Augustine Invitational Boys
Junior Varsity

Iowa State Fairgrounds

Varsity Here

Oct. 5, 2000
Results by CMac Running Service

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  1   Ames                     15    1    2    3    4    5    7   10   17:52        22
  2   Lincoln                  64    8    9   13   16   18   19   20   18:47        55
  3   Johnston                 79   11   14   15   17   22   24   33   19:10      1:48
  4   Dowling                  93    6   12   21   26   28   29   30   19:37      2:31
  5   Hoover                  153   23   25   31   36   38   39   40   20:55      1:26
  6   East                    165   27   32   34   35   37   41   42   21:07      1:06


1. Ames
    1  Ben Bryden, Jr              17:37  
    2  Doug Moore, Jr              17:52  
    3  Gavin White                 17:53  
    4  Ben Gaul, Jr                17:57  
    5  Jon Sargent, Sr             17:59  
    7  Ben Cheney, So              18:19  
   10  Brent Trevillyan, So        18:26  
Time = 1:29:16     Places = 15

2. Lincoln
    8  Jesse Bales, Fr             18:23  
    9  Tyler Tran, Fr              18:24  
   13  Mike Adams, So              18:42  
   16  Andrew Faulkner-Hunnell, Fr 19:08  
   18  Josh Bernard, Fr            19:17  
   19  Corey Dickerson, So         19:24  
   20  Brandon McDonough, Fr       19:24  
Time = 1:33:52     Places = 64

3. Johnston
   11  Siman Pein, Sr              18:28  
   14  Kyle Foshe, Fr              18:58  
   15  David Fella, So             18:58  
   17  Chris Meade, So             19:11  
   22  Andy Uchytil, So            20:16  
   24  Jim Mahony, Fr              20:30  
   33  Seth Vanroekel, So          20:56  
Time = 1:35:48     Places = 79

4. Dowling
    6  Brian Werner, Fr            18:07  
   12  Tom Finan, Fr               18:40  
   21  Ted Reisenberg, So          20:06  
   26  Steffan Morrison, Jr        20:35  
   28  Ben Bonanno, Jr             20:38  
   29  Alex Nelson, Jr             20:42  
   30  Alex Lawler, Fr             20:43  
Time = 1:38:04     Places = 93

5. Hoover
   23  Nhut Ly, Sr                 20:17  
   25  Brian Carter, Fr            20:34  
   31  Seth Campbell, Jr           20:44  
   36  Nick McCarty, Fr            21:16  
   38  Vedad Cercic, So            21:43  
   39  Jason Carroll, Jr           22:08  
   40  Nick Wacker, So             22:12  
Time = 1:44:32     Places = 153

6. East
   27  Mark Standley, Jr           20:36  
   32  Jacob Walker, Jr            20:51  
   34  John Conn, So               21:08  
   35  Tom Gowdy, Fr               21:15  
   37  A J. Anderson, Jr           21:41  
   41  Mike Herr, Fr               22:39  
   42  Trevor Dickey, Fr           22:59  
Time = 1:45:31     Places = 165

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Ben Bryden, Jr              17:37    Ames
    2     2  Doug Moore, Jr              17:52    Ames
    3     3  Gavin White                 17:53    Ames
    4     4  Ben Gaul, Jr                17:57    Ames
    5     5  Jon Sargent, Sr             17:59    Ames
    6     6  Brian Werner, Fr            18:07    Dowling
    7     7  Ben Cheney, So              18:19    Ames
    8     8  Jesse Bales, Fr             18:23    Lincoln
    9     9  Tyler Tran, Fr              18:24    Lincoln
   10    10  Brent Trevillyan, So        18:26    Ames
   11    11  Siman Pein, Sr              18:28    Johnston
   12        Phil Vega, Sr               18:29    Ames
   13    12  Tom Finan, Fr               18:40    Dowling
   14    13  Mike Adams, So              18:42    Lincoln
   15        Toby Peters, Jr             18:45    Ames
   16        Luke Hibbing, So            18:45    Ames
   17    14  Kyle Foshe, Fr              18:58    Johnston
   18    15  David Fella, So             18:58    Johnston
   19        Brian Janke, Jr             19:00    Ames
   20    16  Andrew Faulkner-Hunnell, Fr 19:08    Lincoln
   21    17  Chris Meade, So             19:11    Johnston
   22        Nathan Weiss, Fr            19:13    Ames
   23    18  Josh Bernard, Fr            19:17    Lincoln
   24    19  Corey Dickerson, So         19:24    Lincoln
   25    20  Brandon McDonough, Fr       19:24    Lincoln
   26        Dimitri Syrkin-Nikolau, So  19:36    Ames
   27        Jon Kent, So                19:36    Lincoln
   28        Ryan Lambertz, So           19:37    Lincoln
   29        Ethan Whited, Fr            19:41    Ames
   30        Alex Domoto, Jr             19:44    Ames
   31        Zach Booth, Jr              19:45    Ames
   32        Brian Clark, Sr             19:47    Ames
   33        David Metzger, So           19:48    Ames
   34        Dan Bretz, Jr               19:49    Ames
   35        Nels Matson, Sr             19:57    Ames
   36        Steve Leclair, Fr           20:05    Lincoln
   37        Lane Jahn, Jr               20:05    Ames
   38    21  Ted Reisenberg, So          20:06    Dowling
   39    22  Andy Uchytil, So            20:16    Johnston
   40    23  Nhut Ly, Sr                 20:17    Hoover
   41        Brian Anderson, Sr          20:22    Ames
   42        Derek Covin, Jr             20:24    Ames
   43    24  Jim Mahony, Fr              20:30    Johnston
   44        Rolf Place, Sr              20:32    Ames
   45        Joe Hall, So                20:33    Lincoln
   46    25  Brian Carter, Fr            20:34    Hoover
   47    26  Steffan Morrison, Jr        20:35    Dowling
   48    27  Mark Standley, Jr           20:36    East
   49    28  Ben Bonanno, Jr             20:38    Dowling
   50    29  Alex Nelson, Jr             20:42    Dowling
   51    30  Alex Lawler, Fr             20:43    Dowling
   52    31  Seth Campbell, Jr           20:44    Hoover
   53        Ryan Loes, Jr               20:49    Ames
   54    32  Jacob Walker, Jr            20:51    East
   55    33  Seth Vanroekel, So          20:56    Johnston
   56        Fabian Dekok, Sr            21:01    Ames
   57        Nevin Sebastian, Jr         21:02    Ames
   58    34  John Conn, So               21:08    East
   59        Steve Anderson, Sr          21:14    Ames
   60    35  Tom Gowdy, Fr               21:15    East
   61    36  Nick McCarty, Fr            21:16    Hoover
   62        Joe Heun, Fr                21:17    Dowling
   63        Tyler Buck, Jr              21:20    Ames
   64        Matt Bunker, Jr             21:28    Ames
   65        Daniel Hickson, Fr          21:31    Lincoln
   66        Scott Walter, Fr            21:33    Johnston
   67        Bryan Goodall, Fr           21:35    Ames
   68        John Crivaro, Fr            21:35    Lincoln
   69        Mark Newman, Fr             21:40    Lincoln
   70    37  A J. Anderson, Jr           21:41    East
   71    38  Vedad Cercic, So            21:43    Hoover
   72        Nitin Gadia, Jr             21:46    Ames
   73        Anthony Fatino, Fr          21:49    Lincoln
   74        Craig Ingrisano, Fr         22:01    Dowling
   75        Eric Desplinter, So         22:01    Johnston
   76        Cliff Thompson, So          22:01    Lincoln
   77        Adam Hsu, Fr                22:02    Johnston
   78        Alex Hsu, Jr                22:03    Johnston
   79        Blake Hainline, So          22:06    Johnston
   80    39  Jason Carroll, Jr           22:08    Hoover
   81    40  Nick Wacker, So             22:12    Hoover
   82        Mark Vroman, So             22:12    Lincoln
   83        Andy Wilkinson, Fr          22:12    Dowling
   84        Aaron Gray, Jr              22:13    Johnston
   85        Karl Toben, Sr              22:13    Johnston
   86        Dave Melby, Sr              22:31    Ames
   87        Adam Storey, So             22:35    Dowling
   88    41  Mike Herr, Fr               22:39    East
   89        Nate Logston, Jr            22:44    Ames
   90        Tim Dols, So                22:48    Dowling
   91        Cedric Taylor, So           22:49    Hoover
   92    42  Trevor Dickey, Fr           22:59    East
   93        Mike Noth, Sr               23:00    Dowling
   94        John Lickteig, Fr           23:03    Dowling
   95        Kevin Miau, So              23:08    Johnston
   96        Mike Bergman, Fr            23:30    Dowling
   97        Jae Lee, Jr                 23:35    Dowling
   98        David Hunsberger, Jr        23:46    Hoover
   99        Jon Swanson, Jr             23:56    Dowling
  100        Erik Bates, Fr              24:03    Lincoln
  101        Joe Dunlay, Jr              24:39    Ames
  102        Chris Hankins, So           24:47    Hoover
  103        Mark Brown, Jr              25:04    Dowling
  104        Nesha Francic, So           25:44    Hoover
  105        Don Turner, Fr              26:03    Hoover
  106        Matt Solinger, Jr           27:56    Hoover


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