Urbandale XC Classic Boys 9/10

Urbandale High School

Sept. 5, 2002
warm and partly sunny
Results by CMac

Girls 9-10

Girls 11-12

Girls Overall

Boys 9-10

Boys 11-12

Boys Overall

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  1   Johnston                 36    3    5    6    9   13   14   15   18:26      1:33
  2   Dowling                  71    7   10   11   16   27   28   29   19:15      1:27
  3   Roosevelt                84    1    2   20   25   36   42   47   19:00      5:15
  4   Adm                     115    8   12   23   35   37   45   46   20:12      2:57
  5   Lincoln                 132   21   22   24   26   39   51   54   20:24      2:09
  6   Se Polk                 155    4   18   33   40   60             21:16      7:36
  7   Boone                   171   17   19   41   44   50   52   53   21:20      3:29
  8   Urbandale               193   30   34   38   43   48   55   57   21:46      2:19
  9   Creston                 226   31   32   49   56   58   59   61   22:27      3:33

Nodaway Valley
Martensdale-St. Marys

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Jon Thomas, So              16:29    Roosevelt
    2     2  Kiel Uhl, So                16:56    Roosevelt
    3     3  Daniel Gillaspy, So         17:31    Johnston
    4     4  Jon Aldrich, So             18:07    Se Polk
    5     5  Cody Fritz, So              18:18    Johnston
    6     6  Kory Ross, So               18:22    Johnston
    7        Mark Holan, Fr              18:33    Nodaway Valley
    8     7  Jacob Kimmes, So            18:44    Dowling
    9     8  Thomas Robertson, So        18:49    Adm
   10     9  Alex Kron, Fr               18:55    Johnston
   11    10  Jon Anderson, So            18:58    Dowling
   12    11  Evan Schwartz, So           19:01    Dowling
   13    12  Mark Neuman Lee, So         19:02    Adm
   14    13  Mike Heilman, So            19:03    Johnston
   15    14  Jordan Seaberg, So          19:04    Johnston
   16    15  Jake Haden, So              19:10    Johnston
   17    16  David Lantz, Fr             19:19    Dowling
   18        Nyok Mathak, So             19:29    East
   19    17  Jerimi Marr, So             19:29    Boone
   20    18  Jim Aldrich, Fr             19:37    Se Polk
   21        Joe Thuente, So             19:38    Johnston
   22        Erik Holt, So               19:39    Johnston
   23    19  Andrew Erb, So              19:40    Boone
   24    20  Tim Weiland, So             19:44    Roosevelt
   25    21  Brent McDonough, Fr         19:49    Lincoln
   26        Brandon Gantt, Fr           19:54    Johnston
   27    22  Robbie Horn, So             19:56    Lincoln
   28    23  Derek Wilkerson, Fr         20:01    Adm
   29    24  Todd Renier, Fr             20:05    Lincoln
   30    25  Mike Brown, So              20:09    Roosevelt
   31    26  Forrest Parsons, Fr         20:10    Lincoln
   32    27  Zac Holland, Fr             20:11    Dowling
   33        James Armstead, So          20:20    Nodaway Valley
   34    28  Andrew Bishop, Fr           20:24    Dowling
   35        Trevor Kruger, So           20:25    Johnston
   36        Adam Morfand, So            20:28    Earlham
   37    29  Sam Knoblauch, Fr           20:32    Dowling
   38    30  Andrew Trentmann, So        20:34    Urbandale
   39        Ed Bleimehl, So             20:38    Dowling
   40    31  Caleb Carroll, So           20:41    Creston
   41    32  Matt Hudson, So             20:43    Creston
   42        Brian Underwood, Fr         20:44    Johnston
   43        Jie Bush, So                20:47    Dowling
   44        Peter Ostiguy, Fr           20:47    Johnston
   45        Peter Blutt, Fr             20:52    Johnston
   46    33  Aaron Swigart, Fr           20:56    Se Polk
   47        Jim Selner, Fr              20:57    Dowling
   48        Kyle Sell, Fr               21:12    Johnston
   49    34  Steve Lischer, Fr           21:13    Urbandale
   50        Spencer Herrstrom, Fr       21:20    Dowling
   51    35  Michael Depue, Fr           21:22    Adm
   52        David Schildberg, So        21:27    Nodaway Valley
   53        Ben Morrill, So             21:39    Johnston
   54    36  Corey Uhl, So               21:43    Roosevelt
   55    37  Spenser Frank, So           21:46    Adm
   56        Tom Danielson, So           21:50    Johnston
   57    38  Ben Davidson, Fr            21:52    Urbandale
   58    39  Athen Kimberlain, So        21:58    Lincoln
   59    40  Mac Roepke, Fr              21:59    Se Polk
   60    41  Brice Van Roekel, So        22:07    Boone
   61        Dylan Kimsey, Fr            22:12    Johnston
   62        T J. O'Brien, So            22:14    Martensdale-St. Marys
   63    42  Andrew Tatge, So            22:15    Roosevelt
   64        Alex Hammer, So             22:16    Johnston
   65    43  Ben Kester, So              22:19    Urbandale
   66    44  Scott Nystrom, So           22:25    Boone
   67    45  Ben Swinger, Fr             22:36    Adm
   68    46  Zach Bruce, So              22:44    Adm
   69    47  Ramsey Carey, Fr            22:45    Roosevelt
   70        Brock Brones, So            22:50    Johnston
   71    48  Nat Wunsch, Fr              22:52    Urbandale
   72        Nick Bussanmus, So          22:55    Johnston
   73        Dan Green, Fr               22:56    Dowling
   74    49  Lucas Martin, Fr            22:57    Creston
   75    50  Ross Tuttle, Fr             22:58    Boone
   76        Andrew Tait, So             23:00    Dowling
   77        Tyler Swett, So             23:01    Johnston
   78        Colby Elmitt, Fr            23:03    Johnston
   79    51  Cole Gabriel, So            23:03    Lincoln
   80        Andrew Ott, Fr              23:06    Dowling
   81        Steven Walter, So           23:07    Johnston
   82        Tim Gannon, Fr              23:07    Johnston
   83    52  Jacob Klesel, Fr            23:10    Boone
   84        Todd Gaffney, Fr            23:11    Dowling
   85    53  Josh Ladd, Fr               23:18    Boone
   86        Ben Harris, So              23:27    Dowling
   87        John Liston, Fr             23:29    Dowling
   88        Chris Sande, So             23:29    Adm
   89    54  Chris Madden, Fr            23:35    Lincoln
   90    55  Travis Smith, Fr            23:36    Urbandale
   91    56  Andy Jennett, Fr            23:40    Creston
   92        Matt Bole, So               23:48    Johnston
   93        Kirk Reisetter, Fr          23:51    Adm
   94    57  Blake Weirs, Fr             23:59    Urbandale
   95        Matt Wilcox, Fr             24:06    Adm
   96    58  Sam Johnson, So             24:14    Creston
   97        Charlie Fitzgerald, Fr      24:31    Boone
   98        Cory Sherwood, Fr           24:34    Martensdale-St. Marys
   99        Chris Moore, So             24:50    East
  100        David Nelms, So             24:55    Urbandale
  101        Drew Demery, Fr             25:08    Boone
  102    59  Jacob Schierbaum, Fr        25:28    Creston
  103    60  Ian Crankshaw, Fr           25:42    Se Polk
  104    61  Colby Nordyke, So           25:43    Creston
  105        Brendon Swett, So           25:51    Johnston
  106        Kyle Johnson, Fr            26:01    Dowling
  107        Matt Bata, So               26:02    Dowling
  108        Ed Duea, Fr                 26:16    Earlham
  109        Zach Cooper, Fr             26:31    Johnston
  110        Kyle Cox, Fr                26:31    Roosevelt
  111        Nick Walker, Fr             26:33    Roosevelt
  112        Jonathan Taoke, Fr          26:36    North
  113        Zach Reese, Fr              26:37    East
  114        Nolan Walker, So            26:37    East
  115        John Messina, Fr            26:50    Roosevelt
  116        Zach Swoyer, So             26:51    Johnston
  117        Matt Martz, So              27:02    North
  118        Jermy Perkins, So           27:10    Martensdale-St. Marys
  119        Mitch Cline, So             27:49    Johnston
  120        Nick Juelsgaard, So         28:56    Creston
  121        Jason Fry, So               29:32    Johnston
  122        Kyle Puhl, Fr               30:11    Boone


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