Row Labels Sum of Age Sum of Bib Sum of Time Spouse Teams Bibs Comb Age Comb. time Indv. time
spo3 1st Michael Seufert/Amy Seufert 264/263 76 60.74 30.37
Michael Seufert 39 264 28.29 2nd Amanda Harker/Devin Harker 238/237 60 61.18 30.59
Amy Seufert 37 263 32.45 3rd Joanne Hutchison/Gary Hutchison 286/287 129 72.37 36.19
spo3 Total 76 527 60.74
spo1 Select all SPO buttons on right spo1, spo2, spo3Éspo8
Amanda Harker 28 238 29.18 Ctrl+ click to select mutiple buttons
Devin Harker 32 237 32 Shift+click to select a range
spo1 Total 60 475 61.18
Joanne Hutchison 63 286 31.09
Gary Hutchison 66 287 41.28
spo4 Total 129 573 72.37
Kim Walker 63 254 56.45
Steve Walker 64 255 56.45
spo2 Total 127 509 112.9
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