41st Little Cyclone Invite 9 & 10 Girls 4km

ISU Course - Host Ames High School

Sept. 3, 2009

Perfect XC weather - 60s and Sunny

Results by Cal Murdock

F/S Girls

JV Girls

Var. Girls

F/S Boys

JV Boys

Var. Boys

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1   Dowling Catholic         35    2    3    5   10   15   20   26   17:32      1:53
  2   Ankeny                   43    4    6    8    9   16   23   27   17:56        57
  3   Valley                   67    1   11   13   18   24   30   31   18:10      2:49
  4   Indianola                90   12   14   17   22   25   34   35   18:46        52
  5   Ames                    104    7   19   21   28   29   32   33   18:52      1:36
  6   Creston                 190   36   37   38   39   40             24:31      7:44



1. Dowling Catholic
    2  Diane Hubbell, So           16:37    6:41
    3  Miller Vanessa, Fr          16:48    6:45
    5  Meranda Metz, Fr            17:45    7:08
   10  Linnen Samantha, Fr         18:02    7:15
   15  Cece Schedenhelm, Jr        18:29    7:26
   20  Lee Jenna, Fr               18:55    7:37
   26  Elly Brett, So              19:19    7:46
Time = 1:27:40     Places = 35

2. Ankeny
    4  Emma Sandifer, Fr           17:37    7:05
    6  Nickie Kueck, So            17:47    7:09
    8  Brooke Boelman, So          17:52    7:11
    9  Julie Weiner, So            17:54    7:12
   16  Jenna Dengler, So           18:33    7:28
   23  Alyson Gloria, So           19:00    7:38
   27  Jordan Noce, So             19:20    7:46
Time = 1:29:40     Places = 43

3. Valley
    1  Lydia Saggau, Fr            16:18    6:33
   11  Laura Milligan, So          18:13    7:19
   13  Allie Wood, So              18:25    7:24
   18  Bridge Jones, Fr            18:47    7:33
   24  Kara Nevon, Fr              19:07    7:41
   30  Katie Herr, So              19:31    7:51
   31  Chloe Matthews, Fr          19:33    7:52
Time = 1:30:47     Places = 67

4. Indianola
   12  Morgan Vanderpool, Fr       18:22    7:23
   14  Ally Orwig, Fr              18:28    7:26
   17  Hannah Leach, Fr            18:45    7:32
   22  Anna Dyer, So               19:00    7:38
   25  Darby Hulen, Fr             19:13    7:44
   34  Rachel Kaale, Fr            19:54    8:00
   35  Lauren Engley, So           20:05    8:05
Time = 1:33:46     Places = 90

5. Ames
    7  Kelsey Dockstader, So       17:49    7:10
   19  Casey Inman, Fr             18:50    7:34
   21  Katrina Nielsen, So         18:58    7:38
   28  Dillan Glock, So            19:20    7:47
   29  Elaine Nielsen, Fr          19:24    7:48
   32  Leigh Ann Honzatko, Fr      19:45    7:56
   33  Kelsey Dennis, Fr           19:47    7:57
Time = 1:34:19     Places = 104

6. Creston
   36  Katie Stevens, Fr           20:10    8:07
   37  Ashly Starlin, Fr           23:08    9:18
   38  Carlea Schuler, Fr          24:31    9:51
   39  Kacie Wintermute, So        26:52   10:48
   40  Devon Chapman, So           27:54   11:13
Time = 2:02:33     Places = 190

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM

    1     1  Lydia Saggau, Fr            16:18    6:33  Valley
    2     2  Diane Hubbell, So           16:37    6:41  Dowling Catholic
    3     3  Miller Vanessa, Fr          16:48    6:45  Dowling Catholic
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
    4     4  Emma Sandifer, Fr           17:37    7:05  Ankeny
    5     5  Meranda Metz, Fr            17:45    7:08  Dowling Catholic
    6     6  Nickie Kueck, So            17:47    7:09  Ankeny
    7     7  Kelsey Dockstader, So       17:49    7:10  Ames
    8     8  Brooke Boelman, So          17:52    7:11  Ankeny
    9     9  Julie Weiner, So            17:54    7:12  Ankeny
   10    10  Linnen Samantha, Fr         18:02    7:15  Dowling Catholic
   11    11  Laura Milligan, So          18:13    7:19  Valley
   12    12  Morgan Vanderpool, Fr       18:22    7:23  Indianola
   13    13  Allie Wood, So              18:25    7:24  Valley
   14    14  Ally Orwig, Fr              18:28    7:26  Indianola
   15    15  Cece Schedenhelm, Jr        18:29    7:26  Dowling Catholic
   16    16  Jenna Dengler, So           18:33    7:28  Ankeny
   17    17  Hannah Leach, Fr            18:45    7:32  Indianola
   18    18  Bridge Jones, Fr            18:47    7:33  Valley
   19    19  Casey Inman, Fr             18:50    7:34  Ames
   20    20  Lee Jenna, Fr               18:55    7:37  Dowling Catholic
   21    21  Katrina Nielsen, So         18:58    7:38  Ames
   22    22  Anna Dyer, So               19:00    7:38  Indianola
   23    23  Alyson Gloria, So           19:00    7:38  Ankeny
   24    24  Kara Nevon, Fr              19:07    7:41  Valley
   25    25  Darby Hulen, Fr             19:13    7:44  Indianola
   26    26  Elly Brett, So              19:19    7:46  Dowling Catholic
   27    27  Jordan Noce, So             19:20    7:46  Ankeny
   28    28  Dillan Glock, So            19:20    7:47  Ames
   29    29  Elaine Nielsen, Fr          19:24    7:48  Ames
   30    30  Katie Herr, So              19:31    7:51  Valley
   31    31  Chloe Matthews, Fr          19:33    7:52  Valley
   32        Gabi Risolvato, Fr          19:33    7:52  Valley
   33        Akers Abigail, Fr           19:35    7:52  Dowling Catholic
   34        Madeline Wille, Fr          19:37    7:53  Ankeny
   35        Gabie Grant, So             19:39    7:54  Ankeny
   36    32  Leigh Ann Honzatko, Fr      19:45    7:56  Ames
   37    33  Kelsey Dennis, Fr           19:47    7:57  Ames
   38        Chelsey Shuey, So           19:48    7:58  Ames
   39        Sarah Purdy, So             19:50    7:59  Ankeny
   40        Kaitie Sturtz, So           19:51    7:59  Ankeny
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   41        Bailey Sipfle, So           19:54    8:00  Valley
   42    34  Rachel Kaale, Fr            19:54    8:00  Indianola
   43        Meyer Meghan, Fr            20:03    8:04  Dowling Catholic
   44    35  Lauren Engley, So           20:05    8:05  Indianola
   45        Emily Klemme, So            20:06    8:05  Valley
   46        Alex Kock, So               20:06    8:05  Valley
   47        Meggie Royer, Fr            20:07    8:05  Ames
   48        Kayla Beener, So            20:07    8:05  Indianola
   49    36  Katie Stevens, Fr           20:10    8:07  Creston
   50        Ciera Highsmith, Fr         20:11    8:07  Ankeny
   51        Sam Coady, Fr               20:13    8:08  Ankeny
   52        Erin Carey, So              20:21    8:11  Ankeny
   53        Darby Rourick, So           20:21    8:11  Ankeny
   54        Megan Lundquist, Fr         20:26    8:13  Ankeny
   55        Rae Corrigan, Fr            20:28    8:14  Indianola
   56        Claire Vantreeck, Fr        20:29    8:14  Indianola
   57        Aylssa Nease, Fr            20:30    8:14  Ankeny
   58        Erin Marshall, Fr           20:30    8:15  Valley
   59        Bekah May, Fr               20:32    8:15  Ames
   60        Theis Hannah, Fr            20:40    8:18  Dowling Catholic
   61        Diane Bunce, So             20:53    8:24  Ankeny
   62        Sadie Taylor, Fr            20:54    8:24  Ames
   63        Harmony Pace, Fr            20:54    8:24  Ames
   64        Ashley Jensen, So           21:08    8:30  Ankeny
   65        Liz Reams, Fr               21:11    8:31  Indianola
   66        Emma Thorgaard, So          21:15    8:33  Ames
   67        Abigail Moats, Fr           21:16    8:33  Ames
   68        Sydni Heron, So             21:18    8:34  Ames
   69        Chloe Langenberg, Fr        21:19    8:34  Ames
   70        Alex McGinnis, So           21:20    8:35  Indianola
   71        Erica Davidson, Fr          21:28    8:38  
   72        Whitney Fisher, Fr          21:35    8:41  Ankeny
   73        Maddie Anderson, So         21:38    8:42  Valley
   74        Taylor Gwiasda, So          21:38    8:42  Ames
   75        Taylor Palensky, Fr         21:40    8:43  Ames
   76        Alyssa Barrantes, So        21:40    8:43  Valley
   77        Emily Maruth, Fr            21:43    8:44  Ankeny
   78        Abby Rourke, So             21:49    8:47  Valley
   79        Luchang Wang, So            21:53    8:48  Valley
   80        Emma Griffiths, Fr          21:54    8:48  Valley
   81        Emily Brem-Stecher, So      22:00    8:51  Ames
   82        Mikayla Sullivan, Fr        22:15    8:57  Ames
   83        Alexa Brown, Fr             22:15    8:57  
   84        Dana Junk, Fr               22:16    8:57  Ankeny
   85        Kristin Wagenknecht, Fr     22:17    8:57  Valley
   86        Kimberly McDaniel, Fr       22:19    8:58  Boone
   87        Virginia Bantz, Fr          22:21    8:59  Valley
   88        Allison Schaaf, Fr          22:21    8:59  Ankeny
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
   89        Kim Sorensen, Fr            22:22    9:00  Valley
   90        Leigha Powers, Fr           22:30    9:03  Dowling Catholic
   91        Mikala Drees, So            22:31    9:03  Valley
   92        Mary Downey, Fr             22:34    9:04  Dowling Catholic
   93        Taylor Williams, So         22:40    9:07  Ames
   94        Aly Clay, So                22:56    9:13  Valley
   95        Rachel Dieter, Fr           22:58    9:14  Ames
   96        Sophie Deam, So             22:59    9:14  Ames
   97        Maddy Lombard, Fr           23:05    9:17  Ankeny
   98        Sabina Miller, So           23:07    9:18  Ames
   99    37  Ashly Starlin, Fr           23:08    9:18  Creston
  100        Alyssa Palas, So            23:25    9:25  Ames
  101        Jocelyn Coffman, So         23:34    9:29  Valley
  102        Krista McDaniel, So         23:36    9:29  Boone
  103        Claire Boeke, So            23:51    9:36  Ames
  104        Christine Bunting, So       24:13    9:44  Ames
  105        Sarah Downey, Fr            24:21    9:47  Dowling Catholic
  106        Brooke Farmer, So           24:30    9:51  Ames
  107    38  Carlea Schuler, Fr          24:31    9:51  Creston
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
  108        Nicole Kerr, Fr             24:55   10:01  Ames
  109        Halei Hustedt, So           25:05   10:05  Ames
  110        Sadie Carlson, So           25:10   10:07  Boone
  111        Jesse Norris, Fr            25:27   10:14  Boone
  112        Shelby Ryan, Fr             25:35   10:17  Ames
  113        Claire Nagle, So            25:42   10:20  Ames
  114    39  Kacie Wintermute, So        26:52   10:48  Creston
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
  115    40  Devon Chapman, So           27:54   11:13  Creston


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