36th Bobcat XC Invitational 9 & 10 Boys 5km

Marshalltown Community College

Sept. 10, 2009

70s, light wind, perfect

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

9/10 Girls

JV Girls

Var. Girls

MS Boys

9/10 Boys

JV Boys

Var. Boys

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1   Cedar Falls              42    4    7    9   10   12   18   24   18:29        29
  2   Dowling Catholic         45    3    5    8   14   15   20   26   18:27        40
  3   Indianola                65    1    2   16   19   27   35   56   18:30      1:45
  4   Ankeny                  120   13   22   25   29   31   44   47   19:10        50
  5   Roosevelt               132   11   17   21   32   51   52   55   19:23      2:14
  6   Valley                  143    6   23   33   40   41   42   43   19:22      1:39
  7   Mason City              214   34   36   45   49   50   54   62   20:11      1:03
  8   Boone                   223   28   37   48   53   57   58   59   20:20      1:48
  9   Southeast Polk          237   30   38   39   64   66   67   69   20:55      3:16
 10   Marshalltown            295   46   60   61   63   65   68   70   21:44      2:23



1. Cedar Falls
    4  Cesar Marquez, Fr           18:08    5:50
    7  Shane Shaddox, So           18:32    5:58
    9  Jesse Streicher, So         18:33    5:58
   10  Matthew Adrian, So          18:33    5:58
   12  John Paul Sevcik, So        18:37    5:59
   18  Alex Staudt, So             18:57    6:06
   24  Mitch Hammer, So            19:07    6:09
Time = 1:32:21     Places = 42

2. Dowling Catholic
    3  Jason Thomas, Fr            18:03    5:48
    5  Brian Wahlig, Fr            18:13    5:52
    8  Lukas Steffensmeier, Fr     18:33    5:58
   14  Tom Lensing, So             18:42    6:01
   15  Josh Harry, Fr              18:42    6:01
   20  Jeff Derocher, Fr           19:00    6:07
   26  Anthony McLean, Fr          19:12    6:11
Time = 1:32:11     Places = 45

3. Indianola
    1  Jacob Howard, Fr            17:30    5:38
    2  Tyler Krpan, So             17:56    5:46
   16  Tyler Nicholson, Fr         18:55    6:05
   19  Camren Ripperger, So        18:57    6:06
   27  Jordan Schulze, Fr          19:14    6:11
   35  James McConnell, Fr         19:43    6:20
   56  Nate Jones, Fr              21:05    6:47
Time = 1:32:30     Places = 65

4. Ankeny
   13  Andrew Gunn, So             18:41    6:01
   22  Logan Dengler, Fr           19:01    6:07
   25  Zach Schuster, So           19:10    6:10
   29  Paul Robidoux, Fr           19:28    6:16
   31  Zach Cain, So               19:30    6:17
   44  Logan Powers, Fr            20:07    6:28
   47  Matt Peterson, So           20:21    6:33
Time = 1:35:49     Places = 120

5. Roosevelt
   11  Grant Suttie, Fr            18:34    5:59
   17  Riley Wattier, So           18:56    6:05
   21  Joe Messina, So             19:01    6:07
   32  Benton McClaran, So         19:35    6:18
   51  Mitch Arends, So            20:48    6:42
   52  Olin Carty, Fr              20:49    6:42
   55  Blaise Rothwell, So         21:00    6:45
Time = 1:36:52     Places = 132

6. Valley
    6  Alexander Day, So           18:19    5:53
   23  Lee Scott, Fr               19:02    6:07
   33  Mitchell McCoy, So          19:36    6:18
   40  Hunter Levis, So            19:56    6:25
   41  Jacob Herr, So              19:57    6:25
   42  Stijn Hentzen, So           19:57    6:25
   43  Henry Thiel, So             20:00    6:26
Time = 1:36:47     Places = 143

7. Mason City
   34  Zach Wilson, Fr             19:39    6:19
   36  Nick Riesen, So             19:49    6:23
   45  Nick Lala, Fr               20:13    6:30
   49  Hayes Jorgensen, Fr         20:33    6:37
   50  Zach Thornblade, Fr         20:42    6:40
   54  Grant Johnson, Fr           20:51    6:42
   62  Brent Mead, Fr              22:19    7:11
Time = 1:40:54     Places = 214

8. Boone
   28  Justin Niday, So            19:23    6:14
   37  Scott Hansen, So            19:50    6:23
   48  Matt Harris, Fr             20:27    6:35
   53  Logan Kahler, So            20:49    6:42
   57  Spencer Gutknecht, Fr       21:10    6:49
   58  Michael Soloman, So         21:23    6:53
   59  Max Mc Cubbin, Fr           21:23    6:53
Time = 1:41:38     Places = 223

9. Southeast Polk
   30  Taner O'Connor, So          19:30    6:16
   38  Matt Montgomery, So         19:51    6:23
   39  Jeff Hadden, So             19:52    6:24
   64  Todd Bulver, So             22:37    7:16
   66  Austin Osmundson, So        22:45    7:19
   67  Ean Johnson, So             22:59    7:24
   69  Teague Anderson, So         23:05    7:26
Time = 1:44:33     Places = 237

10. Marshalltown
   46  Jacob Heatwole, Fr          20:16    6:31
   60  Nathan Lacina, So           21:27    6:54
   61  Eli Chizever, So            21:47    7:00
   63  David Hatch, So             22:34    7:16
   65  Austin Jacobs, So           22:39    7:17
   68  Donovan Reyes, So           23:03    7:25
   70  Raymond Dulaney, Fr         23:19    7:30
Time = 1:48:40     Places = 295

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM

    1     1  Jacob Howard, Fr            17:30    5:38  Indianola
    2     2  Tyler Krpan, So             17:56    5:46  Indianola
    3     3  Jason Thomas, Fr            18:03    5:48  Dowling Catholic
    4     4  Cesar Marquez, Fr           18:08    5:50  Cedar Falls
    5     5  Brian Wahlig, Fr            18:13    5:52  Dowling Catholic
    6     6  Alexander Day, So           18:19    5:53  Valley
    7     7  Shane Shaddox, So           18:32    5:58  Cedar Falls
    8     8  Lukas Steffensmeier, Fr     18:33    5:58  Dowling Catholic
    9     9  Jesse Streicher, So         18:33    5:58  Cedar Falls
   10    10  Matthew Adrian, So          18:33    5:58  Cedar Falls
   11    11  Grant Suttie, Fr            18:34    5:59  Roosevelt
   12    12  John Paul Sevcik, So        18:37    5:59  Cedar Falls
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
   13    13  Andrew Gunn, So             18:41    6:01  Ankeny
   14    14  Tom Lensing, So             18:42    6:01  Dowling Catholic
   15    15  Josh Harry, Fr              18:42    6:01  Dowling Catholic
   16    16  Tyler Nicholson, Fr         18:55    6:05  Indianola
   17    17  Riley Wattier, So           18:56    6:05  Roosevelt
   18    18  Alex Staudt, So             18:57    6:06  Cedar Falls
   19    19  Camren Ripperger, So        18:57    6:06  Indianola
   20    20  Jeff Derocher, Fr           19:00    6:07  Dowling Catholic
   21    21  Joe Messina, So             19:01    6:07  Roosevelt
   22    22  Logan Dengler, Fr           19:01    6:07  Ankeny
   23    23  Lee Scott, Fr               19:02    6:07  Valley
   24    24  Mitch Hammer, So            19:07    6:09  Cedar Falls
   25    25  Zach Schuster, So           19:10    6:10  Ankeny
   26    26  Anthony McLean, Fr          19:12    6:11  Dowling Catholic
   27    27  Jordan Schulze, Fr          19:14    6:11  Indianola
   28    28  Justin Niday, So            19:23    6:14  Boone
   29    29  Paul Robidoux, Fr           19:28    6:16  Ankeny
   30    30  Taner O'Connor, So          19:30    6:16  Southeast Polk
   31    31  Zach Cain, So               19:30    6:17  Ankeny
   32        Joshua Ochoa, Fr            19:31    6:17  Cedar Falls
   33    32  Benton McClaran, So         19:35    6:18  Roosevelt
   34    33  Mitchell McCoy, So          19:36    6:18  Valley
   35        Luke Zahari, Fr             19:37    6:19  Cedar Falls
   36        Jacob Schwab, Fr            19:38    6:19  Cedar Falls
   37    34  Zach Wilson, Fr             19:39    6:19  Mason City
   38    35  James McConnell, Fr         19:43    6:20  Indianola
   39        Lucas Simpson, Fr           19:45    6:21  Cedar Falls
   40        Jd Benson, Fr               19:46    6:22  Dowling Catholic
   41    36  Nick Riesen, So             19:49    6:23  Mason City
   42        Zach Reyhons, Fr            19:50    6:23  Cedar Falls
   43    37  Scott Hansen, So            19:50    6:23  Boone
   44        Keaton Banwart, Fr          19:51    6:23  Dowling Catholic
   45    38  Matt Montgomery, So         19:51    6:23  Southeast Polk
   46        Brady Cervetti, So          19:52    6:23  Cedar Falls
   47    39  Jeff Hadden, So             19:52    6:24  Southeast Polk
   48    40  Hunter Levis, So            19:56    6:25  Valley
   49    41  Jacob Herr, So              19:57    6:25  Valley
   50    42  Stijn Hentzen, So           19:57    6:25  Valley
   51        Tyler Breed, Fr             19:59    6:26  Dowling Catholic
   52    43  Henry Thiel, So             20:00    6:26  Valley
   53        Brad Haupts, So             20:02    6:27  Dowling Catholic
   54        Ryan Rasmussen, Fr          20:05    6:28  Dowling Catholic
   55        Riley Rasmussen, Fr         20:07    6:28  Dowling Catholic
   56    44  Logan Powers, Fr            20:07    6:28  Ankeny
   57        Joe Simmons, Fr             20:08    6:29  Dowling Catholic
   58    45  Nick Lala, Fr               20:13    6:30  Mason City
   59        Conner Vandeventer, So      20:14    6:30  Valley
   60        Roshan Abid, So             20:14    6:31  Valley
   61        Tyler Butel, Fr             20:14    6:31  Valley
   62        Andrew Yersin, Fr           20:14    6:31  Valley
   63        Nathan Wright, Fr           20:16    6:31  Valley
   64    46  Jacob Heatwole, Fr          20:16    6:31  Marshalltown
   65        Erik Olsen, So              20:17    6:32  Cedar Falls
   66    47  Matt Peterson, So           20:21    6:33  Ankeny
   67        David Daft, Fr              20:21    6:33  Valley
   68    48  Matt Harris, Fr             20:27    6:35  Boone
   69        Davis Peterson, Fr          20:29    6:36  Ankeny
   70        Jacob Hoogensen, So         20:31    6:36  Valley
   71    49  Hayes Jorgensen, Fr         20:33    6:37  Mason City
   72        Bernie Saggau, So           20:36    6:37  Valley
   73        Brandal Wagener, So         20:36    6:38  Ankeny
   74        Charlie Jones, Fr           20:40    6:39  Dowling Catholic
   75    50  Zach Thornblade, Fr         20:42    6:40  Mason City
   76        Alex Selesky, Fr            20:42    6:40  Ankeny
   77        Eddie Arndorfer, Fr         20:46    6:41  Dowling Catholic
   78        Kurt Hanlin, So             20:47    6:41  Cedar Falls
   79    51  Mitch Arends, So            20:48    6:42  Roosevelt
   80    52  Olin Carty, Fr              20:49    6:42  Roosevelt
   81    53  Logan Kahler, So            20:49    6:42  Boone
   82        Carson Powell, So           20:50    6:42  Ankeny
   83    54  Grant Johnson, Fr           20:51    6:42  Mason City
   84        Logan Blosser, Fr           20:59    6:45  Valley
   85    55  Blaise Rothwell, So         21:00    6:45  Roosevelt
   86        Joe Carroll, So             21:00    6:45  Dowling Catholic
   87        Andrew Petereson, Fr        21:03    6:46  Valley
   88    56  Nate Jones, Fr              21:05    6:47  Indianola
   89        Sam Kirk, So                21:05    6:47  Dowling Catholic
   90        Lincoln Banwart, Fr         21:06    6:47  Dowling Catholic
   91    57  Spencer Gutknecht, Fr       21:10    6:49  Boone
   92        Zach Hanna, Fr              21:13    6:50  Indianola
   93        Caleb McClure, So           21:15    6:50  Ankeny
   94        David Green, Fr             21:19    6:51  Valley
   95        Alex Parrott, So            21:19    6:52  Dowling Catholic
   96        Peter Anderson, So          21:22    6:52  Indianola
   97    58  Michael Soloman, So         21:23    6:53  Boone
   98    59  Max Mc Cubbin, Fr           21:23    6:53  Boone
   99        Andrew Richlen, Fr          21:23    6:53  Ankeny
  100        Clark Baldus, So            21:25    6:53  Valley
  101    60  Nathan Lacina, So           21:27    6:54  Marshalltown
  102        Kolyn Drake, So             21:28    6:54  Ankeny
  103        Trevor Bridge, So           21:29    6:55  Valley
  104        Walker McCabe, Fr           21:29    6:55  Valley
  105        Stocks Mark, So             21:38    6:58  Ankeny
  106        Matthew Van Natta, Fr       21:43    6:59  Valley
  107        Grant Sexton, Fr            21:43    6:59  Indianola
  108        Kyle Beyer, Fr              21:43    6:59  Ankeny
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
  109        Justin Marshall, So         21:45    7:00  Cedar Falls
  110        Josh Nabity, Fr             21:46    7:00  Ankeny
  111    61  Eli Chizever, So            21:47    7:00  Marshalltown
  112        Hunter Haws, Fr             21:47    7:01  Ankeny
  113        Dominic Mauro, Fr           21:54    7:03  Dowling Catholic
  114        Kyle Roode, So              21:59    7:04  Ankeny
  115        Vaughn Enterline, So        22:02    7:05  Indianola
  116        Jonah Hatten, Fr            22:03    7:06  Indianola
  117        Mark Kelly, Fr              22:06    7:07  Dowling Catholic
  118        Ryan Frost, So              22:07    7:07  Cedar Falls
  119        Matt Kennedy, So            22:16    7:10  Indianola
  120        Joe Kastner, Fr             22:18    7:10  Roosevelt
  121    62  Brent Mead, Fr              22:19    7:11  Mason City
  122        Austin Thompson, Fr         22:20    7:11  Mason City
  123        John Shumway, Fr            22:21    7:11  Roosevelt
  124        Joe Amadeo, Fr              22:22    7:12  Dowling Catholic
  125        Isaac Tyrrel, So            22:23    7:12  Valley
  126        Lucas Brandt, Fr            22:24    7:12  Valley
  127        Scott Wailes, So            22:32    7:15  Boone
  128        Dan Malloy, So              22:33    7:15  Boone
  129        Kyle Goranson, Fr           22:33    7:15  Mason City
  130    63  David Hatch, So             22:34    7:16  Marshalltown
  131        Nick Heth, So               22:35    7:16  Cedar Falls
  132    64  Todd Bulver, So             22:37    7:16  Southeast Polk
  133    65  Austin Jacobs, So           22:39    7:17  Marshalltown
  134        Grant Siebring, So          22:39    7:17  B C L U W
  135    66  Austin Osmundson, So        22:45    7:19  Southeast Polk
  136        Chris Pratt, Jr             22:48    7:20  Cedar Falls
  137        Sam Reichenbacker, So       22:51    7:21  Ankeny
  138        Josh Crew, Fr               22:51    7:21  Valley
  139    67  Ean Johnson, So             22:59    7:24  Southeast Polk
  140        Kaine Lindberg, Fr          23:03    7:25  Dowling Catholic
  141    68  Donovan Reyes, So           23:03    7:25  Marshalltown
  142    69  Teague Anderson, So         23:05    7:26  Southeast Polk
  143        William Eldredge, So        23:13    7:28  Valley
  144        Colin Hubbard, Fr           23:17    7:29  Mason City
  145    70  Raymond Dulaney, Fr         23:19    7:30  Marshalltown
  146        Tony Clark, So              23:20    7:30  Boone
  147        Ross Palmer, Fr             23:23    7:31  Valley
  148        Taylor Arends, Fr           23:25    7:32  Mason City
  149        Damian Dale, So             23:26    7:32  Indianola
  150        Collin Ten Haken, Fr        23:26    7:32  Valley
  151        Avery Hubbard, Fr           23:27    7:33  Mason City
  152        Michael McAllister, Fr      23:29    7:33  Dowling Catholic
  153        Bobby Fleming, Fr           23:30    7:34  Roosevelt
  154        Cody Cockerham, Fr          23:35    7:35  Southeast Polk
  155        Daniel Nowysz, So           23:35    7:35  Valley
  156        Jarrod Cunhs, Fr            23:40    7:37  Marshalltown
  157        Mitch Slater, So            23:42    7:37  Ankeny
  158        Jeffrey Munoz, Fr           23:45    7:38  Valley
  159        John Casady, Fr             23:46    7:39  Indianola
  160        David Nguyen, Fr            23:48    7:40  Valley
  161        Joseph Metzger, Fr          23:49    7:40  Marshalltown
  162        Drew Weers, Fr              23:49    7:40  Boone
  163        Eddie Babbitt, Fr           23:59    7:43  Boone
  164        Andrew Tasset, So           24:01    7:43  Cedar Falls
  165        Jared Neal, Fr              24:04    7:45  Valley
  166        David Butler, Fr            24:16    7:49  Marshalltown
  167        Sean Hannah, So             24:17    7:49  Valley
  168        Grady Doyle-Scar, So        24:20    7:50  Roosevelt
  169        Brad Robey, Fr              24:21    7:50  Dowling Catholic
  170        Kellen Schneider, Fr        24:21    7:50  Valley
  171        Tyler Legg, Fr              24:22    7:50  Marshalltown
  172        John Jurgens, So            24:24    7:51  Roosevelt
  173        Alex Courntey, Jr           24:30    7:53  Valley
  174        Danny Comito, Fr            24:31    7:53  Roosevelt
  175        Jordan Perry, Fr            24:44    7:57  Ankeny
  176        Jordan Suby, So             24:50    7:59  Ankeny
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
  177        Callin Hornsby, So          24:53    8:00  Roosevelt
  178        Luke Bishop, Fr             24:57    8:02  Dowling Catholic
  179        Dan McIlhon, Fr             25:21    8:09  Dowling Catholic
  180        Kyle Mc Kim, So             25:27    8:11  Boone
  181        Damien Calvin, Fr           25:38    8:15  Dowling Catholic
  182        Adam Podhajsky, Fr          25:39    8:15  Marshalltown
  183        Matthew Bromley, So         25:44    8:17  Marshalltown
  184        Phil Molnar, So             26:03    8:23  Ankeny
  185        Matt Roads, So              26:26    8:30  Southeast Polk
  186        Simon Sheaff, Fr            26:33    8:32  Dowling Catholic
  187        Ben Moeller, So             26:34    8:33  Southeast Polk
  188        Nolan Wright, Fr            27:01    8:42  Ankeny
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
  189        Andy Hughes, So             28:51    9:17  Cedar Falls
  190        Seo Flores, Fr              28:52    9:17  Dowling Catholic
  191        Hayden Johnson, So          29:04    9:21  Valley
  192        Remington Jaques, So        29:20    9:26  Dowling Catholic
  193        Stephen Green, Fr           29:30    9:30  Valley
  194        Cody Kokemiller, So         30:02    9:40  Southeast Polk
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | Top
  195        Blake Edgeton, Fr           32:15   10:23  Valley


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