Grinnell Invite 2009 Boys JV

Sep. 8, 2009

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1 Pella                    22    1    2    3    7    9   10   12  19:15.6  0:43.0
  2 Grinnell                 60    4    5   13   15   23   24   30  19:47.8  1:09.0
  3 Knoxville                85   11   17   18   19   20   25   35  20:06.2  0:34.0
  4 Benton                  100    8   14   22   27   29   38   55  20:15.6  1:08.0
  5 Vinton-Shellsburg       115    6   16   26   28   39   40   41  20:31.2  2:16.0
  6 Union                   190   31   34   37   42   46   47   50  21:36.0  1:34.0
  7 Newton                  196   21   33   36   49   57            21:48.4  3:21.0
  8 Ottumwa                 236   43   44   45   48   56   58   63  22:37.6  1:31.0
  9 Chariton                268   32   51   60   61   64   65   67  23:33.2  4:52.0
 10 Oskaloosa               280   52   53   54   59   62   66   68  23:34.2  1:50.0

Incomplete Teams: South Tama, Pcm, Meskwaki, Pella Christian, Lynnville-Sully

 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Pella
    1  Josh Whitten, 9            18:53.0    6:04
    2  Michael Etnyre, 9          19:01.0    6:07
    3  Matthew Klein, 9           19:17.0    6:12
    7  Derek Boat, 12             19:31.0    6:17
    9  Joseph Heschke, 10         19:36.0    6:18
   10  Shaun Sokol, 10            19:40.0    6:19
   12  Brett Howard , 10          19:49.0    6:22
Total Time = 1:36:18.0     Total Places = 22

2. Grinnell
    4  Nathan Ford, 11            19:20.0    6:13
    5  Chris Marsho, 12           19:23.0    6:14
   13  Robbie Menner, 12          19:51.0    6:23
   15  Jarrett Thompson, 12       19:56.0    6:25
   23  Sam Burt, 9                20:29.0    6:35
   24  Neill Goltz, 11            20:30.0    6:35
   30  Kyle Irland, 11            20:45.0    6:40
Total Time = 1:38:59.0     Total Places = 60

3. Knoxville
   11  Erik Ryan, 10              19:43.0    6:20
   17  Aaron Crossett, 9          20:07.0    6:28
   18  Travis Rasmussen, 10       20:11.0    6:29
   19  Matt Beary, 10             20:13.0    6:30
   20  Justin Katich, 10          20:17.0    6:31
   25  Billy Williams, 9          20:32.0    6:36
   35  Matt Hollingshead, 9       21:12.0    6:49
Total Time = 1:40:31.0     Total Places = 85

4. Benton
    8  Tyler Long, 10             19:34.0    6:17
   14  Jacob Stoll, 9             19:54.0    6:24
   22  Jordan Muller, 10          20:28.0    6:35
   27  Paul Rempfer, 10           20:40.0    6:39
   29  Mitch Knock, 9             20:42.0    6:39
   38  Connor Schroder, 10        21:41.0    6:58
   55  Kyle Deeg, 9               23:45.0    7:38
Total Time = 1:41:18.0     Total Places = 100

5. Vinton-Shellsburg
    6  Brandt Corcran             19:27.0    6:15
   16  Ian Storey                 20:06.0    6:28
   26  Bray Mullenix              20:39.0    6:38
   28  Perry Martin               20:41.0    6:39
   39  Aaron Burke                21:43.0    6:59
   40  Caleb White                21:46.0    7:00
   41  Wes Lyons                  22:00.0    7:04
Total Time = 1:42:36.0     Total Places = 115

6. Union
   31  Evan Dalluge               20:49.0    6:42
   34  Garrett Prestemon          21:10.0    6:48
   37  Joey Termus                21:28.0    6:54
   42  Winston Downing            22:10.0    7:08
   46  Richard Leipold            22:23.0    7:12
   47  Jordan Olson               22:24.0    7:12
   50  Robert Swestka             22:37.0    7:16
Total Time = 1:48:00.0     Total Places = 190

7. Newton
   21  Matt Thomn, 10             20:24.0    6:34
   33  Jon Ellis, 10              21:07.0    6:47
   36  Colton Gearhart, 10        21:17.0    6:51
   49  Grant Cooling, 10          22:29.0    7:14
   57  Cal Fisher, 10             23:45.0    7:38
Total Time = 1:49:02.0     Total Places = 196

8. Ottumwa
   43  Jianwa Bennett             22:14.0    7:09
   44  Denny Rutledge             22:19.0    7:11
   45  Billy Barnes               22:21.0    7:11
   48  Seth White                 22:29.0    7:14
   56  Chris Fenton               23:45.0    7:38
   58  Evan Sword                 24:02.0    7:44
   63  Jeff Fenton                24:30.0    7:53
Total Time = 1:53:08.0     Total Places = 236

9. Chariton
   32  Lane Blue, 10              20:54.0    6:43
   51  Brandon Shutt, 12          22:39.0    7:17
   60  Chase McDonald, 10         24:12.0    7:47
   61  Ben Adams, 10              24:15.0    7:48
   64  Dallas Cady, 9             25:46.0    8:17
   65  Joe Morrett, 10            27:05.0    8:43
   67  Dustin Decker, 10          28:09.0    9:03
Total Time = 1:57:46.0     Total Places = 268

10. Oskaloosa
   52  Caden Smith, 11            22:40.0    7:17
   53  Jorge Llanes-Rojas, 12     23:12.0    7:28
   54  Chad Morrow, 12            23:19.0    7:30
   59  Bryan Herr, 9              24:10.0    7:46
   62  Joel Buckallew, 12         24:30.0    7:53
   66  Charlie Comfort, 11        27:16.0    8:46
   68  Andrew Busse, 9            29:46.0    9:34
Total Time = 1:57:51.0     Total Places = 280
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


    1     1  Josh Whitten, 9            18:53.0    6:04  Pella                
    2     2  Michael Etnyre, 9          19:01.0    6:07  Pella                
    3     3  Matthew Klein, 9           19:17.0    6:12  Pella                
    4     4  Nathan Ford, 11            19:20.0    6:13  Grinnell             
    5     5  Chris Marsho, 12           19:23.0    6:14  Grinnell             
    6     6  Brandt Corcran             19:27.0    6:15  Vinton-Shellsburg    
    7     7  Derek Boat, 12             19:31.0    6:17  Pella                
    8     8  Tyler Long, 10             19:34.0    6:17  Benton               
    9     9  Joseph Heschke, 10         19:36.0    6:18  Pella                
   10    10  Shaun Sokol, 10            19:40.0    6:19  Pella                
   11    11  Erik Ryan, 10              19:43.0    6:20  Knoxville            
   12        Vincent Lasley, 9          19:44.0    6:21  Meskwaki             
   13    12  Brett Howard , 10          19:49.0    6:22  Pella                
   14    13  Robbie Menner, 12          19:51.0    6:23  Grinnell             
   15    14  Jacob Stoll, 9             19:54.0    6:24  Benton               
   16    15  Jarrett Thompson, 12       19:56.0    6:25  Grinnell             
   17    16  Ian Storey                 20:06.0    6:28  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   18    17  Aaron Crossett, 9          20:07.0    6:28  Knoxville            
   19    18  Travis Rasmussen, 10       20:11.0    6:29  Knoxville            
   20    19  Matt Beary, 10             20:13.0    6:30  Knoxville            
   21    20  Justin Katich, 10          20:17.0    6:31  Knoxville            
   22    21  Matt Thomn, 10             20:24.0    6:34  Newton               
   23    22  Jordan Muller, 10          20:28.0    6:35  Benton               
   24    23  Sam Burt, 9                20:29.0    6:35  Grinnell             
   25    24  Neill Goltz, 11            20:30.0    6:35  Grinnell             
   26    25  Billy Williams, 9          20:32.0    6:36  Knoxville            
   27        Bailey Tripp, 9            20:35.0    6:37  Pella                
   28        Matthew Spoelstra, 9       20:37.0    6:38  Pella Christian      
   29    26  Bray Mullenix              20:39.0    6:38  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   30    27  Paul Rempfer, 10           20:40.0    6:39  Benton               
   31    28  Perry Martin               20:41.0    6:39  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   32    29  Mitch Knock, 9             20:42.0    6:39  Benton               
   33    30  Kyle Irland, 11            20:45.0    6:40  Grinnell             
   34        Luc Moisan, 9              20:46.0    6:41  Grinnell             
   35    31  Evan Dalluge               20:49.0    6:42  Union                
   36        Dayton Lasley, 11          20:54.0    6:43  Meskwaki             
   37    32  Lane Blue, 10              20:54.0    6:43  Chariton             
   38        Caleb Dean, 10             20:57.0    6:44  Pella                
   39        Austin Davis, 10           21:04.0    6:46  Pella                
   40    33  Jon Ellis, 10              21:07.0    6:47  Newton               
   41    34  Garrett Prestemon          21:10.0    6:48  Union                
   42    35  Matt Hollingshead, 9       21:12.0    6:49  Knoxville            
   43        Taylor Burton, 9           21:12.0    6:49  Pella                
   44        Keeton Hollingshead, 11    21:14.0    6:50  Knoxville            
   45    36  Colton Gearhart, 10        21:17.0    6:51  Newton               
   46        Matt Kissinger, 9          21:20.0    6:52  Pella                
   47        Justin Buzick, 12          21:20.0    6:52  Pella                
   48        Ben Dillon, 12             21:21.0    6:52  Grinnell             
   49        Clint Hutchins, 11         21:22.0    6:52  Knoxville            
   50    37  Joey Termus                21:28.0    6:54  Union                
   51        Kollin Schaudt, 9          21:30.0    6:55  Pella                
   52        Aaron Peter, 11            21:33.0    6:56  Pcm                  
   53        Mitchell Nunnikoven, 10    21:39.0    6:58  Pella                
   54    38  Connor Schroder, 10        21:41.0    6:58  Benton               
   55    39  Aaron Burke                21:43.0    6:59  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   56        Andrew Lockridge, 9        21:43.0    6:59  Pella                
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
   57    40  Caleb White                21:46.0    7:00  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   58        Mitch Shepperd, 9          21:53.0    7:02  Pella                
   59        Isaiah Armstrong, 10       21:54.0    7:03  Pella                
   60    41  Wes Lyons                  22:00.0    7:04  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   61        Nathan Merchant            22:03.0    7:05  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   62        Parker Oltragge            22:04.0    7:06  Vinton-Shellsburg    
   63        Josh Anderson, 11          22:07.0    7:07  Pcm                  
   64        Dave Trettin, 9            22:09.0    7:07  Lynnville-Sully      
   65    42  Winston Downing            22:10.0    7:08  Union                
   66    43  Jianwa Bennett             22:14.0    7:09  Ottumwa              
   67    44  Denny Rutledge             22:19.0    7:11  Ottumwa              
   68    45  Billy Barnes               22:21.0    7:11  Ottumwa              
   69    46  Richard Leipold            22:23.0    7:12  Union                
   70    47  Jordan Olson               22:24.0    7:12  Union                
   71    48  Seth White                 22:29.0    7:14  Ottumwa              
   72    49  Grant Cooling, 10          22:29.0    7:14  Newton               
   73        Jalen Tyon, 12             22:33.0    7:15  Meskwaki             
   74        Sean Bear II, 11           22:36.0    7:16  Meskwaki             
   75    50  Robert Swestka             22:37.0    7:16  Union                
   76        Ben Robertson, 9           22:38.0    7:17  Pella                
   77    51  Brandon Shutt, 12          22:39.0    7:17  Chariton             
   78    52  Caden Smith, 11            22:40.0    7:17  Oskaloosa            
   79        Will VanZee, 10            22:44.0    7:19  Pcm                  
   80        Chris Pederson, 12         22:47.0    7:20  Grinnell             
   81        Bret Carter, 11            22:48.0    7:20  Knoxville            
   82        Justin Hardenbrook, 9      22:53.0    7:21  Lynnville-Sully      
   83        Riley Rozendaal, 9         23:06.0    7:26  Lynnville-Sully      
   84        William Morrisson, 10      23:11.0    7:27  Grinnell             
   85    53  Jorge Llanes-Rojas, 12     23:12.0    7:28  Oskaloosa            
   86        Evan Jones, 9              23:13.0    7:28  Pella                
   87        Tanner Neuhaus, 12         23:14.0    7:28  South Tama           
   88        Jared Gerber, 12           23:14.0    7:28  Pella                
   89    54  Chad Morrow, 12            23:19.0    7:30  Oskaloosa            
   90        Braden Brown, 12           23:28.0    7:33  Grinnell             
   91        Adam Drees, 12             23:32.0    7:34  Grinnell             
   92        David McDonald, 12         23:36.0    7:35  Grinnell             
   93    55  Kyle Deeg, 9               23:45.0    7:38  Benton               
   94    56  Chris Fenton               23:45.0    7:38  Ottumwa              
   95    57  Cal Fisher, 10             23:45.0    7:38  Newton               
   96        Matt Holliday, 10          23:46.0    7:39  Benton               
   97        Cody Schrock, 10           23:59.0    7:43  Pcm                  
   98    58  Evan Sword                 24:02.0    7:44  Ottumwa              
   99    59  Bryan Herr, 9              24:10.0    7:46  Oskaloosa            
  100    60  Chase McDonald, 10         24:12.0    7:47  Chariton             
  101    61  Ben Adams, 10              24:15.0    7:48  Chariton             
  102        Jesse Merk, 10             24:26.0    7:51  Pella                
  103    62  Joel Buckallew, 12         24:30.0    7:53  Oskaloosa            
  104    63  Jeff Fenton                24:30.0    7:53  Ottumwa              
  105        Brad Gehling, 12           24:31.0    7:53  South Tama           
  106        Michael Phippen            24:40.0    7:56  Ottumwa              
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
  107        Nick Israel                24:57.0    8:01  Vinton-Shellsburg    
  108        Joe Scharnweber, 12        24:59.0    8:02  South Tama           
  109        Alec Henderson, 12         25:24.0    8:10  Grinnell             
  110        Thomas Kearny              25:27.0    8:11  Ottumwa              
  111        Anthony Herrera , 10       25:32.0    8:13  Knoxville            
  112        Shaun Van Weelden, 11      25:38.0    8:15  Pella                
  113    64  Dallas Cady, 9             25:46.0    8:17  Chariton             
  114        Tyler Collins              26:24.0    8:29  Ottumwa              
  115        Keith Weich                26:24.0    8:29  Union                
  116        Ben Stainbrook             26:26.0    8:30  Vinton-Shellsburg    
  117        Brandon Mikel, 12          26:40.0    8:34  Grinnell             
  118        Christian Shinkle, 9       27:02.0    8:42  Lynnville-Sully      
  119    65  Joe Morrett, 10            27:05.0    8:43  Chariton             
  120    66  Charlie Comfort, 11        27:16.0    8:46  Oskaloosa            
  121        Nathan Korell, 11          27:22.0    8:48  Pella Christian      
  122        Nathan Hauser, 10          27:44.0    8:55  South Tama           
Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
  123    67  Dustin Decker, 10          28:09.0    9:03  Chariton             
  124        David Conner, 10           28:25.0    9:08  Chariton             
  125    68  Andrew Busse, 9            29:46.0    9:34  Oskaloosa            
  126        Ben Cohen, 10              30:50.0    9:55  Chariton             
  127        Will Folkerts, 12          31:02.0    9:59  Chariton             

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