28th Cardinal Invitational - 7/8 Girls

Newton, Iowa

Sept. 23, 2003

70 degrees, sunny, light wind

Results by Cal Murdock

7/8 Girls

7/8 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Vars. Girls

Vars. Boys

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  1   Ankeny                   41    5    6    7   11   12   19   20   13:46        25
  2   S E Polk                 43    1    4    9   14   15   42   43   13:44      1:14
  3   Johnston                 62    2    3   10   21   26   30   31   14:00      1:30
  4   Stilwell                124   13   22   28   29   32   41   44   14:50      1:16
  5   Ames                    135   17   24   27   33   34   35   40   14:57        57
  6   Newton                  163   16   25   37   39   46   49   50   15:20      1:58
  7   Marshalltown            198   18   36   45   48   51   54   56   15:47      2:00
  8   Chariton                222   23   38   47   55   59             16:43      5:09
  9   Pella                   228    8   52   53   57   58             16:47      5:01

Indian Hills


1. Ankeny
    5  Laura Arneson               13:35  
    6  Hayler Vance                13:37  
    7  Leah Hardie                 13:41  
   11  Samantha Riley              13:57  
   12  Michelle Nannas             13:59  
   19  Samantha Statler            14:26  
   20  Hayley Singletary           14:29  
Time = 1:08:47     Places = 41

2. S E Polk
    1  Jenny McElree               12:58  
    4  Ashley Rogers               13:30  
    9  Megan Warner                13:51  
   14  Erin Evans                  14:11  
   15  Morgan Danley               14:11  
   42  Brooke Curry                16:00  
   43  Katie Heater                16:10  
Time = 1:08:39     Places = 43

3. Johnston
    2  Laura Hilby                 13:20  
    3  Obsie Birru                 13:26  
   10  Emily Schwartz              13:51  
   21  Rachel Lang                 14:33  
   26  Laura Lund                  14:49  
   30  Samantha McConghey          15:15  
   31  Alyssa Buckley              15:16  
Time = 1:09:58     Places = 62

4. Stilwell
   13  Emma Swanson                14:01  
   22  Helen Saggau                14:35  
   28  Paige Hook                  15:04  
   29  Maggie Clark                15:13  
   32  Jill Albin                  15:17  
   41  Katie Buntz                 15:57  
   44  Brooke Ericson              16:11  
Time = 1:14:08     Places = 124

5. Ames
   17  Katie Warning               14:24  
   24  Ashlton Lamp                14:37  
   27  Amanda Mayberry             15:03  
   33  Lauren Naeve                15:19  
   34  Sarah Pesch                 15:21  
   35  Astrid Matson               15:26  
   40  Ellie Weiss                 15:47  
Time = 1:14:43     Places = 135

6. Newton
   16  Amy Vos                     14:19  
   25  Taylor Fank                 14:40  
   37  Kara Brown                  15:38  
   39  Abby Zieman                 15:46  
   46  Christine Wendel            16:16  
   49  Mackenzie Morris            16:21  
   50  Rachel Monroe               16:23  
Time = 1:16:37     Places = 163

7. Marshalltown
   18  Eli Mathis                  14:25  
   36  Andrew Duncan               15:30  
   45  Heather Nichols             16:16  
   48  Alycia Preston              16:20  
   51  Annie Dull                  16:25  
   54  Molly Pollpeter             16:41  
   56  Michelle Cartier            17:45  
Time = 1:18:53     Places = 198

8. Chariton
   23  Michelle Johnston           14:36  
   38  Aimee Delpiarre             15:42  
   47  Alyssa McCormick            16:18  
   55  Heather Sotter              17:16  
   59  Delanie Landy               19:45  
Time = 1:23:34     Places = 222

9. Pella
    8  Olivia Bagnell              13:43  
   52  Alyssa Vandevoort           16:38  
   53  Adriana Espinosa            16:39  
   57  Hope Corbin                 18:10  
   58  Meg Corbin                  18:44  
Time = 1:23:53     Places = 228

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1        Whiteny Sharpe              12:58    Indian Hills
    2     1  Jenny McElree               12:58    S E Polk
    3     2  Laura Hilby                 13:20    Johnston
    4     3  Obsie Birru                 13:26    Johnston
    5     4  Ashley Rogers               13:30    S E Polk
    6     5  Laura Arneson               13:35    Ankeny
    7     6  Hayler Vance                13:37    Ankeny
    8     7  Leah Hardie                 13:41    Ankeny
    9        Shannon Kuhlman             13:41    Indian Hills
   10     8  Olivia Bagnell              13:43    Pella
   11     9  Megan Warner                13:51    S E Polk
   12    10  Emily Schwartz              13:51    Johnston
   13    11  Samantha Riley              13:57    Ankeny
   14    12  Michelle Nannas             13:59    Ankeny
   15    13  Emma Swanson                14:01    Stilwell
   16    14  Erin Evans                  14:11    S E Polk
   17    15  Morgan Danley               14:11    S E Polk
   18    16  Amy Vos                     14:19    Newton
   19    17  Katie Warning               14:24    Ames
   20    18  Eli Mathis                  14:25    Marshalltown
   21    19  Samantha Statler            14:26    Ankeny
   22    20  Hayley Singletary           14:29    Ankeny
   23    21  Rachel Lang                 14:33    Johnston
   24    22  Helen Saggau                14:35    Stilwell
   25    23  Michelle Johnston           14:36    Chariton
   26        Micaela Lang                14:37    Ankeny
   27    24  Ashlton Lamp                14:37    Ames
   28    25  Taylor Fank                 14:40    Newton
   29        Hannah Singletary           14:42    Ankeny
   30    26  Laura Lund                  14:49    Johnston
   31    27  Amanda Mayberry             15:03    Ames
   32    28  Paige Hook                  15:04    Stilwell
   33        Anna Boehm                  15:06    Ankeny
   34    29  Maggie Clark                15:13    Stilwell
   35        Christie Witzenburg         15:14    Ankeny
   36    30  Samantha McConghey          15:15    Johnston
   37    31  Alyssa Buckley              15:16    Johnston
   38    32  Jill Albin                  15:17    Stilwell
   39        Kathryn Gulleen             15:17    Johnston
   40    33  Lauren Naeve                15:19    Ames
   41        Becca Wilson                15:19    Ankeny
   42    34  Sarah Pesch                 15:21    Ames
   43        Caitlin Clemens             15:24    Ankeny
   44    35  Astrid Matson               15:26    Ames
   45    36  Andrew Duncan               15:30    Marshalltown
   46    37  Kara Brown                  15:38    Newton
   47    38  Aimee Delpiarre             15:42    Chariton
   48        Meg Huey                    15:42    Indian Hills
   49    39  Abby Zieman                 15:46    Newton
   50    40  Ellie Weiss                 15:47    Ames
   51        Madi Cummings               15:50    Ames
   52        Mallory Sornsen             15:52    Ames
   53        Brittany Dejong             15:54    Ankeny
   54    41  Katie Buntz                 15:57    Stilwell
   55    42  Brooke Curry                16:00    S E Polk
   56        Kaitlin Severeson           16:01    Ankeny
   57        Katie Stout                 16:04    Ankeny
   58        Jen Daughty                 16:09    Ankeny
   59    43  Katie Heater                16:10    S E Polk
   60        Laura Gillum                16:11    Ankeny
   61    44  Brooke Ericson              16:11    Stilwell
   62        Laura Krogh                 16:12    Ankeny
   63        Erica Griffith              16:13    Ankeny
   64        Alexa Mehesan               16:15    Indian Hills
   65    45  Heather Nichols             16:16    Marshalltown
   66        Kristin Larson              16:16    Ankeny
   67    46  Christine Wendel            16:16    Newton
   68        Amy Buttolph                16:18    Ankeny
   69    47  Alyssa McCormick            16:18    Chariton
   70        Leah Schiller               16:19    Ankeny
   71    48  Alycia Preston              16:20    Marshalltown
   72    49  Mackenzie Morris            16:21    Newton
   73        Evy Amaya                   16:22    Ames
   74        Emily Pendelton             16:23    Ankeny
   75    50  Rachel Monroe               16:23    Newton
   76    51  Annie Dull                  16:25    Marshalltown
   77        Kaitie Zucker               16:26    Ankeny
   78        Kelsey Moes                 16:28    Newton
   79        Matha Garasky               16:30    Ames
   80        Catherine Farver            16:30    Newton
   81        Cassi Johnson               16:31    S E Polk
   82        Rachel Windsor              16:32    Ames
   83        Alison Meyer                16:35    Stilwell
   84        Kristin Gumm                16:38    S E Polk
   85    52  Alyssa Vandevoort           16:38    Pella
   86    53  Adriana Espinosa            16:39    Pella
   87        Katherine Burggraff         16:40    Johnston
   88        Sophia Courneya             16:40    Ames
   89        Olivia Egen                 16:41    S E Polk
   90        Lauren Patty                16:41    Newton
   91    54  Molly Pollpeter             16:41    Marshalltown
   92        Keeely Shannon              16:44    Roosevelt
   93        Alex Seeman                 16:48    Ames
   94        Nicole Meyer                16:54    Johnston
   95        Paige Rens                  17:02    Newton
   96        Melissa McClellan           17:04    S E Polk
   97        Catelyn Benner              17:07    Ankeny
   98        Brittany Aldridge           17:09    Newton
   99        Jessica Fowler              17:10    S E Polk
  100        Elani Cade                  17:10    Roosevelt
  101        Emily Snavely               17:10    Roosevelt
  102    55  Heather Sotter              17:16    Chariton
  103        Elizabeth Krijenbrink       17:16    Ankeny
  104        Jodi Smith                  17:17    Ankeny
  105        Jenny Oakie                 17:24    Ankeny
  106        Alix Crawford               17:24    Newton
  107        Katie Isebrand              17:30    Ames
  108        Alyssa Reichter             17:31    S E Polk
  109        Jessica Curry               17:32    S E Polk
  110        Natalie Enloe               17:33    Ames
  111        Charissa Ehrhardt           17:36    Ames
  112    56  Michelle Cartier            17:45    Marshalltown
  113        Tiana Godfrey               17:46    Ames
  114        Jessica Gassman             17:48    Marshalltown
  115        Megan Borcher               17:59    Ankeny
  116    57  Hope Corbin                 18:10    Pella
  117        Hannah Norris               18:23    S E Polk
  118        Asley Arellano              18:23    Marshalltown
  119        Abby Bacon                  18:24    Marshalltown
  120        Abbey Sturm                 18:25    Ankeny
  121        Bethany Ingram              18:28    S E Polk
  122        Shaunicia McClish           18:39    Roosevelt
  123        Schuyler Wolff              18:40    Ankeny
  124        Melissa Van Vlair           18:41    S E Polk
  125        Chasity Roe                 18:42    S E Polk
  126        Melissa Huisman             18:43    Ames
  127    58  Meg Corbin                  18:44    Pella
  128        Alysia Springer             19:25    S E Polk
  129        Kelsey Nesheim              19:26    S E Polk
  130        Katelyn Metzger             19:29    Marshalltown
  131    59  Delanie Landy               19:45    Chariton
  132        Laura Hoffman               19:51    Marshalltown
  133        Katelyn Walker              20:25    Ames
  134        Ashley Lewis                20:27    Ames
  135        Katie Egger                 21:34    S E Polk
  136        Giner Dack                  21:35    Newton
  137        Lydian Derline              21:41    Marshalltown
  138        Kelsey Mower                21:50    Ankeny
  139        Laure Ortiz                 22:58    Marshalltown
  140        Shelligh Bachman            12:57    Stilwell


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