32nd Tom Karpen Invitational 9/10 Girls

Host - Valley High School, WDM

Sept. 12, 2006

60s and Cloudy

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

MS Boys

F/S Girls

F/S Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys



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  1   Valley                   18    1    2    4    5    6   13   14   17:32        32
  2   Dowling                  37    3    7    8    9   10   11   12   18:28      1:14
  3   Indianola                90   15   16   18   20   21   22   25   19:48      1:11
  4   Marshalltown            109   17   19   23   24   26   27   28   20:22      1:25



1. Valley
    1  Lindsey Thorson, So         17:14  
    2  Mary Kenney, Fr             17:23  
    4  Anna Saggau, Fr             17:38  
    5  Laura Seeman, So            17:39  
    6  Becky Suckow, So            17:45  
   13  Grace Swanson, Fr           18:53  
   14  Jessie Fredericksen, So     19:05  
Time = 1:27:37     Places = 18

2. Dowling
    3  Sarah Spellman, Fr          17:32  
    7  Shelby Lee, Fr              18:39  
    8  Katie Arndorfer, Fr         18:41  
    9  Libby Grace, Fr             18:45  
   10  Shelbey Dixon, Fr           18:45  
   11  Emily Murfeld, Fr           18:50  
   12  Kellie Siembieda, Fr        18:51  
Time = 1:32:19     Places = 37

3. Indianola
   15  Morgan Powers, So           19:13  
   16  Diana Krejsa, So            19:25  
   18  Jessie Lile, Fr             19:44  
   20  Haley Huffman, So           20:14  
   21  Heidi Shivers, Fr           20:24  
   22  Kayla Cooney, Fr            20:24  
   25  Chelsea Thomas, So          20:42  
Time = 1:38:58     Places = 90

4. Marshalltown
   17  Jordyn Boland, Fr           19:37  
   19  Lisa Ledford, So            20:04  
   23  Madison Wynes, Fr           20:25  
   24  Autumn Counts, So           20:42  
   26  Secily Sherman, So          21:02  
   27  Haley Groth, Fr             22:21  
   28  Whitney Phillips, So        22:37  
Time = 1:41:47     Places = 109

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Lindsey Thorson, So         17:14    Valley
    2     2  Mary Kenney, Fr             17:23    Valley
    3     3  Sarah Spellman, Fr          17:32    Dowling
    4     4  Anna Saggau, Fr             17:38    Valley
    5     5  Laura Seeman, So            17:39    Valley
    6     6  Becky Suckow, So            17:45    Valley
    7     7  Shelby Lee, Fr              18:39    Dowling
    8     8  Katie Arndorfer, Fr         18:41    Dowling
    9     9  Libby Grace, Fr             18:45    Dowling
   10    10  Shelbey Dixon, Fr           18:45    Dowling
   11    11  Emily Murfeld, Fr           18:50    Dowling
   12    12  Kellie Siembieda, Fr        18:51    Dowling
   13    13  Grace Swanson, Fr           18:53    Valley
   14    14  Jessie Fredericksen, So     19:05    Valley
   15    15  Morgan Powers, So           19:13    Indianola
   16        Ashley Ayala, Fr            19:15    Dowling
   17    16  Diana Krejsa, So            19:25    Indianola
   18        Danielle Prebeck, Fr        19:31    Dowling
   19    17  Jordyn Boland, Fr           19:37    Marshalltown
   20    18  Jessie Lile, Fr             19:44    Indianola
   21        Erin Sullivan, So           19:46    Dowling
   22        Liza Mitrofanova, Fr        19:47    Valley
   23        Ellie Johnson, Fr           19:47    Hoover
   24        Kristina Fyrwald, Fr        19:47    Dowling
   25        Tracy Nuno, So              19:59    Valley
   26    19  Lisa Ledford, So            20:04    Marshalltown
   27        Lauren Morford, Fr          20:11    Valley
   28    20  Haley Huffman, So           20:14    Indianola
   29        Siri Nelson, So             20:19    Valley
   30    21  Heidi Shivers, Fr           20:24    Indianola
   31    22  Kayla Cooney, Fr            20:24    Indianola
   32    23  Madison Wynes, Fr           20:25    Marshalltown
   33        Staci Dowd, So              20:29    Dowling
   34        Hana Sayeed, So             20:32    Valley
   35        Sara Holmes, So             20:34    Valley
   36        Kim Becker, Fr              20:39    Dowling
   37    24  Autumn Counts, So           20:42    Marshalltown
   38    25  Chelsea Thomas, So          20:42    Indianola
   39        Erica Johnson, So           20:44    Indianola
   40        Elizabeth Burnett, So       20:57    Valley
   41    26  Secily Sherman, So          21:02    Marshalltown
   42        Grace Wandro, Fr            21:42    Dowling
   43        Jill Bickham, Fr            22:01    Indianola
   44        Rhiley Huntington, So       22:19    Valley
   45    27  Haley Groth, Fr             22:21    Marshalltown
   46        Brooke Barker, So           22:22    Valley
   47    28  Whitney Phillips, So        22:37    Marshalltown
   48        Tess Roseburrough, So       22:49    Marshalltown
   49        Ashley Davison, So          24:04    Valley
   50        Halsey Taylor, So           24:10    Dowling
   51        Alex Konchar, Fr            24:16    Dowling
   52        Katie Harmeyer, So          25:14    Dowling


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