Ankeny XC Invite 9-10 Girls 4km

DMACC Campus - Ankeny

Sept. 27, 2007

Perfect XC Weather, little wind too

Results by Cal Murdock

FS Girls

FS Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1   Ames                     40    1    5    8    9   17   23   29   17:33        59
  2   Johnston                 41    2    3    7   14   15   24   35   17:36        39
  3   Dowling Catholic         59    4   10   11   16   18   27   31   17:49        43
  4   Valley                   72    6   12   13   19   22   32   33   17:55        44
  5   Ankeny                  120   20   21   25   26   28   30   34   18:27        34

D M Lincoln


1. Ames
    1  Tori Mayfield, So           17:03  
    5  Emily Wandling, So          17:26  
    8  Sophie Pierce, So           17:37  
    9  Mary Schliesman, Fr         17:39  
   17  Madison Prueger, Fr         18:01  
   23  Dree Brakke, So             18:31  
   29  Mollie Bourke, So           18:41  
Time = 1:27:44     Places = 40

2. Johnston
    2  Krista Shoeman, So          17:18  
    3  Amanda Philiph, So          17:20  
    7  Ashlee Hulbert, Fr          17:33  
   14  Alex Hawks, Fr              17:54  
   15  Kelly McGowan, Fr           17:56  
   24  Emily Linscheid, Fr         18:33  
   35  Ben Mulaosmanovic, Sr       19:40  
Time = 1:27:59     Places = 41

3. Dowling Catholic
    4  Kayla Snyder, Fr            17:21  
   10  Shelby Dixon, So            17:50  
   11  Shelby Lee, So              17:51  
   16  Gina Haag, Fr               18:01  
   18  Ashlie Ayala, So            18:04  
   27  Shandra Lynch, Fr           18:40  
   31  Brianne Riesburg, Fr        18:54  
Time = 1:29:05     Places = 59

4. Valley
    6  Victoria Whitaker, So       17:31  
   12  Lauren Holmes, Fr           17:52  
   13  Caroline Witt, Fr           17:53  
   19  Abbie Jones, Fr             18:07  
   22  Emma Remy, So               18:15  
   32  Sarah Brant, Fr             19:05  
   33  Taylor Foust, Fr            19:24  
Time = 1:29:35     Places = 72

5. Ankeny
   20  Courtney Carlson, So        18:07  
   21  Marissa Hurt, Fr            18:10  
   25  Jenna Yates, Fr             18:35  
   26  Rachel Jones, So            18:40  
   28  Sara Cassabaum, So          18:41  
   30  Kelsey McMains, Fr          18:48  
   34  Emma Jones, Fr              19:24  
Time = 1:32:11     Places = 120

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Tori Mayfield, So           17:03    Ames
    2     2  Krista Shoeman, So          17:18    Johnston
    3     3  Amanda Philiph, So          17:20    Johnston
    4     4  Kayla Snyder, Fr            17:21    Dowling Catholic
    5     5  Emily Wandling, So          17:26    Ames
    6     6  Victoria Whitaker, So       17:31    Valley
    7     7  Ashlee Hulbert, Fr          17:33    Johnston
    8     8  Sophie Pierce, So           17:37    Ames
    9     9  Mary Schliesman, Fr         17:39    Ames
   10    10  Shelby Dixon, So            17:50    Dowling Catholic
   11    11  Shelby Lee, So              17:51    Dowling Catholic
   12    12  Lauren Holmes, Fr           17:52    Valley
   13    13  Caroline Witt, Fr           17:53    Valley
   14    14  Alex Hawks, Fr              17:54    Johnston
   15    15  Kelly McGowan, Fr           17:56    Johnston
   16    16  Gina Haag, Fr               18:01    Dowling Catholic
   17    17  Madison Prueger, Fr         18:01    Ames
   18    18  Ashlie Ayala, So            18:04    Dowling Catholic
   19    19  Abbie Jones, Fr             18:07    Valley
   20    20  Courtney Carlson, So        18:07    Ankeny
   21    21  Marissa Hurt, Fr            18:10    Ankeny
   22    22  Emma Remy, So               18:15    Valley
   23    23  Dree Brakke, So             18:31    Ames
   24    24  Emily Linscheid, Fr         18:33    Johnston
   25    25  Jenna Yates, Fr             18:35    Ankeny
   26    26  Rachel Jones, So            18:40    Ankeny
   27    27  Shandra Lynch, Fr           18:40    Dowling Catholic
   28    28  Sara Cassabaum, So          18:41    Ankeny
   29    29  Mollie Bourke, So           18:41    Ames
   30        Sydney Brause, So           18:48    Ames
   31    30  Kelsey McMains, Fr          18:48    Ankeny
   32    31  Brianne Riesburg, Fr        18:54    Dowling Catholic
   33        Brooke Schweikert, Fr       18:59    Ames
   34        Marika Liebman, Fr          19:00    Ames
   35    32  Sarah Brant, Fr             19:05    Valley
   36        Kristian Fyrwald, So        19:09    Dowling Catholic
   37    33  Taylor Foust, Fr            19:24    Valley
   38    34  Emma Jones, Fr              19:24    Ankeny
   39        Madison Haws, Fr            19:32    Ankeny
   40        Danielle Prebeck, So        19:33    Dowling Catholic
   41        Lauren Morford, So          19:35    Valley
   42        Amber Geib, Fr              19:36    Valley
   43        Andrea Swanson, Fr          19:36    Valley
   44        Morgan Gibbins, Fr          19:39    Ankeny
   45    35  Ben Mulaosmanovic, Sr       19:40    Johnston
   46        Katie Crawford, So          19:42    Valley
   47        Megan Ackerman, So          19:44    Johnston
   48        Morgan Gray, So             19:51    Ankeny
   49        Janelle Snyder, So          19:52    Ankeny
   50        Julia Binnie, So            19:55    Johnston
   51        Emma Greaves, Fr            19:56    Ankeny
   52        Kelli Siembreda, So         19:58    Dowling Catholic
   53        Sarah Reeve, Fr             19:58    Ankeny
   54        Sara Johnson, So            19:59    Johnston
   55        Mackenzie Macker, So        19:59    Dowling Catholic
   56        Amy Thacker, So             20:00    Dowling Catholic
   57        Jessie Hoyng, Fr            20:00    Valley
   58        Keo Corak, Fr               20:13    Johnston
   59        Liza Mitrofanova, So        20:17    Valley
   60        Maddie Sarcone, Fr          20:26    Dowling Catholic
   61        Allison Haag, So            20:27    Dowling Catholic
   62        Kelsey Kruse, Fr            20:31    Johnston
   63        Kimberly Garasky, Fr        20:36    Ames
   64        Cassidy Rourick, So         20:39    Ankeny
   65        Taya Donovan, So            20:43    Ankeny
   66        Suzanne Sondag, Fr          20:51    Ankeny
   67        Stacey Klein, So            20:53    Ankeny
   68        Olivia Kaplan, So           20:54    Ankeny
   69        Madeline Fajen, Fr          20:55    Valley
   70        Emma Ravenscroft, So        20:55    Ames
   71        Jordan Klein, So            20:56    Ankeny
   72        Ali Clendenen, Fr           21:04    Ankeny
   73        Samantha Gordon, Fr         21:23    Valley
   74        Rachel Bing, Fr             21:24    Ankeny
   75        Lu Sindt, Fr                21:24    Ankeny
   76        Paige Gwiasda, So           21:33    Ames
   77        Rebekah Miller, So          21:34    Ames
   78        Nicole Romenelli, Fr        21:35    Dowling Catholic
   79        Elizabeth Kaloupek, Fr      21:37    Ames
   80        Mackenzie Smith, Fr         22:06    Johnston
   81        Melinda Busch, Fr           22:10    Johnston
   82        Haley Haight, So            22:16    Ankeny
   83        Kayla Schuster, So          22:17    Johnston
   84        Michelle Millage, So        22:18    Ames
   85        Kelly Heikens, Fr           22:21    Ames
   86        Katelyn Adams, So           22:23    Ames
   87        Allysa Jackson, Fr          22:28    Ames
   88        Tristan Tegels, Fr          22:28    Ankeny
   89        Dorrie Bruggemann, Fr       22:34    Valley
   90        Tanaya Thomas, So           22:38    D M Lincoln
   91        Rebecca Strachan, Fr        22:54    Ankeny
   92        April Mu, So                23:39    D M Lincoln
   93        Jessica Miller, Fr          24:13    Ankeny
   94        Emma Paschen, So            24:43    Ames
   95        Rachel Swanson, Fr          25:05    Johnston
   96        Jocelyn Kleinschmidt, So    26:22    Johnston
   97        Chloe Knudel, Fr            27:14    Ames
   98        Taylor Von Rentzell, Fr     27:37    Johnston


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