Johnston MS XC 2 Mile Girls

Camp Dodge, Johnston, IA

Sep. 6, 2016

91 degrees, scattered clouds

Results by Michael Franke

Boys results here

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                                  Last updated Sep. 6, 2016 7:13 PM

  1 Johnston                 53    1    2   11   15   24   34   42  14:14.5  1:52.4
  2 Dallas Center Grimes     59    5    7   10   16   21   48   51  14:27.0  1:25.5
  3 North Polk               92    6   12   18   26   30   36   43  14:50.3  1:24.7
  4 Ankeny Northview        103   13   14   17   19   40   46   57  15:00.7  1:14.6
  5 Southeast Polk          107    3    4   28   35   37   41   55  14:45.1  2:23.1
  6 Waukee                  119   20   22   23   25   29   33   59  15:15.9  0:17.5
  7 Ames                    140    8    9   32   44   47   54   58  15:17.7  1:50.7
  8 Ankeny                  203   27   38   39   49   50   53   56  15:52.3  0:45.6
  9 Indianola               249   31   45   52   60   61   62   63  16:33.9  2:03.5
 10 Lincoln                 330   64   65   66   67   68   69       22:46.9  5:51.6

Incomplete Teams: Pcm

 PLACE           FINISHER            TIME

1. Johnston
    1  Faith Nead, 7                13:23.1  
    2  Bella Heikes, 8              13:23.3  
   11  Addyson Franklin, 8          14:27.0  
   15  Vivian Chen, 8               14:43.3  
   24  Aleah Tenpas, 7              15:15.4  
   34  Jenna Woodsmall, 7           15:43.9  
   42  Lauryn Johnannsen, 7         16:00.4  
Total Time = 1:11:12.1     Total Places = 53

2. Dallas Center Grimes
    5  Emma Angus, 8                13:46.4  
    7  Avery Korsching, 7           14:06.3  
   10  Hannah Little, 7             14:25.1  
   16  Miranda Muhlstein, 8         14:45.2  
   21  Grace Mikota, 8              15:11.8  
   48  Maddie Haupts, 8             16:06.2  
   51  Emma Isenhart, 7             16:13.0  
Total Time = 1:12:14.8     Total Places = 59

3. North Polk
    6  Addie Cooper, 8              13:59.9  
   12  Abi Zimmer, 8                14:31.7  
   18  Lucy Schaffer, 7             14:52.3  
   26  Izzie Bergstrom, 8           15:22.9  
   30  Reece Muhhlena, 8            15:24.5  
   36  Ava Rediske, 8               15:45.8  
   43  Zerfe Erikson, 8             16:01.9  
Total Time = 1:14:11.3     Total Places = 92

4. Ankeny Northview
   13  Macie Langstraat, 8          14:38.5  
   14  Kathryn Vortherms, 8         14:43.2  
   17  Grace Meader, 8              14:50.4  
   19  Macy Epp, 8                  14:58.2  
   40  Sydney Madison, 8            15:53.1  
   46  Allison Su, 8                16:05.3  
   57  Lizzie Strom, 8              16:34.4  
Total Time = 1:15:03.4     Total Places = 103

5. Southeast Polk
    3  Grace Larkins, 8             13:23.4  
    4  Magda McGowan, 8             13:26.5  
   28  Emily Bueltel, 8             15:23.7  
   35  Lauren Carter, 7             15:45.2  
   37  Cassandra Rickabaugh, 8      15:46.4  
   41  Mia Toomey, 8                15:57.2  
   55  Jessie Cheung, 8             16:21.7  
Total Time = 1:13:45.2     Total Places = 107

6. Waukee
   20  Ellie Huisman, 8             15:06.3  
   22  Sophia Hueser, 8             15:13.2  
   23  Margaux Basart, 8            15:14.0  
   25  Katie Dinnebier, 8           15:21.9  
   29  Molly Statton, 8             15:23.7  
   33  Grace Palmer, 8              15:41.6  
   59  Clare Vilmont, 8             16:55.7  
Total Time = 1:16:19.1     Total Places = 119

7. Ames
    8  Sophie Wilson, 8             14:15.2  
    9  Mackenzie Carney, 7          14:23.7  
   32  Daniela Adams-Venezuela, 8   15:40.4  
   44  Clarie Galvin, 7             16:03.3  
   47  Isabel Andreotti, 7          16:05.9  
   54  Breanna VanDyke, 8           16:19.6  
   58  Kaylen Witte, 7              16:41.9  
Total Time = 1:16:28.5     Total Places = 140

8. Ankeny
   27  Ally Phongsavanh, 8          15:23.2  
   38  Madeleine Murphy, 8          15:49.2  
   39  Lauren McMahon, 8            15:52.9  
   49  Elizabeth Shanahan, 8        16:07.5  
   50  Grace Porath, 8              16:08.7  
   53  Olivia Odson, 8              16:18.3  
   56  Miranda Hall, 8              16:32.8  
Total Time = 1:19:21.5     Total Places = 203

9. Indianola
   31  Joey Werling, 7              15:30.9  
   45  Trysta Hawkins, 7            16:04.0  
   52  Rachel Engelhardt, 8         16:14.7  
   60  Hailey Seifrig, 8            17:25.3  
   61  Talia Stangel, 7             17:34.4  
   62  Grace Gioffredi, 7           18:02.8  
   63  Sadie Fredericks, 7          18:05.3  
Total Time = 1:22:49.3     Total Places = 249

10. Lincoln
   64  Emily Cook, 7                20:22.8  
   65  Alexis Dorsett, 7            20:57.2  
   66  Hailey Neer, 7               21:19.8  
   67  Olivia Corey, 8              25:00.1  
   68  Malie Anderson, 8            26:14.4  
   69  Paige Herman, 7              26:14.6  
Total Time = 1:53:54.3     Total Places = 330
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER            TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Faith Nead, 7                13:23.1    Johnston             
    2     2  Bella Heikes, 8              13:23.3    Johnston             
    3     3  Grace Larkins, 8             13:23.4    Southeast Polk       
    4     4  Magda McGowan, 8             13:26.5    Southeast Polk       
    5     5  Emma Angus, 8                13:46.4    Dallas Center Grimes 
    6     6  Addie Cooper, 8              13:59.9    North Polk           
    7     7  Avery Korsching, 7           14:06.3    Dallas Center Grimes 
    8     8  Sophie Wilson, 8             14:15.2    Ames                 
    9     9  Mackenzie Carney, 7          14:23.7    Ames                 
   10    10  Hannah Little, 7             14:25.1    Dallas Center Grimes 
   11    11  Addyson Franklin, 8          14:27.0    Johnston             
   12    12  Abi Zimmer, 8                14:31.7    North Polk           
   13    13  Macie Langstraat, 8          14:38.5    Ankeny Northview     
   14    14  Kathryn Vortherms, 8         14:43.2    Ankeny Northview     
   15    15  Vivian Chen, 8               14:43.3    Johnston             
   16    16  Miranda Muhlstein, 8         14:45.2    Dallas Center Grimes 
   17    17  Grace Meader, 8              14:50.4    Ankeny Northview     
   18    18  Lucy Schaffer, 7             14:52.3    North Polk           
   19    19  Macy Epp, 8                  14:58.2    Ankeny Northview     
   20    20  Ellie Huisman, 8             15:06.3    Waukee               
   21    21  Grace Mikota, 8              15:11.8    Dallas Center Grimes 
   22    22  Sophia Hueser, 8             15:13.2    Waukee               
   23    23  Margaux Basart, 8            15:14.0    Waukee               
   24    24  Aleah Tenpas, 7              15:15.4    Johnston             
   25    25  Katie Dinnebier, 8           15:21.9    Waukee               
   26    26  Izzie Bergstrom, 8           15:22.9    North Polk           
   27    27  Ally Phongsavanh, 8          15:23.2    Ankeny               
   28    28  Emily Bueltel, 8             15:23.7    Southeast Polk       
   29    29  Molly Statton, 8             15:23.7    Waukee               
   30    30  Reece Muhhlena, 8            15:24.5    North Polk           
   31    31  Joey Werling, 7              15:30.9    Indianola            
   32        Emma George, 8               15:33.4    Pcm                  
   33    32  Daniela Adams-Venezuela, 8   15:40.4    Ames                 
   34    33  Grace Palmer, 8              15:41.6    Waukee               
   35    34  Jenna Woodsmall, 7           15:43.9    Johnston             
   36    35  Lauren Carter, 7             15:45.2    Southeast Polk       
   37    36  Ava Rediske, 8               15:45.8    North Polk           
   38    37  Cassandra Rickabaugh, 8      15:46.4    Southeast Polk       
   39    38  Madeleine Murphy, 8          15:49.2    Ankeny               
   40    39  Lauren McMahon, 8            15:52.9    Ankeny               
   41    40  Sydney Madison, 8            15:53.1    Ankeny Northview     
   42    41  Mia Toomey, 8                15:57.2    Southeast Polk       
   43    42  Lauryn Johnannsen, 7         16:00.4    Johnston             
   44    43  Zerfe Erikson, 8             16:01.9    North Polk           
   45    44  Clarie Galvin, 7             16:03.3    Ames                 
   46        Kira Draeger, 7              16:03.7    Johnston             
   47    45  Trysta Hawkins, 7            16:04.0    Indianola            
   48    46  Allison Su, 8                16:05.3    Ankeny Northview     
   49    47  Isabel Andreotti, 7          16:05.9    Ames                 
   50    48  Maddie Haupts, 8             16:06.2    Dallas Center Grimes 
   51    49  Elizabeth Shanahan, 8        16:07.5    Ankeny               
   52    50  Grace Porath, 8              16:08.7    Ankeny               
   53        Elise Henrichsen, 7          16:09.3    Johnston             
   54        Valerie Reha, 8              16:09.9    North Polk           
   55        Margo Chipps, 8              16:11.9    Pcm                  
   56        Noelle Hoffman, 8            16:12.0    North Polk           
   57    51  Emma Isenhart, 7             16:13.0    Dallas Center Grimes 
   58        Sydney Weers, 8              16:13.9    North Polk           
   59    52  Rachel Engelhardt, 8         16:14.7    Indianola            
   60        Ashley Franke, 8             16:16.9    Johnston             
   61    53  Olivia Odson, 8              16:18.3    Ankeny               
   62    54  Breanna VanDyke, 8           16:19.6    Ames                 
   63    55  Jessie Cheung, 8             16:21.7    Southeast Polk       
   64        Annie Culbert, 8             16:22.4    Johnston             
   65        Carly Phipps, 8              16:23.8    Southeast Polk       
   66        Zoey Buchan, 7               16:28.1    Johnston             
   67    56  Miranda Hall, 8              16:32.8    Ankeny               
   68    57  Lizzie Strom, 8              16:34.4    Ankeny Northview     
   69        Kate Anthofer, 7             16:39.3    Johnston             
   70        Marika Kisgen, 8             16:40.4    Ankeny               
   71        Isabelle Friedman, 7         16:41.0    North Polk           
   72        Megan Sterbenz, 8            16:41.7    Dallas Center Grimes 
   73    58  Kaylen Witte, 7              16:41.9    Ames                 
   74        Calyssa Wright, 8            16:45.9    Ankeny               
   75        Elizabeth Oakley, 8          16:46.3    Ankeny               
   76        Alison Moore, 8              16:52.6    Ames                 
   77        Maddy Badding, 8             16:52.9    Ames                 
   78    59  Clare Vilmont, 8             16:55.7    Waukee               
   79        Abby Johnson, 8              16:56.4    Ankeny               
   80        Eva Van de Mortel, 8         16:56.7    Ankeny               
   81        Grace Rasmussen, 7           16:59.4    North Polk           
   82        Hannah Loftus, 8             17:02.2    Ankeny               
   83        Tenna Russell, 7             17:04.0    Johnston             
   84        Sivani Manimaran, 7          17:06.2    Ames                 
   85        Maia Bumgerdner, 8           17:07.3    Waukee               
   86        Sophie Peck, 8               17:09.4    Ankeny Northview     
   87        Laney Russell, 8             17:12.2    North Polk           
   88        Katelyn Hennagir, 8          17:12.3    North Polk           
   89        Kylie Merical, 8             17:12.5    Dallas Center Grimes 
   90        Emily McGowan, 7             17:12.6    Johnston             
   91        Raylee Bishop, 8             17:13.3    Ankeny Northview     
   92        Kennady Mills, 8             17:15.8    Southeast Polk       
   93        Mikayla Kloth, 7             17:17.7    Ames                 
   94        Riley Stevenson, 8           17:20.2    Waukee               
   95        Alexis Cummins, 8            17:20.3    North Polk           
   96        Emily Krone, 7               17:22.6    Johnston             
   97        Jordan Nicholson, 8          17:24.8    Ames                 
   98    60  Hailey Seifrig, 8            17:25.3    Indianola            
   99        Erin Murphy, 8               17:27.4    Ames                 
  100        Caroline Caree, 8            17:27.7    Ankeny Northview     
  101        Annica Chervenka, 8          17:28.5    Waukee               
  102        Raina Paeper, 8              17:29.2    Ankeny Northview     
  103        Kaitlyn Ury, 8               17:32.3    Waukee               
  104        Bailey Vaughan, 7            17:33.4    Johnston             
  105    61  Talia Stangel, 7             17:34.4    Indianola            
  106        Makenzie King, 8             17:35.9    Southeast Polk       
  107        Allison Zahn, 7              17:38.7    Johnston             
  108        Marina Carter, 8             17:42.9    Ankeny               
  109        Sydney Mast, 7               17:43.1    North Polk           
  110        Emily Poag, 7                17:47.8    Ames                 
  111        Anna Kennedy, 8              17:47.9    Ankeny               
  112        Alaina Brincks, 7            17:48.3    Southeast Polk       
  113        Sydney McNeeley, 8           17:55.0    Southeast Polk       
  114        Brianna Borneman, 8          17:56.0    Dallas Center Grimes 
  115        Bella Robben, 8              17:57.9    Ankeny Northview     
  116    62  Grace Gioffredi, 7           18:02.8    Indianola            
  117        Rylie Kruse, 8               18:03.2    Southeast Polk       
  118        Isabel Morales, 7            18:04.2    Johnston             
  119    63  Sadie Fredericks, 7          18:05.3    Indianola            
  120        Jordan Su, 8                 18:06.0    Ankeny Northview     
  121        Abby Maitre, 8               18:06.0    Johnston             
  122        Callie Willham, 8            18:06.7    Waukee               
  123        Natalia Portal, 8            18:07.6    Ankeny Northview     
  124        Janie Walter, 8              18:10.4    Ankeny Northview     
  125        Olivia Reed, 7               18:11.7    Ames                 
  126        Emma Smith, 7                18:14.9    Dallas Center Grimes 
  127        Paige Froelich, 8            18:15.7    Ankeny Northview     
  128        Mia Wendel, 8                18:17.3    North Polk           
  129        Hannah Eilers, 8             18:17.8    Indianola            
  130        Emily Peters, 8              18:18.4    Ames                 
  131        Olivia Schaeffer, 8          18:20.8    Ankeny Northview     
  132        Sunneva Sigurdsodottir, 7    18:23.2    Ames                 
  133        Bella Parker, 7              18:28.3    Indianola            
  134        Mandy Faux, 8                18:29.7    North Polk           
  135        Addyson Kiene, 8             18:30.7    Ankeny               
  136        Eden Askelsen, 8             18:31.1    Indianola            
  137        Nora Shea, 8                 18:32.6    North Polk           
  138        Skyler Blessman, 7           18:36.7    Dallas Center Grimes 
  139        Joani Barlow, 7              18:37.3    Southeast Polk       
  140        Olivia Oakley, 8             18:38.3    Ankeny               
  141        Betsy Heiser, 8              18:39.1    Johnston             
  142        Ella Barley, 7               18:40.9    Johnston             
  143        Amukta Gantalamohini, 8      18:45.3    Ankeny Northview     
  144        Jillian Rantz, 8             18:48.2    Dallas Center Grimes 
  145        Erin McKenna, 8              18:49.9    Ankeny               
  146        Olivia Raasch, 7             18:50.2    Southeast Polk       
  147        Nikki Luebke, 7              18:54.8    Dallas Center Grimes 
  148        Anagha Chandran, 8           18:55.8    Waukee               
  149        Morgan McBee, 7              18:56.1    North Polk           
  150        Delaney Osborn, 7            18:59.7    Southeast Polk       
  151        Shania Twedt, 8              19:00.8    Ankeny               
  152        Josie Bingham, 8             19:01.3    Ankeny               
  153        Kynedee Reha, 8              19:05.2    Ankeny               
  154        Audrey Till, 7               19:07.4    Johnston             
  155        Jamie Yoakum, 7              19:08.4    North Polk           
  156        Kaylee McAninch, 7           19:08.5    Southeast Polk       
  157        Ellie Merkle, 8              19:10.2    Indianola            
  158        Katie Kinman, 7              19:11.1    Johnston             
  159        Jordon Kloth, 7              19:13.3    Ames                 
  160        Ava Anderson, 7              19:13.3    Ames                 
  161        Nova Thornton, 8             19:13.8    Johnston             
  162        Victoria Verde, 7            19:39.6    Johnston             
  163        Emily Geers, 8               19:43.5    Johnston             
  164        Alia Gale, 8                 19:48.9    Ames                 
  165        Maya Worley, 7               19:49.4    Dallas Center Grimes 
  166        Kendall Manning, 8           19:49.7    Southeast Polk       
  167        Corinne Bovee, 8             19:50.7    Ankeny               
  168        Jacy Coady, 8                19:51.2    Waukee               
  169        Hannah Dew, 7                19:51.4    Indianola            
  170        Lindsey Wildman, 8           19:54.4    Indianola            
  171        Katelin Hunt, 8              19:55.3    Waukee               
  172        Anja Waugh, 8                19:56.9    Indianola            
  173        Kadence Williams, 8          19:58.7    Southeast Polk       
  174        Rachel Bennett, 7            20:01.9    Ames                 
  175        Genevieve Helfer, 7          20:07.0    Ames                 
  176        Felicity Heidt, 8            20:10.7    Ankeny Northview     
  177        Caroline Hughes, 8           20:12.5    Indianola            
  178        Sierra Laaser-Webb, 8        20:12.8    Ames                 
  179        Bryce Bearson, 7             20:15.4    Ames                 
  180        Jamey McCalley, 8            20:16.4    Ames                 
  181        Marlee Springer, 7           20:20.8    North Polk           
  182        Breanna Williams, 8          20:21.3    Ankeny Northview     
  183    64  Emily Cook, 7                20:22.8    Lincoln              
  184        Mara Cosenza, 8              20:23.0    Indianola            
  185        Ruthie Duey, 8               20:38.5    Indianola            
  186        Paige Turner, 7              20:39.8    Indianola            
  187        Haylee Heuton, 7             20:44.2    Indianola            
  188        Anna Miller, 7               20:44.3    Indianola            
  189        Whitney Larson, 7            20:46.1    North Polk           
  190        Hannah Renshaw, 7            20:46.9    North Polk           
  191        Lucy Brooner, 8              20:47.4    Ankeny               
  192    65  Alexis Dorsett, 7            20:57.2    Lincoln              
  193        Elaina Anderson, 8           20:59.3    Indianola            
  194        Madeline Garrison, 8         21:00.2    Indianola            
  195        Hannah Graham, 7             21:10.3    Indianola            
  196        Ellie Versteegh, 8           21:13.3    Ankeny               
  197        Payton Graham, 7             21:16.8    North Polk           
  198        Jade Boots, 8                21:18.9    North Polk           
  199    66  Hailey Neer, 7               21:19.8    Lincoln              
  200        Taryn Reitsma, 8             21:35.5    Waukee               
  201        Aurora Bettazza, 7           21:35.9    Ames                 
  202        Kali Dennis, 7               21:37.3    Southeast Polk       
  203        Hannah Sheldon, 7            21:38.6    Ames                 
  204        Mia Taylor, 7                21:39.4    Ames                 
  205        Gabil Michalski, 7           21:39.9    Johnston             
  206        Sarah Currier, 8             21:47.7    Ames                 
  207        Donna Scheid, 8              21:48.0    Johnston             
  208        Katherine Nicholson, 8       21:48.6    Indianola            
  209        Katelyn Bakker, 8            21:48.6    Waukee               
  210        Madison Parker, 8            21:48.9    Southeast Polk       
  211        Evan Brakke, 7               21:53.6    Ames                 
  212        Lindsey Akason, 8            21:59.0    Waukee               
  213        Krista Polson, 7             22:04.6    Southeast Polk       
  214        Madeline Chambers, 7         22:05.9    Southeast Polk       
  215        Asima Pandzic, 8             22:28.0    North Polk           
  216        Ava Fosselman, 7             22:32.5    North Polk           
  217        Katelynn Walker, 8           22:34.5    Southeast Polk       
  218        Barton Ravon, 8              22:35.6    Ankeny               
  219        Autumn Alexander, 8          22:54.1    Southeast Polk       
  220        Bailey Ridgway, 8            22:55.2    Southeast Polk       
  221        Aurora Gowin, 7              22:56.8    Southeast Polk       
  222        Rachel Schroeder, 7          23:06.1    North Polk           
  223        Sierra Little, 8             23:17.9    Ankeny               
  224        Alyssa Roush, 8              23:18.2    Waukee               
  225        Annie Walker, 8              23:18.5    Ankeny               
  226        Kayla Brummer, 8             23:20.7    Ankeny               
  227        Sophie Graziano, 8           23:27.4    Waukee               
  228        Catherine Burch, 8           23:28.2    Johnston             
  229        Trinity Keller, 7            23:33.0    Indianola            
  230        Alexis Boord, 7              23:49.1    Southeast Polk       
  231        Megan Jones, 8               23:51.9    Johnston             
  232        Erika Boies, 8               24:02.7    Indianola            
  233        Quinn Schutte, 8             24:05.4    Southeast Polk       
  234        Sydney Casswell, 7           24:12.1    Southeast Polk       
  235        Michel Schultz-Hastings, 8   24:42.7    Waukee               
  236        Shane Speten, 8              24:44.7    Waukee               
  237        Natalie Lewis, 7             24:46.1    Southeast Polk       
  238        Katelyn Boege, 8             24:54.9    Indianola            
  239        Evynessence Brase, 7         24:55.0    Johnston             
  240    67  Olivia Corey, 8              25:00.1    Lincoln              
  241        Isabellel Eschliman, 7       25:14.0    Johnston             
  242        Libby Gens, 7                25:15.9    Ames                 
  243        Lani Houston, 7              25:18.0    North Polk           
  244        Hannah Roettger, 7           25:46.4    Ames                 
  245        Ava Moorlach, 8              25:52.9    Indianola            
  246        Jessica Long, 7              25:55.2    North Polk           
  247        Maya Gabel, 7                25:57.7    Indianola            
  248    68  Malie Anderson, 8            26:14.4    Lincoln              
  249    69  Paige Herman, 7              26:14.6    Lincoln              
  250        Bailey Pierce, 7             26:44.3    Dallas Center Grimes 
  251        Emily Mitchell, 8            28:18.0    Ankeny               
  252        Audrey Wessels, 7            28:18.5    North Polk           
  253        Aria Pilcher, 8              28:20.3    Ames                 
  254        Amber Benway, 7              29:15.3    Ames                 
  255        Awien Marac, 7               29:15.7    Ames                 
  256        Alana Schroeder, 7           30:43.5    Ames                 
  257        Julia Brehm-Stecher, 7       30:50.0    Ames                 
  258        Paige Huntley, 8             31:27.9    Indianola            

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