Urbandale Invitational JV Girls

Urbandale, Iowa

Sept. 28, 2004

60s and Sunny - Perfect

Results by Cal Murdock

MS Girls

MS Boys

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

Varsity Girls

Varsity Boys

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  1   Johnston                 28    2    3    5    8   10   11   15   17:18        42
  2   Valley                   32    1    4    6    9   12   13   16   17:20      1:14
  3   Fort Dodge              111    7   18   27   29   30   31   37   18:25      1:22
  4   Urbandale               121   14   20   25   26   36   41   43   18:30      1:16
  5   Waukee                  129   19   23   24   28   35   39   44   18:36        50
  6   Mason City              147   21   22   32   34   38   42   45   18:47        50
  7   Dowling                 183   17   33   40   46   47   48   49   19:19      1:54


1. Johnston
    2  Kelsey Dicken, Jr           17:01  
    3  Kristin Strawhacker, So     17:03  
    5  Samantha McConeghey, Fr     17:13  
    8  Tiffany Wendel, Jr          17:32  
   10  Anne Ruebbelke, So          17:43  
   11  Robyn Norris, Jr            17:46  
   15  Tara Blutt, Sr              17:57  
Time = 1:26:30     Places = 28

2. Valley
    1  Shannon Kuhlman, Fr         16:38  
    4  Lauren Lindaman, So         17:09  
    6  Elena Leon, Jr              17:28  
    9  Jenna Bergeson, Jr          17:36  
   12  Amy Chalik, Sr              17:51  
   13  Anne Dutton, So             17:53  
   16  Paige Hook, Fr              18:11  
Time = 1:26:40     Places = 32

3. Fort Dodge
    7  Lauren Mitchell, Fr         17:29  
   18  Emily Kersten, Fr           18:17  
   27  Megan Batcheller, So        18:39  
   29  Kelsi Burbank, So           18:49  
   30  Jessica Johnson, Jr         18:50  
   31  Kayla Simmerman, Fr         18:53  
   37  Kim Harrell, Fr             19:11  
Time = 1:32:03     Places = 111

4. Urbandale
   14  Alyssa Frakes, Fr           17:55  
   20  Gail Dooely, So             18:20  
   25  Erika Ehlers, Sr            18:30  
   26  Jennifer Ohrt, So           18:36  
   36  Chelsea Harrison, So        19:11  
   41  Dani Cimino, Sr             19:26  
   43  Alyssa Boehm, So            19:31  
Time = 1:32:30     Places = 121

5. Waukee
   19  Jessie Hammer, Jr           18:18  
   23  Sarah Speight, Jr           18:23  
   24  Megan Pelz, Jr              18:26  
   28  Bailey Johansen, So         18:45  
   35  Cat Carlson, Sr             19:08  
   39  Emmi Garman, So             19:12  
   44  Carly Johnson, Jr           19:34  
Time = 1:32:58     Places = 129

6. Mason City
   21  Rachel Allgood, Jr          18:22  
   22  Tiara Mahon, Fr             18:22  
   32  Justina Hoy, Jr             18:56  
   34  Nicole Meany, Jr            19:05  
   38  Sam Haas, So                19:12  
   42  Elizabeth Polsdofer, Fr     19:27  
   45  Brianne Nutting, Fr         19:36  
Time = 1:33:55     Places = 147

7. Dowling
   17  Allison Showalter, Jr       18:15  
   33  Reecha Matmema, Jr          18:59  
   40  Katie Bishop, So            19:16  
   46  Allie Jabines, Sr           19:59  
   47  Hannah Wiess, Jr            20:09  
   48  Susie Keiner, Fr            20:13  
   49  Markie Waymire, Jr          20:18  
Time = 1:36:35     Places = 183

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Shannon Kuhlman, Fr         16:38    Valley
    2     2  Kelsey Dicken, Jr           17:01    Johnston
    3     3  Kristin Strawhacker, So     17:03    Johnston
    4     4  Lauren Lindaman, So         17:09    Valley
    5     5  Samantha McConeghey, Fr     17:13    Johnston
    6     6  Elena Leon, Jr              17:28    Valley
    7     7  Lauren Mitchell, Fr         17:29    Fort Dodge
    8     8  Tiffany Wendel, Jr          17:32    Johnston
    9     9  Jenna Bergeson, Jr          17:36    Valley
   10    10  Anne Ruebbelke, So          17:43    Johnston
   11    11  Robyn Norris, Jr            17:46    Johnston
   12    12  Amy Chalik, Sr              17:51    Valley
   13    13  Anne Dutton, So             17:53    Valley
   14    14  Alyssa Frakes, Fr           17:55    Urbandale
   15    15  Tara Blutt, Sr              17:57    Johnston
   16        Kelsey Hyde, So             18:08    Johnston
   17    16  Paige Hook, Fr              18:11    Valley
   18    17  Allison Showalter, Jr       18:15    Dowling
   19    18  Emily Kersten, Fr           18:17    Fort Dodge
   20    19  Jessie Hammer, Jr           18:18    Waukee
   21        Jill Albin, Fr              18:19    Valley
   22        Sarah Schultz, So           18:19    Johnston
   23    20  Gail Dooely, So             18:20    Urbandale
   24    21  Rachel Allgood, Jr          18:22    Mason City
   25    22  Tiara Mahon, Fr             18:22    Mason City
   26    23  Sarah Speight, Jr           18:23    Waukee
   27        Alyssa Buckley, Fr          18:25    Johnston
   28    24  Megan Pelz, Jr              18:26    Waukee
   29        Hailey Schachr, So          18:27    Valley
   30    25  Erika Ehlers, Sr            18:30    Urbandale
   31    26  Jennifer Ohrt, So           18:36    Urbandale
   32        Grace Meiners, So           18:37    Johnston
   33    27  Megan Batcheller, So        18:39    Fort Dodge
   34    28  Bailey Johansen, So         18:45    Waukee
   35    29  Kelsi Burbank, So           18:49    Fort Dodge
   36    30  Jessica Johnson, Jr         18:50    Fort Dodge
   37    31  Kayla Simmerman, Fr         18:53    Fort Dodge
   38        Jordan Rasmussen, Sr        18:54    Valley
   39        Kristen Knudson, Jr         18:54    Valley
   40        Carly Hammer, So            18:55    Johnston
   41        Megan Junge, Fr             18:56    Johnston
   42    32  Justina Hoy, Jr             18:56    Mason City
   43    33  Reecha Matmema, Jr          18:59    Dowling
   44    34  Nicole Meany, Jr            19:05    Mason City
   45    35  Cat Carlson, Sr             19:08    Waukee
   46        Rebecca Gallegos, Jr        19:10    Johnston
   47    36  Chelsea Harrison, So        19:11    Urbandale
   48        Julie Klein, So             19:11    Valley
   49    37  Kim Harrell, Fr             19:11    Fort Dodge
   50    38  Sam Haas, So                19:12    Mason City
   51    39  Emmi Garman, So             19:12    Waukee
   52    40  Katie Bishop, So            19:16    Dowling
   53        Stephanie Cook, Fr          19:20    Valley
   54        Felicia Hoover, So          19:22    Johnston
   55    41  Dani Cimino, Sr             19:26    Urbandale
   56    42  Elizabeth Polsdofer, Fr     19:27    Mason City
   57        Ann Secor, Jr               19:28    Fort Dodge
   58    43  Alyssa Boehm, So            19:31    Urbandale
   59        Chelsea Bear, Jr            19:33    Valley
   60        Erin Taylor, So             19:33    Fort Dodge
   61    44  Carly Johnson, Jr           19:34    Waukee
   62    45  Brianne Nutting, Fr         19:36    Mason City
   63        Lindsey Thielen, Fr         19:45    Waukee
   64        Smanatha Cook, Fr           19:48    Valley
   65        Jessie Stumme, Fr           19:49    Urbandale
   66        Rachel Bailin, Sr           19:58    Valley
   67    46  Allie Jabines, Sr           19:59    Dowling
   68        Amy Paul, Jr                20:02    Valley
   69        Betsy Embree, Jr            20:08    Waukee
   70    47  Hannah Wiess, Jr            20:09    Dowling
   71        Kim Hutchison, Sr           20:10    Valley
   72        Katherine Burggraaf, Fr     20:10    Johnston
   73        Alison Meyer, Fr            20:11    Valley
   74    48  Susie Keiner, Fr            20:13    Dowling
   75        Ashley Williams, Jr         20:15    Johnston
   76        Emily Shoeman, Fr           20:16    Johnston
   77        Karine Grindberg, So        20:17    Fort Dodge
   78    49  Markie Waymire, Jr          20:18    Dowling
   79        Chrissy Reed, Sr            20:22    Dowling
   80        Jessica Calhoun, So         20:25    Valley
   81        Kelsey Hatcher, So          20:29    Valley
   82        Maggie Thilges, Fr          20:35    Johnston
   83        Chelsea Drumheller, Sr      20:36    Dowling
   84        Amanda Deaton, So           20:37    Mason City
   85        Erin Sjolinder, Fr          20:42    Mason City
   86        Bri Carringer, Sr           20:45    Valley
   87        Karen Mortnsen, Jr          20:47    Fort Dodge
   88        Kirstin Cobb, Jr            20:49    Mason City
   89        Jenny Krause, Jr            20:50    Valley
   90        Mandie Kendzora, Jr         20:57    Dowling
   91        Ali Jackson, Jr             20:59    Waukee
   92        Casey Wilson, Sr            21:00    Fort Dodge
   93        Stephanie Gehrls, Fr        21:01    Waukee
   94        Amanda Tyler, So            21:04    Valley
   95        Kayla Seil, Sr              21:06    Fort Dodge
   96        Jill Winninger, Sr          21:10    Fort Dodge
   97        Gieniya Chikovani, Fr       21:12    Valley
   98        Amanda Unterreiner, Fr      21:22    Johnston
   99        Fifi Albatche, Sr           21:23    Johnston
  100        Liz Timmins, Jr             21:25    Johnston
  101        Alyssa Ames, Jr             21:26    Mason City
  102        Jenny Wu, Jr                21:27    Johnston
  103        Rachel Feltman, Jr          21:27    Fort Dodge
  104        Brooke Carlson, Jr          21:28    Fort Dodge
  105        Kate Crimmins, Fr           21:38    Mason City
  106        Elise Duvall, Fr            21:41    Mason City
  107        Britney Borchardt, So       21:41    Mason City
  108        Jennifer Martin, So         21:44    Fort Dodge
  109        Charla Holdren, Fr          21:49    Valley
  110        Justin Goeke, Jr            21:57    Valley
  111        Jil Tell, Fr                21:58    Mason City
  112        Angie Dimarco, Jr           21:59    Mason City
  113        Laura Downey, So            22:01    Dowling
  114        Marie Hicok, So             22:08    Mason City
  115        Sarah Timmons, So           22:38    Johnston
  116        Rachel Witte, So            22:40    Waukee
  117        Claire Davison, Jr          23:09    Valley
  118        Jennifer Munoz, Jr          23:10    Dowling
  119        Kate Marshall, Sr           23:12    Dowling
  120        Cahterern Sanduen, So       23:15    Fort Dodge
  121        Allison Larson, Jr          23:18    Fort Dodge
  122        Jordan Davick, Fr           23:20    Valley
  123        Charlotte Brenton, Sr       23:25    Valley
  124        Kaylan Cobb, So             23:54    Mason City
  125        Chelsea Dralle, Jr          23:55    Mason City
  126        Julie O'Neil, So            24:07    Valley
  127        Joephine Sereg, Sr          24:22    Dowling
  128        Katie Yost, Fr              24:42    Dowling
  129        Jennelle Morrison, So       24:52    Valley
  130        Sara Akere, Sr              25:21    Valley
  131        Chelsey Beason, So          26:57    Johnston
  132        Mackenzie Latham, So        27:18    Mason City


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