KHS Inv. 2009 MS Girls
Sep. 29, 2009
Results by Knoxville Cross Country
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PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Pella Ms 38 2 3 5 13 15 24 26 14:16.0 1:28.2 2 Indianola Ms 43 1 6 9 11 16 20 32 14:23.2 1:52.1 3 Knoxville Ms 92 10 12 21 22 27 29 34 15:27.1 1:18.6 4 Centerville Ms 105 4 7 18 37 39 44 15:49.9 3:57.1 5 Newton Ms 116 8 19 25 31 33 38 46 15:49.1 2:24.6 6 Osky Ms 132 14 17 30 35 36 40 42 16:10.4 2:18.3 7 Chariton Ms 180 23 28 41 43 45 47 48 17:50.5 3:52.9 Incomplete Teams: Lynville-Sully Ms, Twin Cedars Individuals ID# PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE 1. Pella Ms 455 2 Hannah Pickett, 7 13:31.7 6:32 453 3 Ashley Kirkland, 7 13:41.2 6:37 448 5 Katie Canfield, 7 14:14.2 6:53 446 13 Kelsey Brown, 7 14:52.9 7:11 469 15 Becky Visser, 8 14:59.8 7:15 450 24 Melissa Eberts, 7 15:57.2 7:42 451 26 Elder Kiley, 7 16:02.2 7:45 Total Time = 1:11:19.6 Total Places = 38 2. Indianola Ms 215 1 Kate Bishop, 8 13:12.9 6:23 219 6 Erin Halterman, 8 14:16.2 6:54 225 9 Jenny Steffen, 8 14:33.5 7:02 224 11 Jamie Steffen, 8 14:48.5 7:09 220 16 Amelih Hill, 8 15:05.0 7:17 218 20 Madeline Green, 7 15:40.4 7:34 221 32 Emily Jermeland, 8 16:38.0 8:02 Total Time = 1:11:56.0 Total Places = 43 3. Knoxville Ms 38 10 Katie Goodwin, 7 14:46.2 7:08 43 12 Kirstie Rankin, 7 14:49.8 7:10 39 21 Courtney Hughes, 8 15:45.7 7:37 40 22 Sami Cushman, 7 15:49.2 7:39 37 27 Carrie Adrian, 8 16:04.7 7:46 41 29 Michall Brand, 7 16:12.9 7:50 46 34 Haley Ullestad, 7 17:03.3 8:14 Total Time = 1:17:15.4 Total Places = 92 4. Centerville Ms 101 4 Cassidy Schacher 14:06.7 6:49 100 7 Bailey Witt 14:20.9 6:56 99 18 Katie Busch 15:15.7 7:22 103 37 Steph Grenko 17:22.3 8:23 98 39 Hanna Sheston 18:03.7 8:44 102 44 Sydney Dommer 19:14.5 9:18 Total Time = 1:19:09.2 Total Places = 105 5. Newton Ms 536 8 Anna Barr, 7 14:22.7 6:57 530 19 Skylar Seals, 8 15:23.9 7:26 529 25 Halie Doland, 8 15:57.8 7:43 532 31 Amanda Martin, 8 16:33.8 8:00 533 33 Jessica Pelock, 8 16:47.2 8:07 535 38 Rachel Perndergast, 7 17:42.0 8:33 531 46 Samantha Bailey, 8 19:54.1 9:37 Total Time = 1:19:05.3 Total Places = 116 6. Osky Ms 340 14 Rachel Adams, 7 14:55.7 7:13 345 17 Riley Berg, 8 15:08.2 7:19 348 30 Cheyenne Glanden, 8 16:27.7 7:57 343 35 Tori Holthaus, 7 17:06.5 8:16 347 36 Sarandyn Curtis, 8 17:13.9 8:19 344 40 Jamie Stewart, 7 18:14.1 8:49 346 42 Emily Boxler, 8 18:59.7 9:11 Total Time = 1:20:51.8 Total Places = 132 7. Chariton Ms 143 23 Jayme Pierschbacher 15:54.2 7:41 142 28 Isabel Engelhardt 16:12.5 7:50 144 41 Gina Felderman 18:16.7 8:50 145 43 Karlee Williams 19:02.2 9:12 141 45 Sierra Pruiett 19:47.1 9:33 148 47 Kalie Strife 20:10.4 9:45 146 48 Brittany Currie 20:12.3 9:46 Total Time = 1:29:12.5 Total Places = 180 TEAM ID# PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM Top 215 1 1 Kate Bishop, 8 13:12.9 6:23 Indianola Ms 455 2 2 Hannah Pickett, 7 13:31.7 6:32 Pella Ms 453 3 3 Ashley Kirkland, 7 13:41.2 6:37 Pella Ms 507 4 Brittney Roby 14:00.0 6:46 Twin Cedars 101 5 4 Cassidy Schacher 14:06.7 6:49 Centerville Ms 256 6 Alexa Vander Leest, 8 14:09.6 6:50 Lynville-Sully Ms 448 7 5 Katie Canfield, 7 14:14.2 6:53 Pella Ms 219 8 6 Erin Halterman, 8 14:16.2 6:54 Indianola Ms 100 9 7 Bailey Witt 14:20.9 6:56 Centerville Ms 536 10 8 Anna Barr, 7 14:22.7 6:57 Newton Ms Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top257 11 Karli Roozeboom, 8 14:33.0 7:02 Lynville-Sully Ms 225 12 9 Jenny Steffen, 8 14:33.5 7:02 Indianola Ms 38 13 10 Katie Goodwin, 7 14:46.2 7:08 Knoxville Ms 224 14 11 Jamie Steffen, 8 14:48.5 7:09 Indianola Ms 43 15 12 Kirstie Rankin, 7 14:49.8 7:10 Knoxville Ms 446 16 13 Kelsey Brown, 7 14:52.9 7:11 Pella Ms 340 17 14 Rachel Adams, 7 14:55.7 7:13 Osky Ms 469 18 15 Becky Visser, 8 14:59.8 7:15 Pella Ms 220 19 16 Amelih Hill, 8 15:05.0 7:17 Indianola Ms 345 20 17 Riley Berg, 8 15:08.2 7:19 Osky Ms 99 21 18 Katie Busch 15:15.7 7:22 Centerville Ms 530 22 19 Skylar Seals, 8 15:23.9 7:26 Newton Ms 218 23 20 Madeline Green, 7 15:40.4 7:34 Indianola Ms 39 24 21 Courtney Hughes, 8 15:45.7 7:37 Knoxville Ms 40 25 22 Sami Cushman, 7 15:49.2 7:39 Knoxville Ms 143 26 23 Jayme Pierschbacher 15:54.2 7:41 Chariton Ms 450 27 24 Melissa Eberts, 7 15:57.2 7:42 Pella Ms 529 28 25 Halie Doland, 8 15:57.8 7:43 Newton Ms 451 29 26 Elder Kiley, 7 16:02.2 7:45 Pella Ms 37 30 27 Carrie Adrian, 8 16:04.7 7:46 Knoxville Ms 142 31 28 Isabel Engelhardt 16:12.5 7:50 Chariton Ms 41 32 29 Michall Brand, 7 16:12.9 7:50 Knoxville Ms 470 33 Emily Yee, 8 16:13.6 7:50 Pella Ms 461 34 Bri Buzick, 8 16:21.4 7:54 Pella Ms 348 35 30 Cheyenne Glanden, 8 16:27.7 7:57 Osky Ms Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top532 36 31 Amanda Martin, 8 16:33.8 8:00 Newton Ms 221 37 32 Emily Jermeland, 8 16:38.0 8:02 Indianola Ms 259 38 Cori Ricenell, 7 16:38.4 8:02 Lynville-Sully Ms 533 39 33 Jessica Pelock, 8 16:47.2 8:07 Newton Ms 508 40 Kylee Ford 16:52.8 8:09 Twin Cedars 454 41 Laura Kleven, 7 16:53.7 8:10 Pella Ms 466 42 Abby Fyfe, 8 16:55.3 8:10 Pella Ms 447 43 Cassie Buma, 7 16:58.5 8:12 Pella Ms 465 44 Natalia Espinosa, 8 17:02.4 8:14 Pella Ms 46 45 34 Haley Ullestad, 7 17:03.3 8:14 Knoxville Ms 343 46 35 Tori Holthaus, 7 17:06.5 8:16 Osky Ms 216 47 Nicole Coghlan, 7 17:07.4 8:16 Indianola Ms 42 48 Hunter McCullough, 8 17:10.5 8:18 Knoxville Ms 222 49 Paige Mitchell, 8 17:10.9 8:18 Indianola Ms 347 50 36 Sarandyn Curtis, 8 17:13.9 8:19 Osky Ms 45 51 Tori Johnston, 8 17:21.8 8:23 Knoxville Ms 103 52 37 Steph Grenko 17:22.3 8:23 Centerville Ms 48 53 Kaeline Schuenke, 7 17:34.4 8:29 Knoxville Ms 227 54 Melanie Willis, 7 17:36.5 8:30 Indianola Ms 535 55 38 Rachel Perndergast, 7 17:42.0 8:33 Newton Ms 226 56 Brylie Wiedmaier, 7 17:45.2 8:35 Indianola Ms 452 57 Anna Jaarsma, 7 17:57.2 8:40 Pella Ms 98 58 39 Hanna Sheston 18:03.7 8:44 Centerville Ms 44 59 Caitlyn Shilling, 7 18:08.2 8:46 Knoxville Ms 344 60 40 Jamie Stewart, 7 18:14.1 8:49 Osky Ms 144 61 41 Gina Felderman 18:16.7 8:50 Chariton Ms 468 62 Erika Shrout, 8 18:17.8 8:50 Pella Ms Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top217 63 Tess Davis, 8 18:43.8 9:03 Indianola Ms 459 64 Maria Belding, 8 18:46.4 9:04 Pella Ms 258 65 Paige Van Wyk, 7 18:57.3 9:09 Lynville-Sully Ms 346 66 42 Emily Boxler, 8 18:59.7 9:11 Osky Ms 47 67 Taylor Weldon, 7 19:00.4 9:11 Knoxville Ms 145 68 43 Karlee Williams 19:02.2 9:12 Chariton Ms 102 69 44 Sydney Dommer 19:14.5 9:18 Centerville Ms 463 70 Haley Chapman, 8 19:16.4 9:19 Pella Ms 341 71 Shatiera DeGeest, 7 19:19.4 9:20 Osky Ms 141 72 45 Sierra Pruiett 19:47.1 9:33 Chariton Ms 531 73 46 Samantha Bailey, 8 19:54.1 9:37 Newton Ms 148 74 47 Kalie Strife 20:10.4 9:45 Chariton Ms 146 75 48 Brittany Currie 20:12.3 9:46 Chariton Ms 537 76 Liz Jones, 7 20:24.8 9:52 Newton Ms 214 77 Brittany Abernathy, 7 20:35.4 9:57 Indianola Ms 223 78 Sarah Smith, 8 20:39.5 9:59 Indianola Ms Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top149 79 Madison Offenburger 20:54.1 10:06 Chariton Ms 150 80 Katey Herr 21:06.0 10:12 Chariton Ms 538 81 Janelle Lewis, 7 21:55.8 10:36 Newton Ms 458 82 Eleanor Witt, 7 22:18.7 10:47 Pella Ms 534 83 Makayla Tabor, 8 22:36.0 10:55 Newton Ms Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top449 84 Kayley DeVos, 7 22:52.9 11:03 Pella Ms 49 85 McKayla Harrell, 7 23:24.8 11:19 Knoxville Ms Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | Top457 86 Bailey Wilson, 7 26:02.0 12:35 Pella MsReturn to home page.