Oct. 2, 2003


Results by CAL MURDOCK

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys


Vars. Boys

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  1   Ankeny                   18    1    2    4    5    6    7   10   17:57      1:05
  2   Ames                     97    3   15   17   23   39   40   45   19:09      2:46
  3   Dowling                  99    9   16   19   22   33   34   35   19:17      1:37
  4   Valley                  110    8   18   27   28   29   37   46   19:31      1:31
  5   Johnston                126   12   13   14   38   49   52   54   19:35      2:35
  6   Mason City              140   21   25   26   32   36   47   51   19:57        48
  7   S E Polk                158   20   24   30   31   53             20:34      4:09
  8   Roosevelt               181   11   41   42   43   44   48   50   20:17      2:14



1. Ankeny
    1  Jon Wignes, So              17:19  
    2  Kyle Olson, Fr              17:40  
    4  Jon Erdahl, Fr              18:02  
    5  Kris Spoth, So              18:20  
    6  Nick Borchert, So           18:23  
    7  Dean Porter, So             18:27  
   10  Grady Henry, Fr             18:32  
Time = 1:29:41     Places = 18

2. Ames
    3  Brandon Long, So            17:42  
   15  Greg Shirbroun, So          18:52  
   17  John Fitzsimmons, Fr        18:58  
   23  Michael Dunlay, So          19:45  
   39  Nathaniel Behning, Fr       20:27  
   40  Rich Gaunt, Fr              20:31  
   45  Zach Borgg, Fr              20:50  
Time = 1:35:41     Places = 97

3. Dowling
    9  Andrew Bishop, So           18:32  
   16  Tim McLaughlin, So          18:53  
   19  Zac Holland, So             19:11  
   22  John Collier, Fr            19:39  
   33  Jack Bush, Fr               20:08  
   34  Finley Sesker, Fr           20:12  
   35  Adam Dolan, Fr              20:12  
Time = 1:36:21     Places = 99

4. Valley
    8  Andrew Buntz, Fr            18:28  
   18  Asa Ireland, So             19:10  
   27  Ben Wilson, So              19:57  
   28  Chris Degroot, Fr           19:58  
   29  Greg Swanson, So            19:59  
   37  Nick Connolly, So           20:21  
   46  John Wilch, So              20:55  
Time = 1:37:31     Places = 110

5. Johnston
   12  Jay Quick, Fr               18:41  
   13  Brian Underwood, So         18:42  
   14  Colby Emitt, So             18:50  
   38  Dane Seaberg, Fr            20:25  
   49  Tim Gannon, So              21:15  
   52  Joey Verrant, So            21:55  
   54  Dylan Kimsey, So            24:17  
Time = 1:37:51     Places = 126

6. Mason City
   21  Zach Thompson, So           19:33  
   25  Zane Hugo, Fr               19:48  
   26  Ben Nolan, Fr               19:57  
   32  Clint Meinecke, So          20:07  
   36  Grant Nelson, So            20:20  
   47  Andrew Starkey, So          21:07  
   51  William Jellema, Fr         21:46  
Time = 1:39:43     Places = 140

7. S E Polk
   20  Mac Roepke, So              19:26  
   24  Dusty Nesheim, Fr           19:47  
   30  Mark Stefl, Fr              20:01  
   31  Dennis Krieger, So          20:05  
   53  Ian Crankshaw, So           23:34  
Time = 1:42:50     Places = 158

8. Roosevelt
   11  Jon Waters, Fr              18:36  
   41  Ben Wedeking, Fr            20:34  
   42  Sergio Daniel, Fr           20:43  
   43  Justin Plasket, Fr          20:45  
   44  Thi Nguyen, So              20:49  
   48  Sam Lepley, Fr              21:08  
   50  Dylan Heuer, Fr             21:18  
Time = 1:41:25     Places = 181

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Jon Wignes, So              17:19    Ankeny
    2     2  Kyle Olson, Fr              17:40    Ankeny
    3     3  Brandon Long, So            17:42    Ames
    4     4  Jon Erdahl, Fr              18:02    Ankeny
    5     5  Kris Spoth, So              18:20    Ankeny
    6     6  Nick Borchert, So           18:23    Ankeny
    7     7  Dean Porter, So             18:27    Ankeny
    8     8  Andrew Buntz, Fr            18:28    Valley
    9     9  Andrew Bishop, So           18:32    Dowling
   10    10  Grady Henry, Fr             18:32    Ankeny
   11        Andrew Jorgensen, Fr        18:35    Ankeny
   12        Peter Wilton, So            18:36    Ankeny
   13    11  Jon Waters, Fr              18:36    Roosevelt
   14    12  Jay Quick, Fr               18:41    Johnston
   15    13  Brian Underwood, So         18:42    Johnston
   16    14  Colby Emitt, So             18:50    Johnston
   17    15  Greg Shirbroun, So          18:52    Ames
   18    16  Tim McLaughlin, So          18:53    Dowling
   19    17  John Fitzsimmons, Fr        18:58    Ames
   20        Andrew White, Fr            19:02    Ankeny
   21        Micah Beeman, Fr            19:03    Ankeny
   22    18  Asa Ireland, So             19:10    Valley
   23    19  Zac Holland, So             19:11    Dowling
   24        Jacob Frericks, Fr          19:24    Ankeny
   25        Michael Bernard, Fr         19:25    Ankeny
   26    20  Mac Roepke, So              19:26    S E Polk
   27        John Echer, Fr              19:26    Ankeny
   28        Justin Olk, Fr              19:28    Ankeny
   29    21  Zach Thompson, So           19:33    Mason City
   30        Matt Porter, Fr             19:35    Ankeny
   31    22  John Collier, Fr            19:39    Dowling
   32    23  Michael Dunlay, So          19:45    Ames
   33    24  Dusty Nesheim, Fr           19:47    S E Polk
   34        Austin Tegels, So           19:48    Ankeny
   35    25  Zane Hugo, Fr               19:48    Mason City
   36    26  Ben Nolan, Fr               19:57    Mason City
   37    27  Ben Wilson, So              19:57    Valley
   38        Joe Phearman, Fr            19:58    Ankeny
   39    28  Chris Degroot, Fr           19:58    Valley
   40    29  Greg Swanson, So            19:59    Valley
   41    30  Mark Stefl, Fr              20:01    S E Polk
   42        Mitch Froehle, So           20:01    Ankeny
   43    31  Dennis Krieger, So          20:05    S E Polk
   44    32  Clint Meinecke, So          20:07    Mason City
   45    33  Jack Bush, Fr               20:08    Dowling
   46        Jakes Nilles, Fr            20:09    Ankeny
   47        Steve Garnes, Fr            20:10    Ankeny
   48    34  Finley Sesker, Fr           20:12    Dowling
   49    35  Adam Dolan, Fr              20:12    Dowling
   50    36  Grant Nelson, So            20:20    Mason City
   51    37  Nick Connolly, So           20:21    Valley
   52        Kenyon Murphy, Fr           20:23    Hoover
   53        Chase Clemens, So           20:24    Ankeny
   54    38  Dane Seaberg, Fr            20:25    Johnston
   55        Jim Selner, So              20:27    Dowling
   56    39  Nathaniel Behning, Fr       20:27    Ames
   57        Todd Gaffney, So            20:30    Dowling
   58    40  Rich Gaunt, Fr              20:31    Ames
   59        Luke Kimmes, Fr             20:33    Dowling
   60    41  Ben Wedeking, Fr            20:34    Roosevelt
   61    42  Sergio Daniel, Fr           20:43    Roosevelt
   62        Dan Wiedmeier, So           20:43    Ankeny
   63    43  Justin Plasket, Fr          20:45    Roosevelt
   64    44  Thi Nguyen, So              20:49    Roosevelt
   65    45  Zach Borgg, Fr              20:50    Ames
   66        Andrew Kohlsdorf, So        20:50    Ankeny
   67    46  John Wilch, So              20:55    Valley
   68        Michael Donahue, Fr         21:04    Dowling
   69        Alex Dietz, So              21:04    Ankeny
   70        Alex Brase, Fr              21:05    Valley
   71    47  Andrew Starkey, So          21:07    Mason City
   72    48  Sam Lepley, Fr              21:08    Roosevelt
   73        Cole Peiffer, So            21:15    Ames
   74    49  Tim Gannon, So              21:15    Johnston
   75        Ryan Pool, So               21:16    Ames
   76    50  Dylan Heuer, Fr             21:18    Roosevelt
   77        Jason Misra, So             21:21    Ames
   78        Alex Green, Fr              21:21    Ankeny
   79        Matt Rodger, So             21:22    Ames
   80        Zach Hostetter, So          21:33    Valley
   81        Matt Jones, So              21:35    Ankeny
   82        Seth Sadler, So             21:37    Roosevelt
   83    51  William Jellema, Fr         21:46    Mason City
   84    52  Joey Verrant, So            21:55    Johnston
   85        Dillon Schade, Fr           22:11    Mason City
   86        Joe Wheelock, Fr            22:11    Ames
   87        Andrew Prather, So          22:29    Ankeny
   88        Ben Mueller, Fr             22:30    Ankeny
   89        David Mayes, Fr             22:30    Ames
   90        Wern Ong, Fr                22:41    Ames
   91        Corey Bonnanno, Fr          22:44    Dowling
   92        John Liston, So             22:47    Dowling
   93        Dan Green, So               22:47    Dowling
   94        Andrew Ott, So              22:48    Dowling
   95        Nick Romsey, Fr             22:51    Ames
   96        Jarrett Wendt, So           22:56    Ames
   97        Sean Siberski, Fr           22:56    Ames
   98        Bo Peng, Fr                 23:01    Ames
   99        Jeremiah Grinvalds, So      23:08    Valley
  100        Mark Treska, So             23:23    Dowling
  101        Mark Richman, Fr            23:33    Roosevelt
  102    53  Ian Crankshaw, So           23:34    S E Polk
  103        Scott Carroll, So           23:42    Hoover
  104        Joesphy Fuller, Fr          23:47    Ames
  105        Jeff Nelson, Fr             24:11    Ankeny
  106    54  Dylan Kimsey, So            24:17    Johnston
  107        Zach Cooper, So             24:33    Johnston
  108        John Pietzman, Fr           24:39    Johnston
  109        Logan Fiala, So             25:11    Johnston
  110        Colin Albough, Fr           25:13    Roosevelt
  111        Ryan Peer, Fr               25:23    Roosevelt
  112        Jacob Pleasants, Fr         25:23    Ames
  113        Joe Burkle, Fr              25:50    Dowling
  114        Ryan McCormick, Fr          25:51    Roosevelt
  115        Nate Tyler, So              25:56    Hoover
  116        Tom Hurley, Fr              26:09    Mason City
  117        Tom Downey, So              26:39    Dowling
  118        Ben Wolf, Fr                    Roosevelt


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