MoHawk Invitational, Women's, Junior Varsity, 4K NIACC Campus, Mason City, Iowa September 25, 2003 Partly Cloudy, 55 Degrees, W - S @ 10 Results by Hilltopper Results
Use the Find option of your browser to find someone's name or team. PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 Cedar Falls 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 17:07 0:34 2 Marshalltown 68 8 11 12 15 22 26 27 18:09 1:15 3 Fort Dodge 93 7 10 16 17 43 44 45 18:24 2:23 4 Mason City 124 20 23 24 25 32 38 40 19:01 0:32 5 Forest City 127 19 21 28 29 30 33 47 19:03 0:32 6 New Hampton 165 13 34 35 41 42 50 51 19:17 1:26 7 Waterloo West 196 14 39 46 48 49 52 60 19:35 1:49 8 Osage 278 53 54 55 57 59 21:55 2:30 INCOMPLETE TEAMS: Charles City Charles City M S. Forest City M S. Fort Dodge M S. Lake Mills Mason City M S. Mason City Newman Mason City Newman M S North Central Osage M S. Rockwell-Swaledale Rockwell-Swaledale M. St. Ansgar S C M T Ventura Waterloo East Waverly-Shell Rock Waverly-Shell Rock M. Rrmr Individuals PLACE FINISHER TIME 1. Cedar Falls 1 Jessi Steward, 10 16:46 2 Megan Hullerman, 10 16:51 3 Katie Kelly, 11 17:17 4 Anna Twito, 12 17:20 5 Katy Myers, 12 17:20 6 Jenny Alfrey, 10 17:23 9 Rachel Hanus, 10 17:44 Total Time = 85:33 Total Places = 15 2. Marshalltown 8 Melissa Clement, 12 17:40 11 Brianne Knutson, 9 17:55 12 Megan Stanton, 9 17:56 15 Leah Chyma, 10 18:21 22 Kristin Skaar, 11 18:55 26 Heidi Heil, 11 19:11 27 Jenni Dittus, 11 19:12 Total Time = 90:45 Total Places = 68 3. Fort Dodge 7 Dyann Peterson, 11 17:24 10 Severie Orngard, 9 17:50 16 Kathryn Dillon, 9 18:25 17 Karine Grindberg, 11 18:32 43 Kelsi Burbank, 9 19:46 44 Megan Batcheller, 9 19:47 45 Hallie Lehman, 11 19:50 Total Time = 91:56 Total Places = 93 4. Mason City 20 Brittney Shirk, 12 18:47 23 Sam Haas, 9 18:55 24 Brooke Fuchs, 12 18:57 25 Kaylinn Clausen, 10 19:09 32 Danielle Miller, 11 19:18 38 Kelly Harbacheck, 12 19:32 40 Jessica Polzin, 12 19:38 Total Time = 95:05 Total Places = 124 5. Forest City 19 Krista Kampman, 10 18:45 21 Beth Ann Keller, 11 18:48 28 Tori Sunde, 10 19:12 29 Abby Hanson, 10 19:13 30 Rachelle Hanselman, 9 19:17 33 Nikki Gray, 9 19:19 47 Amy Osheim, 9 19:55 Total Time = 95:14 Total Places = 127 6. New Hampton 13 Sam Boos, 10 18:18 34 Andrea Shekleton, 11 19:19 35 Robyn Kolbet, 12 19:26 41 Jenna Snyder, 12 19:41 42 Maggie Hugeback, 10 19:44 50 Cassie Smith, 9 20:09 51 Leah Gebel, 9 20:42 Total Time = 96:25 Total Places = 165 7. Waterloo West 14 Anna Sanger, 10 18:19 39 Catherine Whiting, 12 19:35 46 Kristi Anderson, 10 19:54 48 Lindsey Shepard, 10 20:00 49 Nikki Hastings, 12 20:08 52 Bethany Coleman, 11 20:56 60 Stephanie Mayne, 12 23:32 Total Time = 97:53 Total Places = 196 8. Osage 53 Alyson Spitz, 9 20:58 54 Amanda Sprau, 11 20:59 55 Hannah Chodur, 9 21:38 57 Megan McCombs, 9 22:31 59 Ashley Hemann, 11 23:27 Total Time = 109:32 Total Places = 278 Top TEAM PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME TEAM 1 1 Jessi Steward, 10 16:46 Cedar Falls 2 2 Megan Hullerman, 10 16:51 Cedar Falls 3 3 Katie Kelly, 11 17:17 Cedar Falls 4 4 Anna Twito, 12 17:20 Cedar Falls 5 5 Katy Myers, 12 17:20 Cedar Falls 6 6 Jenny Alfrey, 10 17:23 Cedar Falls 7 7 Dyann Peterson, 11 17:24 Fort Dodge 8 8 Melissa Clement, 12 17:40 Marshalltown 9 9 Rachel Hanus, 10 17:44 Cedar Falls 10 Bobbie Humble, 11 17:48 Cedar Falls 11 10 Severie Orngard, 9 17:50 Fort Dodge 12 Jordan Galles, 9 17:50 Cedar Falls 13 Ashley Zhorne, 10 17:54 Cedar Falls 14 11 Brianne Knutson, 9 17:55 Marshalltown 15 Nicole Steils, 11 17:55 Cedar Falls 16 12 Megan Stanton, 9 17:56 Marshalltown 17 Kathryn Graen, 9 18:09 Cedar Falls 18 Renee Miller, 10 18:11 Cedar Falls 19 Jane Preston, 11 18:15 Cedar Falls 20 13 Sam Boos, 10 18:18 New Hampton 21 14 Anna Sanger, 10 18:19 Waterloo West 22 Jamie Siers, 12 18:21 Cedar Falls 23 15 Leah Chyma, 10 18:21 Marshalltown 24 Nikki Valentine, 10 18:23 Cedar Falls 25 Jenny Pelleymounter, 10 18:24 Cedar Falls 26 Kellie Kirkle, 10 18:25 Cedar Falls 27 Brenna Waack, 12 18:25 Cedar Falls 28 16 Kathryn Dillon, 9 18:25 Fort Dodge 29 17 Karine Grindberg, 11 18:32 Fort Dodge 30 18 Kelly Franzen, 9 18:38 Waverly-Shell Rock 31 19 Krista Kampman, 10 18:45 Forest City 32 20 Brittney Shirk, 12 18:47 Mason City 33 21 Beth Ann Keller, 11 18:48 Forest City 34 Laura Formanek, 10 18:51 Cedar Falls 35 Emily White, 12 18:53 Cedar Falls 36 Amy Bangston, 10 18:54 Cedar Falls 37 22 Kristin Skaar, 11 18:55 Marshalltown 38 23 Sam Haas, 9 18:55 Mason City 39 24 Brooke Fuchs, 12 18:57 Mason City 40 Libby Reindl, 10 19:01 Cedar Falls 41 25 Kaylinn Clausen, 10 19:09 Mason City 42 26 Heidi Heil, 11 19:11 Marshalltown 43 27 Jenni Dittus, 11 19:12 Marshalltown 44 28 Tori Sunde, 10 19:12 Forest City 45 29 Abby Hanson, 10 19:13 Forest City 46 30 Rachelle Hanselman, 9 19:17 Forest City 47 31 Jacque Poole, 12 19:18 Ventura 48 32 Danielle Miller, 11 19:18 Mason City 49 33 Nikki Gray, 9 19:19 Forest City 50 34 Andrea Shekleton, 11 19:19 New Hampton 51 Brittney Highland, 11 19:21 Cedar Falls 52 Kelly Davison, 11 19:23 Cedar Falls 53 35 Robyn Kolbet, 12 19:26 New Hampton 54 Lisa Odor, 12 19:26 Marshalltown 55 36 Shanna Boehnke, 11 19:28 Ventura 56 Michelle Formanek, 11 19:28 Cedar Falls 57 37 Lindsay Taylor, 12 19:29 Ventura 58 38 Kelly Harbacheck, 12 19:32 Mason City 59 39 Catherine Whiting, 12 19:35 Waterloo West 60 Angela Heil, 9 19:36 Marshalltown 61 40 Jessica Polzin, 12 19:38 Mason City 62 41 Jenna Snyder, 12 19:41 New Hampton 63 Danielle Alexander, 9 19:43 Marshalltown 64 42 Maggie Hugeback, 10 19:44 New Hampton 65 Emily Lakey, 12 19:44 Marshalltown 66 Rachel Trampel, 10 19:45 Cedar Falls 67 Marie Hicok, 9 19:45 Mason City 68 Jenna Despenas, 11 19:46 Mason City 69 43 Kelsi Burbank, 9 19:46 Fort Dodge 70 44 Megan Batcheller, 9 19:47 Fort Dodge 71 45 Hallie Lehman, 11 19:50 Fort Dodge 72 46 Kristi Anderson, 10 19:54 Waterloo West 73 47 Amy Osheim, 9 19:55 Forest City 74 Rene Kidwell, 12 19:56 Forest City 75 Rachel Jensen, 9 19:58 Cedar Falls 76 48 Lindsey Shepard, 10 20:00 Waterloo West 77 Caitlin Glade, 9 20:03 Cedar Falls 78 Kirsten Cobb, 10 20:06 Mason City 79 Erin Taylor, 9 20:07 Fort Dodge 80 49 Nikki Hastings, 12 20:08 Waterloo West 81 Ashley Tarbox, 9 20:08 Fort Dodge 82 Amanda Korth, 11 20:08 Forest City 83 50 Cassie Smith, 9 20:09 New Hampton 84 Brynn Lantz, 12 20:10 Cedar Falls 85 Brianna Shriver, 10 20:13 Fort Dodge 86 Alyssa McGuire, 12 20:14 Forest City 87 Kristen Swartley, 12 20:20 Cedar Falls 88 Rachel Feltman, 11 20:20 Fort Dodge 89 Julie Reid, 11 20:27 Cedar Falls 90 Kaylee Davenport, 10 20:30 Cedar Falls 91 Amy Van Hoozer, 12 20:31 Cedar Falls 92 Kelli Jacobs, 11 20:34 Forest City 93 Anne Secor, 10 20:36 Fort Dodge 94 Emily Heying, 10 20:37 Marshalltown 95 51 Leah Gebel, 9 20:42 New Hampton 96 Marie Spies, 12 20:49 Marshalltown 97 Whitney Pierson, 11 20:50 Forest City 98 Alyssa Ames, 10 20:50 Mason City 99 Christi Dittus, 12 20:54 Marshalltown 100 Kayla Seil., 11 20:56 Fort Dodge 101 52 Bethany Coleman, 11 20:56 Waterloo West 102 53 Alyson Spitz, 9 20:58 Osage 103 54 Amanda Sprau, 11 20:59 Osage 104 Justina Hoy, 10 20:59 Mason City 105 Jessica Johnson, 10 21:02 Fort Dodge 106 Steph Lantz, 10 21:11 Cedar Falls 107 Becca Helmer, 10 21:11 Marshalltown 108 Megan Rutzmoser, 10 21:12 Cedar Falls 109 Jenny Howard, 11 21:12 Cedar Falls 110 Erin Koelling, 11 21:23 Cedar Falls 111 Jen Arends, 11 21:35 Forest City 112 Brooke Carlson, 10 21:35 Fort Dodge 113 55 Hannah Chodur, 9 21:38 Osage 114 Jennifer Martin, 9 21:39 Fort Dodge 115 Danielle Hill, 12 21:41 Mason City 116 Angie DiMarco, 10 21:42 Mason City 117 Karen Mortensen, 10 21:42 Fort Dodge 118 MacKenzie Kelly, 12 21:43 Cedar Falls 119 Molly Grady, 9 21:46 Marshalltown 120 Alyshia Katz, 11 21:48 Mason City 121 Megan Dakken, 11 21:48 Forest City 122 Maria Pratt, 12 21:49 Cedar Falls 123 56 Antin Liedtke, 11 21:51 Charles City 124 Margaret Clark, 9 21:56 Marshalltown 125 Sarah Wistrick, 12 21:57 Mason City 126 Allison Larson, 10 22:00 Fort Dodge 127 Paige Hanson, 10 22:18 New Hampton 128 57 Megan McCombs, 9 22:31 Osage 129 Chelsea Dralle, 10 22:37 Mason City 130 Kiristen Engel, 9 22:59 New Hampton 131 Val Miller, 9 23:07 Forest City 132 Maggie Nuese, 11 23:08 Marshalltown 133 Signe Johnson, 10 23:14 Forest City 134 Andrea Mack, 9 23:15 New Hampton 135 58 Megan Kennedy, 12 23:21 Mason City Newman 136 59 Ashley Hemann, 11 23:27 Osage 137 60 Stephanie Mayne, 12 23:32 Waterloo West 138 61 Alli Vaith, 12 23:34 Mason City Newman 139 Jenny Anderson, 12 24:13 Mason City 140 62 Kirsten Nystrom, 11 24:14 Mason City Newman 141 Jonah Roe, 9 24:25 Fort Dodge 142 Cristy Tlusty, 9 24:26 Mason City 143 Leah Soderberg, 12 24:29 Marshalltown 144 Catherine Sandven, 9 24:33 Fort Dodge 145 Ashley Egesdal, 11 24:35 Forest City 146 Lucy Kenealy, 11 24:43 Cedar Falls |