CIML Central XC Championships - 9/10 Boys

SE Polk High School

Oct. 16, 2003

60 degrees and windy

Results by Cal Murdock

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Varsity Girls

Varsity Boys

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  1   Ankeny                   15    1    2    3    4    5    6    8   18:49      1:03
  2   Johnston                 69    7    9   10   21   22   24   26   20:08      2:37
  3   Dowling                  75   13   14   15   16   17   18   20   20:09        39
  4   Indianola                90   11   12   19   23   25   27        20:53      2:53

S E Polk


1. Ankeny
    1  Jon Wignes, So              18:03  
    2  Kyle Olson, Fr              18:53  
    3  Peter Wilton, So            19:02  
    4  Kris Spoth, So              19:04  
    5  Grady Henry, Fr             19:05  
    6  Andrew Jorgensen, Fr        19:07  
    8  Dean Porter, So             19:14  
Time = 1:34:05     Places = 15

2. Johnston
    7  Brian Underwood, So         19:10  
    9  Jay Quick, Fr               19:21  
   10  Colby Emitt, So             19:22  
   21  Ricky Rodriguez, Fr         21:04  
   22  Matt Meyers, So             21:46  
   24  Jeff Rasmusson, Fr          22:05  
   26  Joey Verrant, So            22:27  
Time = 1:40:40     Places = 69

3. Dowling
   13  Tim McLaughlin, So          19:44  
   14  Andrew Bishop, So           20:09  
   15  Zac Holland, So             20:13  
   16  John Collier, Fr            20:14  
   17  Jack Bush, Fr               20:23  
   18  Jim Selner, So              20:55  
   20  Finley Sesker, Fr           21:03  
Time = 1:40:42     Places = 75

4. Indianola
   11  Joey Bradley, So            19:25  
   12  Ben Witmer, So              19:41  
   19  Micah Seuferer, Fr          20:59  
   23  Brian McDonough, So         22:02  
   25  J B Law, So                 22:18  
   27  Josh Veasman, So            25:33  
Time = 1:44:23     Places = 90

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Jon Wignes, So              18:03    Ankeny
    2     2  Kyle Olson, Fr              18:53    Ankeny
    3     3  Peter Wilton, So            19:02    Ankeny
    4     4  Kris Spoth, So              19:04    Ankeny
    5     5  Grady Henry, Fr             19:05    Ankeny
    6     6  Andrew Jorgensen, Fr        19:07    Ankeny
    7     7  Brian Underwood, So         19:10    Johnston
    8     8  Dean Porter, So             19:14    Ankeny
    9     9  Jay Quick, Fr               19:21    Johnston
   10    10  Colby Emitt, So             19:22    Johnston
   11    11  Joey Bradley, So            19:25    Indianola
   12    12  Ben Witmer, So              19:41    Indianola
   13    13  Tim McLaughlin, So          19:44    Dowling
   14        Dusty Nesheim, Fr           19:47    S E Polk
   15        John Echer, Fr              19:55    Ankeny
   16        Andrew White, Fr            20:01    Ankeny
   17        Jacob Frericks, Fr          20:02    Ankeny
   18        Austin Tegels, So           20:03    Ankeny
   19        Micah Beeman, Fr            20:07    Ankeny
   20    14  Andrew Bishop, So           20:09    Dowling
   21    15  Zac Holland, So             20:13    Dowling
   22    16  John Collier, Fr            20:14    Dowling
   23    17  Jack Bush, Fr               20:23    Dowling
   24        Mitch Froehle, So           20:28    Ankeny
   25        Justin Olk, Fr              20:30    Ankeny
   26        Mark Stefl, Fr              20:41    S E Polk
   27        Matt Porter, Fr             20:49    Ankeny
   28    18  Jim Selner, So              20:55    Dowling
   29    19  Micah Seuferer, Fr          20:59    Indianola
   30    20  Finley Sesker, Fr           21:03    Dowling
   31    21  Ricky Rodriguez, Fr         21:04    Johnston
   32        Adam Dolan, Fr              21:04    Dowling
   33        Steve Garnes, Fr            21:08    Ankeny
   34        Michael Bernard, Fr         21:10    Ankeny
   35        Luke Kimmes, Fr             21:14    Dowling
   36        Jakes Nilles, Fr            21:18    Ankeny
   37        Dennis Krieger, So          21:27    S E Polk
   38        Chase Clemens, So           21:27    Ankeny
   39        Matt Jones, So              21:31    Ankeny
   40        Jeremy Venable, Fr          21:32    Ankeny
   41        Joe Phearman, Fr            21:32    Ankeny
   42        Andrew Kohlsdorf, So        21:39    Ankeny
   43    22  Matt Meyers, So             21:46    Johnston
   44    23  Brian McDonough, So         22:02    Indianola
   45        Michael Donahue, Fr         22:02    Dowling
   46        Alex Dietz, So              22:03    Ankeny
   47    24  Jeff Rasmusson, Fr          22:05    Johnston
   48        Dan Wiedmeier, So           22:18    Ankeny
   49    25  J B Law, So                 22:18    Indianola
   50    26  Joey Verrant, So            22:27    Johnston
   51        Alex Green, Fr              22:37    Ankeny
   52        Dane Seaberg, Fr            22:47    Johnston
   53        Corey Bonnanno, Fr          23:40    Dowling
   54        Dylan Rolfes, Fr            23:47    Dowling
   55        Andrew Prather, So          23:47    Ankeny
   56        Jeff Nelson, Fr             23:48    Ankeny
   57        Ben Mueller, Fr             24:24    Ankeny
   58        Ian Crankshaw, So           24:30    S E Polk
   59        John Liston, So             25:05    Dowling
   60        Tim Gannon, So              25:09    Johnston
   61    27  Josh Veasman, So            25:33    Indianola
   62        Mark Treska, So             25:34    Dowling
   63        Andrew Ott, So              25:34    Dowling
   64        Logan Fiala, So             25:44    Johnston
   65        Zach Cooper, So             25:56    Johnston
   66        Paul Nesbit, Fr             26:02    Dowling
   67        John Pietzman, Fr           26:25    Johnston
   68        Tom Downey, So              29:09    Dowling


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