Cedar Valley Metro Meet, Men, Varsity, 5K

Bontrager Park, Waterloo, Iowa

September 30, 2010

72 Degrees, Sunny, W @ 5 mph

Results by Hilltopper Results

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Cedar Falls              16    1    2    3    4    6    7    9    17:04    0:20
  2 Waterloo West            60    8   11   12   14   15   16   17    17:57    0:27
  3 N U H S                  78    5   13   18   20   22   30   31    18:33    2:10
  4 Columbus Catholic        97   10   19   21   23   24   25   27    19:04    1:54
  5 Valley Lutheran         148   26   28   29   32   33   34         23:38    5:41

Incomplete Teams: 
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME

1. Cedar Falls
    1  Tanner Reyhons, 12         16:56  
    2  Jaime Zarate, 10           16:57  
    3  Adam Streicher, 11         17:03  
    4  Andrew Halloran, 11        17:09  
    6  Jakob Stoner, 12           17:16  
    7  Matthew Adrian, 11         17:25  
    9  Eric Neill, 12             17:43  
Total Time = 85:19     Total Places = 16

2. Waterloo West
    8  Alex Hottle, 10            17:42  
   11  Jake Porter, 11            17:51  
   12  Anthony Ohl, 9             17:55  
   14  Steven Baridon, 9          18:06  
   15  Aaron O'Leary, 9           18:09  
   16  Zak Kohlmeyer, 12          18:11  
   17  Max Scharf, 10             18:12  
Total Time = 89:42     Total Places = 60

3. N U H S
    5  Terry Nielsen, 12          17:12  
   13  Trai O'Connell, 12         18:06  
   18  Brandon Culmore, 11        18:48  
   20  Tad Klenske, 12            19:18  
   22  Riley Garcia, 10           19:22  
   30  Rowen Conry, 9             23:01  
   31  Tristan Holt, 10           23:52  
Total Time = 92:43     Total Places = 78

4. Columbus Catholic
   10  Alex Bernt, 10             17:47  
   19  Austin Martin, 12          19:07  
   21  Blake Adams, 12            19:20  
   23  Brandon Hulme, 12          19:25  
   24  Michielu Menning, 9        19:40  
   25  Tom Menning, 11            19:41  
   27  Jason Ludwig, 9            21:21  
Total Time = 95:17     Total Places = 97

5. Valley Lutheran
   26  Sebastian Dieckmann, 11    21:03  
   28  Alex Niehaus, 10           21:25  
   29  David Wynstra, 10          22:18  
   32  Jonathan Rich, 9           26:42  
   33  Josh Miller, 9             26:43  
   34  Tommy King, 10             26:57  
Total Time = 118:09     Total Places = 148
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Tanner Reyhons, 12         16:56    Cedar Falls          
    2     2  Jaime Zarate, 10           16:57    Cedar Falls          
    3     3  Adam Streicher, 11         17:03    Cedar Falls          
    4     4  Andrew Halloran, 11        17:09    Cedar Falls          
    5     5  Terry Nielsen, 12          17:12    N U H S              
    6     6  Jakob Stoner, 12           17:16    Cedar Falls          
    7     7  Matthew Adrian, 11         17:25    Cedar Falls          
    8     8  Alex Hottle, 10            17:42    Waterloo West        
    9     9  Eric Neill, 12             17:43    Cedar Falls          
   10    10  Alex Bernt, 10             17:47    Columbus Catholic    
   11    11  Jake Porter, 11            17:51    Waterloo West        
   12    12  Anthony Ohl, 9             17:55    Waterloo West        
   13    13  Trai O'Connell, 12         18:06    N U H S              
   14    14  Steven Baridon, 9          18:06    Waterloo West        
   15    15  Aaron O'Leary, 9           18:09    Waterloo West        
   16    16  Zak Kohlmeyer, 12          18:11    Waterloo West        
   17    17  Max Scharf, 10             18:12    Waterloo West        
   18    18  Brandon Culmore, 11        18:48    N U H S              
   19    19  Austin Martin, 12          19:07    Columbus Catholic    
   20    20  Tad Klenske, 12            19:18    N U H S              
   21    21  Blake Adams, 12            19:20    Columbus Catholic    
   22    22  Riley Garcia, 10           19:22    N U H S              
   23    23  Brandon Hulme, 12          19:25    Columbus Catholic    
   24    24  Michielu Menning, 9        19:40    Columbus Catholic    
   25    25  Tom Menning, 11            19:41    Columbus Catholic    
   26    26  Sebastian Dieckmann, 11    21:03    Valley Lutheran      
   27    27  Jason Ludwig, 9            21:21    Columbus Catholic    
   28    28  Alex Niehaus, 10           21:25    Valley Lutheran      
   29    29  David Wynstra, 10          22:18    Valley Lutheran      
   30    30  Rowen Conry, 9             23:01    N U H S              
   31    31  Tristan Holt, 10           23:52    N U H S              
   32    32  Jonathan Rich, 9           26:42    Valley Lutheran      
   33    33  Josh Miller, 9             26:43    Valley Lutheran      
   34    34  Tommy King, 10             26:57    Valley Lutheran      

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