:14    Waukee               
   92    57  Tanner Hull, 2             21:16    Newton               
   93    58  Devin Little, 3            21:17    Carlisle             
   94        Justin Cross, 1            21:17    Indianola            
   95        Jay Fresh, 3               21:21    Knoxville            
   96        Justin Katich, 3           21:22    Knoxville            
   97    59  Grant Cooling, 3           21:24    Newton               
   98        Chase Drees, 2             21:24    Southeast Polk       
   99        Bobby Bonnett, 4           21:25    Indianola            
  100        Eric Angeroth Franks, 4    21:26    Southeast Polk       
  101        Andrew Lockridge, 2        21:27    Pella                
  102        Matt Montgomery, 3         21:28    Southeast Polk       
  103        Mitch Shepperd, 2          21:28    Pella                
  104        Bret Carter, 4             21:29    Knoxville            
  105        Alex Hobbs, 4              21:32    Carlisle             
  106        Mitch Garrett, 2           21:41    Carlisle             
  107        Kyle Newendorp, 4          21:42    Pella                
  108        Chris McIntyre, 4          21:43    Indianola            
  109        Todd Bulver, 3             21:43    Southeast Polk       
  110        James McConnell, 2         21:47    Indianola            
  111    60  Tyler Wallen, 4            21:48    Oakaloosa            
  112        Bentley Matt, 1            21:50    Waukee               
  113        Brett Howard, 3            21:52    Pella                
  114        Brenden Finan, 1           21:53    Knoxville            
  115        Jonny Green, 1             21:56    Indianola            
  116        Matt Wall, 1               22:00    Indianola            
  117        Brennan Gatrel, 1          22:00    Waukee               
  118        Jake Lord, 3               22:01    Indianola            
  119        Chris Norman, 3            22:03    Knoxville            
  120        Rick Williamson, 4         22:04    Pella                
  121        Jordan Angove, 1           22:05    Knoxville            
  122        James Caldwell, 2          22:06    Waukee               
  123    61  Alex Hyland, 3             22:07    Oakaloosa            
  124        Trey Johnson, 1            22:11    Indianola            
  125        Cassidy Blom, 1            22:13    Pella                
  126        Nathan Raymie, 2           22:14    Knoxville            
  127        Tanner Phelps, 1           22:15    Pella                
  128        Matt Roozeboom, 1          22:16    Waukee               
  129        Ben Robertson, 2           22:20    Pella                
  130        Matt Hollingshead, 2       22:21    Knoxville            
  131    62  Grant Jones, 2             22:24    East                 
  132        Jacob Swegle, 4            22:27    Nevada               
  133        Marius Endres, 4           22:31    Waukee               
  134        Teague Anderson, 3         22:32    Southeast Polk       
  135        Zach Thomas, 1             22:32    Nevada               
  136        John Linde, 2              22:33    Waukee               
  137        Luke Walsh, 2              22:37    Waukee               
  138        Mitchell Nunnikhoven, 3    22:40    Pella                
  139        Matt Kissinger, 2          22:41    Pella                
  140        Levi Heschke, 1            22:42    Pella                
  141        Mason Pelzer, 3            22:44    Nevada               
  142        John Casady, 2             22:44    Indianola            
  143        Brad Vannoy, 4             22:45    Southeast Polk       
  144        Erik Tanner, 1             22:50    Nevada               
  145        Knowlton Mens, 4           22:56    Nevada               
  146        Drew Hays, 2               23:00    Waukee               
  147        Shane Anderson, 3          23:01    Knoxville            
  148        Brad Shearer, 1            23:01    Knoxville            
  149        Nathaniel Johnson, 2       23:01    Indianola            
  150    63  Colton Gearhart, 3         23:04    Newton               
  151        Matt Kennedy, 3            23:09    Indianola            
  152        Austin Osmundson, 3        23:10    Southeast Polk       
  153        Stephan Haywood, 3         23:12    Nevada               
  154        Jonah Hatten, 2            23:13    Indianola            
  155        John Williams, 4           23:20    Carlisle             
  156        Garrett Rowe, 2            23:22    Waukee               
  157        Kent Sorenson, 4           23:23    Indianola            
  158        Tyler Speed, 3             23:24    Nevada               
  159        Zach Hopkins, 3            23:27    Pella                
  160        Kollin Schaudt, 2          23:32    Pella                
  161    64  Sergio Reyes, 4            23:35    North                
  162        Brandon Johnson, 2         23:49    Indianola            
  163        Zach Wilson, 1             23:50    Waukee               
  164        Jacob Lee, 1               23:52    Waukee               
  165        Daniel Schwartz, 2         23:52    Carlisle             
  166        Neil Patel, 1              23:52    Waukee               
  167        Storm Eastvold, 1          23:53    Waukee               
  168        Donovan Benson, 1          23:56    Waukee               
  169        Collin Ferrell, 2          23:57    Waukee               
  170        Ben Moeller, 3             23:59    Southeast Polk       
  171        Jameson Taylor, 4          24:04    Waukee               
  172        Byron Sleugh, 1            24:13    Waukee               
  173        David Goemaat, 1           24:15    Knoxville            
  174        Jordan Archer, 3           24:22    Waukee               
  175    65  Matt Russell, 3            24:22    North                
  176        Gerrit Visser, 4           24:23    Pella                
  177        Brady Vande Voort, 1       24:23    Pella                
  178    66  Cameron devan, 2           24:24    East                 
  179        Isaiah Armstrong, 3        24:25    Pella                
  180    67  Adam Genskow, 2            24:25    Oakaloosa            
  181        Aistin See, 2              24:26    Nevada               
  182    68  Caden Smith, 4             24:34    Oakaloosa            
  183        Jack Nelson, 4             24:36    Indianola            
  184        Tim Scheve, 1              24:36    Waukee               
  185        Stephen Jones, 3           24:37    Southeast Polk       
  186        Lucas Markey, 1            24:39    Nevada               
  187        Trinity Barker, 1          24:43    Nevada               
  188        Darik Kooistra, 3          24:44    Pella                
  189    69  Ricardo San Elias, 3       24:45    East                 
  190        Spencer Harrison, 1        24:54    Nevada               
  191        Zeke Aunan, 1              24:57    Waukee               
  192    70  Bryan Herr, 2              24:58    Oakaloosa            
  193        Blake Scantlin, 1          24:59    Waukee               
  194        Rodney Petry, 9            24:59    Carlisle             
  195        Grant VonTersch, 1         25:00    Southeast Polk       
  196        Billy Williams, 2          25:04    Knoxville            
  197        Luca Roach, 3              25:08    Southeast Polk       
  198        Dan Rozga, 2               25:11    Indianola            
  199        Jared Alcorn, 3            25:15    Pella                
  200        Tyler Swanson, 3           25:18    Pella                
  201        Ean Johnson, 3             25:24    Southeast Polk       
  202    71  Hunter Hall, 2             25:25    East                 
  203        David Patterson, 3         25:26    Newton               
  204        Evan Fischer, 3            25:29    Southeast Polk       
  205        James Stittsworth, 2       25:29    Knoxville            
  206        Gunner Shipley, 3          25:35    Newton               
  207        Jacob Harrington, 1        25:42    Southeast Polk       
  208    72  Aj Walker, 2               25:46    North                
  209        Nick Shepperd, 4           25:49    Pella                
  210        Seth Vander Horst, 4       25:54    Pella                
  211        Jacob Evans, 1             25:59    Southeast Polk       
  212    73  Ben Lein, 2                26:00    East                 
  213        Alex Preston, 2            26:06    Waukee               
  214        Bridger Deaton, 3          26:21    Pella                
  215        Zach Vander Hoek, 3        26:26    Pella                
  216        Shaun Van Welden, 4        26:33    Pella                
  217    74  Logan Ashman, 1            26:40    Oakaloosa            
  218        David Dykstra, 1           26:47    Pella                
  219    75  Jaime Hernandez, 4         26:52    North                
  220    76  Brandon Ung, 3             26:54    North                
  221        Andy Tetmeyer, 4           26:59    Southeast Polk       
  222        Alex Boots, 1              27:28    Pella                
  223        Riley McLaren, 1           27:31    Indianola            
  224        Emory White, 4             27:41    Oakaloosa            
  225        Andy Doty, 4               27:55    Pella                
  226        Dallas VanDorin, 1         27:57    Knoxville            
  227        Austin Mens, 1             28:01    Nevada               
  228        Brandon Bruscher, 2        28:09    East                 
  229        Braden Diggins, 1          28:23    Oakaloosa            
  230        Warren Duncan, 1           28:26    Waukee               
  231        Kieran Sweeney, 4          28:41    Southeast Polk       
  232        Neal Hayden, 1             29:07    Newton               
  233        Cal Fisher, 3              29:26    Newton               
  234        Jason Lee, 1               29:27    Waukee               
  235        Eric Moore, 4              29:47    Pella                
  236        Koby Hull, 1               30:01    Newton               
  237        Matt Umphfleet, 2          30:05    Carlisle             
  238        Cortland Bainbridge, 1     30:14    Indianola            
  239        Zach McCombs, 3            30:22    Oakaloosa            
  240        Charlie Comfort, 4         31:05    Oakaloosa            
  241        Tyler Havard, 4            31:40    Carlisle             
  242        Marcus Estes, 1            31:42    Southeast Polk       
  243        Sam Beattie, 1             31:58    Southeast Polk       
  244        Eli McKeever, 3            32:14    Carlisle             
  245        David Dacre, 4             32:14    Carlisle             
  246        Brody Van Berkum, 3        32:18    Pella                
  247        Cody Kokemiller, 3         32:42    Southeast Polk       
  248        Connor Claypool, 1         33:16    Newton               
  249        Ben Reichert, 1            34:19    Knoxville            
  250        Zach Marchal, 2            35:53    Waukee               

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