34th Tom Karpen XC Invite Boys MS 2.5km

Valley Southwoods - West Des Moines, Iowa

Sept. 16, 2008

70s, breeze, good for XC

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

F/S Girls

JV Girls

Var. Girls

MS Boys

F/S Boys

JV Boys

Var. Boys

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  1   Dowling Catholic         25    1    3    4    8    9   11   12   9:40      1:02
  2   Ankeny                   70    2    5   18   20   25   27   33   10:13      1:10
  3   Valley                  104   10   19   22   23   30   34   35   10:32        39
  4   Waukee                  108   15   17   21   26   29   32   38   10:36        20
  5   Roosevelt               152    6    7   45   46   48   51        10:49      1:39
  6   Urbandale               161   24   28   31   37   41   42   43   10:52        35
  7   Indianola               180   14   36   39   44   47   49   54   11:02        56
  8   Southeast Polk          184   13   16   50   52   53   55   56   11:16      1:44
  9   Lincoln                 274   40   57   58   59   60   61   62   13:18      2:47



1. Dowling Catholic
    1  J R. Snyder, 8              9:03  
    3  Ryan Rasmussen, 8           9:33  
    4  Jason Thomas, 8             9:45  
    8  Eddie Arndorfer, 8          9:55  
    9  Joe Simmons, 8              10:04  
   11  Charlie Jones, 7            10:11  
   12  Josh Harry, 8               10:11  
Time = 48:18     Places = 25

2. Ankeny
    2  Logan Dengler, 8            9:32  
    5  Colton Herrick, 8           9:51  
   18  Logan Nicol, 8              10:29  
   20  Andrew Richlen, 8           10:32  
   25  Zachary Halder, 8           10:41  
   27  Jacob Ashton, 8             10:43  
   33  Kyle Beyer, 8               10:55  
Time = 51:03     Places = 70

3. Valley
   10  Ryan Peterson, 8            10:10  
   19  Brian Wahlig, 8             10:30  
   22  Matthew Brodrick, 8         10:35  
   23  Davey Daft, 8               10:36  
   30  Matt Vannatta, 8            10:48  
   34  Drew Yersin, 8              10:59  
   35  Mitchell Annett, 8          11:00  
Time = 52:37     Places = 104

4. Waukee
   15  Dylan Smith, 8              10:27  
   17  James Caldwell, 8           10:29  
   21  Ben Modrell, 8              10:33  
   26  Drew Carlson, 7             10:42  
   29  Tyler Koppes, 7             10:47  
   32  Noah Larrison, 7            10:53  
   38  Connor Simmons, 8           11:01  
Time = 52:56     Places = 108

5. Roosevelt
    6  Graham Oman, 7              9:54  
    7  Ben Newell, 7               9:54  
   45  John Schumway, 8            11:21  
   46  Andrew Slocum, 7            11:21  
   48  Jack Walsh, 8               11:33  
   51  Colton Marcellus, 8         11:52  
Time = 54:01     Places = 152

6. Urbandale
   24  Quinn Prescott, 7           10:37  
   28  Jordan Vanscoy, 8           10:45  
   31  Evan Stearns, 7             10:49  
   37  Quinn Lafrentz, 7           11:00  
   41  Jacob Thompson, 7           11:11  
   42  Nick Bartschat, 8           11:13  
   43  Logan Wagner, 8             11:14  
Time = 54:20     Places = 161

7. Indianola
   14  Zach Hanna, 8               10:26  
   36  Jonah Hatten, 8             11:00  
   39  Ruvim Nochvay, 7            11:05  
   44  Nate Jones, 8               11:17  
   47  Grant Sexton, 8             11:22  
   49  Bryce Bickham, 7            11:36  
   54  Tristin Etcher, 7           12:07  
Time = 55:08     Places = 180

8. Southeast Polk
   13  John Hartung, 7             10:15  
   16  Andrew Bayliff, 7           10:28  
   50  Welch Brandon, 7            11:44  
   52  Jacob Evans, 7              11:54  
   53  Joey Stoll, 7               11:58  
   55  Jordan Philips, 8           12:10  
   56  Antony Gladwyn-Nash, 7      12:38  
Time = 56:16     Places = 184

9. Lincoln
   40  Finn Hoogensen, 7           11:10  
   57  Ricardo Lewis, 8            13:45  
   58  Jacy Wilmes, 6              13:48  
   59  Caleb Smith, 8              13:51  
   60  Brad Cunningham, 7          13:57  
   61  Gage Mauk, 8                14:32  
   62  Heath Dannen, 8             14:32  
Time = 1:06:29     Places = 274

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  J R. Snyder, 8              9:03    Dowling Catholic
    2     2  Logan Dengler, 8            9:32    Ankeny
    3     3  Ryan Rasmussen, 8           9:33    Dowling Catholic
    4     4  Jason Thomas, 8             9:45    Dowling Catholic
    5     5  Colton Herrick, 8           9:51    Ankeny
    6     6  Graham Oman, 7              9:54    Roosevelt
    7     7  Ben Newell, 7               9:54    Roosevelt
    8     8  Eddie Arndorfer, 8          9:55    Dowling Catholic
    9     9  Joe Simmons, 8              10:04    Dowling Catholic
   10    10  Ryan Peterson, 8            10:10    Valley
   11    11  Charlie Jones, 7            10:11    Dowling Catholic
   12    12  Josh Harry, 8               10:11    Dowling Catholic
   13    13  John Hartung, 7             10:15    Southeast Polk
   14    14  Zach Hanna, 8               10:26    Indianola
   15    15  Dylan Smith, 8              10:27    Waukee
   16    16  Andrew Bayliff, 7           10:28    Southeast Polk
   17    17  James Caldwell, 8           10:29    Waukee
   18    18  Logan Nicol, 8              10:29    Ankeny
   19    19  Brian Wahlig, 8             10:30    Valley
   20        Dominic Mauro, 8            10:32    Dowling Catholic
   21    20  Andrew Richlen, 8           10:32    Ankeny
   22    21  Ben Modrell, 8              10:33    Waukee
   23    22  Matthew Brodrick, 8         10:35    Valley
   24    23  Davey Daft, 8               10:36    Valley
   25    24  Quinn Prescott, 7           10:37    Urbandale
   26    25  Zachary Halder, 8           10:41    Ankeny
   27    26  Drew Carlson, 7             10:42    Waukee
   28    27  Jacob Ashton, 8             10:43    Ankeny
   29    28  Jordan Vanscoy, 8           10:45    Urbandale
   30    29  Tyler Koppes, 7             10:47    Waukee
   31    30  Matt Vannatta, 8            10:48    Valley
   32    31  Evan Stearns, 7             10:49    Urbandale
   33        Dan Happe, 8                10:52    Dowling Catholic
   34    32  Noah Larrison, 7            10:53    Waukee
   35    33  Kyle Beyer, 8               10:55    Ankeny
   36        Logan Powers, 8             10:57    Ankeny
   37        Josiah Kisker, 8            10:58    Ankeny
   38    34  Drew Yersin, 8              10:59    Valley
   39    35  Mitchell Annett, 8          11:00    Valley
   40    36  Jonah Hatten, 8             11:00    Indianola
   41    37  Quinn Lafrentz, 7           11:00    Urbandale
   42    38  Connor Simmons, 8           11:01    Waukee
   43        Tommy Peter, 8              11:02    Hoover
   44        Collin Urguhart, 8          11:02    Hoover
   45        Chris Wodniak, 7            11:03    Dowling Catholic
   46    39  Ruvim Nochvay, 7            11:05    Indianola
   47        Christopher Culligan, 8     11:06    Ankeny
   48        Tommy Blank, 7              11:07    Dowling Catholic
   49        Dillon Chase, 8             11:07    Ankeny
   50        Andrew Peterson, 8          11:08    Valley
   51        Alex Selesky, 8             11:09    Ankeny
   52    40  Finn Hoogensen, 7           11:10    Lincoln
   53    41  Jacob Thompson, 7           11:11    Urbandale
   54        Dylan Palmer, 7             11:12    Waukee
   55    42  Nick Bartschat, 8           11:13    Urbandale
   56    43  Logan Wagner, 8             11:14    Urbandale
   57        Drew Hays, 8                11:16    Waukee
   58    44  Nate Jones, 8               11:17    Indianola
   59        Evan Blackwell, 8           11:20    Waukee
   60    45  John Schumway, 8            11:21    Roosevelt
   61    46  Andrew Slocum, 7            11:21    Roosevelt
   62        Marcus McVey, 7             11:21    Waukee
   63    47  Grant Sexton, 8             11:22    Indianola
   64        Michael Quinn, 8            11:22    Urbandale
   65        Toby Wall, 8                11:23    Ankeny
   66        Kellen Zanders, 8           11:28    Hoover
   67    48  Jack Walsh, 8               11:33    Roosevelt
   68        Lucas Lockhart, 8           11:35    Ankeny
   69        Gregory Cowan, 8            11:35    Ankeny
   70        Josh Nabity, 8              11:36    Ankeny
   71    49  Bryce Bickham, 7            11:36    Indianola
   72        Alek Benson, 8              11:37    Ankeny
   73        Josh Crew, 8                11:38    Valley
   74        Zeke Aunan, 7               11:41    Waukee
   75        Brandon Baxter, 8           11:43    Ankeny
   76    50  Welch Brandon, 7            11:44    Southeast Polk
   77        Tyler Juhl, 7               11:49    Dowling Catholic
   78        Griffin McEniry, 7          11:49    Waukee
   79        Austin Bettle, 8            11:50    Ankeny
   80        Adam Hudson, 8              11:51    Ankeny
   81        Garret Rowe, 7              11:52    Dowling Catholic
   82    51  Colton Marcellus, 8         11:52    Roosevelt
   83        Thomas Gookin, 7            11:53    Dowling Catholic
   84        Eric Chen, 8                11:53    Valley
   85        Henry Oberman, 7            11:53    Waukee
   86    52  Jacob Evans, 7              11:54    Southeast Polk
   87    53  Joey Stoll, 7               11:58    Southeast Polk
   88        Dellan Llwellyn, 7          12:00    Waukee
   89        Jake Kuyper, 7              12:00    Waukee
   90        Andy Snook, 8               12:01    Valley
   91        Johnny Coder, 7             12:02    Waukee
   92        Hunter Haws, 8              12:07    Ankeny
   93    54  Tristin Etcher, 7           12:07    Indianola
   94        Luke Bishop, 8              12:10    Dowling Catholic
   95    55  Jordan Philips, 8           12:10    Southeast Polk
   96        Grant Pieper, 8             12:11    Waukee
   97        Henry Long, 7               12:13    Dowling Catholic
   98        Ryan Tunink, 7              12:13    Waukee
   99        Camden Knudson, 7           12:14    Indianola
  100        Alex Collins, 8             12:19    Waukee
  101        Donovan Benson, 7           12:23    Waukee
  102        Josh Higginbottom, 8        12:25    Valley
  103        Kellen Schneider, 8         12:29    Valley
  104        Perry Hook, 8               12:32    Valley
  105    56  Antony Gladwyn-Nash, 7      12:38    Southeast Polk
  106        Tyler Smidt, 8              12:40    Ankeny
  107        Cody Ryan, 8                12:40    Waukee
  108        Nate Person, 7              12:42    Southeast Polk
  109        John Huynh, 7               12:43    Southeast Polk
  110        Mitch Roecher, 7            12:44    Indianola
  111        Adam Vail, 7                12:45    Southeast Polk
  112        Alex Williams, 8            12:50    Indianola
  113        Jordan Huff, 7              13:00    Indianola
  114        John Linde, 8               13:04    Waukee
  115        Jacob Lee, 7                13:05    Waukee
  116        Andrew Kemp, 8              13:09    Valley
  117        Cody Cockerham, 8           13:09    Southeast Polk
  118        Matt Roozeboom, 7           13:16    Waukee
  119        Isiah Blubaugh, 8           13:19    Ankeny
  120        Michael Fear, 8             13:22    Valley
  121        David Nicholson, 8          13:23    Valley
  122        Sam Beattie, 7              13:23    Southeast Polk
  123        Clayton Bowers, 8           13:24    Indianola
  124        Simon Sheaff, 8             13:31    Dowling Catholic
  125        Reed Molander, 8            13:44    Urbandale
  126    57  Ricardo Lewis, 8            13:45    Lincoln
  127        Tim Scheve, 7               13:46    Waukee
  128    58  Jacy Wilmes, 6              13:48    Lincoln
  129        Jacob Harrington, 7         13:50    Southeast Polk
  130    59  Caleb Smith, 8              13:51    Lincoln
  131        Zach Marchal, 8             13:54    Waukee
  132        Grant Doyle, 7              13:55    Southeast Polk
  133    60  Brad Cunningham, 7          13:57    Lincoln
  134        Nick Tallman, 7             14:01    Southeast Polk
  135        Jared Neal, 8               14:06    Valley
  136        Brandon Carlson, 7          14:15    Waukee
  137        Brady Engel, 7              14:22    Waukee
  138        Collin Ten Haken, 8         14:23    Valley
  139        Connor Pearson, 7           14:24    Southeast Polk
  140        Max Hendricks, 7            14:26    Waukee
  141        Andy Wisner, 8              14:29    Valley
  142    61  Gage Mauk, 8                14:32    Lincoln
  143    62  Heath Dannen, 8             14:32    Lincoln
  144        Alec Garringer, 8           14:33    Valley
  145        Kyle Lopez, 7               14:36    Lincoln
  146        Jared Herzog, 7             14:36    Lincoln
  147        Joe Salaba, 8               14:45    Valley
  148        Karch Latrop, 7             14:47    Waukee
  149        Jason Lee, 7                14:58    Waukee
  150        Nolan Wright, 8             15:20    Ankeny
  151        Bj Corrigan, 8              15:22    Southeast Polk
  152        Haris Kahrimanovic, 8       15:23    Ankeny
  153        Cody Speelman, 7            15:27    Southeast Polk
  154        Dylan McMaines, 8           15:32    Southeast Polk
  155        Nate Buchsbaum, 8           15:42    Valley
  156        Nathan Case, 7              16:19    Waukee
  157        Thomas Jimenez, 8           16:55    Ankeny
  158        Joshua Lounsbery, 7         17:15    Lincoln
  159        Jordan Wolgamuth, 6         19:04    Lincoln
  160        Noe Lopez, 8                21:12    Valley
  161        Andrew Hess, 8              21:45    Urbandale


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