Fort Dodge Invite

JV Girls

Oct. 7, 2004

Results by Dee Brown, ICCC

JV Girls

JV Boys

Varsity Girls

Varsity Boys

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 1* Wdm Valley              40   1   4   9  12  14  15  2216:51.1 0:49.0
 2* Johnston                40   2   5   6  10  17  20  3716:53.5 0:43.0
  3 Ankeny                  70   3  11  13  18  25  33  3517:04.5 0:52.0
  4 Ames                    76   7   8  16  19  26  27  3117:09.9 0:35.0
  5 Roosevelt              168  21  24  38  42  43  49  5517:50.3 0:55.0
  6 Fort Dodge             180  23  30  36  44  47  54  5817:57.3 1:07.0
  7 Urbandale              225  29  40  41  45  70  72  7818:18.5 1:50.0
  8 Newton                 257  34  51  56  57  59  67  7418:36.1 1:11.0
  9 Mason City             277  46  50  52  64  65  69  7718:49.9 0:44.0
 10 Webster City           283  28  32  68  76  79  83    18:48.7 2:13.0
 11 Dowling                300  39  48  60  73  80  81  8219:01.9 2:08.0
 12 Indianola              305  53  61  62  63  66  71  7519:01.3 0:34.0
 PLACE          FINISHER           TIME

1*. Wdm Valley
    1  Shannon Kuhlman            16:21.0  
    4  Emma Swanson               16:42.0  
    9  Helen Saggau               16:57.0  
   12  Audra Robinson             17:05.0  
   14  Lauren Lindaman            17:10.0  
   15  YingWang                   17:11.0  
   22  Elena Leon                 17:25.0  
Total Time = 1:24:15.1     Total Places = 40

2*. Johnston
    2  Dicken Kelsey              16:32.0  
    5  Wendel Tiffany             16:47.0  
    6  Strawhacker Kristin        16:54.0  
   10  McConeghey Samantha        16:59.0  
   17  Blutt Tara                 17:15.0  
   20  Ruebbelke Anne             17:20.0  
   37  Norris Robyn               17:55.0  
Total Time = 1:24:27.1     Total Places = 40

3. Ankeny
    3  Laura Arneson              16:34.0  
   11  Haley Madison              17:00.0  
   13  Michelle Nannas            17:06.0  
   18  Christine Andresen         17:16.0  
   25  Megan Schmitt              17:26.0  
   33  Micaela Lang               17:45.0  
   35  Kaitlin Severson           17:53.0  
Total Time = 1:25:22.1     Total Places = 70

4. Ames
    7  Thompson Autumn            16:54.0  
    8  Borich Caylon              16:56.0  
   16  Brimeyer Sarah             17:13.0  
   19  Brimeyer Katherine         17:17.0  
   26  Prueger Brighton           17:29.0  
   27  Hundertmark Sarah          17:32.0  
   31  Kramer Katie               17:40.0  
Total Time = 1:25:49.1     Total Places = 76

5. Roosevelt
   21  Maddie Tomka               17:22.0  
   24  Hillary Courtney           17:25.0  
   38  Hanna Albaugh              17:59.0  
   42  Marissa Dolezal            18:08.0  
   43  Nora Roberston             18:17.0  
   49  Keely Shannon              18:35.0  
   55  Emily Barney               18:45.0  
Total Time = 1:29:11.1     Total Places = 168

6. Fort Dodge
   23  Lauren Mitchell            17:25.0  
   30  Kathyrn Dillon             17:37.0  
   36  Emily Kersten              17:54.0  
   44  Kelsi Burbank              18:18.0  
   47  Erin Taylor                18:32.0  
   54  Megan Batcheller           18:41.0  
   58  Jessica Johnson            18:50.0  
Total Time = 1:29:46.1     Total Places = 180

7. Urbandale
   29  Alyssa Frakes              17:35.0  
   40  Gail Dooley                18:06.0  
   41  Erika Ehlers               18:07.0  
   45  Jen Ohrt                   18:19.0  
   70  Dani Cimino                19:25.0  
   72  Chelsea Harrison           19:29.0  
   78  Alyssa Boehm               19:43.0  
Total Time = 1:31:32.1     Total Places = 225

8. Newton
   34  Chantelle MacVey           17:47.0  
   51  Abby Zleman                18:37.0  
   56  Keslie Hiemstra            18:49.0  
   57  Maya Guy                   18:49.0  
   59  Madison Sheets             18:58.0  
   67  Abby Marshall              19:18.0  
   74  Rachel Monroe              19:32.0  
Total Time = 1:33:00.1     Total Places = 257

9. Mason City
   46  Alese Messer               18:30.0  
   50  Rachel Allgood             18:36.0  
   52  Alyssa Wendt               18:40.0  
   64  Brianna Nutting            19:09.0  
   65  Sam Haas                   19:14.0  
   69  Nicole Meany               19:22.0  
   77  Elizabeth Polsdofer        19:42.0  
Total Time = 1:34:09.1     Total Places = 277

10. Webster City
   28  Jennie Bunkofske           17:34.0  
   32  Jessie Severson            17:41.0  
   68  Emily Sewick               19:20.0  
   76  Ashton Jacobson            19:41.0  
   79  Elizabeth Johnson          19:47.0  
   83  Natasha Wardell            21:49.0  
Total Time = 1:34:03.1     Total Places = 283

11. Dowling
   39  Kelly Berger               17:59.0  
   48  Erin Floro                 18:34.0  
   60  Katie Bishop               18:59.0  
   73  Allie Jabines              19:30.0  
   80  Reecha Matmema             20:07.0  
   81  Chrissy Reed               20:16.0  
   82  Kate Marshall              21:20.0  
Total Time = 1:35:09.1     Total Places = 300

12. Indianola
   53  Val Marean                 18:41.0  
   61  Meriah Taylor              19:00.0  
   62  Lynsey Cooney              19:05.0  
   63  Jordan Archilbald          19:05.0  
   66  Julie Young                19:15.0  
   71  Brianna Ruyan              19:27.0  
   75  Jenifer Kuhn               19:32.0  
Total Time = 1:35:06.1     Total Places = 305

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER           TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Shannon Kuhlman            16:21.0    Wdm Valley
    2     2  Dicken Kelsey              16:32.0    Johnston
    3     3  Laura Arneson              16:34.0    Ankeny
    4     4  Emma Swanson               16:42.0    Wdm Valley
    5     5  Wendel Tiffany             16:47.0    Johnston
    6     6  Strawhacker Kristin        16:54.0    Johnston
    7     7  Thompson Autumn            16:54.0    Ames
    8     8  Borich Caylon              16:56.0    Ames
    9     9  Helen Saggau               16:57.0    Wdm Valley
   10    10  McConeghey Samantha        16:59.0    Johnston
   11    11  Haley Madison              17:00.0    Ankeny
   12    12  Audra Robinson             17:05.0    Wdm Valley
   13    13  Michelle Nannas            17:06.0    Ankeny
   14    14  Lauren Lindaman            17:10.0    Wdm Valley
   15    15  YingWang                   17:11.0    Wdm Valley
   16    16  Brimeyer Sarah             17:13.0    Ames
   17    17  Blutt Tara                 17:15.0    Johnston
   18    18  Christine Andresen         17:16.0    Ankeny
   19    19  Brimeyer Katherine         17:17.0    Ames
   20    20  Ruebbelke Anne             17:20.0    Johnston
   21    21  Maddie Tomka               17:22.0    Roosevelt
   22    22  Elena Leon                 17:25.0    Wdm Valley
   23    23  Lauren Mitchell            17:25.0    Fort Dodge
   24    24  Hillary Courtney           17:25.0    Roosevelt
   25    25  Megan Schmitt              17:26.0    Ankeny
   26    26  Prueger Brighton           17:29.0    Ames
   27    27  Hundertmark Sarah          17:32.0    Ames
   28        Amy Chalik                 17:33.0    Wdm Valley
   29    28  Jennie Bunkofske           17:34.0    Webster City
   30    29  Alyssa Frakes              17:35.0    Urbandale
   31    30  Kathyrn Dillon             17:37.0    Fort Dodge
   32        Vanessa Veiock             17:39.0    Wdm Valley
   33    31  Kramer Katie               17:40.0    Ames
   34        Anne Dutton                17:41.0    Wdm Valley
   35    32  Jessie Severson            17:41.0    Webster City
   36        Hailey Bretz               17:44.0    Wdm Valley
   37        Abbie Hoegh                17:44.0    Wdm Valley
   38    33  Micaela Lang               17:45.0    Ankeny
   39    34  Chantelle MacVey           17:47.0    Newton
   40        Paige Hook                 17:47.0    Wdm Valley
   41        Hellmich K. Allyse         17:47.0    Ames
   42        Curry Jessica              17:48.0    Ames
   43    35  Kaitlin Severson           17:53.0    Ankeny
   44        Toni Harshbarger           17:54.0    Ankeny
   45    36  Emily Kersten              17:54.0    Fort Dodge
   46    37  Norris Robyn               17:55.0    Johnston
   47        Abbey Strum                17:56.0    Ankeny
   48        Svec Jessica               17:57.0    Ames
   49        Jenna Bergeson             17:57.0    Wdm Valley
   50        Hyde Kelsey                17:58.0    Johnston
   51        Soh Stephanie              17:58.0    Ames
   52    38  Hanna Albaugh              17:59.0    Roosevelt
   53    39  Kelly Berger               17:59.0    Dowling
   54        Alexa Milkey               18:00.0    Wdm Valley
   55        Jill Albin                 18:05.0    Wdm Valley
   56    40  Gail Dooley                18:06.0    Urbandale
   57        Hailey Schacht             18:07.0    Wdm Valley
   58        Kristen Knudtson           18:07.0    Wdm Valley
   59    41  Erika Ehlers               18:07.0    Urbandale
   60        Bayle Johnson              18:08.0    Ankeny
   61    42  Marissa Dolezal            18:08.0    Roosevelt
   62        Andi Jelsma                18:12.0    Ankeny
   63        Jodi Smith                 18:13.0    Ankeny
   64        Krysten Swenson            18:15.0    Boone
   65        Haley Singletary           18:17.0    Ankeny
   66    43  Nora Roberston             18:17.0    Roosevelt
   67        Brittany DeJong            18:18.0    Ankeny
   68    44  Kelsi Burbank              18:18.0    Fort Dodge
   69        Andrea Galeazzi            18:18.0    Ankeny
   70    45  Jen Ohrt                   18:19.0    Urbandale
   71        Laura Ruff                 18:19.0    Ankeny
   72        Ana Boehn                  18:20.0    Ankeny
   73        Meiners Grace              18:21.0    Johnston
   74        Becca Wilson               18:22.0    Ankeny
   75        Tashington Austin          18:24.0    Boone
   76        Brown Lauren               18:24.0    Ames
   77        Emily Abbuehl              18:25.0    Ankeny
   78        Mona Porter                18:25.0    Ankeny
   79        Elsey Hartman              18:27.0    Ankeny
   80        Hanna Singletary           18:29.0    Ankeny
   81    46  Alese Messer               18:30.0    Mason City
   82        Brown Bridget              18:31.0    Ames
   83    47  Erin Taylor                18:32.0    Fort Dodge
   84        Hammer Carly               18:33.0    Johnston
   85    48  Erin Floro                 18:34.0    Dowling
   86        Amy Buttolph               18:35.0    Ankeny
   87    49  Keely Shannon              18:35.0    Roosevelt
   88    50  Rachel Allgood             18:36.0    Mason City
   89    51  Abby Zleman                18:37.0    Newton
   90        Philips Kristi             18:39.0    Ames
   91    52  Alyssa Wendt               18:40.0    Mason City
   92    53  Val Marean                 18:41.0    Indianola
   93    54  Megan Batcheller           18:41.0    Fort Dodge
   94        Peperkorn Laura            18:42.0    Ames
   95        Stephaine Cook             18:42.0    Wdm Valley
   96    55  Emily Barney               18:45.0    Roosevelt
   97    56  Keslie Hiemstra            18:49.0    Newton
   98    57  Maya Guy                   18:49.0    Newton
   99    58  Jessica Johnson            18:50.0    Fort Dodge
  100        Kelsey Hatcher             18:50.0    Wdm Valley
  101        Mandee Gonzalez            18:52.0    Ankeny
  102        Crystal Leaf               18:54.0    Boone
  103        Schoenrock Kirsten         18:55.0    Ames
  104        Emily Brown                18:58.0    Ankeny
  105    59  Madison Sheets             18:58.0    Newton
  106    60  Katie Bishop               18:59.0    Dowling
  107        Hoover Felicia             18:59.0    Johnston
  108    61  Meriah Taylor              19:00.0    Indianola
  109        Vanessa Brown              19:04.0    Wdm Valley
  110    62  Lynsey Cooney              19:05.0    Indianola
  111    63  Jordan Archilbald          19:05.0    Indianola
  112        Compton Jennifer           19:06.0    Ames
  113        Moschini Emily             19:06.0    Ames
  114        Kim Harrell                19:07.0    Fort Dodge
  115        Warth Elizabeth            19:08.0    Ames
  116        Gallegos Rebecca           19:08.0    Johnston
  117    64  Brianna Nutting            19:09.0    Mason City
  118        Clark Laura Jean           19:10.0    Ames
  119    65  Sam Haas                   19:14.0    Mason City
  120        Kluesner MaryBeth          19:14.0    Ames
  121        Liu Ying Ying              19:14.0    Ames
  122    66  Julie Young                19:15.0    Indianola
  123        Chantel Witt               19:15.0    Ankeny
  124        Ashley Tarbox              19:16.0    Fort Dodge
  125        Bridgette Rourick          19:17.0    Ankeny
  126        McKayla Simmerman          19:17.0    Fort Dodge
  127    67  Abby Marshall              19:18.0    Newton
  128        Amy Zrostlik               19:20.0    Ankeny
  129    68  Emily Sewick               19:20.0    Webster City
  130    69  Nicole Meany               19:22.0    Mason City
  131    70  Dani Cimino                19:25.0    Urbandale
  132    71  Brianna Ruyan              19:27.0    Indianola
  133        Langenberg Olivia          19:28.0    Ames
  134        Jessica Burrell            19:28.0    Ankeny
  135        Jenny Klem                 19:29.0    Wdm Valley
  136    72  Chelsea Harrison           19:29.0    Urbandale
  137    73  Allie Jabines              19:30.0    Dowling
  138        Kayla Shay                 19:31.0    Ankeny
  139        Annie Raife                19:31.0    Roosevelt
  140    74  Rachel Monroe              19:32.0    Newton
  141    75  Jenifer Kuhn               19:32.0    Indianola
  142        Chelsea Bear               19:33.0    Wdm Valley
  143        Amy Paul                   19:33.0    Wdm Valley
  144        Anne Secor                 19:35.0    Fort Dodge
  145        Samantha Cook              19:36.0    Wdm Valley
  146        Falk Emily                 19:36.0    Ames
  147        Krystal Marean             19:37.0    Indianola
  148        Hupalo Sofiya              19:37.0    Ames
  149        Weible Laura               19:38.0    Ames
  150        Metzger Allison            19:38.0    Ames
  151        Bri Garringer              19:39.0    Wdm Valley
  152        Julie Klein                19:39.0    Wdm Valley
  153        Elliott Kate               19:39.0    Ames
  154        Kristi Fisher              19:41.0    Ankeny
  155    76  Ashton Jacobson            19:41.0    Webster City
  156        Kaspar Jill                19:42.0    Ames
  157        Jill Stevenson             19:42.0    Ankeny
  158    77  Elizabeth Polsdofer        19:42.0    Mason City
  159        Jessica Calhoun            19:43.0    Wdm Valley
  160        Timmins Liz                19:43.0    Johnston
  161    78  Alyssa Boehm               19:43.0    Urbandale
  162        Mickenzie Block            19:44.0    Ankeny
  163        Becraft Kayla              19:44.0    Ames
  164        Jackson Sarah              19:46.0    Ames
  165        Heather Osborn             19:46.0    Newton
  166        Lisa Fitzpatrick           19:47.0    Roosevelt
  167    79  Elizabeth Johnson          19:47.0    Webster City
  168        Hanna Henson               19:49.0    Roosevelt
  169        Alison Meyer               19:54.0    Wdm Valley
  170        Kirsten Larson             19:56.0    Ankeny
  171        Karine Grindberg           20:01.0    Fort Dodge
  172        Burggraaf Katherine        20:02.0    Johnston
  173        Brittany Klein             20:02.0    Ankeny
  174        Kim Szcrodronski           20:03.0    Ankeny
  175        Alyssa Ames                20:03.0    Mason City
  176        Jen Starkweather           20:05.0    Newton
  177    80  Reecha Matmema             20:07.0    Dowling
  178        Caitlin Kellar             20:07.0    Ankeny
  179        Lisa Patty                 20:07.0    Newton
  180        Ritz Leah                  20:08.0    Ames
  181        Claire Davison             20:08.0    Wdm Valley
  182        Rachel Bench               20:09.0    Ankeny
  183        Kayla Seil                 20:11.0    Fort Dodge
  184        Karen Mortensen            20:13.0    Fort Dodge
  185        Jessica Bernard            20:15.0    Ankeny
  186    81  Chrissy Reed               20:16.0    Dowling
  187        Carrie Dunek               20:17.0    Ankeny
  188        Krysten Yates              20:17.0    Newton
  189        Liz Peacock                20:19.0    Ankeny
  190        Kayla Riegel               20:20.0    Newton
  191        Thilges Maggie             20:20.0    Johnston
  192        Williams Ashley            20:21.0    Johnston
  193        Mary Parker                20:22.0    Indianola
  194        Jessica Dodge              20:23.0    Roosevelt
  195        Gieniya Chikovam           20:24.0    Wdm Valley
  196        Elise Duvall               20:26.0    Mason City
  197        Rachel Biederman           20:26.0    Ankeny
  198        Danielle Murphy            20:27.0    Perry
  199        Kirstin Cobb               20:27.0    Mason City
  200        Libby Cambron              20:28.0    Indianola
  201        Beckwith Angela            20:28.0    Ames
  202        Lauren Wentzel             20:29.0    Wdm Valley
  203        Shoeman Emily              20:29.0    Johnston
  204        Hannah Rohret              20:31.0    Roosevelt
  205        Laura Siddell              20:31.0    Newton
  206        Kelsie Milburn             20:36.0    Boone
  207        Lauren Patty               20:37.0    Newton
  208        Pflug Vanessa              20:37.0    Ames
  209        Tim Christy                20:37.0    Ames
  210        Artese Sam                 20:38.0    Ames
  211        Megan Ozbun                20:44.0    Perry
  212        Casey Wilson               20:45.0    Fort Dodge
  213        Jennifer Martin            20:45.0    Fort Dodge
  214        Brooke Carlson             20:46.0    Fort Dodge
  215        Marie Hilcok               20:49.0    Mason City
  216        Rachel Whittman            20:52.0    Roosevelt
  217        Katie Tomlinson            20:54.0    Ankeny
  218        Steph Ross                 20:55.0    Indianola
  219        Kate Crimmins              20:55.0    Mason City
  220        Todey Erin                 20:59.0    Ames
  221        Norris Katie               21:02.0    Ames
  222        Kim Hutchison              21:04.0    Wdm Valley
  223        Van Marel Sara             21:09.0    Ames
  224        Jessica Fehr               21:15.0    Newton
  225        Charla Holdren             21:19.0    Wdm Valley
  226    82  Kate Marshall              21:20.0    Dowling
  227        Lauren Link                21:23.0    Se Polk
  228        Melissa Linde              21:24.0    Ankeny
  229        Courneya Sophia            21:29.0    Ames
  230        Leah Klein                 21:32.0    Ankeny
  231        Amanda Deaton              21:34.0    Mason City
  232        Kohler Kerry               21:35.0    Ames
  233        Amanda Tyler               21:35.0    Wdm Valley
  234        Amy Klinkefus              21:37.0    Ankeny
  235        Lutz Amanda                21:40.0    Ames
  236        Jenny Krause               21:44.0    Wdm Valley
  237        Allison Larson             21:45.0    Fort Dodge
  238        Leslie Stratton            21:46.0    Ankeny
  239        Jaya Guy                   21:48.0    Newton
  240    83  Natasha Wardell            21:49.0    Webster City
  241        Jill Tell                  21:52.0    Mason City
  242        Unterreiner Amanda         21:53.0    Johnston
  243        Timmons Sarah              21:56.0    Johnston
  244        Angie DiMarco              22:01.0    Mason City
  245        Catherine Sandven          22:01.0    Fort Dodge
  246        Amanda Ranard              22:01.0    Newton
  247        Moloney Kendra             22:02.0    Ames
  248        Laura Downey               22:02.0    Dowling
  249        Gaul Abby                  22:03.0    Ames
  250        Rajagopa Supraja           22:18.0    Ames
  251        Englen Mallory             22:21.0    Ames
  252        Justine Goeke              22:24.0    Wdm Valley
  253        Britney Borchardt          22:31.0    Mason City
  254        Adams Lindsey              22:39.0    Ames
  255        Jenny Olkie                22:45.0    Ankeny
  256        Carlyle Jamie              22:46.0    Ames
  257        Park Rebecca               22:47.0    Ames
  258        Inna Muzychenko            22:56.0    Urbandale
  259        Kaylan Cobb                23:01.0    Mason City
  260        Jackson Hayley             23:02.0    Ames
  261        Johnson Morgan             23:16.0    Ames
  262        Ferguson Rebecca           23:17.0    Ames
  263        Gerbracht Gretchen         23:18.0    Ames
  264        Jordan Davick              23:22.0    Wdm Valley
  265        Natalie Neilsen            23:23.0    Roosevelt
  266        Chelsea Dralle             23:26.0    Mason City
  267        Poffenberger Stephanie     23:31.0    Ames
  268        Ihle Kim                   23:34.0    Ames
  269        Sydney Klise               23:35.0    Perry
  270        Young Jessie               23:36.0    Ames
  271        Katie Yost                 23:43.0    Dowling
  272        Josephine Sereg            23:53.0    Dowling
  273        Ara Akre                   24:10.0    Wdm Valley
  274        Hindt Maria                24:14.0    Ames
  275        Hanson Sarah               24:20.0    Ames
  276        Peterson Dana              24:21.0    Ames
  277        Curtis Lara                24:31.0    Ames
  278        Julie O'Neal               24:40.0    Wdm Valley
  279        Logsdon Laura              24:43.0    Ames
  280        Grove April                24:52.0    Ames
  281        Baha Ahmed-Musa            25:12.0    Roosevelt
  282        Deppe Elizabeth            25:15.0    Ames
  283        Jennette Morrison          25:16.0    Wdm Valley
  284        Makenzie Latham            25:34.0    Mason City
  285        Rietz Jordon               25:43.0    Ames
  286        Beason Chelsey             27:07.0    Johnston


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