40th Little Cyclone Invite Varsity Boys - 5km

Iowa State Course - Ames, Iowa

Sept. 4, 2009

60s & perfect for XC

Results by Cal Murdock

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var. Girls

Var. Boys

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1   Valley                   34    2    3    5   10   14   16   21   17:21        49
  2   Ankeny                   62    6    7   12   18   19   22   31   17:45        58
  3   Cedar Falls              85    1   13   20   25   26   30   35   18:01      1:38
  4   Ames                     91    8    9   23   24   27   29   32   18:06      1:07
  5   Johnston                 97    4   15   17   28   33   34   36   18:09      2:00
  6   Fort Dodge              165   11   37   38   39   40   41   42   19:41      2:48


1. Valley
    2  Christopher Coppess, Sr     17:00    5:28
    3  Jacob Sutton, Sr            17:02    5:29
    5  Nathan Wiemers, Sr          17:17    5:34
   10  Andrew Sorge, Sr            17:37    5:40
   14  Logan Hughes, Sr            17:48    5:44
   16  Samuel Engman, Sr           17:55    5:46
   21  Bennett Coffman, Sr         18:20    5:54
Time = 1:26:41     Places = 34

2. Ankeny
    6  Ryan Kloberdanz, Jr         17:19    5:34
    7  Joe Murphy, Sr              17:26    5:37
   12  Dan McCoy, Sr               17:40    5:41
   18  Dustin Chase, Jr            18:03    5:48
   19  Andrew Hyler, Jr            18:17    5:53
   22  Matt Loney, Jr              18:27    5:56
   31  Logan Wells, Jr             18:54    6:05
Time = 1:28:44     Places = 62

3. Cedar Falls
    1  Jacob Tayloe, Jr            16:57    5:27
   13  Jordan Velasquez, Sr        17:44    5:42
   20  Tanner Reyhons, So          18:19    5:54
   25  Alex Clopton, Jr            18:32    5:58
   26  Andrew Halloren, Fr         18:34    5:58
   30  Eric Neill, So              18:47    6:03
   35  Scott Packard, Jr           19:20    6:13
Time = 1:30:04     Places = 85

4. Ames
    8  Cale Brakke, Sr             17:28    5:37
    9  Paul Hibbing, Jr            17:30    5:38
   23  Leo Bird, Jr                18:29    5:57
   24  Quentin Ring, Sr            18:29    5:57
   27  Brett Steelman, Jr          18:35    5:59
   29  Devin Becraft, Jr           18:42    6:01
   32  Daniel Jahren, Sr           19:09    6:10
Time = 1:30:29     Places = 91

5. Johnston
    4  Drew Jackson, So            17:11    5:32
   15  Larry Lipscome, So          17:51    5:44
   17  Jon Houp, So                18:00    5:48
   28  Jake Perington, Jr          18:36    5:59
   33  Cameron Pearson, So         19:10    6:10
   34  Ben Jacobson, Jr            19:14    6:11
   36  Jake Foutch, So             19:32    6:17
Time = 1:30:45     Places = 97

6. Fort Dodge
   11  Jacob Trunnell, Sr          17:40    5:41
   37  Mitch Carpentier, Sr        19:56    6:25
   38  John Springer, So           20:04    6:27
   39  Reed Russell, Fr            20:18    6:32
   40  Stephen Bowser, Sr          20:27    6:35
   41  Lars Larson, Sr             20:28    6:35
   42  Josh Lennon, So             21:00    6:45
Time = 1:38:22     Places = 165

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME    PACE        TEAM

    1     1  Jacob Tayloe, Jr            16:57    5:27  Cedar Falls
    2     2  Christopher Coppess, Sr     17:00    5:28  Valley
    3     3  Jacob Sutton, Sr            17:02    5:29  Valley
    4     4  Drew Jackson, So            17:11    5:32  Johnston
    5     5  Nathan Wiemers, Sr          17:17    5:34  Valley
    6     6  Ryan Kloberdanz, Jr         17:19    5:34  Ankeny
    7     7  Joe Murphy, Sr              17:26    5:37  Ankeny
    8     8  Cale Brakke, Sr             17:28    5:37  Ames
    9     9  Paul Hibbing, Jr            17:30    5:38  Ames
   10    10  Andrew Sorge, Sr            17:37    5:40  Valley
   11    11  Jacob Trunnell, Sr          17:40    5:41  Fort Dodge
   12    12  Dan McCoy, Sr               17:40    5:41  Ankeny
   13    13  Jordan Velasquez, Sr        17:44    5:42  Cedar Falls
   14    14  Logan Hughes, Sr            17:48    5:44  Valley
   15    15  Larry Lipscome, So          17:51    5:44  Johnston
   16    16  Samuel Engman, Sr           17:55    5:46  Valley
   17    17  Jon Houp, So                18:00    5:48  Johnston
   18    18  Dustin Chase, Jr            18:03    5:48  Ankeny
   19    19  Andrew Hyler, Jr            18:17    5:53  Ankeny
   20    20  Tanner Reyhons, So          18:19    5:54  Cedar Falls
   21    21  Bennett Coffman, Sr         18:20    5:54  Valley
   22    22  Matt Loney, Jr              18:27    5:56  Ankeny
   23    23  Leo Bird, Jr                18:29    5:57  Ames
   24    24  Quentin Ring, Sr            18:29    5:57  Ames
   25    25  Alex Clopton, Jr            18:32    5:58  Cedar Falls
   26    26  Andrew Halloren, Fr         18:34    5:58  Cedar Falls
   27    27  Brett Steelman, Jr          18:35    5:59  Ames
   28    28  Jake Perington, Jr          18:36    5:59  Johnston
Pace: 6:00 | Top
   29    29  Devin Becraft, Jr           18:42    6:01  Ames
   30    30  Eric Neill, So              18:47    6:03  Cedar Falls
   31    31  Logan Wells, Jr             18:54    6:05  Ankeny
   32    32  Daniel Jahren, Sr           19:09    6:10  Ames
   33    33  Cameron Pearson, So         19:10    6:10  Johnston
   34    34  Ben Jacobson, Jr            19:14    6:11  Johnston
   35    35  Scott Packard, Jr           19:20    6:13  Cedar Falls
   36    36  Jake Foutch, So             19:32    6:17  Johnston
   37    37  Mitch Carpentier, Sr        19:56    6:25  Fort Dodge
   38    38  John Springer, So           20:04    6:27  Fort Dodge
   39    39  Reed Russell, Fr            20:18    6:32  Fort Dodge
   40    40  Stephen Bowser, Sr          20:27    6:35  Fort Dodge
   41    41  Lars Larson, Sr             20:28    6:35  Fort Dodge
   42    42  Josh Lennon, So             21:00    6:45  Fort Dodge


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