CIML Iowa Conference Varsity Boys 5 km

Centennial Park, Waukee, IA

Oct. 15, 2009

cool and rainy

Results by Michael Franke

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV girls

JV Boys

Var. Girls

Var. Boys

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Results also available for girls


  1   Valley                   48    1    7   10   14   16   23   29   16:27        53
  2   Marshalltown             49    3    8    9   11   18   20   25   16:24        50
  3   Waukee                   73    2    4   15   22   30   32   33   16:42      1:17
  4   Ames                     77    5   12   17   19   24   27   31   16:45      1:06
  5   Mason City               94    6   13   21   26   28   34   39   16:53      1:11
  6   Fort Dodge              186   35   36   37   38   40   41   42   18:07        30


1. Valley
    1  Zachary Wiemers, Jr         16:01    5:09
    7  Jonathan Hutchinson, So     16:11    5:12
   10  Christopher Brady, Sr       16:22    5:16
   14  Zachary Fiepke, Jr          16:45    5:23
   16  James Opie, Jr              16:54    5:26
   23  Alex Gray, Sr               17:09    5:31
   29  Bryan Butel, Sr             17:19    5:34
Time = 1:22:11     Places = 48

2. Marshalltown
    3  Jimma James, Sr             16:05    5:10
    8  Patrick Fink, Sr            16:15    5:14
    9  Christian Kremer, So        16:18    5:15
   11  Eric Shomo, Sr              16:26    5:17
   18  Austin Watts, Jr            16:55    5:26
   20  Luke Hood, Jr               17:05    5:30
   25  Corey Macmillan, Jr         17:16    5:33
Time = 1:21:57     Places = 49

3. Waukee
    2  Chad Gutschenritter, So     16:04    5:10
    4  Mitch Wink, Jr              16:06    5:11
   15  Jordan Hoyt, Jr             16:52    5:25
   22  Aj Rich, So                 17:08    5:31
   30  Steffen Williams, Jr        17:20    5:35
   32  Nick Lucs, Sr               17:36    5:40
   33  Kyle Nuehring, So           17:38    5:40
Time = 1:23:29     Places = 73

4. Ames
    5  Paul Hibbing, Sr            16:07    5:11
   12  Jackson Espeset, So         16:33    5:19
   17  Jackson Griffith, So        16:54    5:26
   19  Leo Bird, Sr                16:59    5:28
   24  Louis Dupuis, So            17:13    5:32
   27  Devin Becraft, Sr           17:18    5:34
   31  Christopher Jenks, Fr       17:35    5:39
Time = 1:23:44     Places = 77

5. Mason City
    6  Cody Manchester, Jr         16:08    5:11
   13  Coty Thompson, Jr           16:35    5:20
   21  Bryant Sanchez, So          17:08    5:31
   26  Andrew Wuttke, Jr           17:17    5:34
   28  Alex Bales, Fr              17:18    5:34
   34  Dalton Peters, So           17:40    5:41
   39  Zach Wilson, Fr             18:19    5:53
Time = 1:24:23     Places = 94

6. Fort Dodge
   35  Reed Russell, So            17:49    5:44
   36  Josh Lennon, Jr             18:05    5:49
   37  Keegan Gormally, Fr         18:06    5:50
   38  David Moore, Sr             18:16    5:52
   40  Zac Bellingtier, Jr         18:19    5:54
   41  John Springer, Jr           18:41    6:01
   42  Nate Lentsch, Fr            19:21    6:14
Time = 1:30:33     Places = 186

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM

    1     1  Zachary Wiemers, Jr         16:01    5:09  Valley
    2     2  Chad Gutschenritter, So     16:04    5:10  Waukee
    3     3  Jimma James, Sr             16:05    5:10  Marshalltown
    4     4  Mitch Wink, Jr              16:06    5:11  Waukee
    5     5  Paul Hibbing, Sr            16:07    5:11  Ames
    6     6  Cody Manchester, Jr         16:08    5:11  Mason City
    7     7  Jonathan Hutchinson, So     16:11    5:12  Valley
    8     8  Patrick Fink, Sr            16:15    5:14  Marshalltown
    9     9  Christian Kremer, So        16:18    5:15  Marshalltown
   10    10  Christopher Brady, Sr       16:22    5:16  Valley
   11    11  Eric Shomo, Sr              16:26    5:17  Marshalltown
   12    12  Jackson Espeset, So         16:33    5:19  Ames
   13    13  Coty Thompson, Jr           16:35    5:20  Mason City
   14    14  Zachary Fiepke, Jr          16:45    5:23  Valley
   15    15  Jordan Hoyt, Jr             16:52    5:25  Waukee
   16    16  James Opie, Jr              16:54    5:26  Valley
   17    17  Jackson Griffith, So        16:54    5:26  Ames
   18    18  Austin Watts, Jr            16:55    5:26  Marshalltown
   19    19  Leo Bird, Sr                16:59    5:28  Ames
   20    20  Luke Hood, Jr               17:05    5:30  Marshalltown
   21    21  Bryant Sanchez, So          17:08    5:31  Mason City
   22    22  Aj Rich, So                 17:08    5:31  Waukee
   23    23  Alex Gray, Sr               17:09    5:31  Valley
   24    24  Louis Dupuis, So            17:13    5:32  Ames
   25    25  Corey Macmillan, Jr         17:16    5:33  Marshalltown
   26    26  Andrew Wuttke, Jr           17:17    5:34  Mason City
   27    27  Devin Becraft, Sr           17:18    5:34  Ames
   28    28  Alex Bales, Fr              17:18    5:34  Mason City
   29    29  Bryan Butel, Sr             17:19    5:34  Valley
   30    30  Steffen Williams, Jr        17:20    5:35  Waukee
   31    31  Christopher Jenks, Fr       17:35    5:39  Ames
   32    32  Nick Lucs, Sr               17:36    5:40  Waukee
   33    33  Kyle Nuehring, So           17:38    5:40  Waukee
   34    34  Dalton Peters, So           17:40    5:41  Mason City
   35    35  Reed Russell, So            17:49    5:44  Fort Dodge
   36    36  Josh Lennon, Jr             18:05    5:49  Fort Dodge
   37    37  Keegan Gormally, Fr         18:06    5:50  Fort Dodge
   38    38  David Moore, Sr             18:16    5:52  Fort Dodge
   39    39  Zach Wilson, Fr             18:19    5:53  Mason City
   40    40  Zac Bellingtier, Jr         18:19    5:54  Fort Dodge
Pace: 6:00 | Top
   41    41  John Springer, Jr           18:41    6:01  Fort Dodge
   42    42  Nate Lentsch, Fr            19:21    6:14  Fort Dodge


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