Cross Country Meet Varsity Girls Race

Knoxville Invitational

Sep. 25, 2007

Results by Knoxville Cross Country

MS Girls

MS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Var. Girls

Var. Boys

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 Pella Hs                38   2   5   8  10  13  19  32  16:34.0  1:23.6

  2 Knoxville Hs            52   1   6  14  15  16  20  30  16:49.3  1:53.9

  3 Indianola Hs Girls      62   4  11  12  17  18  22  29  17:07.4  1:16.9

  4 Newton Hs Girls        123   7  21  25  34  36  39  55  17:45.8  2:01.8

  5 Oskaloosa Hs and Ms    138   3  26  31  35  43  52  54  18:01.3  3:26.1

  6 Pella Christian Hs     166  24  27  28  41  46  49  50  18:33.6  1:46.3

  7 Chariton               204  33  38  40  45  48  53  57  19:05.7  1:15.0

  8 Pleasantville Hs       207  23  37  44  47  56          19:18.2  2:56.7

Incomplete Teams: Lynnville-Sully


  ID#  PLACE                  FINISHER                  TIME     PACE

1. Pella Hs

  175     2  Madison Davis, 2, Pella Hs                 15:50.7    6:19

  174     5  Amanda Dunkin, 2, Pella Hs                 16:19.9    6:30

  182     8  Mariah Vande Lune, 1, Pella Hs             16:35.4    6:37

  172    10  Heidi Schulte, 2, Pella Hs                 16:49.8    6:42

  177    13  Hannah Schwab, 2, Pella Hs                 17:14.2    6:52

  180    19  Christina Hibbard, 1, Pella Hs             17:35.5    7:01

  176    32  Lauren Barrick, 2, Pella Hs                18:13.2    7:16

Total Time = 1:22:49.9     Total Places = 38

2. Knoxville Hs

  374     1  Ashley Larson, 3, Knoxville Hs             15:36.7    6:13

  382     6  Taylor Jensen, 2, Knoxville Hs             16:23.0    6:32

  375    14  Steph Kingery, 3, Knoxville Hs             17:17.1    6:53

  377    15  Alex Thomas, 3, Knoxville Hs               17:19.2    6:54

  379    16  Jess Fresh, 2, Knoxville Hs                17:30.6    6:59

  372    20  Sarah Schwanebeck, 3, Knoxville Hs         17:40.8    7:03

  373    30  Lori Klootwyk, 3, Knoxville Hs             18:06.3    7:13

Total Time = 1:24:06.5     Total Places = 52

3. Indianola Hs Girls

  278     4  Jamie Elbert, 3, Indianola Hs Girls        16:18.3    6:30

  279    11  Bailey Ellingson, 1, Indianola Hs Girls    17:04.3    6:48

  277    12  Mackenzie Carpenter, 1, Indianola Hs Girls 17:04.6    6:48

  271    17  Alison Arndt, 1, Indianola Hs Girls        17:34.8    7:00

  287    18  Allison Reynolds, 3, Indianola Hs Girls    17:35.2    7:00

  286    22  Morgan Mitchell, 1, Indianola Hs Girls     17:46.0    7:05

  281    29  Emily Gross, 3, Indianola Hs Girls         18:03.1    7:12

Total Time = 1:25:37.0     Total Places = 62

4. Newton Hs Girls

  440     7  Abby Reed, 1, Newton Hs Girls              16:24.2    6:32

  441    21  Katie Ranard, 1, Newton Hs Girls           17:41.2    7:03

  434    25  Abby Zieman, 4, Newton Hs Girls            17:54.0    7:08

  443    34  Miranda Huebner, 1, Newton Hs Girls        18:23.6    7:20

  442    36  Allie Sheets, 1, Newton Hs Girls           18:25.9    7:21

  436    39  Kara Brown, 3, Newton Hs Girls             18:55.5    7:32

  439    55  Kelsey Moes, 3, Newton Hs Girls            20:32.6    8:11

Total Time = 1:28:48.8     Total Places = 123

5. Oskaloosa Hs and Ms

  468     3  Sara Dickinson, 2, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms     16:06.1    6:25

  469    26  Jessica Kitzman, 4, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms    17:57.3    7:09

  470    31  Jessica Grahek, 1, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms     18:06.9    7:13

  471    35  Lyric Morris, 1, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms       18:24.2    7:20

  472    43  Hannah Hedge, 4, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms       19:32.1    7:47

  474    52  Alicia Poncy, 3, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms       20:12.9    8:03

  473    54  Dana Van Rhentergham, 1, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms

                                                       20:19.0    8:06

Total Time = 1:30:06.6     Total Places = 138

6. Pella Christian Hs

  495    24  Michaela Martin, 1, Pella Christian Hs     17:49.0    7:06

  496    27  Leah Dykstra, 3, Pella Christian Hs        18:01.5    7:11

  494    28  Emily Van Hal, 3, Pella Christian Hs       18:02.5    7:11

  499    41  Kelsie Van Kooten, 3, Pella Christian Hs   19:19.8    7:42

  502    46  Kim Van Zee, 2, Pella Christian Hs         19:35.3    7:48

  497    49  Katie Sparks, 4, Pella Christian Hs        19:44.8    7:52

  498    50  Heather Brand, 3, Pella Christian Hs       19:53.9    7:56

Total Time = 1:32:48.0     Total Places = 166

7. Chariton

  559    33  Aimee Delpierre, 4, Chariton               18:22.4    7:19

  574    38  Bevin Pillsbury, Chariton                  18:52.9    7:31

  560    40  Alyssa McCormick, 4, Chariton              19:01.5    7:35

  563    45  Alley Hunter, 3, Chariton                  19:34.5    7:48

  569    48  Tosha Fincher, 2, Chariton                 19:37.3    7:49

  561    53  Katie Halelick, 4, Chariton                20:18.0    8:05

  571    57  Aileen McKernan, 2, Chariton               20:45.7    8:16

Total Time = 1:35:28.5     Total Places = 204

8. Pleasantville Hs

  391    23  Jessica George, 3, Pleasantville Hs        17:46.7    7:05

  394    37  Andrea Schletzbaum, 4, Pleasantville Hs    18:51.4    7:31

  393    44  Trisha Collins, 2, Pleasantville Hs        19:34.0    7:48

  392    47  Erin Selix, 4, Pleasantville Hs            19:35.7    7:48

  395    56  Celeste James, 4, Pleasantville Hs         20:43.4    8:15

Total Time = 1:36:31.1     Total Places = 207


  ID#  PLACE SCORE                  FINISHER                  TIME     PACE        TEAM         


  374     1     1  Ashley Larson, 3, Knoxville Hs             15:36.7    6:13  Knoxville Hs         

  175     2     2  Madison Davis, 2, Pella Hs                 15:50.7    6:19  Pella Hs             

  468     3     3  Sara Dickinson, 2, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms     16:06.1    6:25  Oskaloosa Hs and Ms  

  278     4     4  Jamie Elbert, 3, Indianola Hs Girls        16:18.3    6:30  Indianola Hs Girls   

  174     5     5  Amanda Dunkin, 2, Pella Hs                 16:19.9    6:30  Pella Hs             

  382     6     6  Taylor Jensen, 2, Knoxville Hs             16:23.0    6:32  Knoxville Hs         

  440     7     7  Abby Reed, 1, Newton Hs Girls              16:24.2    6:32  Newton Hs Girls      

  182     8     8  Mariah Vande Lune, 1, Pella Hs             16:35.4    6:37  Pella Hs             

  527     9     9  Mariah Terlouw, 2, Lynnville-Sully         16:48.5    6:42  Lynnville-Sully      

  172    10    10  Heidi Schulte, 2, Pella Hs                 16:49.8    6:42  Pella Hs             

  279    11    11  Bailey Ellingson, 1, Indianola Hs Girls    17:04.3    6:48  Indianola Hs Girls   

  277    12    12  Mackenzie Carpenter, 1, Indianola Hs Girls 17:04.6    6:48  Indianola Hs Girls   

  177    13    13  Hannah Schwab, 2, Pella Hs                 17:14.2    6:52  Pella Hs             

  375    14    14  Steph Kingery, 3, Knoxville Hs             17:17.1    6:53  Knoxville Hs         

  377    15    15  Alex Thomas, 3, Knoxville Hs               17:19.2    6:54  Knoxville Hs         

  379    16    16  Jess Fresh, 2, Knoxville Hs                17:30.6    6:59  Knoxville Hs         

Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
  271    17    17  Alison Arndt, 1, Indianola Hs Girls        17:34.8    7:00  Indianola Hs Girls   

  287    18    18  Allison Reynolds, 3, Indianola Hs Girls    17:35.2    7:00  Indianola Hs Girls   

  180    19    19  Christina Hibbard, 1, Pella Hs             17:35.5    7:01  Pella Hs             

  372    20    20  Sarah Schwanebeck, 3, Knoxville Hs         17:40.8    7:03  Knoxville Hs         

  441    21    21  Katie Ranard, 1, Newton Hs Girls           17:41.2    7:03  Newton Hs Girls      

  286    22    22  Morgan Mitchell, 1, Indianola Hs Girls     17:46.0    7:05  Indianola Hs Girls   

  391    23    23  Jessica George, 3, Pleasantville Hs        17:46.7    7:05  Pleasantville Hs     

  495    24    24  Michaela Martin, 1, Pella Christian Hs     17:49.0    7:06  Pella Christian Hs   

  434    25    25  Abby Zieman, 4, Newton Hs Girls            17:54.0    7:08  Newton Hs Girls      

  469    26    26  Jessica Kitzman, 4, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms    17:57.3    7:09  Oskaloosa Hs and Ms  

  496    27    27  Leah Dykstra, 3, Pella Christian Hs        18:01.5    7:11  Pella Christian Hs   

  494    28    28  Emily Van Hal, 3, Pella Christian Hs       18:02.5    7:11  Pella Christian Hs   

  281    29    29  Emily Gross, 3, Indianola Hs Girls         18:03.1    7:12  Indianola Hs Girls   

  373    30    30  Lori Klootwyk, 3, Knoxville Hs             18:06.3    7:13  Knoxville Hs         

  470    31    31  Jessica Grahek, 1, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms     18:06.9    7:13  Oskaloosa Hs and Ms  

  176    32    32  Lauren Barrick, 2, Pella Hs                18:13.2    7:16  Pella Hs             

  559    33    33  Aimee Delpierre, 4, Chariton               18:22.4    7:19  Chariton             

  443    34    34  Miranda Huebner, 1, Newton Hs Girls        18:23.6    7:20  Newton Hs Girls      

  471    35    35  Lyric Morris, 1, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms       18:24.2    7:20  Oskaloosa Hs and Ms  

  442    36    36  Allie Sheets, 1, Newton Hs Girls           18:25.9    7:21  Newton Hs Girls      

  394    37    37  Andrea Schletzbaum, 4, Pleasantville Hs    18:51.4    7:31  Pleasantville Hs     

  574    38    38  Bevin Pillsbury, Chariton                  18:52.9    7:31  Chariton             

  436    39    39  Kara Brown, 3, Newton Hs Girls             18:55.5    7:32  Newton Hs Girls      

  560    40    40  Alyssa McCormick, 4, Chariton              19:01.5    7:35  Chariton             

  499    41    41  Kelsie Van Kooten, 3, Pella Christian Hs   19:19.8    7:42  Pella Christian Hs   

  528    42    42  Cyvannah Doll, 3, Lynnville-Sully          19:28.0    7:45  Lynnville-Sully      

  472    43    43  Hannah Hedge, 4, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms       19:32.1    7:47  Oskaloosa Hs and Ms  

  393    44    44  Trisha Collins, 2, Pleasantville Hs        19:34.0    7:48  Pleasantville Hs     

  563    45    45  Alley Hunter, 3, Chariton                  19:34.5    7:48  Chariton             

  502    46    46  Kim Van Zee, 2, Pella Christian Hs         19:35.3    7:48  Pella Christian Hs   

  392    47    47  Erin Selix, 4, Pleasantville Hs            19:35.7    7:48  Pleasantville Hs     

  569    48    48  Tosha Fincher, 2, Chariton                 19:37.3    7:49  Chariton             

  497    49    49  Katie Sparks, 4, Pella Christian Hs        19:44.8    7:52  Pella Christian Hs   

  498    50    50  Heather Brand, 3, Pella Christian Hs       19:53.9    7:56  Pella Christian Hs   

Pace: 7:00 | 8:00 | Top
  530    51    51  Courtney Van Wyk, 4, Lynnville-Sully       20:11.8    8:03  Lynnville-Sully      

  474    52    52  Alicia Poncy, 3, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms       20:12.9    8:03  Oskaloosa Hs and Ms  

  561    53    53  Katie Halelick, 4, Chariton                20:18.0    8:05  Chariton             

  473    54    54  Dana Van Rhentergham, 1, Oskaloosa Hs and Ms

                                                             20:19.0    8:06  Oskaloosa Hs and Ms  

  439    55    55  Kelsey Moes, 3, Newton Hs Girls            20:32.6    8:11  Newton Hs Girls      

  395    56    56  Celeste James, 4, Pleasantville Hs         20:43.4    8:15  Pleasantville Hs     

  571    57    57  Aileen McKernan, 2, Chariton               20:45.7    8:16  Chariton             

  529    58    58  Melissa Soderblom, 4, Lynnville-Sully      21:20.9    8:30  Lynnville-Sully      

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